228 research outputs found

    Molecular evidence of clonal Vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic strains.

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    The upsurge in worldwide incidence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection in the last 5 years has been attributed to the recent appearance of three serotypes with pandemic potential: O3:K6, O4:K68, and O1:K untypeable (KUT). Thirty-five strains of these serotypes, isolated from different countries over 4 years, were characterized by ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to determine their origin. The ribotypes of the strains of these serotypes were indistinguishable, except for a Japanese tdh- negative O3:K6 strain and a U.S. clinical O3:K6 isolate, which had slightly different profiles. The migration patterns of the NotI-digest of the total DNA of the strains were similar, and only slight variations were observed between the serotypes. By contrast, the O3:K6 and O1:KUT strains isolated before 1995 and strains of other serotypes had markedly different profiles. The O4:K68 and O1:KUT strains most likely originated from the pandemic O3:K6 clone

    A study on Campylobacter jejuni cross-contamination during chilled broiler preparation

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    Studies indicate that bacterial cross-contamination occurs during food preparation where bacteria can retent on the food contact surfaces and cause illness. The study evaluated the adherence of Campylobacter spp. to cutting boards, blades of knives and hands after cutting chilled, raw broiler parts (thighs + drumsticks, wings and livers). The adherence to cucumber cuts that were cut using the unwashed boards and knives was also analyzed. Generally, utensils have higher mean of Campylobacter spp. retained to them (1.4-223.3 MPN/ml rinse) than hands (0.7-43.4 MPN/ml rinse); however, Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant differences in the bacterial numbers found among the different surfaces. The transfer rates of Campylobacter spp. from utensils to cucumber cuts varied from 0% to more than 100%. The bacteria detected could be from the utensils and cucumber contamination before purchase or due to other factors where further investigation is required. The possibility is there for Campylobacter to spread to contact surfaces during chilled broiler handling; therefore, utensils and hands involved should be washed thoroughly especially before ready-to-eat food preparation

    Treatment outcomes of real-time intraoral sonography-guided implantation technique of 198Au grain brachytherapy for T1 and T2 tongue cancer

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    It is often challenging to determine the accurate size and shape of oral lesions through computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) when they are very small or obscured by metallic artifacts, such as dental prostheses. Intraoral ultrasonography (IUS) has been shown to be beneficial in obtaining precise information about total tumor extension, as well as the exact location and guiding the insertion of catheters during interstitial brachytherapy. We evaluated the role of IUS in assessing the clinical outcomes of interstitial brachytherapy with 198Au grains in tongue cancer through a retrospective medical chart review. The data from 45 patients with T1 (n = 21) and T2 (n = 24) tongue cancer, who were mainly treated with 198Au grain implants between January 2005 and April 2019, were included in this study. 198Au grain implantations were carried out, and positioning of the implants was confirmed by IUS, to ensure that 198Au grains were appropriately placed for the deep border of the tongue lesion. The five-year local control rates of T1 and T2 tongue cancers were 95.2% and 95.5%, respectively. We propose that the use of IUS to identify the extent of lesions and the position of implanted grains is effective when performing brachytherapy with 198Au grains

    Isolation and molecular characterization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in Malaysia

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    Nineteen strains of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolated from 10 of 75 (13·3%) tenderloin beef samples were examined for resistance to selected antibiotics, presence of plasmids, and genetic diversity by random amplification of polymorphic DNA analysis. All strains showed multiple resistant to the antibiotics tested. Multiple antibiotic indexing of the vancomycin-resistant E. faecium strains showed that all (100%) originated from high risk contamination environments where antibiotics were often used. Plasmids ranging in size from 1·5 to 36 megadalton were detected in 15 of 19 (79%) strains. Thus, three plasmid profiles and eight antibiotypes were observed among the E. faecium strains. A high degree of polymorphism was obtained by combining the results of the two primers used; with the 19 E. faecium strains being differentiated into 19 RAPD-types. These preliminary results suggest that RAPD-PCR has application for epidemiologic studies and that resistance patterns and plasmid profiling could be used as an adjunct to RAPD for the typing of E. faecium in the study area

    Comparative genomic analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus: serotype conversion and virulence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Vibrio parahaemolyticus </it>is a common cause of foodborne disease. Beginning in 1996, a more virulent strain having serotype O3:K6 caused major outbreaks in India and other parts of the world, resulting in the emergence of a pandemic. Other serovariants of this strain emerged during its dissemination and together with the original O3:K6 were termed strains of the pandemic clone. Two genomes, one of this virulent strain and one pre-pandemic strain have been sequenced. We sequenced four additional genomes of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>in this study that were isolated from different geographical regions and time points. Comparative genomic analyses of six strains of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>isolated from Asia and Peru were performed in order to advance knowledge concerning the evolution of <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>; specifically, the genetic changes contributing to serotype conversion and virulence. Two pre-pandemic strains and three pandemic strains, isolated from different geographical regions, were serotype O3:K6 and either toxin profiles (<it>tdh+</it>, <it>trh</it>-) or (<it>tdh-</it>, <it>trh</it>+). The sixth pandemic strain sequenced in this study was serotype O4:K68.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genomic analyses revealed that the <it>trh</it>+ and <it>tdh</it>+ strains had different types of pathogenicity islands and mobile elements as well as major structural differences between the <it>tdh </it>pathogenicity islands of the pre-pandemic and pandemic strains. In addition, the results of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis showed that 94% of the SNPs between O3:K6 and O4:K68 pandemic isolates were within a 141 kb region surrounding the O- and K-antigen-encoding gene clusters. The "core" genes of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>were also compared to those of <it>V. cholerae </it>and <it>V. vulnificus</it>, in order to delineate differences between these three pathogenic species. Approximately one-half (49-59%) of each species' core genes were conserved in all three species, and 14-24% of the core genes were species-specific and in different functional categories.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data support the idea that the pandemic strains are closely related and that recent South American outbreaks of foodborne disease caused by <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>are closely linked to outbreaks in India. Serotype conversion from O3:K6 to O4:K68 was likely due to a recombination event involving a region much larger than the O-antigen- and K-antigen-encoding gene clusters. Major differences between pathogenicity islands and mobile elements are also likely driving the evolution of <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>. In addition, our analyses categorized genes that may be useful in differentiating pathogenic Vibrios at the species level.</p

    Presence of genes for type III secretion system 2 in Vibrio mimicus strains

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vibrios, which include more than 100 species, are ubiquitous in marine and estuarine environments, and several of them e.g. <it>Vibrio cholerae</it>, <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>, <it>V. vulnificus </it>and <it>V. mimicus</it>, are pathogens for humans. Pathogenic <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>strains possess two sets of genes for type III secretion system (T3SS), T3SS1 and T3SS2. The latter are critical for virulence of the organism and be classified into two distinct phylogroups, T3SS2α and T3SS2β, which are reportedly also found in pathogenic <it>V. cholerae </it>non-O1/non-O139 serogroup strains. However, whether T3SS2-related genes are present in other <it>Vibrio </it>species remains unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We therefore examined the distribution of the genes for T3SS2 in vibrios other than <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>by using a PCR assay targeting both T3SS2α and T3SS2β genes. Among the 32 <it>Vibrio </it>species tested in our study, several T3SS2-related genes were detected in three species, <it>V. cholerae</it>, <it>V. mimicus </it>and <it>V. hollisae</it>, and most of the essential genes for type III secretion were present in T3SS2-positive <it>V. cholerae </it>and <it>V. mimicus </it>strains. Moreover, both <it>V. mimicus </it>strains possessing T3SS2α and T3SS2β were identified. The gene organization of the T3SS2 gene clusters in <it>V. mimicus </it>strains was fundamentally similar to that of <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>and <it>V. cholerae </it>in both T3SS2α- and T3SS2β-possessing strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study is the first reported evidence of the presence of T3SS2 gene clusters in <it>V. mimicus </it>strains. This finding thus provides a new insight into the pathogenicity of the <it>V. mimicus </it>species.</p

    Human Plasmodium knowlesi infection in Ranong province, southwestern border of Thailand

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Plasmodium knowlesi</it>, a simian malaria parasite, has been reported in humans in many Southeast Asian countries. In Thailand, most of the limited numbers of cases reported so far were from areas near neighbouring countries, including Myanmar.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Blood samples collected from 171 Thai and 248 Myanmese patients attending a malaria clinic in Ranong province, Thailand, located near the Myanmar border were investigated for <it>P. knowlesi </it>using nested PCR assays. Positive samples were also investigated by PCR for <it>Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae </it>and <it>Plasmodium ovale</it>, and were confirmed by sequencing the gene encoding the circumsporozoite protein (<it>csp</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two samples, one obtained from a Thai and the other a Myanmese, were positive for <it>P. knowlesi </it>only. Nucleotide sequences of the <it>csp </it>gene derived from these two patients were identical and phylogenetically indistinguishable from other <it>P. knowlesi </it>sequences derived from monkeys and humans. Both patients worked in Koh Song, located in the Kawthoung district of Myanmar, which borders Thailand.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study indicates that transmission of <it>P. knowlesi </it>is occurring in the Ranong province of Thailand or the Kawthoung district of Myanmar. Further studies are required to assess the incidence of knowlesi malaria and whether macaques in these areas are the source of the infections.</p

    Biosafety of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from vegetables based on antimicrobial sensitivity and RAPD profiling

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    This study was undertaken to characterize the antibiotic resistance and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from raw vegetable samples. A total of 46 isolates of V. parahaemolyticus recovered from raw vegetables samples and were confirmed by PCR were analyzed in this study. Most of the isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid (93.48%) and were the least resistant towards imipinem (4.35%). The MAR index results also demonstrated high individual and multiple resistances to antibiotics among the isolates. From the RAPD analysis, the size for RAPD fragments generated ranged from 250 bp to 1,500 bp, with most of the strains contained three major gene fragments of 350, 1,000 and 1,350 bp. The RAPD profiles revealed a high level of DNA sequence diversity within the isolates. Antibiotic resistance and RAPD proved to be effective tools in characterizing and differentiating the V. parahaemolyticus strain

    Bile Acid-Induced Virulence Gene Expression of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Reveals a Novel Therapeutic Potential for Bile Acid Sequestrants

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacterial pathogen, causes human gastroenteritis. A type III secretion system (T3SS2) encoded in pathogenicity island (Vp-PAI) is the main contributor to enterotoxicity and expression of Vp-PAI encoded genes is regulated by two transcriptional regulators, VtrA and VtrB. However, a host-derived inducer for the Vp-PAI genes has not been identified. Here, we demonstrate that bile induces production of T3SS2-related proteins under osmotic conditions equivalent to those in the intestinal lumen. We also show that bile induces vtrA-mediated vtrB transcription. Transcriptome analysis of bile-responsive genes revealed that bile strongly induces expression of Vp-PAI genes in a vtrA-dependent manner. The inducing activity of bile was diminished by treatment with bile acid sequestrant cholestyramine. Finally, we demonstrate an in vivo protective effect of cholestyramine on enterotoxicity and show that similar protection is observed in infection with a different type of V. parahaemolyticus or with non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae strains of vibrios carrying the same kind of T3SS. In summary, these results provide an insight into how bacteria, through the ingenious action of Vp-PAI genes, can take advantage of an otherwise hostile host environment. The results also reveal a new therapeutic potential for widely used bile acid sequestrants in enteric bacterial infections