Less Known Vegetable Sort: Pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.)


U cilju introdukcije malo poznate vrste povrća kineske raštike (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.) u trogodišnjem razdoblju postavljen je dvofaktorijelni pokus s dva načina uzgoja: izravnom sjetvom i iz presadnica te kultivarima (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 i Bejo F1. Ustanovljeno je da kod iste dužine vegetacije i podjednakog sklopa biljaka uzgoj izravnom sjetvom daje biljke veće prosječne mase, a time i veći prinos od uzgoja iz presadnica. Kultivar Hypro F1 daje opravdano veći prinos te veću prosječnu masu i opseg biljke od cv. Bejo F1, a podjednako kao i cv. Japro. Ovim je istraživanjem ustanovljeno da je u uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske moguć uzgoj kineske raštike u kasnom ljetnom roku te se može preporučiti uzgoj kultivara Hypro F1 izravnom sjetvom.Aiming to introduce a less known vegetable sort pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.), a two factors experiment through the two cultivation methods (direct sowing and the seedlings), and through cultivars (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 and Bejo F1 was investigated within a three year period. It was found out that at the identical vegetation length and with the approximate plant density, the direct sowing growth, brings forth the plants of a greater average plant mass, and subsequently higher yields in comparison with the results obtained from seedlings method. The cv. Hypro F1 produces rightly a higher yields, greater average plant mass and plant circumference, than the cv. Bejo F1, and approximately same as cv. Japro. This investigation established that the growth of pakchoy in later summer term is practicable under the weather conditions prevailing in northwest Croatia, and the cultivation of cv. Hypro F1 through direct sowing can be recommended

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