10 research outputs found

    Perubahan Kedalaman & Ketebalan Termoklin pada Variasi Kejadian ENSO, IOD & Monsun di Perairan Selatan Jawa Hingga Pulau Timor ( Charge of Thermocline Thickness & Depth on the Variation of ENSO & IOD Events in the Waters of the Southern Java to Timor Isl)

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    Lapisan termoklin berperan dalam identifikasi kedalaman lapisan renang dari ikan tuna. Identifikasi perubahan kedalaman termoklin pada variabilitas ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscilation), IOD (Indian Oscillation Dipole Mode) dan Monsun, dikaji berdasarkan data CTD(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) dan argofloat yang terakumulasi dalam Word Ocean Data (WOD) dari tahun 1985–2011. Data angin dari National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), data-data intensitas hujan dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) dan data-data indek anomali iklim global (SOI SouthOscillation Index), NINO3.4 dan IOD) digunakan untuk melengkapi analisis permasalahan. ENSO, IOD dan Monsun ditemukan semuanya berpengaruh terhadap kedalaman batas atas, batas baw ah, dan ketebalan termoklin. Secara umum ditemukan kedalaman batas atas pada musim timur lebih dalam daripada saat musim barat. Berdasarkan variasi antar tahunan iklim global ditemukan bahwa batas atas pada kejadian El Niño umumnya lebih dangkal (rerata 50,9–51,7 m) daripada saat La Niña (rerata 58,4–60,2 m). Sebaliknya batas bawah termoklin pada saat El Niño ditemukan lebih dalam (rerata 262,9–281,8 m) daripada saat La Niña (rerata 204,5–259,6 m). Ketebalan termoklin pada saat El Niño ditemukan umumnya lebih tebal (rerata 211,2–230,9 m) daripada saat La Niña (rerata 144,4–201,2 m). Faktor tingginya curah hujan sebagai indikator besarnya tutupan awan berpengaruh terhadap batas bawah termoklin, semakin tinggi curah hujan maka semakin dangkal batas bawah termoklin. Disamping faktor tersebut faktor tingginya anomali SST (seawater surface temperature) di NINO3.4 dan besarnya nilai IOD berpengaruh terhadap variabilitas kedalaman batas atas dan batas bawah termoklin. Semakin tingginya nilai anomali SST di NINO3.4 dan semakin besar nilai IOD (+) maka batas atas termoklin akan semakin dangkal dan batas bawahnya makin dalam. Kata kunci: Termoklin , ENSO, IOD, Monsun, perairan selatan Jawa, Timor   Thermocline layer is needed on depth identification of tuna-like fish swimming area. Identification of thermocline depth changes due to ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscilation), IOD (Indian Oscillation Dipole Mode) and monsoon variability were determined based on CTD(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) and argofloat data accumulated in the Word Ocean Data (WOD) from 1985–2011. The wind data was collected from National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), rainfall intensity (from Indonesian Meteorology and Climatology Agency), and climate anomaly index of global climate change (SOI (SouthOscillation Index), NINO3.4 and IOD) were also used to support problem analysis. ENSO, IOD and monsoon determined as influencing upper and lower threshold and thermocline thickness. In general the depth of upper threshold in the eastern monsoon was deeper compare to in the western monsoon. It was also identified that, based on global climate annual variation, the upper threshold during El Niño fenomenon was shallower (average range of 50.9 m–51.7m) compare to the threshold during La Niña (58.4 m–60.2 m). On the other side the lower threshold during El Niño was deeper (262.9m–281.8 m) compare to the threshold during La Niña (204.5 m–259.6 m). The thermocline thickness itself during El Niño was found thicker (211.2 m–230.9 m) compare to La Niña (144.4 m–201.2 m). Heavy rainfall precipitation, as an indicator of cloud coverage, was determined as influencing the thermoc line lower threshold where the bigger rainfall precipitation the shallower lower threshold found. The high anomaly of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in NINO3.4 and high value of IOD was also significantly influenced the thermocline upper and lower threshold variability. The higher anomaly value of SST in NINO3.4 and the bigger IOD(+) value resulting shallower upper threshold and deeper lower threshold. Key words: Thermocline, ENSO, IOD, Monsoon, southern waters of Java, Timo

    Pengaruh Pencampuran Alginat Dan Serbuk Kalsium Oksida (CaO) Adsorben Untuk Peningkatan Kadar Alkohol Teknis Pada Metode Destilasi-Adsorpsi: Pengaruh Pencampuran Alginat Dan Serbuk Kalsium Oksida (CaO) Adsorben Untuk Peningkatan Kadar Alkohol Teknis Pada Metode Destilasi-Adsorpsi

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    This study examines the effect of adding alginate to Calcium Oxide (CaO) powder as an adsorbent pallets in the process of increasing the alcohol levels using the adsorption distillation method. The adsorption distillation method is one of the methods that can be used in alcohol purification. Pure alcohol can be used as an alternative fuel or as an additive in fuel so that it can increase the octane number and produce environmentally friendly exhaust gases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of varying alginate concentrations on mixing calcium oxide (CaO) powder to increase technical ethanol content. Alginate concentrations used were 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5% and 3%. The feed ethanol used is 70% and 96% ethanol. The results showed that the optimum concentration of alginate mixed with Calcium Oxide (CaO) powder to become an adsorbent to increase the ethanol content was 2.5%, which increased the ethanol content from 70% to 89% and from 96% to 98.25%. The pore volume of the adsorbent with the addition of 2.5% alginate was 0.89 ml. The ipenelotian results show that the effect of adding alginate to calcium oxide powder can affect the pore density of the alginate gel on calcium oxide powder. The pore density will affect the pore volume of the adsorbent. The increase in pore volume indicates that more adsorbent pores are formed. The more the number of pores in the adsorbent, the ability of the adsorbent to absorb water increases.Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh penambahan alginat pada serbuk Kalsium Oksida (CaO) sebagai adsorben dalam bentuk pallet pada proses peningkatan kadar alkohol menggunakan metode destilasi adsorpsi. Metode destilasi adsorpsi adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam pemurnian alkohol. Alkohol murni dapat dijadikan sebagai altenatif bahan bakar ataupun menjadi bahan aditif pada bahan bakar sehingga dapat meningkatkan bilangan oktan dan menghasilkan buangan gas yang ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi alginat pada pencampuran serbuk kalsium oksida (CaO) untuk meningkatkan kadar etanol teknis. Konsentrasi alginat yang digunakan adalah 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5% dan 3%. Etanol umpan yang digunakan adalah etanol 70% dan 96%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi optimum alginat yang dicampurkan pada serbuk Kalsium Oksida (CaO) menjadi adsorben untuk meningkatkan kadar etanol adalah 2,5% dapat menaikkan kadar etanol dari 70% menjadi 89% dan dari 96% menjadi 98,25%. Volume pori pada adsorben penambahan alginat 2,5% sebesar 0,89 ml. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengaruh penambahan alginat pada serbuk kalsium oksida dapat mempengaruhi kerapatan pori dari gel alginat pada serbuk kalsium oksida. Kerapatan pori akan mempengaruhi volume pori adsorben. Peningkatan volume pori mengindikasikan semakin banyak membentuk pori-pori adsorben. Semakin banyak jumlah pori pada adsorben maka kemampuan adsorben dalam menyerap air semakin meningkat

    Implementasi Supervisi Akademik dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di SMA dan SMK Se-Kecamatan Abung Semuli Lampung Indonesia

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    Motivated by the problems of the quality of learning. To improve the quality of teaching carried out by teachers, through educational supervision. The research was conducted in SMA and SMK in Abung Semuli Subdistrict, Lampung which aims to describe the Principal's knowledge regarding the role of supervisor and to know the Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving the Quality of Teacher Learning. Research using a qualitative research approach with phenomenological theory. Conclusions: Principals of SMA and SMK in Abung Semuli District, Lampung have good knowledge of academic supervision as evidenced by the supervision of these schools. Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving the Quality of Learning Indonesian language teachers using individual techniques in the form of class visits begins with making a supervision program containing planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation


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    A baroclinic 3D hydrodynamic model with the non-hydrostatic approximation called Massachusetts Institute of Technology Global Circulation Model (MIT gcm) has been applied to simulate the generation of internal tidal bores and their disintegration into internal solitary waves in the Strait of Lombok. Numerical simulation have been carried out by incorporating seasonal variations of the stratification of the water body, which exist during the first transitional monsoon, the east monsoon, the second transitional monsoon, and the west monsoon. Our simulation yields the results that the existence of the sill at the southern part of the Lombok Strait, strong tidal flow, and a stratified fluid, play an important role in forming some short of divergence and convergence area as an indication of the birth of internal waves, which are simulated on the both sides of the sill. The simulated results reproduce reasonably well the basic features of internal waves in the Strait of Lombok as captured by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from the European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites ERS 1 and ERS 2, such as a north-south asymmetry, propagation speeds, average amplitudes and wavelengths, and solution packets. Similiar to observations made by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites, the simulation results also showed the intrusion of warmwater from thePacific Ocean into the Indian Ocean and the exitence of well-developmed thermal plume at south of the sill. Seasonal variations of interface depth of thermocline and the density difference between the stratified layers influence magnitudes of the amplitudes and wavelengths of the internal waves and solitons, and the distance of thermal plume in the Lombok Strait. It is found that during the monsoon transition periods and the west monson, the amplitudes of internal waves and solitons at the southern part of the strait is apparently larger than those at the northern one, whereas during the east monsoon, the wave amplitudes is large north of the sill than south of it. Meanwhile, the propagation speeds of northward propagating internal solitary waves (0.71-2.67m per s) are stronger than southward propagating ones (0.21-1.53 m per s) throughout the monsoon periods. Key words: internal waves, non-hydrostatic approximation, solitary waves, thermal plume

    Internal Waves Dynamics in the Lombok Strait Studied by a Numerical Model

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    A baroclinic 3D hydrodynamic model with the non-hydrostatic approximation called Massachusetts Institute of Technology Global Circulation Model (MIT gcm) has been applied to simulate the generation of internal tidal bores and their disintegration into internal solitary waves in the Strait of Lombok. Numerical simulation have been carried out by incorporating seasonal variations of the stratification of the water body, which exist during the first transitional monsoon, the east monsoon, the second transitional monsoon, and the west monsoon. Our simulation yields the results that the existence of the sill at the southern part of the Lombok Strait, strong tidal flow, and a stratified fluid, play an important role in forming some short of divergence and convergence area as an indication of the birth of internal waves, which are simulated on the both sides of the sill. The simulated results reproduce reasonably well the basic features of internal waves in the Strait of Lombok as captured by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from the European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites ERS 1 and ERS 2, such as a north-south asymmetry, propagation speeds, average amplitudes and wavelengths, and solution packets. Similiar to observations made by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites, the simulation results also showed the intrusion of warmwater from thePacific Ocean into the Indian Ocean and the exitence of well-developmed thermal plume at south of the sill. Seasonal variations of interface depth of thermocline and the density difference between the stratified layers influence magnitudes of the amplitudes and wavelengths of the internal waves and solitons, and the distance of thermal plume in the Lombok Strait. It is found that during the monsoon transition periods and the west monson, the amplitudes of internal waves and solitons at the southern part of the strait is apparently larger than those at the northern one, whereas during the east monsoon, the wave amplitudes is large north of the sill than south of it. Meanwhile, the propagation speeds of northward propagating internal solitary waves (0.71-2.67m per s) are stronger than southward propagating ones (0.21-1.53 m per s) throughout the monsoon periods.p.17-33 : ilus. ; 30 c

    Numerical Modeling of Tidal Current Patterns Using 3-Dimensional MOHID in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia

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    HighlightsThe results of the model and observation showed the similarity of the amplitude and phase formedAt the highest tide was in the position above the Sea Mean level and the current velocity was lower than when heading to the tideThere was a difference in the direction of the current when heading towards high tideStratification of the water column in both seasons tended to be classified in well-mixed watersAbstractBalikpapan Bay is significant as a link between the cities within and outside of East Kalimantan by becoming the primary path used for local transportation and distribution of produced goods. The various anthropogenic activities increased liquid wastes and debris, which flowed through channels and rivers along the bay. This study aimed to determine tidal current patterns in Balikpapan Bay and its influence on salinity and temperature distributions. This study applied a baroclinic three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model, employing wind, tides, and density variations, resulting from the differences of temperature and salinity, as the model input. To simulate the tidal current flow, we applied MOHID Water Modeling System, which the tidal current patterns depicted current directions and speeds at the different tidal conditions. During the displacement toward the high tidal condition, the water mass moves northwestward entering the river body, while at the displacement toward the low tidal condition, the water mass moves southeastward, which flows toward the coast and without the bay. The current speed varies at certain tidal conditions. At the highest tidal condition, the surface elevation ranged 1.3 - 1.5 m above mean sea level; the current rate is lower compared to the displacement toward high tidal condition, which ranged from 0.01 - 0.15 m/s. At the lowest tidal condition, the surface elevation reached 1 - 1.2 m below mean sea level, and the weaker flow velocity took place (less than 0.15 m/s). The results also showed that the water mass temperature tends to be higher in the inner part of Balikpapan Bay, the Balikpapan Bay waters profile that is increasingly shallow towards the bay head also causes this area to tend to have a higher temperature. Also, areas located on the inside of the bay tend to get more freshwater input from rivers, so this area has lower salinity while the area located at the mouth of the bay tends to be of higher salinity because it gets a lot of mass input of seawater from the Makassar Strait


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    Semarang merupakan salah satu kawasan yang sering mengalami genangan air pasang (rob) yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu: faktor meteorologi, laju penurunan tanah dan faktor astronomi (pasang surut). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kehandalan model dan peran faktor meteorologi pada simulasi genangan rob di wilayah Semarang.  Metode yang digunakan adalah analisa kenaikan tinggi muka laut beserta penurunan muka tanah, simulasi model dengan Hidrodinamika 2D serta verifikasi menggunakan data citra satelit IKONOS untuk mengetahui wilayah genangan. Dari simulasi model hidrodinamika 2D pada tanggal 13 Juni 2009 - bertepatan dengan siklon tropis Linfa di Laut Cina Selatan - yang memperhitungkan komponen pasang surut, tekanan dan angin diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan wilayah Semarang Barat mengalami pengurangan batas pantai sejauh  221 m dan wilayah Pelabuhan sebesar 270 m dibanding jika komponen pasang surut saja yang diperhitungkan. Selain itu tinggi muka laut juga meningkat sebesar 10 cm ketika memasukkan komponen kecepatan angin dan tekanan udara permukaan. Hasil luaran model ketika dibandingkan dengan citra satelit IKONOS menunjukkan kemiripan yang berarti model telah merepresentasikan kondisi sebenarnya.   Semarang is one of the area that experienced by inundation controlled by meteorological factor, subsidence and astronomical tide. The purpose of this research is to investigate the model performance and the role of meteorological factor on inundation area by using the 2D Hydrodynamic model. The simulation outputs are verified by IKONOS satellite data. By using the air pressure and wind data as the atmospheric forcings on June 9, 2009 coincides with tropical cyclone Linfa on South China Sea, the output of the model shows that the inundation is expanded up to 221 m in the West Semarang and 270 in the Semarang Harbor, compare to the output just using the tidal data only. Modeled-results also show that the sea level increase 10 cm. The output of 2D Hydrodynamic model have same pattern with IKONOS satellite image when both of them compared, so the model simulation represented actual condition on inundation field

    Hydrology of inland tropical lowlands : The Kapuas and Mahakam wetlands

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    Wetlands are important reservoirs of water, carbon and biodiversity. They are typical landscapes of lowland regions that have high potential for water retention. However, the hydrology of these wetlands in tropical regions is often studied in isolation from the processes taking place at the catchment scale. Our main objective is to study the hydrological dynamics of one of the largest tropical rainforest regions on an island using a combination of satellite remote sensing and novel observations from dedicated field campaigns. This contribution offers a comprehensive analysis of the hydrological dynamics of two neighbouring poorly gauged tropical basins; the Kapuas basin (98g700gkm2) in West Kalimantan and the Mahakam basin (77g100gkm2) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Both basins are characterised by vast areas of inland lowlands. Hereby, we put specific emphasis on key hydrological variables and indicators such as discharge and flood extent. The hydroclimatological data described herein were obtained during fieldwork campaigns carried out in the Kapuas over the period 2013-2015 and in the Mahakam over the period 2008-2010. Additionally, we used the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall estimates over the period 1998-2015 to analyse the distribution of rainfall and the influence of El-Niño - Southern Oscillation. Flood occurrence maps were obtained from the analysis of the Phase Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) images from 2007 to 2010. Drought events were derived from time series of simulated groundwater recharge using time series of TRMM rainfall estimates, potential evapotranspiration estimates and the threshold level approach. The Kapuas and the Mahakam lake regions are vast reservoirs of water of about 1000 and 1500gkm2 that can store as much as 3 and 6.5 billiongm3 of water, respectively. These storage capacity values can be doubled considering the area of flooding under vegetation cover. Discharge time series show that backwater effects are highly influential in the wetland regions, which can be partly explained by inundation dynamics shown by flood occurrence maps obtained from PALSAR images. In contrast to their nature as wetlands, both lowland areas have frequent periods with low soil moisture conditions and low groundwater recharge. The Mahakam wetland area regularly exhibits low groundwater recharge, which may lead to prolonged drought events that can last up to 13 months. It appears that the Mahakam lowland is more vulnerable to hydrological drought, leading to more frequent fire occurrences than in the Kapuas basin