119 research outputs found

    Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] Yield Influenced by Seedlings and Mulching

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    Sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] needs a yearly minimum of three month with air temperatures above 15º C for its growth and development. For the purpose of achieving the highest possible sweet potato yield during a relatively short vegetation period in continental part of Croatia, a trial with differently produced seedlings and polyethylene (PE) mulch was set up. A trial was set up to study the production of seedlings from dormant sweet potato root sprouts by standard methods, and the most recent method of seedling production in containers, along with testing black PE-fi lm mulched soil, and uncovered soil. The method of seedlings production had significant effect on the yield. Higher mass of marketable roots was achieved by growing seedling with a substrate lump about the root, as compared to the seedlings produced by traditional procedure. Compared to the uncovered soil, a significantly higher yield of marketable roots was obtained with black PE-film mulch

    Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Vegetative Growth as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization and Soil Mulching

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    Mulch type could have different impacts on crops, especially in changing the root zone temperature (RZT) and microclimate around plants. The aim of research was to determine nitrogen rate and mulch type impact on watermelon early vegetative growth and RZT in order to single out the combinations with the most intensive watermelon vegetative growth in Mediterranean conditions. The split-plot field experiment was conducted during two years and included additional nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha-1) and mulches (black PE-film, straw, bare ground). The most intensive watermelon vegetative growth can be achieved without additional nitrogen fertilization, only by mulching the soil with black PE-film or with the least rate of additional nitrogen (60 kg N ha-1) and straw mulch. Due to environmental conservation, especially in karst regions, these combinations should be preferred over the combination with large rate of additional nitrogen (120 kg N ha-1) and bare soil which had the equal growth intensity. Positive effect of black PE-film is the result of the highest values of RZT, i.e., accumulated heat (growth degree days – GDD) during the six weeks after planting. Although the maximum and mean RZT and GDD values below the straw were lower than on the bare ground, the positive effect of straw on vegetative growth can be explained by higher minimum RZT and better nutrient availability and utilization, due to other benefits of mulching such as better maintance of soil moisture and structure

    Glucosinolates concentration and yield of broccoli cultivars in different growing periods

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    Potrošnja brokule u Hrvatskoj porasla je tijekom posljednjih desetak godina zbog njezine izuzetne nutritivne vrijednosti koja ovisi o genetskim, abiotskim i agrotehničkim čimbenicima. Zbog genotipa, sorte brokule se razlikuju u koncentraciji bioaktivnih spojeva, odnosno, učinku na ljudsko zdravlje. Promjenjiv sastav i koncentracija fitotvari glavni su problem pri proizvodnji povrća kao funkcionalne hrane, od koje se očekuje ujednačena razina zdravstvene vrijednosti. Budući da je na tržištu prisutan raznolik sortiment, postavljeno je istraživanje s ciljem odabira perspektivnih sorata brokule, za uzgoj u uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, odgovarajućeg prinosa i koncentracije pojedinačnih te ukupnih glukozinolata u različitim rokovima uzgoja. Najveći prinos tržnog vršnog cvata ostvarila je sorta Parthenon (13,3 t/ha) u proljetno-ljetnom roku, odnosno sorta Montop (15,0 t/ha) u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja. Testirane sorte brokule statistički su se značajno razlikovale u koncentraciji ukupnih glukozinolata. Tijekom proljetno-ljetnog roka uzgoja u vršnom cvatu sorata brokule utvrđene su značajno veće vrijednosti ukupnih glukozinolata (12 do 22,5 μmol/g suhe tvari), nego u ljetno-jesenskom uzgojnom roku (5,4 do 15,5 μmol/g suhe tvari).In recent decades, broccoli consumption in Croatia increased due to its exceptional nutritive value, which depends on genetic, abiotic factors and agronomic factors. Because of the genotype, there are significant variation in the concentration of bioactive compounds among broccoli cultivars which affects on the human health. Variations in concentration of phytochemicals is the major problem in the production of vegetables as functional food, while uniform level of health is expected.As numerous broccoli cultivars are available at the market, research with the aim to select promising hybrid broccoli cultivars for growing in agroecological conditions of northwestern Croatia, with high values of yield and concentration of individual and total glucosinolates in different growing periods. The highest values of top inflorescence yield were achieved by ‘Parthenon’ (13.3 t/ha) in spring-summer growing period and ‘Montop’ (15.0 t/ha) in summer-autumn growing period. There were significant differences among broccoli cultivars in total glucosinolates concentration. The values of total glucosinolates in broccoli top inflorescence were significantly higher during spring-summer growing period (12 to 22.5 μmol/g dry weight) than in summer-autumn growing period (5.4 to 15.5 μmol/g dry weight)

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers

    Biomechanical and Radiographic Evaluation of an Ovine Model for the Human Lumbar Spine

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    While various species of animal models have been used in preclinical investigations of spinal implant devices to assess their biological adaptation and biomechanical performance, few studies have made comprehensive comparisons to validate their suitability of modelling the human spine. The purpose of this study was to assess essential biomechanical behaviours and disc morphology of the ovine lumbar model. Flexibility testing was conducted on the spines (L3—L4 and L4—L5) of nine skeletally matured sheep. Segmental rotation and intradiscal pressure were measured and load sharing between the intervertebral disc and posterior elements were calculated on the basis of a simplified parallel spring model. Following the tests, the spinal segments were sectioned into a series of sagittal slabs, and transverse radiographs of these slabs were taken to evaluate the variation in the disc height and end-plate curvature. Comparing the biomechanical and radiographic results with published data on the human lumbar spine, good comparability between the ovine and cadaveric lumbar spines was found in terms of the general disc shape and in most of the biomechanical parameters including the range of motion, neutral zone, and load sharing between the intervertebral disc and posterior elements. A few distinctive differences were also found between the two, including flatter sagittal alignment, smaller disc dimensions, and greater lateral bending motion in the ovine model

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers


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    Besides the absolute values of mineral content in plant tissue, particularly is important their relative relationship. Imbalance in nutrient uptake very often is result of extensive fertilization with one nutrient, which is then in excess, so can prevent uptake of other nutrients what may cause disturbances in metabolism. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on mineral ratios in beetroot. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Some investigated ratios ranged as follows: N+P+K 4.08-8.17, K+Ca+Mg 2.83-5.14, K/Ca 6.8-18.1, K/Mg 4.3-19.3, K/(Ca+Mg) 2.6-9.3, (N+P)/K 0.70-1.26, Ca/P 0.7-2.0, Ca/Mg 0.65-1.07, K/Mn 297-789, N/Zn 501-786, P/Zn 41-92, Fe/Mn 1.6-2.8, Fe/Cu 1123, Fe/(Cu+Zn) 2.1-4.2, Zn/Cu 3.3-7.6, Mn/Zn 1.5-1.8, Mn/Fe 0.38-0.62. In order to achieve high mineral content and its favorable ratio is necessary to combine the organic and mineral fertilizers with foliar fertilization

    Less Known Vegetable Sort: Pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.)

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    U cilju introdukcije malo poznate vrste povrća kineske raštike (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.) u trogodišnjem razdoblju postavljen je dvofaktorijelni pokus s dva načina uzgoja: izravnom sjetvom i iz presadnica te kultivarima (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 i Bejo F1. Ustanovljeno je da kod iste dužine vegetacije i podjednakog sklopa biljaka uzgoj izravnom sjetvom daje biljke veće prosječne mase, a time i veći prinos od uzgoja iz presadnica. Kultivar Hypro F1 daje opravdano veći prinos te veću prosječnu masu i opseg biljke od cv. Bejo F1, a podjednako kao i cv. Japro. Ovim je istraživanjem ustanovljeno da je u uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske moguć uzgoj kineske raštike u kasnom ljetnom roku te se može preporučiti uzgoj kultivara Hypro F1 izravnom sjetvom.Aiming to introduce a less known vegetable sort pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.), a two factors experiment through the two cultivation methods (direct sowing and the seedlings), and through cultivars (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 and Bejo F1 was investigated within a three year period. It was found out that at the identical vegetation length and with the approximate plant density, the direct sowing growth, brings forth the plants of a greater average plant mass, and subsequently higher yields in comparison with the results obtained from seedlings method. The cv. Hypro F1 produces rightly a higher yields, greater average plant mass and plant circumference, than the cv. Bejo F1, and approximately same as cv. Japro. This investigation established that the growth of pakchoy in later summer term is practicable under the weather conditions prevailing in northwest Croatia, and the cultivation of cv. Hypro F1 through direct sowing can be recommended

    Status of Fe, Mn and Zn in red beet due to fertilization and environment

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    Soil is a non-renewable resource, so it should be taken care of it. High quality food with sufficient yield for a growing human population can be produced only if plant nutrients are added to the soil by fertilizers to increase soil fertility, but the fertilizers have to be used economically, with the aim of raising the nutrient content available in the soil in order to meet plants’ needs. The goal of the present investigation was to determine the effect of application of organic and mineral fertilizers as well as the effect of research environment on micronutrient content in red beet root. A field trial (2003–2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method, with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure*ha-1, 500 and 1,000 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1). After digestion of plant material with concentrated HNO3, iron, manganese, and zinc were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The highest average red beet root micronutrient contents (270 mg Fe*kg-1 in dry matter, 96 mg Zn*kg-1 in dry matter, and 53 mg Mn*kg-1 in dry matter) were determined in the first research environment (Brašljevica in 2003) with low potassium soil content. There was a general decreasing trend in contents of the studied micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn) with NPK 5-20-30 fertilization (and by application of high doses of potassium), certainly due to antagonistic activity with potassium. It is suggested to fertilize with both 500 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1 and microelement fertilizers

    The effect of plant density on morphological traits and yield of broccoli

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    Na tržištu je prisutan velik broj hibridnih sorti brokule različitih morfoloških svojstava cvata i duljine vegetacije. Ovisno o cilju uzgoja brokule (vršni ili postrani cvatovi) te namjeni (za potrošnju u svježem stanju ili za preradu) proizvođači se odlučuju za različite sorte i razmake sadnje. Stoga je postavljeno istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja sklopa, odnosno, različitih razmaka sadnje na morfološka svojstva i prinos hibridnih sorti brokule u proljetno-ljetnom roku uzgoja. Testirane su dvije gustoće sklopa (3,3 i 2,8 b/m2) ostvarene razmacima sadnje 60 x 50 cm i 70 x 50 cm. Tijekom višekratnih berbi brokule utvrđena je masa, promjer i prinos vršnog cvata te dužina i promjer cvatne stapke. Sorta Captain ostvarila je najveću masu, promjer i prinos vršnog cvata (335 g, 12,5 cm i 10,3 t/ha) te imala najdužu cvatnu stapku (7,6 cm). Najveći prinos (10,8 t/ha) ostvarila je sorta Captain pri razmaku sadnje 60 x 50 cm zbog većeg broja biljaka po m2, dok je pri većem vegetacijskom prostoru ostvarenom razmakom sadnje 70 x 50 cm ostvarila veće vrijednosti mase i morfometrijskih svojstava.There is a large number of broccoli hybrid cultivars with different morphological traits and the length of the vegetation. Depending on the cultivation purpose of broccoli (top or lateral inflorescences) and use (fresh-market consumption of for processing), producers use different cultivars and plant densities. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of plant density, i.e. different spacing between rows, on the morphological characteristics and yield of broccoli hybrid cultivars in the spring-summer growing period. Two plant densities: 60 x 50 cm (3.3 plants/m2) and 70 x 50 cm (2.8 b/m2) were tested. During the harvest period, basic morphometric values were determined: mass, diameter and yield of top inflorescence, length and diameter of stem. ‘Captain’ had the highest top inflorescence mass, diameter and yield (335 g, 12.5 cm and 10.3 t/ha) and the longest stem (7.6 cm). It also achieved the highest yield (10.8 t/ha) at the higher density (60 x 50 cm) due to the large number of plants per m2, while at 70 x 50 cm higher values of weight and morphometric traits were recorded