912 research outputs found

    Android Educational Game: Introduction to Basic Logic for Children

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    Introduction to Basic Logic aims to develop children\u27s thinking abilities about numbers and quantities to teach activities that are in accordance with the development of their thinking power. Learning in children requires an educational media game facility, one of which is the Educational Game. This educational type game aims to provoke children\u27s interest in learning the subject matter while playing the game. Mobile games can be an alternative in children\u27s learning. Basically children prefer to play rather than learn. This is natural, because child psychology is playing. Based on these problems an educational game application is made for the introduction of basic logic in Android-based children, so that it can produce alternative learning for children. This educational game is intended for children aged 6-7 years because children aged 6-7 years have begun to understand the concept of numbers and develop sensitivity in solving a problem. And trials are carried out using a questionnair

    Pendidikan Islam di Tanah Melayu: Sistem Pendidikan Madrasah Al-jam'iyatul Chalidiyah di Langkat, 1941-2016

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    Artikel ini mengkaji sistem pendidikan di Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah di Langkat. Kajian ini dilatari oleh keyakinan bahwa ada banyak lembaga pendidikan Islam yang didirikan sepanjang era kolonial, dan terus bertahan sampai era kemerdekaan. Secara khusus, kajian ini hendak meneliti eksistensi Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah ditinjau dari perspektif ilmu pendidikan Islam, sehingga akan dianalisa tujuan, pendidik dan peserta didik, kurikulum, metode, dan fasilitas pendidikan madrasah ini. Objek kajian akan didekati dengan pendekatan sejarah, dan data penelitian diperoleh melalui kegiatan telaah dokumen. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa sistem pendidikan di Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah telah mengalami banyak Perubahan setelah berusia 75 tahun yang dapat dibagi menjadi tiga fase, yakni fase sebelum kemerdekaan Indonesia, sesudah kemerdekaan Indonesia dan reformasi. Kajian ini diyakini dapat memperkaya referensi dalam bidang sejarah pendidikan Islam di luar Jawa, khususnya di dunia Melayu

    Sintering Material Zn0,9mg0,1tio3 Variasi Penambahan V2o5 dengan Metode Reaksi Padat

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    Telah dilakukan percobaan pembuatan keramik Zinc Titanate (ZnTiO3) dengan menambahkan dopan V2O5 sebagai bahan cair yang berfungsi untuk menurunkan suhu sintering samapai suhu dibawah 1000°C. Pembuatan bahan keramik ZntiO3 dilakukan dengan metode reaksi padat (Solid State). Proses pencampuran bahan menggunakan ballmil. Selanjutnya sampel tersebut di kalsinasi pada suhu 850°C dengan waktu penahanan 2 jam, dicetak menjadi pelet disk dan disinter pada suhu 1000°C, 1100°C selama 4h dan 8h dan pada suhu 900°C selama 24h. Dari data keseluruhan, variasi waktu sintering tidak menunjukkan Perubahan nilai densitas yang mencolok. Namun variasi penambahan zat aditif V2O5 menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak V2O5 yang ditambahkan kedalam material, menghasilkan nilai densitas semakin tinggi. Namun sampel dengan variasi suhu 900°C memiliki nilai densifikasi yang paling baik karena waktu penahanan yang paling lama yaitu 24h. Material yang memiliki waktu penahanan yang paling lama dan densitas paling besar yang memiliki konstanta dielektrik yang paling baik. Didapatkan nilai konstanta dielektrik untuk masing masing sampel ZMT3 900°C murni,1%24h, 2%24h, dan 4%24h berturut-turut yaitu memiliki nilai permitvitas relativitas (εr) sebear14,5; 23,8; 23,4; 26,8. Hal ini dapat terjadi, diduga karena dengan keadaan sampel yang mempunyai densitas tinggi maka didalamnya hanya terdapat sedikit close pore. Variasi komposisi dan ukuran partikel berpengaruh pada kekuatan dielektrik, dielektrik loss, densitas dan porositas semakin kecil ukran partikel maka kekuatan dielektrik semakin tinggi dan rugi dielektrik semakin rendah

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Volume dan Porsi Pembiayaan Berbasis Bagi Hasil pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of third-party funds (Dana Pihak Ketiga/DPK), the level of profit sharing, non-performing financing (NPF), and the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) to the financing volume and financing portion based on profit sharing on Islamic banking in Indonesia. The samples used were 10 Islamic Banks for period September 2011 to December 2014. Using multiple linear regression analysis, results obtained third party funds, the level of profit sharing; non-performing financing and capital adequacy ratio significantly influence the financing volume and financing portion on profit sharing. The partial test result show that capital adequacy ratio have positive and significant impact to the financing volume and financing portion. On the other hand third party funds only positively influence on the financing volume; non-performing financing negatively affect the financing volume and the financing portion on profit sharing; the level of profit sharing did not affect the financing volume and financing portion on profit sharing


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of antiurolithic herbal formula (AHF) compared with commercial polyherbal lithotriptic (CPL) agent in urolithiasis subjects. Materials and Method: The study was conducted with the design of purposive randomized open-label, end-blinded observation. The sample size and randomization were done by computer with generated statistical program. The total of subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria was 200 patients. Every subject was given AHF or CPL according to their group and the intervention was carried out for 8 weeks. The study used the difference of stone’s size and number as parameter to observe the efficacy between two groups. While in terms of safety, this study used biochemical parameters of liver and kidney function. Results: A total of 191 adult patients with urolithiasis were enrolled. There were 97 and 94 subjects in AHF and CPL group, respectively. The study showed a significant size reduction of single’s and multiple’s stone in AHF group (p<0.05). The size reduction difference in AHF group is greater than in CPL group. The number of multiple stone’s subjects who treated AHF was significantly decreased. Whereas in CPL group, there was no significant size difference between pre and prost treatment. The biochemical parameters showed normal liver and renal function in both groups. Conclusion: This study result indicates that AHF is safe and effective in the treatment of urolithiasis

    EDGE: a code to calculate diffusion of cosmic-ray electrons and their gamma-ray emission

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    The positron excess measured by PAMELA and AMS can only be explained if there is one or several sources injecting them. Moreover, at the highest energies, it requires the presence of nearby (∼\simhundreds of parsecs) and middle age (maximum of ∼\simhundreds of kyr) source. Pulsars, as factories of electrons and positrons, are one of the proposed candidates to explain the origin of this excess. To calculate the contribution of these sources to the electron and positron flux at the Earth, we developed EDGE (Electron Diffusion and Gamma rays to the Earth), a code to treat diffusion of electrons and compute their diffusion from a central source with a flexible injection spectrum. We can derive the source's gamma-ray spectrum, spatial extension, the all-electron density in space and the electron and positron flux reaching the Earth. We present in this contribution the fundamentals of the code and study how different parameters affect the gamma-ray spectrum of a source and the electron flux measured at the Earth.Comment: Presented at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Bexco, Busan, Kore

    Diagnosis Penyakit Gigi Periodontal Menggunakan Sistem Pakar Fuzzy

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    Penyakit periodontal merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sangat meluas dalamkehidupan masyarakat. Seperti cabang medis lainnya, pengobatan yang tepat hanyadengan diagnosis yang benar terhadap gejala-gejala suatu penyakit. Diagnosis inidilakukan dengan evaluasi pemeriksaan klinis. Namun, pemeriksaan klinis inimengandung ketidakpastian (ambiguitas) data, sehingga diperlukan perhitungan yangtepat untuk mengukur dan menentukan kriteria keparahan peradangan pada gigi. Padapenelitian ini mengembangkan sistem pakar fuzzy untuk mengdiagnosis penyakit gigiperiodontal. Pengukuran relatif digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai akurasi denganMean Percentage Absolute Error (MAPE). MAPE merupakan nilai tengah kesalahanpersentase absolut dari suatu peramalan atau prediksi. Hasil perhitungan nilai galatdiperoleh sebesar 9,91% sehingga akurasi penelitian ini diperoleh sebesar 90,09%
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