2 research outputs found

    Mempercepat Waktu Pelaksanaan Proyek Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Kereta Api Antara Mojokerto-Sepanjang Melalui Penjadwalan Line of Balance

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    In construction management, project scheduling is an important thing to note. The project schedule is a means of determining proper duration, controlling implementation progress, and allocating resources efficiently. Improper scheduling will have an impact on project delays. the project for the construction of a double track railway across the south of Java between Mojokerto-Sepanjang is planned to be completed in 60 weeks with overlapping activities due to changes in activities. This double track rail project is an ongoing project. This research aims to find out the project implementation time using the Line of Balance. The development project has a length of 3011.23 m. the Line of Balance method is carried out by determining the dependency logic, preparing a Line Of Balance schedule, drawing a Line Of Balance graph, and determining the production speed. The results of the study show that the line of balance schedule in the existing conditions has lines of intersection between jobs. The intersection indicates that there is overlapping work. For this reason, improvements are made by changing the dependency logic from work that was originally parallel to not parallel. The results of improvements made by reducing the duration per work cycle by 1 week revealed that the duration of the project could be accelerated to 38 weeks. So that the scheduling can be used to speed up the time of implementation of project activities


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    Pemerintah  merancangkan  Gerakan  Literasi  Nasional  [GLN]  bagi  masyarakat Desa Tumpakpelem  yang  tidak hanya melalui pendidikan  formal  melainkan  juga  informal  yang  dikelola  secara  mandiri  oleh masyarakat.  Pojok baca merupakan inovasi yang dilakukan dalam peningkatan literasi di Desa Tumpakpelem,  Kecamatan  Sawoo,  Kabupaten  Ponorogo. Pojok baca ini diharapkan dapat menjadi media yang mumpuni untuk peningkatan literasi masyarakat di Desa Tumpakpelem. Adapun metode  yang  digunakan  adalah  observasi  kondisi  eksisting  melalui  dokumentasi wawancara, dan membuat konsep perancangan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi program inovasi melalui pojok baca sudah diterapkan atau diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kriteria inovasi. Pojok baca telah ditempatkan di tempat tempat yang dipercaya dapat memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengakses.   Kata Kunci: Inovasi; Tumpakpelem; baca; pojok; literas