63 research outputs found

    Introduction of the newly constructed facility for laboratory animals at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University

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    New facility for laboratory animals; Bioscience Research Center (BSRC) was founded at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University and it was due to work from September in 2013. The BSRC aims the highest level of scale, equipment and contents within the pharmaceutical universities in JAPAN and more proper animal experiments must be carried out

    Introduction of the facility for laboratory animals at National Institute of Radiological Sciences

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    Since its founding in 1957, the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) has been the only research and development institution in Japan dedicated to comprehensive research and development of radiation and health with various scientific disciplines. The main characteristics of laboratory animal experiments at NIRS are as follows: (1) the study of long-term biological effects on labol'8tory animals after exposure of various line types to nuclides of radioactive substances, (2) the use of animals maintained under strict quality control from a microbiological viewpoint, and (3) the use of wide range of imaging devices to capture images when radioactive substances are used. We deal with various types of animals, from fish to primates, and the breeding and feeding periods of these animals range from few days to approximately 2 years. Furthermore, special attention is given to carcasses and organs of laboratory animals that are treated as RI as well as nuclear fuel wastes, whereas such a restriction does not apply in regular experiments. There are 11 animal experimentation facilities at NIRS. The radiation control and animal management areas are located next to each other on the same site, and radiation workers at these areas are under supervision, strict management, and control. Safety education and training program are also provided to workers as a prerequisite. Not only from a Japanese but also from a global standard viewpoint, a high level of safety management is required for these facilities. During an external assessment in 2009, we received high evaluation marks from the Japanese Association of Laboratory Animal Facilities of National University Corporations and the Japanese Association of Laboratory Animal Facilities of Public and Private Universities for performing animal experiments with consideration of the ethical aspects and well-being of laboratory animals, as well as for the management of facilities.放射線医学総合研究所(放医研)は1957年の創立以来、放射線と人々の健康に関わる研究開発に多数分野の学問を糾合して総合的に取り組む国内で唯一の研究開発機関である。放医研の動物実験の特徴は①多種の線種・核種の放射性物質を実験動物に照射後、長期に渡って飼育することによる生物学的影響を検索すること。② そのため、微生物学的に厳密に統御された動物を用いる必要があること、③放射性物質を用いた多種のイメージング装置による撮像の2点である。用いられる動物種は魚類から霊長類まで幅広く、飼育期間も数日で終了するものもあれば、約2年間に渡って飼育する場合もある。更に、実験終了後の動物死体、臓器はRI廃棄物、核燃料廃棄物として扱 わねばならないと云う制約がある等通常の動物実験では必要とされない特殊な対応が求められている。放医研構内にこれらの動物実験施設は11ヶ所設置されており、放射線管理区域と動物管理区域がこれらの施設内で混在していることから実験者の立ち入りについても厳重な管理とそれに先立つ教育訓練を実施している。このように国内はもとより、国外でも稀な施設管理が求められているが2009年に国公私動協による外部検証で施設管理および動物倫理・福祉に配慮した適正な動物実験の遂行について高い評価を得た

    Current Status of Memorial Services for Laboratory Animals in Japan: A Questionnaire Survey

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    In this study, we found that almost all institutions conducting animal experiments, such as universities, corporations, and research laboratories, also conducted memorial services for the animals sacrificed during animal experimentation. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 120 institutions. A total of 83 (69.1%) valid responses were obtained from the participating institutions. Memorial services were held at 79 institutions (95.1%). Memorial services for laboratory animals have been mainly conducted to show appreciation, comfort the spirit, and console the souls

    Case Report: Allergy and Anaphylaxis: Measures Against Laboratory Animal Allergies in NIRS

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    A case of an allergic reaction caused by a mouse bite occurred in our organization in 2008. Since then, we have implemented measures to prevent such incidents from occurring again.NIRS has eleven animal facilities, where 45,000 mice, 5,000 rats and 100 monkeys are housed. A staff of 280 researchers and caretakers have contact with the laboratory animals.The occupational health and safety monitoring of these employees requires periodical submission of a health questionnaire, and serum sampling for cryopreservation before and after working with laboratory animals. The health questionnaire asks about symptoms respondents are concerned about, and allergic symptoms, such as disorders of the eye (itchy, hyperemia), nose (watery, rhinitis), and skin (swelling, rash), as well as asthma and hives. Less than 3 % of approximately 200 of those employees per year have reported allergic symptoms over the last 9 years. A total of approximately 100 occupational health and safety accidents have occurred over the last 11 years in our institute, and 25 % of those were related to laboratory animal experiments. We have experienced incidences of anaphylaxis due to skin puncture with a syringe used on a rat in 1998, and severe allergic symptoms from a mouse bite in 2008. After the latest occurrence, we have given lectures concerning laboratory animals and allergies. Furthermore, a routine serum antibody test against murine antigens has been introduced for employees working with murine animals as of November 2008

    Mapping of the beige (bg) Gene on Rat Chromosome 17

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