6 research outputs found

    The Influence of Human IgG Subclass and Allotype on Complement Activation

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    Complement activation via the classical pathway is initiated when oligomeric Igs on target surfaces are recognized by C1 of the complement cascade. The strength of this interaction and activation of the complement system are influenced by structural variation of the Ab, including Ab isotype, subclass, and glycosylation profile. Polymorphic variants of IgG have also been described to influence Fc-dependent effector functions. Therefore, we assessed complement binding, deposition, and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) of 27 known IgG allotypes with anti-trinitrophenyl specificity. Differences between allotypes within subclasses were minor for IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4 allotypes, and more substantial for IgG2. Allelic variant IGHG2*06, containing a unique serine at position 378 in the CH3 domain, showed less efficient complement activation and CDC compared with other IgG2 polymorphisms. We also observed variable cell lysis between IgG1 and IgG3, with IgG3 being superior in lysis of human RBCs and Ramos cells, and IgG1 being superior in lysis of Raji and Wien133 cells, demonstrating that a long-standing conundrum in the literature depends on cellular context. Furthermore, we compared IgG1 and IgG3 under different circumstances, showing that Ag density and Ab hinge length, but not complement regulators, define the context dependency of Ab-mediated CDC activity. Our results point toward a variation in the capacity of IgG subclasses to activate complement due to single amino acid changes and hinge length differences of allotypes to activate complement, which might give new insights on susceptibility to infectious, alloimmune, or autoimmune diseases and aid the design of Ab-based therapeutics. The Journal of Immunology, 2023, 211: 1725-1735

    The Fab region of IgG impairs the internalization pathway of FcRn upon Fc engagement

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    Binding to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) extends serum half-life of IgG, and antagonizing this interaction is a promising therapeutic approach in IgG-mediated autoimmune diseases. Fc-MST-HN, designed for enhanced FcRn binding capacity, has not been evaluated in the context of a full-length antibody, and the structural properties of the attached Fab regions might affect the FcRn-mediated intracellular trafficking pathway. Here we present a comprehensive comparative analysis of the IgG salvage pathway between two full-size IgG1 variants, containing wild type and MST-HN Fc fragments, and their Fc-only counterparts. We find no evidence of Fab-regions affecting FcRn binding in cell-free assays, however, cellular assays show impaired binding of full-size IgG to FcRn, which translates into improved intracellular FcRn occupancy and intracellular accumulation of Fc-MST-HN compared to full size IgG1-MST-HN. The crystal structure of Fc-MST-HN in complex with FcRn provides a plausible explanation why the Fab disrupts the interaction only in the context of membrane-associated FcRn. Importantly, we find that Fc-MST-HN outperforms full-size IgG1-MST-HN in reducing IgG levels in cynomolgus monkeys. Collectively, our findings identify the cellular membrane context as a critical factor in FcRn biology and therapeutic targeting

    CD5L is a canonical component of circulatory IgM

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    Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is an evolutionary conserved key component of humoral immunity, and the first antibody isotype to emerge during an immune response. IgM is a large (1 MDa), multimeric protein, for which both hexameric and pentameric structures have been described, the latter additionally containing a joining (J) chain. Using a combination of single-particle mass spectrometry and mass photometry, proteomics, and immunochemical assays, we here demonstrate that circulatory (serum) IgM exclusively exists as a complex of J-chain-containing pentamers covalently bound to the small (36 kDa) protein CD5 antigen-like (CD5L, also called apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage). In sharp contrast, secretory IgM in saliva and milk is principally devoid of CD5L. Unlike IgM itself, CD5L is not produced by B cells, implying that it associates with IgM in the extracellular space. We demonstrate that CD5L integration has functional implications, i.e., it diminishes IgM binding to two of its receptors, the FcαµR and the polymeric Immunoglobulin receptor. On the other hand, binding to FcµR as well as complement activation via C1q seem unaffected by CD5L integration. Taken together, we redefine the composition of circulatory IgM as a J-chain containing pentamer, always in complex with CD5L

    The effect of certolizumab drug concentration and anti-drug antibodies on TNF neutralisation

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    OBJECTIVES: Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors like certolizumab, elicit an immunogenic response leading to the formation of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs). We sought to mechanistically investigate the relationship between certolizumab concentrations, ADAs, and the effective TNF neutralising capacity in sera of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. TNF neutralising capacity of certolizumab was compared to the neutralising capacity of adalimumab. METHODS: Serum samples were collected from 40 consecutive certolizumab-treated RA patients at baseline and 4, 16, 28 and 52 weeks after treatment initiation [Dutch Trial Register NTR (Nederlands Trial Register) Trial NL2824 no. 2965]. Certolizumab concentration and ADA titre were measured with a certolizumab bridging enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a drug-tolerant radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. TNF neutralisation by certolizumab and adalimumab, in presence or absence of ADAs, was analysed with the TNF-sensitive WEHI bioassay. RESULTS: Despite a high incidence of ADAs during one year of follow-up (65%; 26/40 patients), certolizumab levels of >10 μg/ml were measured in most patients. The capacity for TNF neutralisation highly correlated with certolizumab serum concentration, whereas no association with ADAs was observed. Similar results were obtained for adalimumab. The relative in vitro neutralising potency was higher for certolizumab compared to adalimumab. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-certolizumab antibodies were detected in a large proportion of patients, but in most cases where ADAs were detected, certolizumab was also present in high concentrations, directly correlating with in vitro neutralising capacity. These results indicate that measurement of certolizumab drug levels, rather than ADAs, have direct clinical significance

    Cross-reactivity of mouse IgG subclasses to human Fc gamma receptors: Antibody deglycosylation only eliminates IgG2b binding

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    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies are important for protection against pathogens and exert effector functions through binding to IgG-Fc receptors (FcγRs) on myeloid and natural killer cells, resulting in destruction of opsonized target cells. Despite interspecies differences, IgG subclasses and FcγRs show substantial similarities and functional conservation between mammals. Accordingly, binding of human IgG (hIgG) to mouse FcγRs (mFcγRs) has been utilized to study effector functions of hIgG in mice. In other applications, such as immunostaining with mouse IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), these cross-reactivities are undesired and prone to misinterpretation. Despite this drawback, the binding of mouse IgG (mIgG) subclasses to human FcγR (hFcγR) classes has never been fully documented. Here, we report detailed and quantifiable characterization of binding affinities for all mIgG subclasses to hFcγRs, including functional polymorphic variants. mIgG subclasses show the strongest binding to hFcγRIa, with relative affinities mIgG2a = mIgG2c > mIgG3 >> mIgG2b, and no binding by mIgG1. hFcγRIIa/b showed general low reactivities to all mIgG (mIgG1> mIgG2a/c > mIgG2b), with no reactivity to mIgG3. A particularly high affinity was observed for mIgG1 to the hFcγRIIa-R131 polymorphic variant. hFcγRIIIa showed lower binding (mIgG2a/c > mIgG3), slightly favouring binding to the hFcγRIIIa-V158 over the F158 polymorphic variant. No binding was observed of mIgG to hFcγRIIIb. Deglycosylation of mIgG1 did not abrogate binding to hFcγRIIa-R131, nor did deglycosylation of mIgG2a/c and mIgG3 prevent hFcγRIa binding. Importantly, deglycosylation of the least cross-reactive mIgG subclass, mIgG2b, abrogated reactivity to all hFcγRs. Together, these data document for the first time the full spectrum of cross-reactivities of mouse IgG to human FcγRs

    Differences in IgG autoantibody Fab glycosylation across autoimmune diseases.

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    Background: Increased prevalence of autoantibody Fab glycosylation has been demonstrated for several autoimmune diseases. Objectives: To study whether elevated Fab glycosylation is a common feature of autoimmunity, this study investigated Fab glycosylation levels on serum IgG and its subclasses for autoantibodies associated with a range of different B cell–mediated autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis subtypes, pemphigus vulgaris, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, anti–glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Methods: The level of Fab glycosylated IgG antibodies was assessed by lectin affinity chromatography and autoantigen-specific immunoassays. Results: In 6 of 10 autoantibody responses, in 5 of 8 diseases, the investigators found increased levels of Fab glycosylation on IgG autoantibodies that varied from 86% in rheumatoid arthritis to 26% in systemic lupus erythematosus. Elevated autoantibody Fab glycosylation was not restricted to IgG4, which is known to be prone to Fab glycosylation, but was also present in IgG1. When autoimmune diseases with a chronic disease course were compared with more acute autoimmune illnesses, increased Fab glycosylation was restricted to the chronic diseases. As a proxy for chronic autoantigen exposure, the investigators determined Fab glycosylation levels on antibodies to common latent herpes viruses, as well as to glycoprotein 120 in individuals who are chronically HIV-1–infected. Immunity to these viral antigens was not associated with increased Fab glycosylation levels, indicating that chronic antigen-stimulation as such does not lead to increased Fab glycosylation levels. Conclusions: These data indicate that in chronic but not acute B cell–mediated autoimmune diseases, disease-specific autoantibodies are enriched for Fab glycans