6 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Nematisida Fluopyram Terhadap Nematoda dan Pengaruh pada Kualitas Tanaman Hias Air Bucephalandra sp

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    The research aims to determine the concentration and best time to use nematicides with the active ingredient Fluopyram which are effective in controlling nematodes on Bucephalandra sp plants and to determine the effect of nematicides on the quality of Bucephalandra sp plants. This was carried out from September to December 2023, at the Laboratory of the Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center of Central Kalimantan. The research design used a Completely Randomized Design with the first factor being concentration (K1 = 1 mL/L, K2 = 2 mL/L, K3 = 3 mL/L, and K4 = 4 mL/L) and the second factor being immersion time (T1 = 10 minutes, T2 = 30 minutes, and T3 = 60 minutes), where each treatment used three repetitions. This research is the first discovery that the nematode Rhabditis sp was found on the aquatic ornamental plant Bucephalandra sp. Rhabditis sp is a non-parasitic nematode and lives as a decomposer in the soil, is very abundant in all types of soil and freshwater sediments and plays an important ecological role, especially as a primary consumer. Their free-living form shows saprophagous or bacteriophage feeding habits, but also as a parasite animals, especially entomopathogenic forms. The concentration of nematicide with the active ingredient Fluopyram which is effective in eradicating nematodes on Bucephalandra sp plants is 1 mL. The best time for soaking nematicide on plants to control nematodes on Bucephalandra sp plants is 10 minutes. Floupyram has no effect on the quality of Bucephalandra sp (roots, stems, leaves) at concentrations of 1 mL, 2 mL, 3 mL, 4 mL and submersion time up to 60 minutes

    Pemanfaatan Anggrek Spesies Kalimantan Tengah Berbasis Kearifan Lokal yang Berpotensi sebagai Bahan Obat Herbal

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    Pemanfaatan anggrek spesies dari Kalimantan Tengah yang berpotensi sebagai bahan obat herbal berbasis kearifan lokal perlu dikaji. Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2016. Tempat penelitian: koleksi anggrek spesies Kalimantan Tengah di Jl.Temanggung Tilung XIII Palangka Raya. Pemanfaatan anggrek spesies berdasar kearifan lokal berasal dari hasil wawancara pemilik kebun yang didukung  dengan  data  hasil  studi  literatur.  Spesies  anggrek  dari Kalimantan Tengah yang bermanfaat sebagai bahan obat herbal adalah batang dan daun anggrek tewu tadung/anggrek tebu (Grammatophylum speciosum) sebagai bahan obat kista dan uwei menyame (Bromheadia finlaysoniana (Lind.) Miq.) sebagai salah satu komponen obat sakit pinggang. Beberapa anggrek spesies yang berpotensi sebagai bahan obat herbal  dan  fitoterapi  berdasar  studi  literatur  antara  lain:  rhizome anggrek bambu (Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochr) mengandung senyawa Arundinan mempunyai aktivitas anti bakteri. Daun Phalaenopsis manii  mengandung  phalaenopsine.  Seluruh  bagian  tumbuhan  Eria bambusifolia  Lindl.  Kimar  digunakan  untuk  mengatasi  keasaman lambung yang berlebihan dan gangguan sakit perut. Anggrek Coelogyne cristata   mengandung   Coeloginanthrin,   Coeloginanthridin,   dan Combretastatin  C-1.  Daun  Dendrobium  crumenatum  Sw.  (anggrek merpati) dapat digunakan untuk tapal pada bisul dan jerawat

    Potensi Penambahan Bahan Organik Terhadap Sporulasi dan Infektivitas Beauveria Bassiana Pada Larva Oryctes Rhinoceros

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    This study aims to determine the potential for adding organic matter in this case the effect of differences in media composition on the growth and sporulation of B. bassiana and in the infectivity of Beauveria bassiana against the larvae of rhino beetle pest (Oryctes rhinoceros). The experiment was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 series, namely: a). Different types of growing media (M) on  B. bassiana consisted of 6 treatments P1: PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) media; P2: SDYA Media (Sabouraud Dextrose Yeast Agar) + mineral water; P3: SDYA media + coconut water, P4: SDYA media + coconut water + cricket flour 10%; P5: SDYA media + coconut water + grasshopper flour 10% ; P6: SDYA media + coconut water + 10% chicken eggshell flour where each treatment was repeated 5 times b). The application of B. bassiana on O. rhinoceros larvae consisted of 7 treatments, namely P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6, each treatment repeated 4 times. The fastest growth in diameter of B. bassiana was found in SDYA media + eggshell flour but treatment SDYA + coconut water + cricket flour  (P4) had the highest percentage of fungus germination and  had the highest density of B. bassiana spores, also had highest mortality percentage to suppress O. rhinoceros. The latest finding that has not been found by other researchers before is the discovery of modified SDYA + coconut water media with the addition of chicken egg shell flour to accelerate the growth of B. bassiana and SDYA + coconut water + cricket flour media to promote spore germinations of B. bassiana and increases the ability to suppress of O. rhinoceros

    Pemberdayaan Lahan dan Potensi Pertanian di Desa Batuah, Kecamatan Basarang, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah: Land Empowerment and Agricultural Potential in Batuah Village, Basarang District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan

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    Since 2021, the government has been developing a food estate program at the Desa Batuah, clearing many hectares of rice fields. The problems faced by the community are frequent flooding in the planting area, low pH, and attack of the plant by pests, disease, and weeds that reduce agricultural production. The purpose of community service in this activity is the Batuah Village community and Real Work Lecture-Nationality students who at that time served in Batuah Village were able to explain land empowerment and village agricultural potential and were skilled in carrying out land empowerment, overcoming the problem of nuisance organisms plants and recognize the agricultural potential in the village and then maximize its potential. Empowerment of agricultural land in Batuah Village needs to pay attention to the keys to successful management of tidal swamp land for sustainable agriculture, such as Water Management, Land arrangement, Adaptive and prospective commodity selection, and application of suitable cultivation technology. Few farmers (10%) still need to apply technology to overcome agricultural problems in Batuah Village. The community recognizes the superior potential plant of Batuah Village, such as rimbang Dayak (hairy-fruited eggplant, Solanum lasiocarpum), celery, and bamboo, but this potential has yet to be maximized. Rimbang still needs to be widely used as processed food and mostly only as vegetables for the community. The team and Real Work Lecture-Nationality students succeeded in maximizing the potential of rimbang by processing rimbang into syrup and jam to increase the economic income of the Batuah village community

    Concentration of Some Trace Elements in Two Wild Edible Ferns, Diplazium esculentum and Stenochlaena palutris, Inhabiting Tropical Peatlands under Different Environments in Central Kalimantan

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    Young leaves of two wild ferns (Diplazium esculentum and Stenochlaena palutris) are uniquely eaten among local peoples in Kalimantan Island. These edible ferns are regarded as important sources of Fe and other trace elements essential for human body. In order to investigate the effect of soil environments on the metal content, we analyzed eight elements (Al, Fe, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cs, and Pb) in the edible ferns collected from five different sites (riverside of Kahayan River near Bukit Rawi, farming area in Tangkiling, natural forest near Kasongan, and two peat soils at campus of The University of Palangkaraya and residential area in Palangkaraya city) in Central Kalimantan with distinguishable soil conditions. At the five sampling locations, we also collected an aluminum accumulator bush tree (Melastoma malabathricum) as a reference plant. The underground parts of S. palutris and D. esculentum accumulated higher concentration of Al and Fe than their leaf parts, whereas M. malabathricum was rich in Al and Mn in the leaves rather than the roots. Although Fe contents in the edible parts of D. esculentum (3.1–3.3 μg/g-dry weight of young leaves) and S. palutris (1.0–2.1 μg/g dw leaves) from the samples collected at the riverside and the farming area were not so high, Al contents in their edible parts (3.9–6.3 and 7.8–7.9 μg/g-dry weight, respectively) were not excessive. Other trace elements, including Mn, was not the levels to be concerned. Thus, utilizing young leaves and shoots of the ferns as wild vegetable seemed to cover chronical deficiency of trace elements necessary for human nutrition, without any excessive intake of Al and other toxic metals, unless collected at urban area. We further found relatively high Cs-absorbable cropping plants in this study