16 research outputs found

    Using Adaptive Bandit Experiments to Increase and Investigate Engagement in Mental Health

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    Digital mental health (DMH) interventions, such as text-message-based lessons and activities, offer immense potential for accessible mental health support. While these interventions can be effective, real-world experimental testing can further enhance their design and impact. Adaptive experimentation, utilizing algorithms like Thompson Sampling for (contextual) multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, can lead to continuous improvement and personalization. However, it remains unclear when these algorithms can simultaneously increase user experience rewards and facilitate appropriate data collection for social-behavioral scientists to analyze with sufficient statistical confidence. Although a growing body of research addresses the practical and statistical aspects of MAB and other adaptive algorithms, further exploration is needed to assess their impact across diverse real-world contexts. This paper presents a software system developed over two years that allows text-messaging intervention components to be adapted using bandit and other algorithms while collecting data for side-by-side comparison with traditional uniform random non-adaptive experiments. We evaluate the system by deploying a text-message-based DMH intervention to 1100 users, recruited through a large mental health non-profit organization, and share the path forward for deploying this system at scale. This system not only enables applications in mental health but could also serve as a model testbed for adaptive experimentation algorithms in other domains

    Visuo-perceptual capabilities predict sensitivity for coinciding auditory and visual transients in multi-element displays.

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    In order to obtain a coherent representation of the outside world, auditory and visual information are integrated during human information processing. There is remarkable variance among observers in the capability to integrate auditory and visual information. Here, we propose that visuo-perceptual capabilities predict detection performance for audiovisually coinciding transients in multi-element displays due to severe capacity limitations in audiovisual integration. In the reported experiment, we employed an individual differences approach in order to investigate this hypothesis. Therefore, we measured performance in a useful-field-of-view task that captures detection performance for briefly presented stimuli across a large perceptual field. Furthermore, we measured sensitivity for visual direction changes that coincide with tones within the same participants. Our results show that individual differences in visuo-perceptual capabilities predicted sensitivity for the presence of audiovisually synchronous events among competing visual stimuli. To ensure that this correlation does not stem from superordinate factors, we also tested performance in an unrelated working memory task. Performance in this task was independent of sensitivity for the presence of audiovisually synchronous events. Our findings strengthen the proposed link between visuo-perceptual capabilities and audiovisual integration. The results also suggest that basic visuo-perceptual capabilities provide the basis for the subsequent integration of auditory and visual information

    Kosten und Nutzen einer verbesserten Gewässergüte am Beispiel der Berliner Unterhavel

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    Zur Beantwortung der Frage, ob Stickstoffreduktion in solchen Gewässern wirtschaftlich vertretbar ist, wurde am Beispiel eines für die Norddeutsche Tiefebene charakteristischen Flusssees, der Berliner Unterhavel, untersucht, mit welchen Kosten und Nutzen das Erreichen des guten ökologischen Zustandes verbunden ist. Hierfür wurde zunächst der Status quo der Stickstoff- und Phosphoreinträge aus dem Einzugsgebiet (EZG) sowie deren Konzentration in der Berliner Unterhavel ermittelt. Darauf basierend wurde berechnet, in welchem Umfang die Einträge reduziert werden müssen, um die gewässerinterne Konzentration auf einen Wert zu senken, ab dem erwartet wird, dass sich der gute ökologische Zustand einstellt. Zielwerte für Stickstoff- und Phosphorkonzentrationen in unterschiedlichen Gewässertypen wurden in einer vorangegangenen Studie ermittelt (modifiziert nach: NITROLIMIT-Diskussionspapier Band 1, 2013; Dolman et al. 2016). Im nächsten Schritt wurden für das Einzugsgebiet der Berliner Unterhavel kosteneffiziente Stickstoffreduktionsmaßnahmen im urbanen und landwirtschaftlichen Bereich identifiziert. Schließlich wurde für verschiedene Kombinationen ausgewählter Maßnahmen ermittelt, wie hoch die Stickstoffreduktionsleistung und die entsprechenden Kosten wären, wenn sie im Einzugsgebiet der Berliner Unterhavel umgesetzt würden. Der ökonomische Nutzen wurde anhand der Zahlungsbereitschaft der Berliner und Brandenburger Bevölkerung für das Erreichen des guten ökologischen Zustandes der Berliner Unterhavel ermittelt. Die Zahlungsbereitschaft wurde in einer Umfrage erhoben, bei der auch erfasst wurde, wie häufig Gewässer zur Erholung aufgesucht und welche Aktivitäten dort am liebsten ausgeübt werden. Abschließend wurden die Kosten für Maßnahmen zur Stickstoffreduktion dem Nutzen gegenübergestellt. In diesem Diskussionspapier werden die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Studien dargestellt. Eine ausführliche Darstellung aller Ergebnisse und methodischen Details sind im Abschlussbericht von NITROLIMIT I (2014) zu finden (S. 127-186)

    The Beep-Speed Illusion: Non-Spatial Tones Increase Perceived Speed of Visual Objects in a Forced-Choice Paradigm

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    We introduce a new audio-visual illusion revealing the interplay between audio-visual integration and selective visual attention. This illusion involves two simultaneously moving objects that change their motion trajectory occasionally, but only the direction changes of one object are accompanied by spatially uninformative tones. We observed a selective increase in perceived object speed of the audio-visually synchronized object by measuring the point of subjective equality in a forced-choice paradigm. The illusory increase in perceived speed of the audio-visually synchronized object persisted when preventing eye movements. Using temporally matched color changes of the synchronized object also increased the perceived speed. Yet, using color changes of a surrounding frame instead of tones had no effect on perceived speed ruling out simple alertness explanations. Thus, in contrast to coinciding tones, visual coincidences only elicit illusory increases in perceived speed when the coincidence provided spatial information. Taken together, our pattern of results suggests that audio-visual synchrony attracts visual attention towards the coinciding visual object, leading to an increase in speed-perception and thus shedding new light on the interplay between attention and multisensory feature integration. We discuss potential limitations such as the choice of paradigm and outline prospective research question to further investigate the effect of audio-visual integration on perceived object speed

    Stimuli and results of the three tasks.

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    <p>A: Stimuli of the useful-field-of-view task (UFOV). In this task, participants reported the location of briefly presented target stimuli. B: Results of the UFOV task. The numbers within the squares indicate the average identification of a target at the corresponding location. For the main analysis, we calculated the average performance of each participant. C: color-visual-short-term-memory task (CVSTM). In this task, participants retrieved location as well as color information from a previously presented display. D: Results of the CVSTM task across different set sizes. For the main analysis, we calculated the average capacity for each participant. E: Illustration of the audiovisual synchrony task (AVS). In this task, participants discriminated between trials in which tones coincided with the visual direction changes of one of the objects and trials in which identical tones were unrelated to any direction change. Presentation duration was constant at 3.45s. F: Results of the AVS task. For the main analysis, we calculated the sensitivity measure d’ for the data collapsed across all set sizes.</p


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    <p>Performance in the audiovisual synchrony task depending on performance in the useful-field-of-view task (left panel) as well as the color-visual-short-term-memory task (right panel). The dots indicate the observed individual performance. The solid line indicates the regression line. Performance in the useful-field-of-view task predicts performance in the audiovisual detection task.</p