187 research outputs found

    Antidepressant screening and flavonoids isolation from Eremostachys laciniata (L) Bunge

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    Eremostachys laciniata (L) Bunge (Lamiaceae), a rich source of flavonoids, has been investigated for chemical constituents and in vivo antidepressant property using forced swim test (FST) model. Five important compounds were isolated, including luteolin (1), apigenin (2), 5,8-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavone (3), 5,7-dihydroxy-6,8-dimethoxyflavone (4) and luteolin 7-O-â-glucoside (5). Compound 3 and 4 were isolated for the first time from the plant. A profound antidepressant action was observed for the crude extract at low doses, followed by a state of depression at higher doses. The initial antidepressant-like property of the plant may be attributed to the presence of apigenin like compounds; where as, an increase in immobility time observed at higher doses of the extract may be due to the sedative and calming effect of luteolin present in the plant. E. laciniata may be a potential source for the isolation of important natural products with antidepressant-like properties.Key words: Eremostachys laciniata, antidepressant, apigenin

    Evaluation of micronutrients level and antinociceptive property of Eremostachys laciniata (L) Bunge

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    Eremostachys laciniata (Lamiaceae) a rich source of structurally different flavonoids is ignored for its micronutrients level and many biological activities. In this study, the plant was investigated for different micronutrients including, phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), boron (B), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) and compared with adequate level of micronutrients for orchid crops. The crude methanol extract and different fractions of E. laciniata were also investigated for in vivo antinociceptive activity using Tailflick model. Except for boron, all other micronutrients investigated were well in the limits recommended for orchid crops. Crude extract and different fraction thereof showed excellent increase in latency time along with certain central effect of causing sedation, ataxia and hind limb extension. This increase in latency time is not only due to analgesia but may be a combined effect of sedation, ataxia and analgesia. The plant may be a useful source in future for the isolation of natural product with analgesic propert

    Ethno-botanical and geo-referenced profiling of medicinal plants of Nawagai Valley, District Buner (Pakistan)

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    The prime objective of the research was to list the important ethnomedicinal plants of Nawagai village, District Buner. During the survey, 44 plant species from 27 families were observed and collected from the targeted area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Lamiaceae members were the most dominant (54%) followed by members of Asteraceae (30%), Poaceae (18%) and Solanaceae (12%). Relevant information such as field data, GPS coordinates family names, local names, therapeutic uses and plant habits were recorded for each species. For preservation purposes, specimens were mounted on herbarium sheets, and identified with the help of flora of Pakistan, flora of Australia and other relevant floristic records. During this research work all the collected specimens were preserved in the (BG&H, UOM) Botanical Garden and Herbarium, the data were also provided to the Department of Botany, University of Malakand Dir (Lower), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.The prime objective of the research was to list the important ethnomedicinal plants of Nawagai village, District Buner. During the survey, 44 plant species from 27 families were observed and collected from the targeted area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Lamiaceae members were the most dominant (54%) followed by members of Asteraceae (30%), Poaceae (18%) and Solanaceae (12%). Relevant information such as field data, GPS coordinates family names, local names, therapeutic uses and plant habits were recorded for each species. For preservation purposes, specimens were mounted on herbarium sheets, and identified with the help of flora of Pakistan, flora of Australia and other relevant floristic records. During this research work all the collected specimens were preserved in the (BG&H, UOM) Botanical Garden and Herbarium, the data were also provided to the Department of Botany, University of Malakand Dir (Lower), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.The prime objective of the research was to list the important ethnomedicinal plants of Nawagai village, District Buner. During the survey, 44 plant species from 27 families were observed and collected from the targeted area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Lamiaceae members were the most dominant (54%) followed by members of Asteraceae (30%), Poaceae (18%) and Solanaceae (12%). Relevant information such as field data, GPS coordinates family names, local names, therapeutic uses and plant habits were recorded for each species. For preservation purposes, specimens were mounted on herbarium sheets, and identified with the help of flora of Pakistan, flora of Australia and other relevant floristic records. During this research work all the collected specimens were preserved in the (BG&H, UOM) Botanical Garden and Herbarium, the data were also provided to the Department of Botany, University of Malakand Dir (Lower), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

    Development of a highly sensitive electrochemical sensing platform for the trace level detection of lead ions.

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    Herein we report for the first time a highly sensitive electrochemical platform for the trace level detection of Pb (ÓŹÓŹ) using glassy carbon electrode modifiedwith 1-dodecanoyl-3-phenylthiourea (DPT). The performance of the designed sensor was tested by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronocoulometry, cyclic voltammetry and Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (SWASV). The DPT was found to play an efficient role in enhancing the sensing response of the electrode for the detection of lead ions in aqueous samples. A number of experimental conditions such as deposition potential, accumulation time, surfactant concentration, pH, number of scans and supporting electrolytes were examined to optimize conditions for getting intense signal of the target analyte. Linear calibration curve was obtained using SWAS voltammetric data obtained under optimized conditions. The limit of detection with a value of 0.695 ÎĽg/L suggests that the designed sensor can sense lead ions even below the permissible concentration level (10 ÎĽg/L) recommended by the World Health Organization and Environmental Protection Agency of USA. The designed sensor demonstrated sensitivity, selectivity and stability for the targeted analyte. Percentage recoveries from real water samples with standard deviations of less than 2% suggested precision of the proposed method. Moreover, computational findings supported the experimental outcomes

    Three different ways of training ultrasound student-tutors yield significant gains in tutee’s scanning-skills

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    Aim: Many medical universities rely these days on trained student tutors to enable faculty-wide undergraduate ultrasound training. However, there is neither consensus on an optimal method nor any developed and agreed standard in the training of these student tutors. Usually internships and courses are employed which have both a specific set of advantages and disadvantages. We conducted a prospective quasi-randomized study of assess the effects of three types of tutor training on the resulting improvement in scanning skills of their tutees.Methods: Three batches of student tutors were trained by a course only (C-group), by an internship only (I-group) or by a course and an internship (CI-group). The respective gains in ultrasound scanning skills of the tutees were measured prospectively. A total 75 of the 124 5th year medical students (60.5%) who attended the mandatory ultrasound course completed both pre- and post-exams on a voluntary basis. Within a limit of eight minutes and three images, they were asked to depict and label a maximum of 14 anatomical structures. Two blinded raters independently awarded two points for each label with an identifiable structure and one point for each label with a possibly identifiable structure.Results: In all three groups, the tutees improved significantly by more than doubling their pre-score results and comparably (Gains: C-group 9.19±5.73 points, p<.0001, I-group 9.77±4.81 points, p<.0001, CI-group 8.97±5.49 points, p<.0001).Conclusion: Student tutors, who were trained with a course or an internship or a course and an internship could teach scanning skills to 5th year medical students very effectively and with similar success.Ziel: Viele medizinische Universitäten bieten heutzutage mit der Hilfe von ausgebildeten studentischen Tutoren eine fakultätsweite Ultraschall-Grundausbildung an. Es gibt jedoch weder einen Konsens über eine optimale Methode noch einen verbindlichen Standard für die Ausbildung dieser studentischen Tutoren. In der Regel werden zur Ausbildung Praktika und Kurse eingesetzt, die sowohl spezifische Vor- als auch Nachteile aufweisen.Wir führten eine prospektive, quasi-randomisierte Studie durch, um die Auswirkungen von drei Arten von Tutorentraining auf die daraus resultierende Verbesserung der Scanfähigkeiten ihrer Tutees zu bewerten.Methoden: Drei Gruppen studentischer Tutoren wurden nur durch einen Kurs (K-Gruppe), nur durch eine Famulatur (F-Gruppe) oder durch einen Kurs und eine Famulatur (KF-Gruppe) geschult. Die jeweiligen Zuwächse an Scanfähigkeiten der Tutees wurden prospektiv gemessen. 75 der 124 Medizinstudenten im fünften Studienjahr (60,5%), die den curricularen Ultraschallkurs besuchten, haben sowohl den Vor- als auch den Nachtest auf freiwilliger Basis absolviert. Innerhalb von acht Minuten sollten maximal 14 anatomische Strukturen in drei Bildern dargestellt und beschriftet werden. Zwei verblindete Bewerter vergaben unabhängig voneinander zwei Punkte für jede sicher identifizierbare Struktur und einen Punkt für jede möglicherweise identifizierbare Struktur.Ergebnisse: In allen drei Gruppen verbesserten sich die Tutees signifikant, indem sie ihre Ergebnisse von vor dem Unterricht mehr als verdoppelten (Zuwachs: K-Gruppe 9,19±5,73 Punkte, p<0,0001; F-Gruppe 9,77±4,81 Punkte, p<0,0001; KF-Gruppe 8,97±5,49 Punkte, p<0,0001).Fazit: Studentische Tutoren, die mit einem Kurs oder einer Famulatur oder einem Kurs und einer Famulatur geschult wurden, konnten Medizinstudenten im 5. Jahr sehr effektiv und mit vergleichbarem Erfolg Scanfähigkeiten vermitteln

    Bacterial microbiome of the nose of healthy dogs and dogs with nasal disease

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    The role of bacterial communities in canine nasal disease has not been studied so far using next generation sequencing methods. Sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes has revealed that the canine upper respiratory tract harbors a diverse microbial community;however, changes in the composition of nasal bacterial communities in dogs with nasal disease have not been described so far. Aim of the study was to characterize the nasal microbiome of healthy dogs and compare it to that of dogs with histologically confirmed nasal neoplasia and chronic rhinitis. Nasal swabs were collected from healthy dogs (n = 23), dogs with malignant nasal neoplasia (n = 16), and dogs with chronic rhinitis (n = 8). Bacterial DNA was extracted and sequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was performed. Data were analyzed using Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME). A total of 376 Operational Taxonomic Units out of 26 bacterial phyla were detected. In healthy dogs, Moraxella spp. was the most common species, followed by Phyllobacterium spp., Cardiobacteriaceae, and Staphylococcus spp. While Moraxella spp. were significantly decreased in diseased compared to healthy dogs (p = 0.005), Pasteurellaceae were significantly increased (p = 0.001). Analysis of similarities used on the unweighted UniFrac distance metric (p = 0.027) was significantly different when nasal microbial communities of healthy dogs were compared to those of dogs with nasal disease. The study showed that the canine nasal cavity is inhabited by a highly species-rich bacterial community, and suggests significant differences between the nasal microbiome of healthy dogs and dogs with nasal disease
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