228 research outputs found

    Catadioptric system optimisation for omnidirectional Robocup MSL robots

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    Omnidirectional Robocup MSL robots often use catadioptric vision systems in order to enable 360º of field view. It comprises an upright camera facing a convex mirror, commonly spherical, parabolic or hyperbolic, that reflects the entire space around the robot. This technique is being used for more than a decade and in a similar way by most teams. Teams upgrade their cameras in order to obtain more and better information of the captured area in pixel quantity and quality, but a large image area outside the convex mirror is black and unusable. The same happens on the image centre where the robot shows itself. Some efficiency though, can be improved in this technique by the methods presented in this paper such as developing a new convex mirror and by repositioning the camera viewpoint. Using 3D modelling CAD/CAM software for the simulation and CNC lathe mirror construction, some results are presented and discussed

    Determinación de la cantidad de biomasa acumulado, en cada ciclo evolutivo del maíz (zea mays L.), en dos condiciones climáticas de Lamas

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    The present rescarch project is developed in the district and provincc of Lamas in the Region San Martín. Field phase was carricd out in two periods, which have different climatic conditions. The first installation was from January to April 2014, and the second from June to September 2014. The specific objectives were to: assess the biomass, the captured C02, among other quantitative parameters, each evolutionary cycle of corn, planted in two consecutive seasons, and to relate the climatic conditions with the biomass accumulated at each evolutionary cycle of corn. The statemcnt of the problem cstablishcd was how much is thc increase of biomass hetwccn each evolut.ionary cycle "corn" (Zea mays Linn.), in two climatic conditions of Lamas?. Between the variables and independent variables, the evolutionary cycle of the corn, the dcpendcnt variable, the amount of accumulated biomass. Thc hypothesis to dcmonstrate was, if we evaluate the biomass at each cvolutionary cycle of corn, in two climatic conditions of Lamas, then thcrc is highly significant among them. The results were: To assess biomass of "corn" (Zea mays Linn), during the first season (January to April - 20 14) was 1142.45 grams per plant dry matter, and 250.32 g of C. This indicates that the 21.91% of the weight of the dry matter accumulated per plant is carbon, captured at 90 days of age of the plant. The biomass of corn, in the second sowing season (June to September - 2014), prescnted 880.33 grams of dry mattcr 1 plant and 212.912 grams of carbon pcr plant. lt was thcn dctcrmined that thc 24.19% of thc weight of the dry matter is carbon on each floor. When thc rclationship between the climatic conditions with the biomass accumulated at cach cvolutionary cycle of corn, we find the following data: In the first period: the re.lationship between the dry hiomass and the T o mcdium prescnted a Iow ratio, indicatcd by the cocfficicnt of correlation r = 0.07, according to road, l995.thc cocfficicnt r2 was 0.005. The value of b = 3.9, thc rcgrcssion coefficient. In the sccond planting time evaluatecl during the dry months in Lamas (June - Scptembcr), the rclationship hetwecn thc dry hiomass and the T " average, are cxpressed with valucs: r = 0.3, r2 = 0.09, and b = 32.1. Which indicatc that you prcsentcd a positive relationship. The results hc.lped to prove thc hypothesis raised about the differencc m biomass betwcen other parametcrs, in two climatic conditions of Lamas.El presente proyecto de investigación se desarrolló en el Distrito y Provincia de Lamas de la Región San Martín. La fase de campo se realizó en dos épocas, Jos cuales presentan condiciones climáticas distintas. La primera instalación fue de Enero a Abril de 2014, y la segunda de Junio a Setiembre de 2014. Los objetivos específicos fueron: evaluar la biomasa, el C02 capturado, entre otros parámetros cuantitativos, en cada ciclo evolutivo del maíz, sembrado en dos épocas consecutivas, y relacionar las condiciones climáticas con la biomasa acumulada en cada ciclo evolutivo del maíz. El enunciado del problema establecido fue ¿Cuánto es el incremento de biomasa entre cada ciclo evolutivo del "maíz" (Zea mays Linn.), en dos condiciones climáticas de Lamas?. Entre las variables, las variables independientes, el Ciclo evolutivo del maíz, y la variable dependiente, la cantidad de Biomasa acumulado. La hipótesis a demostrar fué, si evaluamos la biornasa en cada ciclo evolutivo del maíz, en dos condiciones climáticas de Lamas, entonces existe alta significación entre ellos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: Al evaluar la Biomasa del "maíz" (Zea mays Linn), durante la primera época (Enero a Abril-2014) fue 1142.45 gramos/planta de materia seca, y 250.32 gramos de C. Esto indica que el 21.91 % del Peso de la Materia Seca acumulada por planta es Carbono, capturado en 90 días de edad de la planta. La biomasa del maíz, en la segunda época de siembra (Junio a Setiembre - 2014), presentó 880.33 gramos de materia seca/planta y 212.912 gramos de Carbono por planta. Entonces se determinó que el 24.19 % del Peso de la Materia Seca es Carbono en cada planta. Al realizar la relación entre las condiciones climáticas con la biomasa acumulada en cada ciclo evolutivo del maíz, encontramos los siguientes datos: En la Primera época: la relación entre la biomasa seca y la T0 media presentó una baja relación, indicado por el coeficiente ele Correlación r = 0.07, según Calzada, 1995.EI coeficiente r2 fue 0.005. El valor de b = 3.9, fue el coeficiente de regresión. En la segunda época de siembra evaluado durante Jos meses de sequía en Lamas (Junio- Setiembre), la relación entre la biomasa seca y la T0 media, están expresadas con los valores de: r =0.3, r2 = 0.09 y b = 32.1. Los cuales indican que se presentó una relación positiva. Los resultados obtenidos ayudaron a demostrar la hipótesis planteada sobre la diferencia de la biomasa entre otros parámetros, en dos condiciones climáticas de Lamas.Tesi

    Cooperative Behaviour of specific tasks in multi-agent systems and robot control using dynamic approach

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    In order to foster research and development in a multi-agent robotic environment three fundamental improvements on the robots need to be carried out: a) a very reliable and robot control which works at high speeds and a dynamic approach is described in this work; b) Cooperative behaviour is very important since without it there is no ball pass, and that is becoming more and more necessary; c) Upwards kick, since traditional horizontal kickers are already very common. Other improvements were carried out in the robots but due to lack of space in this paper are not described. This paper describes how these three issues were tackled by the MINHO team and shows their next directions

    Optimized robot strategy, ball filters and new referee whistle hardware filter

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    This paper briefly describes the main changes on the Minho Team robots since the last RoboCup edition. Work has been carried out on the robots in order to constantly improve their capabilities, based on the experience from previous participations. The main topics to deal in this paper are related with the optimization of movement on the field and also game strategy software, a ball filter recently implemented on the robots in order to follow only the correct ball. Also on this paper a description of the whole software implementation is made by describing the main Algorithm. A new referee whistle hardware filter has been developed in the last year and is here described its electronics

    High accuracy navigation in unknown environment using adaptive control

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    Aiming to reduce cycle time and improving the accuracy on tracking, a modified adaptive control was developed, which adapts autonomously to changing dynamic parameters. The platform used is based on a robot with a vision based sensory system. Goal and obstacles angles are calculated relatively to robot orientation from image processing software. Autonomous robots are programmed to navigate in unknown and unstructured environments where there are multiple obstacles which can readily change their position. This approach underlies in dynamic attractor and repulsive forces. This theory uses differential equations that produce vector fields to control speed and direction of the robot. This new strategy was compared with existing PID method experimentally and it proved to be more effective in terms of behaviour and time-response. Calibration parameters used in PID control are in this case unnecessary. The experiments were carried out in robot Middle Size League football players built for RoboCup. Target pursuit, namely, ball, goal or any absolute position, was tested. Results showed high tracking accuracy and rapid response to moving targets. This dynamic control system enables a good balance between fast movements and smooth behaviour

    Optimization of fast moving robots and implementation of I2C protocol to control electronic devices

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    This paper briefly describes the main changes in the robots from Minho Team since the last RoboCup. Work has been carried out on the robots in order to constantly improve their capabilities, based on the experiences from previous participations. The main topics to deal in this paper are related with the I2C new communications protocol recently implemented in the robots, a description of the whole electronics system based on a new diagram which contains all the devices used in the robots, the inclusion of new faster motors, a description of the robot game play strategy, some operating system remarks which are related to some requirements of our actual system, and the main conclusions related to the work carried out so far. The use of the I2C protocol forced the team to change all the electronic boards and these were completely redesigned in-house, tested and implemented on the robots.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/ROBO/43892/200

    A golf ball picking robot design and development

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    The golf ball picking task is a daily that requires human intensive labor. This document presents the hardware developing process of an autonomous golf ball picking robot which aims to efficiently perform this task. It has a maintenance capacity of a 25,000 m2 practice field. Compared to a similar device in the market this robot has twice the maximum speed and three times more container capacity.QREN (Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional, Portugal 2007.2013), FCT “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Three omni-directional wheels control on a mobile robot

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    Traditional two wheels differential drive normally used on mobile robots have manoeuvrability limitations and take time to sort out. Most teams use two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. A three wheel drive with omni-directional wheel has been tried with success, and was implemented on fast moving autonomous mobile robots. This paper deals with the mathematical kinematics description of such mobile platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used

    Autonomous golf ball picking robot design and development

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    The golf ball picking task is a daily that requires human intensive labor. This document presents the hardware developing process of an autonomous golf ball picking robot which aims to efficiently perform this task. It has a maintenance capacity of a 25,000 m2 practice field. Compared to a similar device in the market this robot has twice the maximum speed and three times more container capacity.QREN GOLFmINHO nº1583, FCt - Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia

    Controlling omni-directional Wheels of a MSL RoboCup autonomous mobile robot

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    Autonomous Mobile Locomotion is of extreme importance in RoboCup robots. Even though in 2050 the robotic team will very likely use legs rather than wheels, at the moment all teams on middle size league use wheels to overcome other problems first. Most teams are using two driving wheels (with one or two cast wheels), four driving wheels and even three driving wheels. The Minho team has been using two driving wheels for the last 5 years (with two caster wheels), but for reaction speed optimization purposes a new approach of three wheels is being developed. This paper deals with the description of such platform, it describes the advantages and also the type of control used