4 research outputs found


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      ABSTRACT The selective transport of Ni(II) to Cd(II) through simultaneously liquid membrane technique has been investigated. The cell membrane was made by mixturing Ni(II) and Cd(II) ions at concentration as 3.41x10-4 M and 1.78x10-4 M respectively as source phase, oxine in chloroform as membrane phase and Na2EDTA solution as receiving phase. Concentration of recidual Ni(II) and Cd(II) ions in source phase transported to receiving phase was measured by Atomic Absortion Spectrofotometry (AAS). The results showed the at optimum condition of Ni(II) and Cd(II) transport occurred at source phase of pH 7, oxine concentration 0.001 M in chloroform and 0.04 M Na2EDTA solution pH 7. In this condition, Ni(II) and Cd(II) transport selectivity was found 80.89%. From the experiment, it was found that the transport rate constant from source phase to membrane phase (k1) for Ni(II) (0.7544 per hour) smaller than Cd(II) (1.3800 per hour ), on the other hand the transport rate constant from membrane phase to receiving phase (k2) Ni(II) (2.7580 per hour) greater than Cd(II) (1.3790 per hour). The phase-to-phase transport of Ni(II) and Cd(II) was consecutive first order reaction.  Keywords : bulk liquid membrane, oxine, technique   

    Effect of Adhesive Content on Physical Properties Particleboard Made from Bamboo and Sugar Palm Waste (Arenga Pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr)

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    Currently, need for wood as a raw material for making boards has increased, which has reduced the availability of forest resources. To overcome this problem, industrial waste or other lignocellulosic materials are used to make particle board with the aim of efficient use of wood. Particle board has advantages, namely the use of raw materials can be either wood or non-wood waste. Therefore, particle board processing can overcome the problem of handling wood waste which has not been optimally carried out. This research aimed to analyze the physical properties of particle board made from bamboo and sugar palm waste. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor (adhesive content), namely 10%, 12%, and 14%. The results of this study showed that physical properties of bamboo particle board at adhesive content of 10%, 12%, and 14% ranged from, respectively: water content (10.26%, 9.96%, dan 9.79%); density (0.69 gr/cm3, 0.68 gr/cm3, dan 0.71 gr/cm3); thickness swelling (21.57%, 20.07%, dan 19.23%). While the palm sugar particle board with adhesive content of 10%, 12%, and 14% respectively: water content (11.29%, 10.91%, dan 10.22%); density (0.70 gr/cm3, 0.69 gr/cm3, dan 0.71 gr/cm3); thickness swelling (26.00%, 22.90%, dan 22.85%). From the physical properties of the two types of particle board, the water content and density of particle board fulfilled JIS A-2003 standard, while thickness swelling did not fulfilled JIS A-2003 standard. Based on the value of moisture content and density, the use of bamboo particle board and palm sugar is suitable for interior materials


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    ABSTRAKBambu sebagai produk papan laminasi saat ini pemanfaatannya masih terbatas sementara potensi bambu di Nusa Tenggara Barat cukup tinggi dimana bambu juga merupakan salah satu HHBK unggulan di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, papan laminasi bambu diaplikasikan menjadi bentuk kerajinan yang memberikan nilai ekonomis bagi masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk kerajinan yang diajarkan bagi kelompok tani adalah pembuatan cutting board dari papan laminasi bambu. Diharapkan dengan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan papan laminasi bambu dan aplikasinya sebagai cutting board akan memberikan lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat dan meningkatkan nilai jual bambu. Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan papan laminasi dan aplikasinya sebagai cutting board adalah (1). Memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat tentang teknik sederhana pembuatan papan laminasi bambu sebagai pengganti kayu, (2). Memberikan wawasan peluang usaha baru pada masyarakat, (3). Memberikan pembelajaran pembuatan cutting board dari papan laminasi bambu sebagai salah satu aplikasi papan laminasi. Kata kunci: papan laminasi; bambu; cutting board; kerajinan ABSTRACTCurrently, the utilization of bamboo as a laminated board product is still limited, while the potential of bamboo in West Nusa Tenggara is quite high where bamboo is also one of the leading NTFPs in West Nusa Tenggara. Based on the research that has been done, bamboo laminated boards are applied to form crafts that provide economic value for the community. One form of craft that is taught to farmer groups is the manufacture of cutting boards from bamboo laminated boards. It is hoped that by providing training on making bamboo laminated boards and their application as cutting boards, it will provide new jobs for the community and increase the selling value of bamboo. The targets of the training activities for the manufacture of laminated boards and their application as cutting boards are (1). Providing insight to the community about the simple technique of making bamboo laminated boards as a substitute for wood, (2). Providing insight into new business opportunities to the community, (3). Provide learning to make cutting boards from bamboo laminated boards as one of the applications of laminated boards Keywords: laminated boards; bamboo; cutting board; craf

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Biobriket Dari Limbah Biomassa Sekam Padi Kelompok Wanita Tani Subur Desa Gondang Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Scarcity and rising oil prices will continue to occur due to its non-renewable nature. One of the alternative energy sources that is renewable by utilizing biomass waste Indonesia's energy potential from biomass is around 13,662 MWe with an installed capacity of 1,364 MWe in 2014. One of the biomass waste that can be utilized as biobriquette fuel is rice husk. The high potential of rice production in NTB supports the availability of raw materials for rice husk biobriquettes. Several studies related to biobriquettes have been conducted by researchers, including research on biobriquettes from coconut shells, sawdust, bamboo and brown skin. Research related to biobriquettes include: Research related to biobriquettes include: Effect of the Composition of Rice Husk Charcoal and Jatropha Seed Shell Charcoal on the Quality of Charcoal Briquettes, Thermal Characteristics of Rice Husk Charcoal Briquettes with Variations in Adhesive Materials, Determination of Optimum Conditions of Temperature and Carbonization Time in Making Charcoal from Rice Husks. Based on the research that has been conducted, rice husk will be applied into charcoal briquettes (biobriquettes) which can be an alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly and provides financial value for the lower middle class. It is hoped that by providing training in making charcoal briquettes from rice husks this will reduce rice husk waste, provide cheap and environmentally friendly alternative fuels and provide new jobs in the form of business groups so as to get additional income for the community. The objectives of the training activities for making briquettes from rice husk biomass waste are (1). Provide insight to the community about carbonization techniques (charcoal burning) (2). Provide insight into the technique of making biobriquettes, (3). Provide insight into new business opportunities in the community.Kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga minyak akan terus terjadi karena sifatnya yang nonrenewable. Salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang renewable dengan memanfaatkan limbah biomassa Potensi energi Indonesia yang bersumber dari biomassa sekitar 13,662 MWe dengan kapasitas terpasang 1,364 MWe  pada tahun 2014. Salah satu limbah biomassa dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan bakar biobriket adalah sekam padi. Potensi produksi padi yang tinggi di NTB mendukung ketersediaan bahan baku biobriket sekam padi. Beberapa penelitian terkait biobriket telah peneliti laksanakan antara lain penelitian biobriket dari cangkang kelapa, serbuk gergaji, bambu dan kulit coklat.  Penelitian yang terkait biobriket antara lain:  Penelitian yang terkait biobriket antara lain: Pengaruh Komposisi Arang Sekam Padi Dan Arang Kulit Biji Jarak Pagar Terhadap Mutu Briket Arang, Karakteristik Termal Briket Arang Sekam Padi Dengan Variasi Bahan Perekat, Penentuan Kondisi Optimum Suhu Dan Waktu Karbonisasi Pada Pembuatan Arang Dari Sekam Padi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka sekam padi akan diaplikasikan menjadi briket arang (biobriket) yang dapat menjadi bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan memberikan nilai finansial bagi masyarakat menengah ke bawah. Diharapkan dengan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan briket arang dari sekam padi ini akan mengurangi limbah sekam padi, memberikan bahan bakar alternatif yang murah dan ramah lingkungan serta memberikan lapangan kerja baru dalam bentuk kelompok usaha sehingga mendapatkan tambahan pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan biobriket dari  limbah biomassa sekam padi adalah (1). Memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat tentang teknik karbonisasi (pembakaran arang) (2). Memberikan wawasan teknik pembuatan biobriket, (3). Memberikan wawasan peluang usaha baru pada masyarakat