169 research outputs found

    Peace, Love and (Soul)cialism: Functions of Teacher-Student Love in Collectivist Societal Education and its Relationship to the Elimination of African American Educational Underachievement

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    Top researchers in the field of intimacy education signify that definitions of intimate connection— referring to a deep relationship with oneself, immediate circle, or humankind, more broadly—are identity dependent. Different countries and racial demographics, thus, conceptualize notions of solidarity, interdependence, and self-awareness distinctly. Without investigation, these discrepancies provoke division; attention, alternatively, has the power to induce the mitigation of educational achievement gaps in Latin America and domestically. Cuban notions of ‘legitimate’ relationships are contextualized by the political philosopher Jose Martí who delineated an ideological framework encouraging collectivism. This idea undergirds his contribution to the revolutionary Cuban literacy campaign: dialogical education. Despite Westernized exclusionary notions of what constitutes ‘legitimate’ political philosophy and reliable data, modern cultural theorists affirm that both African American and Afro Cuban understandings of intimacy are correlated, impacted by Ptahhotep: a political philosopher from KMT (“ancient Egypt”). His conceptualization of ‘proper’ teacher-student dynamics esteems intergenerational interdependence in the pursuit of societal harmony and cultural sustainability. The following analysis, through theoretical explorations of intimacy, attempts to articulate how teacher-student love can liberate the brain from fear which allows for student creativity, induces mutual joy, and encourages the introspection critical to the eradication of American racial crises. Key Words: Jose Martí, intimacy, political theory, education, African American/Afro Cuba

    Humanization is Liberation: ‘Emorational Morality’ in the Mitigation of Inequitable, Dehumanizing, Domestic Educational Policies

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    Top researchers in the field of critical pedagogy signify that humanization--the process of understanding and connecting with the humanity of another individual—literally liberates the brain from fear. This allows for student creativity and higher-order thinking; without cultural awareness and empathy, researchers claim, educational apartheid will persist. American notions of both teacher and student intelligences as well as ideas of ‘proper’ teacher-student relationships are contextualized by the political philosopher John Locke who delineated a capitalistic political framework based on his interpretation of human motivations: reason and the pursuit of happiness. The corresponding narrow conceptions of intellect, educational success, morality, and emotionality have become cultural dogmas--determining human value based on market norms expressed through particular labels. In the case of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a Congressional act known for its unintentional marginalization of minority demographics, this value-laden diction complicated attempts at equitable educational reform. Despite Western exclusionary notions of what constitutes ‘rational’ and, thus, useful data, contemporary political philosophers and behavioral economists, affirm that educational policy is missing an analytical framework critical to the realm of both leadership and liberation—namely, a philosophical reading of the societal and a moral reading of the political. Herein lies the need for emorational morality: the understanding of how emotions and reason, which are constantly in interaction in the brain, are impacted by market and nonmarket moral assumptions indicated through word choice. The following analysis attempts to articulate how emorational analysis can apply poli-theoretical knowledge to educational policy in the pursuit of mitigating American human rights crises in the domestic public school education system

    Influence de la variabilité du milieu sur la richesse taxonomique, l'exemple du rapport Rb/Sr dissous et des macro-invertébrés benthiques

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    Ce travail est une contribution au débat biodiversité/stabilité. L'utilisation de paramètres pris comme indicateurs de la diversité biologique et de la stabilité du chimisme de l'eau : le nombre de taxons de macro-invertébrés benthiques (selon IBGN) et la variabilité (écart-type exprimé en pourcents) du rapport rubidium/strontium dissous, nous a permis de montrer une corrélation négative significative entre les deux indices. Cette relation, établie sur 36 stations de 22 cours d'eaux du genevois, est interprétée comme mettant en évidence un effet négatif de la variabilité temporelle de la qualité de l'eau sur le nombre d'espèces de macro-invertébrés. Bien que reposant sur des aspects réducteurs de la biodiversité et de la stabilité des écosystèmes, elle est un exemple de lien inverse entre l'instabilité et la diversité biologique. Elle tend, en outre, à souligner l'efficacité d'une utilisation dynamique des données physicochimiques par rapport à l'interprétation de valeurs absolues.The aim of this work is to make a contribution to the biodiversity/stability debate. The use of given parameters as indicators of biologic diversity and stability of the chemical composition of water, more specifically, the average number of macroinvertebrate taxons (according to the IGBN) and the variability (standard deviation expressed as a percentage) of the Rb/Sr dissolved ratio, allowed the determination of a significant negative correlation between these two indices. This relationship, based upon the results obtained from 36 sampling sites located on 22 rivers in the canton of Geneva (Switzerland), is interpreted as evidence of the negative impact of temporal variations in water quality on the number of macroinvertebrates species. Though relying upon reductive aspects of biodiversity and stability of ecosystems, it represents an example of the inverse relationship between instability and biologic diversity. Moreover, it tends to emphasize the advantage of using dynamic variations of chemical parameters rather than their absolute values in order to appreciate the loops and relationships occurring in natural ecosystems

    Spin-current amplification by stimulated spin pumping

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    Stimulated emission is a process during which an atomic system gives away energy to create a coherent photon. It is fundamental to the operation of the optical amplifier. Here we propose two mechanisms for amplifying AC spin currents in a solid-state magnetic medium by a stimulated spin pumping process. The first is synchronous and consists of phase-locked pulses that perturb a precessing magnetic moment. The second is asynchronous and is driven by DC spin currents. The amplification relies on a non-adiabatic interaction taking place in a ferromagnetic medium in which the magnetic moment emits spin angular momentum in the form of spin current before equilibrating with the environment. The pumped spin current amplifies or absorbs the injected AC spin current mimicking the operation of the optical gain medium as readily seen from the gain saturation profiles. The mechanisms we propose are a first step towards a realistic spin current amplifier.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical behaviour of expectation values in time evolved Lagrangian states for large times

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    We study the behaviour of time evolved quantum mechanical expectation values in Lagrangian states in the limit 0\hbar\to 0 and tt\to\infty. We show that it depends strongly on the dynamical properties of the corresponding classical system. If the classical system is strongly chaotic, i.e. Anosov, then the expectation values tend to a universal limit. This can be viewed as an analogue of mixing in the classical system. If the classical system is integrable, then the expectation values need not converge, and if they converge their limit depends on the initial state. An additional difference occurs in the timescales for which we can prove this behaviour, in the chaotic case we get up to Ehrenfest time, tln(1/)t\sim \ln(1/\hbar), whereas for integrable system we have a much larger time range

    Efforts to reduce impact of media variability on product quality for a commercial perfusion process

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    Strict control of raw materials used in bioprocesses is necessary to ensure consistent product quality. However, use of poorly characterized complex components makes achieving such strict control difficult. A strong correlation between product quality variability among bulk drug substance lots and changes in a complex medium component was observed in a commercial perfusion process. This correlation was subsequently confirmed experimentally at both large and small scales. A multifaceted strategy was applied to investigate and mitigate the impact of the media variability on product quality, which included (1) studies in small scale perfusion bioreactors; (2) development of a simple cell based assay to screen different media component lots; and (3) utilization of advanced analytical techniques to identify components that impact product quality. Small-scale perfusion bioreactors were cultured using media lots whose large-scale performance were known, and results were consistent to large-scale performance, supporting the use of small-scale cultures to resolve large-scale media effects. Given the difficulty of utilizing small-scale perfusion bioreactors to screen media lots, an effort was also made to develop a shake flask protocol capable of resolving large-scale media impact on product quality. To simplify testing even further, proteomic and metabolomic analyses through LC-MS were also performed on media and soy retains. Multivariate analysis identified a number of species that could be used as a chemical fingerprint of desirable large-scale performance, which would simplify media qualifications even further. The continued development of new platforms and assays for screening undefined components improves responsiveness to raw material variability and, in turn, enables better control of product quality of commercial products

    Loyalitas Penggemar NCT dalam Interaksi Parasosial melalui Platform Lysn

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    Kemunculan Korean Wave merupakan salah satu produk dari globalisasi. Menurut laporan Twitter yang diambil dari CNN pada 2022, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penggemar K-Pop terbesar di dunia maya. Terdapat banyak fenomena yang menunjukkan antusiasme penggemar K-Pop di Indonesia dalam bentuk perilaku konsumtif. Penggemar berperilaku sebagai konsumen setia untuk loyalitas mereka, yang kemudian menjadi nilai jual yang dimanfaatkan oleh industri hiburan Korea Selatan melalui inovasi-inovasi teknologi yang ada. Lysn merupakan platform pertama dengan fitur yang mendorong penggemar untuk melakukan interaksi parasosial secara eksklusif dengan idolanya. NCT merupakan salah satu grup yang memiliki dampak besar di Indonesia. Melalui platform Lysn, para penggemar NCT dapat berinteraksi parasosial dengan idolanya yang kemudian mendorong terbentuknya hubungan dan keterikatan parasosial yang dapat membentuk suatu pemaknaan oleh para penggemar NCT terhadap idolanya. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma konstruktivis, penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggemar NCT memaknai idolanya sesuai dengan pengalaman interaksi, hubungan, dan keterikatan parasosial yang terjadi dalam platform Lysn