76 research outputs found
Di bidang komputer grafik, Environment Mapping merupakan teknik untuk
mensimulasikan sebuah obyek agar dapat merefleksikan lingkungan sekitarnya. Teknik ini
pertama kali diajukan oleh Blinn dan Newell pada tahun 1976. Cube Mapping sebagai
bagian dari metode Environment Mapping merepresentasikan lingkungan sekitarnya dengan
cara "menempelkan" enam buah gambar yang berbeda di keenam sisi obyek. Hal ini
membuat obyek seolah memiliki enam sisi pantul, yaitu depan, belakang, kanan, kiri, atas,
dan bawah.
OpenGL sebagai kumpulan library, fungsi, dan prosedur untuk bidang komputer grafik
telah mendukung Cube Mapping sebagai salah satu teknik Texture Mapping. Kemampuan
OpenGL dalam mendukung Cube Mapping membuat dunia komputer grafik memiliki fitur
tambahan untuk dapat lebih menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih realistis. Keunggulan
OpenGL yang platform-independent memungkinkan kita untuk membuat grafik yang dapat
dijalankan di semua sistem operasi dengan hanya sedikit penyesuaian
The allocation of village funds are needed because of the decentralization and delegation of authority of village autonomy is to provide public services and the implementation of village governance in accordance with regulations-regulations applicable. This allocation is expected to improve development and socio-economic progress of society include poverty. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the allocation of village funds on the level of poverty. The variables used are village funds allocation and the number of poor peoples. Data used time-series and cross-sectional data from all districts and cities in Indonesia during the period 2012 to 2015. Used purposive sampling, this research samples is 409 districts and cities from total 516 districts and cities in Indonesia. The statistical method used is quantitative. Chow test, Hausman test, and Lagrange multiplier test in this study showed that fixed effect is the best models in regression. The data used in this research is processed using Eviews 9 to get the result of linear regressions. The result showed that village funds allocation has an effect on poverty but the effect insignificant.
Keywords: Decentralization, village funds, village, district, povert
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) dapat diilustrasikan sebagai perjalanan seorang salesman yang harus melalui semua kota yang dituju dengan jarak terpendek, dimana setiap kota hanya boleh dilalui satu kali. Solusi optimal dari TSP ialah jalur terpendek yang dapat dilalui oleh salesman tersebut. Model TSP dinyatakan dalam bentuk graf. Rute perjalanan dengan aturan pengunjungan satu dan hanya satu kali pada setiap simpul (node) dalam graf disebut dengan jalur Hamiltonian. Bila perjalanan dimulai dan berakhir di simpul yang sama maka jalur ini disebut siklus Hamiltonian. TSP merupakan suatu permasalahan permutasi; yaitu problem yang secara konvensional diselesaikan dalam waktu n! (n faktorial), untuk n buah objek. Di dalam paper ini akan dibahas mengenai implementasi algoritma TSP dengan metode pemrograman dinamis (dynamic programming) pada bahasa pemrograman Pascal. Dengan metode pemrograman dinamik (dynamic programming), TSP dapat diselesaikan dalam fungsi waktu yang eksponensial O(n22n), dimana n! > O(2n)
Village has currently become one of the focuses of government policy, as proved by the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 on Village. As a consequence of the implementation of Village Law, all villages must now be able to manage finances independently despite there are still many challenges to face such as the lack of administrative capacity, the lack of experience in financial management, low accountability, and low supervision. Another challenge is the difference in village-level perception of village fund. This research was designed to show that there is a general perception of the management of village fund which includes planning, budgeting, implementing, reporting, and accountability by village officials. However, the results of this study suggest that there were differences in perceptions of village Management Office-holders.
Keywords: Village Fund, Management Aspect, Perceptio
Saat ini, E-Learning semakin menjadi pilihan karena dapat menghemat biaya
penyelenggaraan pendidikan, waktu, dan lebih fleksibel dalam pelaksanaannya.
Permasalahan utama yang timbul ialah bagaimana membuat konten E-Learning
yang menarik dan benar-benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pengguna. Salah
satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan konten E-Learning
adalah dengan menganalisis perilaku pengguna. Tujuannya adalah untuk
memberikan rekomendasi dan evaluasi dalam penyempurnaan konten ELearning
yang dapat diterapkan oleh institusi. Seperti Universitas Gunadarma
yang masih merintis penerapan E-Learning pada kegiatan pembelajarannya
sehingga tahapan penyempurnaan merupakan hal yang mutlak. Dalam tulisan
ini, kami menggunakan log dari sistem E-Learning sebagai sumber untuk
mencari pola perilaku pengguna, kemudian meng-clusternya (metode dari Data
Mining) berdasarkan kriteria yang diinginkan
Memperkuat Generasi Muda Melalui Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Sebagai Upaya Berkepribadian Unggul dan Berkarakter Mulia
This article discusses the importance of strengthening the younger generation through the values of Pancasila as an effort to have superior personality and noble character. The method used in this article is through a literature review, the article identifies problems and challenges in implementing Pancasila education. Emphasis on developing superior personality and noble character is an important key in building a strong young generation. Pancasila education has an important role in shaping the younger generation who have a strong moral foundation, awareness of their rights and obligations as citizens, superior personality, noble character, and a positive attitude in facing global challenges. To strengthen the younger generation through the values of Pancasila, cooperation between the government, educational institutions, families and society as a whole is needed. Consistent implementation, improving the quality of teachers, providing adequate learning resources, and integrating Pancasila values into the education curriculum are important steps in achieving this goal. With continuous efforts, the younger generation will become the backbone of nation building with integrity, superior personality and noble character
Peran Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Sebagai Pusat Pemeliharaan dan Pembangunan Budaya
Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon plays a crucial role in preserving and developing the culture in the Cirebon region. Through traditional ceremonies, cultural performances, and cultural events, Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon acts as a protector and catalyst for regional cultural life. Additionally, the palace also contributes to the promotion and development of cultural tourism, which boosts the local economy. In addition to preserving traditions and cultural arts, Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon also serves as an institution for cultural education that encourages active participation from the community, especially the younger generation, in cultural activities. By teaching cultural values, the palace aims to preserve cultural heritage and foster a strong cultural awareness among the people. Overall, Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon is a cultural center that plays a significant role in preserving, promoting, and developing the local culture in the Cirebon region. By serving as a hub for cultural nurturing and development, this palace contributes to enriching the local cultural identity, enhancing cultural awareness, and fostering sustainable regional development
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