216 research outputs found

    Nachweis der Expression von HMGB1 und HMGA2 zur Anwendung in der Tumor- und PrÀnataldiagnostik

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    The high mobility group protein AT-hook 2 (HMGA2) is an architectonic transcription factor abundantly expressed during embryonic and fetal development and is associated with the progression of malignant tumors. In this thesis, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments and bioinformatic methods were used to analyze and characterize DNA-binding sites of the HMGA2 protein. The results show that artificially generated SELEX sequences and short BLAST alignments of the ChIP fragments from living cells possess similarities in their structural organization. In further experiments the expression of HMGB1 and HMGA2 in different body fluids from cancer patients and pregnant women was determined to provide valuable data for further use in tumor and prenatal diagnosis. HMGB1, a so-called danger signaling protein, as well as the protooncogene HMGA2 were found to be highly expressed in human pleural and peritoneal effusions due to cancer and inflammation. The results underline these proteins as possible targets for treatment in advanced cancer as well as in inflammatory diseases. Additionally an improved protocol of the chromatin immunoprecipitation was established, to select and enrich cell-free, fetal DNA from amniotic fluid. The fact that HMGA2 apparently remains to be attached to cell-free DNA suggests interesting new approaches in noninvasive prenatal diagnosis

    How does rubber flooring in farrowing pens affect the lying time and lying behaviour of the sow and her time to lie down?

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    In the farrowing pens the amount of bedding material and the quality of the concrete floor has a huge impact on both the sow and the piglets. In this study imbedding of rubber flooring on the solid area in the farrowing pen was used to see if it had any effects on the sows lying behaviour when compared to concrete. Another important aspect was to evaluate if the rubber floorings had a high enough durability to resist the normal wear in a farrowing pen. Concrete flooring is assumed to have a higher thermally conductive effect then rubber which can affect the sow’s chance to cool down. Therefore the temperature in the farrowing compartment was measured to see if there was a correlation between the sows lying behaviour and the temperature. In total, the study was performed during five farrowing batches, in total about 30 weeks observation period. In each batch, two “rubber” pens and two “concrete” pens were included in the behavioural observations. Three different rubber floorings were included in the study; ProCoat rubber compound, Porca relax, and KKM Porca prototype. Continuous video recordings for the behavioural observations were made twice during the suckling period of five weeks. The video recordings were 24 hours each and took place at about one and three weeks after farrowing. The different behaviours that were noted were standing/walking, lying on the side, lying on the abdomen and sitting. The floor in the farrowing pen was divided into three different zones: solid flooring, slatted flooring and transition zone between solid and slatted flooring. In the behavioural study there was a significant difference one week after farrowing and a trend three weeks after farrowing, that the sows in the rubber pens lay down less than the sows in the concrete pens. This difference was not due to less lying on the solid floor area in the “rubber” pens, but was due to significantly less lying in the transition zone. In contrary, when only looking at the behaviour lying and recalculating the figures for this there was a weak, but not significant, trend that the sows chose to lie more on the solid rubber area than on the solid concrete area in the pen. The highest mean temperature was 21.9 °C and the lowest mean temperature was 15.1 °C. The assumption that sows could be more sensitive to higher temperatures when on the rubber floor, due to less thermal conductivity, could not be confirmed nor disregarded because the temperature during the observation period did not exceed the sows’ thermo neutral zone (15-20 °C) by much. The relation between temperature and lying percent on the slatted area showed a large variation between individual sows. The time it took for the sows to lie down showed no significant difference between the treatments, but a great variation between individual sows could be noted. The good durability of the Porca relax and of the KKM Porca prototype rubber mats were convincing during the whole study. In contrast ProCoat rubber flooring did not sustain the tough rooting behaviour of a sow in a farrowing pen and broke down. In conclusion there were large individual variations in sow behaviour in the study and the sows, in the farrowing pens, choose between different surfaces with different thermal and comfort properties. The use of rubber flooring instead of concrete on the solid area in the farrowing pen did not seem to be a great advantage in this herd. But the study showed that there are now rubber mats on the market, which can sustain the weight and behavioral activity of sows.I grisningsboxar pĂ„verkar mĂ€ngden och kvaliteten strö samt golvets typ och kvalitet bĂ„de suggan och smĂ„grisarna. I denna studie lades gummimattor alternativt en gummimassa in pĂ„ grisningsboxens betonggolv för att se om det hade nĂ„gon inverkan pĂ„ suggornas liggbeteende jĂ€mfört med de suggor som hölls pĂ„ betong. En annan aspekt som ocksĂ„ var viktig att utvĂ€rdera var om gummimattorna och gummimassan hade en sĂ„ pass hög hĂ„llbarhet att de kunde motstĂ„ pĂ„frestningarna som uppstĂ„r i en grisningsbox. Betonggolv har en viss vĂ€rmeledande effekt som antas vara högre Ă€n den hos gummigolv. För att se om det fanns ett samband mellan liggbeteende och temperatur mĂ€ttes dĂ€rför ocksĂ„ temperaturen i grisningsavdelningen. Studien utfördes under totalt fem grisningsomgĂ„ngar under sammanlagt ca 30 veckor. I varje omgĂ„ng av beteendeobservationer ingick tvĂ„ boxar med gummigolv och tvĂ„ med betonggolv. Tre olika sorters gummigolv anvĂ€ndes: ProCoat gummimassa, Porca relax och KKM Porca prototyp. Dygnsvisa videoinspelningar gjordes en och tre veckor efter grisning. Dessa inspelningar anvĂ€ndes för att observera suggans beteende. De beteende som noterades var stĂ„r/gĂ„r, ligger, sidoligger/sidobukligger och sitter. En indelning av golvet i grisningsboxen gjordes ocksĂ„ och de olika zonerna var: helt golv, spaltgolv och övergĂ„ng mellan helt golv och spaltgolv. I beteendestudierna av suggorna var det en signifikant skillnad en vecka efter grisning, och tre veckor efter grisning sĂ„gs en trend att suggor i boxar med gummigolv lĂ„g mindre Ă€n de med betonggolv. Denna skillnad berodde dock inte pĂ„ att suggorna lĂ„g mindre pĂ„ det hela golvet utan pĂ„ att de lĂ„g signifikant mindre pĂ„ övergĂ„ngen mellan helt golv och spaltgolv. DĂ„ en omrĂ€kning av siffrorna gjordes och endast beteendet Ligger studerades fanns en svag, men ej signifikant, trend att suggor valde att ligga mer pĂ„ det hela gummiomrĂ„det Ă€n pĂ„ det hela betongomrĂ„det. Den högsta medeltemperaturen var 21.9 °C och den lĂ€gsta temperaturen var 15.1° C. Hypotesen att suggor kan vara mer kĂ€nsliga för högre temperaturer pĂ„ gummigolv, pĂ„ grund av sĂ€mre vĂ€rmeledningsförmĂ„ga, kunde varken bekrĂ€ftas eller förkastas eftersom medeltemperaturen inte mer Ă€n marginellt översteg den termiska komfort zonen (15-20°C) under observationsperioden. FörhĂ„llandet mellan temperatur och liggtiden i procent pĂ„ spalten visade en stor variation mellan suggorna. Tiden det tog för suggorna att lĂ€gga sig ner visade ocksĂ„ pĂ„ en stor variation mellan suggorna, men ingen signifikant skillnad mellan behandlingarna kunde ses. Porca relax och KKM Porca prototyp visade god hĂ„llbarhet under hela studien. DĂ€remot kunde inte ProCoat gummimassa stĂ„ emot suggans bökande i grisningsboxen utan gick sönder. Slutsatserna av studien var att det fanns en stor variation mellan suggor och att icke fixerade suggor sjĂ€lva kan bestĂ€mma vilken yta i boxen med olika komfort och termiska egenskaper som de vill uppehĂ„lla sig pĂ„. Gummigolv istĂ€llet för betong pĂ„ den fasta ytan i grisningsboxen verkade inte vara nĂ„gon fördel i den hĂ€r studien. Undersökningen visade att det finns gummimattor pĂ„ marknaden som kan motstĂ„ suggors vikt och bökande beteende i grisningsboxen

    Untersuchung des antioxidativen Status des Pferdes bei unterschiedlichen FĂŒtterungsprotokollen sowie PrĂŒfungen zur StabilitĂ€t antioxidativer Parameter in Blutproben

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, die Auswirkungen unregelmĂ€ĂŸiger FĂŒtterungen auf den antioxidativen Status des Pferdes zu untersuchen. Weiterhin sollte die StabilitĂ€t der antioxidativen Parameter TEAC, ACW, GPX und SOD bei unterschiedlicher Aufbereitung bzw. unterschiedlich langer Lagerung vor Aufbereitung der Proben bestimmt werden

    SymGRASS: a database of sugarcane orthologous genes involved in arbuscular mycorrhiza and root nodule symbiosis : from Seventh International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, (CIBB 2010), Palermo, Italy, 16 - 18 September 2010

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    Background: The rationale for gathering information from plants procuring nitrogen through symbiotic interactions controlled by a common genetic program for a sustainable biofuel production is the high energy demanding application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. We curated sequence information publicly available for the biofuel plant sugarcane, performed an analysis of the common SYM pathway known to control symbiosis in other plants, and provide results, sequences and literature links as an online database. Methods: Sugarcane sequences and informations were downloaded from the nucEST database, cleaned and trimmed with seqclean, assembled with TGICL plus translating mapping method, and annotated. The annotation is based on BLAST searches against a local formatted plant Uniprot90 generated with CD-HIT for functional assignment, rpsBLAST to CDD database for conserved domain analysis, and BLAST search to sorghum's for Gene Ontology (GO) assignment. Gene expression was normalized according the Unigene standard, presented as ESTs/100 kb. Protein sequences known in the SYM pathway were used as queries to search the SymGRASS sequence database. Additionally, antimicrobial peptides described in the PhytAMP database served as queries to retrieve and generate expression profiles of these defense genes in the libraries compared to the libraries obtained under symbiotic interactions. Results: We describe the SymGRASS, a database of sugarcane orthologous genes involved in arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and root nodule (RN) symbiosis. The database aggregates knowledge about sequences, tissues, organ, developmental stages and experimental conditions, and provides annotation and level of gene expression for sugarcane transcripts and SYM orthologous genes in sugarcane through a web interface. Several candidate genes were found for all nodes in the pathway, and interestingly a set of symbiosis specific genes was found. Conclusions: The knowledge integrated in SymGRASS may guide studies on molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms by which sugarcane controls the establishment and efficiency of endophytic associations. We believe that the candidate sequences for the SYM pathway together with the pool of exclusively expressed tentative consensus (TC) sequences are crucial for the design of molecular studies to unravel the mechanisms controlling the establishment of symbioses in sugarcane, ultimately serving as a basis for the improvement of grass crops

    Metallo-Supramolecular Complexation Behavior of Terpyridine- and Ferrocene-Based Polymers in Solution—A Molecular Hydrodynamics Perspective

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    The contribution deals with the synthesis of the poly(methacrylate)-based copolymers, which contain ferrocene and/or terpyridine moieties in the side chains, and the subsequent analysis of their self-assembly behavior upon supramolecular/coordination interactions with Eu 3+ and Pd 2+ ions in dilute solutions. Both metal ions provoke intra and inter molecular complexation that results in the formation of large supra-macromolecular assembles of different conformation/shapes. By applying complementary analytical approaches (i.e., sedimentation-diffusion analysis in the analytical ultracentrifuge, dynamic light scattering, viscosity and density measurements, morphology studies by electron microscopy), a map of possible conformational states/shapes was drawn and the corresponding fundamental hydrodynamic and macromolecular characteristics of metallo-supramolecular assemblies at various ligand-to-ion molar concentration ratios ( M / L ) in extremely dilute polymer solutions ( c [ η ] ≈ 0.006 ) were determined. It was shown that intramolecular complexation is already detected at ( L ≈ 0.1 ), while at M / L > 0.5 solution/suspension precipitates. Extreme aggregation/agglomeration behavior of such dilute polymer solutions at relatively “high” metal ion content is explained from the perspective of polymer-solvent and charge interactions that will accompany the intramolecular complexation due to the coordination interactions

    Structural Diversity of Photoswitchable Sphingolipids for Optodynamic Control of Lipid Raft Microdomains

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    Sphingolipids are a structurally diverse class of lipids predominantly found in the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. These lipids can laterally segregate with other saturated lipids and cholesterol into lipid rafts; liquid-ordered (Lo) microdomains that act as organizing centers within biomembranes. Owing the vital role of sphingolipids for lipid segregation, controlling their lateral localization is of utmost significance. Hence, we made use of the light-induced trans-cis isomerization of azobenzene-modified acyl chains, to develop a set of photoswitchable sphingolipids, with different headgroups (hydroxyl, galactosyl, phosphocholine) and backbones (sphingosine, phytosphingosine, tetrahydropyran (THP)-blocked sphingosine), able to shuttle between liquid-ordered (Lo) and liquid-disordered (Ld) regions of model membranes upon irradiation with UV-A (λ = 365 nm) and blue (λ = 470 nm) light, respectively. Using combined high-speed atomic force microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and force spectroscopy, we investigated how these active sphingolipids laterally remodel supported bilayers upon photo-isomerization, notably in terms of domain area changes, height mismatch, line tension, and membrane piercing. Hereby, we show that all sphingosine-(Azo-ÎČ-Gal-Cer, Azo-SM, Azo-Cer) and phytosphingosine-based (Azo-α-Gal-PhCer, Azo-PhCer) photolipids behave similarly, promoting a reduction in Lo domain area when in the UV-adapted cis-isoform. In contrast, azo-sphingolipids having THP groups that block H-bonding at the sphingosine backbone (Azo-THP-SM, Azo-THP-Cer) induce an increase in the Lo domain area when in cis, accompanied by a major rise in height mismatch and line tension. These changes were fully reversible upon blue light-triggered isomerization of the various lipids back to trans, pinpointing the role of interfacial interactions for the formation of stable Lo lipid raft domains

    Evaluating changes in functioning and psychological distress in visitors of the @ease youth mental health walk-in centres

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    Background:Highly accessible youth initiatives worldwide aim to prevent worsening of mental health problems, but research into outcomes over time is scarce. Aims:This study aimed to evaluate outcomes and support use in 12- to 15-year-old visitors of the @ease mental health walk-in centres, a Dutch initiative offering free counselling by trained and supervised peers.Method:Data of 754 visitors, collected 2018-2022, included psychological distress (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10 (CORE-10)), social and occupational functioning (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)), school absenteeism and support use, analysed with change indicators (first to last visit), and mixed models (first three visits).Results:Among return visitors, 50.5% were female, 79.4% were in tertiary education and 36.9% were born outside of The Netherlands (one-time visitors: 64.7%, 72.9% and 41.3%, respectively). Moreover, 29.9% of return visitors presented with suicidal ideations, 97.1% had clinical psychological distress levels, and 64.1% of the latter had no support in the previous 3 months (one-time visitors: 27.2%, 90.7% and 71.1%, respectively). From visit 1 to 3, psychological distress decreased (ÎČ = -3.79, 95% CI -5.41 to -2.18; P &lt; 0.001) and social and occupational functioning improved (ÎČ = 3.93, 95% CI 0.51-7.36; P = 0.025). Over an average 3.9 visits, 39.6% improved reliably and 28.0% improved clinically significantly on the SOFAS, which was 28.4% and 8.8%, respectively, on the CORE-10, where 43.2% improved in clinical category. Counselling satisfaction was rated 4.5/5. Conclusions:Reductions in psychological distress, improvements in functioning and high counselling satisfaction were found among @ease visitors, forming a basis for future research with a control group.</p

    Evaluating changes in functioning and psychological distress in visitors of the @ease youth mental health walk-in centres

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    Background:Highly accessible youth initiatives worldwide aim to prevent worsening of mental health problems, but research into outcomes over time is scarce. Aims:This study aimed to evaluate outcomes and support use in 12- to 15-year-old visitors of the @ease mental health walk-in centres, a Dutch initiative offering free counselling by trained and supervised peers.Method:Data of 754 visitors, collected 2018-2022, included psychological distress (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10 (CORE-10)), social and occupational functioning (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)), school absenteeism and support use, analysed with change indicators (first to last visit), and mixed models (first three visits).Results:Among return visitors, 50.5% were female, 79.4% were in tertiary education and 36.9% were born outside of The Netherlands (one-time visitors: 64.7%, 72.9% and 41.3%, respectively). Moreover, 29.9% of return visitors presented with suicidal ideations, 97.1% had clinical psychological distress levels, and 64.1% of the latter had no support in the previous 3 months (one-time visitors: 27.2%, 90.7% and 71.1%, respectively). From visit 1 to 3, psychological distress decreased (ÎČ = -3.79, 95% CI -5.41 to -2.18; P &lt; 0.001) and social and occupational functioning improved (ÎČ = 3.93, 95% CI 0.51-7.36; P = 0.025). Over an average 3.9 visits, 39.6% improved reliably and 28.0% improved clinically significantly on the SOFAS, which was 28.4% and 8.8%, respectively, on the CORE-10, where 43.2% improved in clinical category. Counselling satisfaction was rated 4.5/5. Conclusions:Reductions in psychological distress, improvements in functioning and high counselling satisfaction were found among @ease visitors, forming a basis for future research with a control group.</p
