72 research outputs found

    Addressing Practical Issues Related Tto Nursing Care For International Visitors To Hiroshima

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    Quando nove milhões de estrangeiros visitaram o Japão em 2013, o governo federal estabeleceu uma meta de atrair outros dois milhões e meio de visitantes, incluindo o turismo médico, em 2020. Esta pesquisa investiga atitudes e preocupações de enfermeiras japonesas ao lidar com pacientes estrangeiros. Os dados foram coletados no período de março a setembro de 2010, com 114 enfermeiros de três hospitais próximos a destinos turísticos populares em Hiroshima. Um questionário denominado Mari Meter foi desenvolvido especificamente para esse fim, incluindo uma seção de respostas a uma questão aberta para que os enfermeiros expressem suas opiniões. As respostas foram submetidas a procedimentos estatísticos e de análise de discurso, usando o software Text Mining Studio . As enfermeiras japonesas expressaram maior preocupação quanto a opções de pagamento, conhecimentos de línguas estrangeiras e questões de consentimento informado, ao prestar cuidados a pacientes estrangeiros. Os resultados confirmam que, a fim de proporcionar um atendimento de qualidade ao paciente, é necessário preparação extra e maior conhecimento sobre trabalhadores e visitantes internacionais por parte de profissionais de enfermagem no Japão.

Cuando nueve millones de extranjeros visitaron Japón en el año 2013, el gobierno federal estableció la meta de atraer al año 2020 a más de dos millones y medio de visitantes, incluyendo el turismo médico. Esta investigación analiza las actitudes y preocupaciones de enfermeras japonesas en el cuidado pacientes extranjeros. Los datos fueron recolectados entre marzo y septiembre del año 2010, por medio de entrevistas a 114 profesionales de enfermería de tres hospitales cercanos a zonas turísticas populares en Hiroshima. Se desarrolló específicamente para este fin un cuestionario llamado Mari Meter, con una sección con una pregunta abierta, para que las enfermeras expresan sus opiniones. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a procedimientos estadísticos y de análisis de discurso, utilizando el software Text Mining Studio. Las enfermeras japonesas expresaron su preocupación con respecto a las formas de pago, conocimientos de idiomas y tópicos del consentimiento informado mientras brindaban cuidados de enfermería a pacientes extranjeros. Los resultados confirman que para proporcionar una atención de calidad al paciente, los profesionales de enfermería en Japón necesitan de una preparación adicional y de un mayor conocimiento acerca de los trabajadores y visitantes internacionales.When nine million foreigners visited Japan in 2013, the federal government set a goal to attract an additional two and a half million visitors including medical tourists by 2020. This research investigates the attitudes and concerns of Japanese nurses when they are in a situation dealing with foreign patients. The data were collected from March through September 2010, from 114 nurses at three hospitals, in close proximity to popular tourist destinations in Hiroshima. A questionnaire was developed for this research, named Mari Meter, which included a section to write answers to an open question for the nurses to express their opinions. These responses were examined statistically and by word analysis using Text Mining Studio. Japanese nurses expressed greatest concern about payment options, foreign language skills, and issues of informed consent, when dealing with foreigners. The results confirm that, in order to provide a high quality of patient care, extra preparation and a greater knowledge of international workers and visitors are required by nursing professionals in Japan.

    Two Types of Hynobius naevius from the Central Region of Kyushu Island, Japan (Caudata: Hynobiidae)

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    We surveyed allozymic variation among Hynobius naevius from 11 localities of central Kyushu, Japan. The results revealed the presence of two genetic groups (I and II) that exhibited a great difference in allelic frequency and a large genetic distance. Specimens from seven of the 11 localities invariably belonged to Group I, and those from three other localities belonged to Group II. In the remaining one locality, representatives of both of these two groups were found just as in northern Kyushu. The two genetic groups also differed in morphological (Group I larger than Group II in body size) and ecological characters (breeding sites located in open streams in Group I, but possibly in underground water in Group II). These differences might have been enabling them to coexist

    Requirements for ‘Good Notes’ that College Students, Faculty and Administrative Staff Assume : From the Comments at Koshien University Best Notebook Award

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    This paper analyzes comments on ‘good notes’ by college students, faculty and administrative staff. The analysis demonstrates their ideas of notes and differences in perspective according to their status. Students regard color highlighting as a major means in making notes, and make use of color highlighting under a variety of learning strategies. They also attach importance to organizing learning outcomes on their notebooks, while supplementing them with relevant information by themselves. Faculty members rather prefer simple notebooks in which pieces of information are classified in several zones. The possibility is suggested that chances for students to talk with administrative staff and hear about their experiences and thoughts provide students with favorable inspiration in somewhat different perspectives from those of faculty

    Effects of Nurse and Care Worker-led Foot-Care Program on Older People's Foot Conditions: Before and After Intervention Study

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    Introduction: An increasing number of older people with frailty in Japan use geriatric day care centers. Older people who have been certified as requiring long-term care attend centers during the day and receive nursing care help with bathing, excretion, meals, and functional training services. Many older people have foot problems with need foot care by nurses and care workers (NCWs) at geriatric day care centers.Objective: This study explored the effects of NCWs' foot-care programs on the foot conditions of older people attending daytime services.Methods: A before-after intervention study was conducted at geriatric day care centers for older people, where the footcare program was presented by NCWs for two months. The foot conditions of 23 clients (8 men, 15 women, mean age= 78.6 years, standard deviation = 9.2) were assessed before and after the program. Changes in foot condition and clients' perceptions after the study were analyzed through descriptive statistics, McNemar, and paired t-tests.Results: Although dramatic changes in foot conditions were not observed, some conditions were improved or maintained. Changes were observed in mean dry skin scores (p 1.1, left foot: 1.6 -> 1.1), skin lesions and long nails (skin lesions R: 0.2 -> 0.1; long nail R: 1.4 -> 1.0 L: 1.1 -> 0.8), and edema (R: 43.5%-> 39.1%, L: 52.2%-> 47.8%). Further, clients started perceiving that foot health is important and discussed their feet with staff more often.Conclusion: The NCWs' foot-care program was effective in maintaining and improving foot health in older people and positively affected their perception of foot care

    A Preliminary study on global movement on seeds by civil society and farmers organizations : Perspective through participation in the 7th Governing Body Meeting of International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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    作物の遺伝資源の保全と利用の促進を図る国際的枠組みである食料及び農業のための植物遺伝資源に関する国際条約(ITPGR-FA)は,農業や農の営みにとって不可欠な投入物である種子に関して,農場が自ら保存した種子及び繁殖性の材料を保存・利用・交換及び販売する一切の権利を「農民の権利」として明示している。日本でも,このような自家採種に関する運動が,①ある時は海外の動向と連携や情報交換をしながら,②ある時は独自の流れの中で盛んになってきている。しかしながら,海外の動向と日本の動向の間には必ずしも共通点ばかりではなく,日本独自の取り組みが見られることも報告されている。 そこで筆者たちは,2017年10月29日から11月 3 日までルワンダ・キガリ市において開催された条約第 7 回締約国会議出席を通じて収集した情報を整理し,暫定的な分析を行った。① 農民による品種育成・種子生産が権利の問題であり,多国籍企業によるその侵害を食い止めるような国際会議等のアリーナで研究者や外交官がもっぱら行っている議論の重要性は否定できないこと② 農民はそのような議論が始まるはるか昔から,農を継続する当たり前の営みとして品種育成・種子生産を行っている事実の重さを関係者は厳粛に受け止める必要があること③ 種子を政治経済学の枠組み,特に経済的効率,食料増産や技術的安全性の枠組みで議論する限り,農民による品種育成・種子生産を本当の意味で捉えることは困難であり,農家・農民が自らの評価基準に根ざして継続的に自分たちに必要な品種・種子を利用,財やサービスを取りだしていく多様かつ多層性を持つシステムの発展が期待されることが暫定的に明らかになった

    Notch signaling via Hes1 transcription factor maintains survival of melanoblasts and melanocyte stem cells

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    Melanoblasts (Mbs) are thought to be strictly regulated by cell–cell interactions with epidermal keratinocytes, although the precise molecular mechanism of the regulation has been elusive. Notch signaling, whose activation is mediated by cell–cell interactions, is implicated in a broad range of developmental processes. We demonstrate the vital role of Notch signaling in the maintenance of Mbs, as well as melanocyte stem cells (MSCs). Conditional ablation of Notch signaling in the melanocyte lineage leads to a severe defect in hair pigmentation, followed by intensive hair graying. The defect is caused by a dramatic elimination of Mbs and MSCs. Furthermore, targeted overexpression of Hes1 is sufficient to protect Mbs from the elimination by apoptosis. Thus, these data provide evidence that Notch signaling, acting through Hes1, plays a crucial role in the survival of immature Mbs by preventing initiation of apoptosis