70 research outputs found

    Role and Identity for Europe in Space Security

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    This article is reprinted here with permission from the authors. See “Executive Summary” in Wolfgang Rathgeber and Nina- Louisa Remuss, Space Security: A Formative Role and Principled Identity for Europe (European Space Policy Institute Report 16, January 2009). Modern societies have become heavily dependent on space and its applications. As a consequence, the issue of security in space is increasingly being recognized as critical for humankind. This development is reinforced by events like the Chinese anti-satellite (ASAT) test in January 2007. Various alternatives to support the peaceful uses of space, to promote international cooperation, and to prevent an arms race in outer space are under discussion. These attempts occasionally lack support by space actors that emphasize the right to act freely when national security concerns are at stake. Possible routes forward include legally binding treaties, confidence building measures, and soft law, such as codes of conduct or rules of the road

    Peranan Desainer Grafis pada Urusan Pemantauan ATM BCA di PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk

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    Internship merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang ada di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, dan menjadi syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar sebagai sarjana desain grafis. Praktek kerja magang memberikan pembelajaran dan persiapan bagi mahasiswa dalam menjalani dunia pekerjaan kelak. Penulis mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melaksanakan praktek kerja magang di PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk â Kantor Pusat, yang terletak di Slipi, Jakarta Barat. Dengan menjalani praktek kerja magangh ini, penulis menjadi lebih mengerti dan paham mengenai proses perancangan dan pembuatan video, pembuatan maskot, merchandise, poster, dan juga stiker sebagai media promosi dan sosialisasi bagi Program Peduli ATM BCA. Selama proses pengerjaannya, penulis juga tidak terlepas dari revisi dari koordinator lapangan, kendala teknis maupun non-teknis juga senantiasa menemani penulis. Pada akhirnya, penulis mampu menyelesaikan proyek tugas serta revisi yang diberikan hingga tahap penyerahan file

    Perancangan Buku Informasi Mengenai Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease untuk Usia 26-35 Tahun di Jabodetabek

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    Berdasarkan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan GERD, seringkali salah paham dengan penyakit lain seperti Maag. Hal ini membuat masyarakat menjadi kurang waspada dan membuat GERD semakin parah karena terlambat untuk diatasi. GERD bukan penyakit yang berbahaya, tetapi bisa berakibat fatal apabila tidak dengan segera ditangani. Padahal angka penderita GERD terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. GERD dapat diakibatkan karena gaya hidup dan tingkat stress yang tinggi, sehingga penulis mengambil usia 26-35 tahun sebagai target. Dalam perancangan media informasi ini, penulis menggunakan metode perancangan dari Landa. Untuk mendukung teori yang sudah ada, penulis menggunakan metode pengumpulan data secara kuantitatif

    Entwicklung einer lichtinduzierten Proteinsynthese in optogenetisch aktivierbaren Säugerzellen für therapeutische Applikationen

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    In der Optogenetik, einer Kombination aus Optik und Genetik, werden Zellen durch genetische Manipulation lichtempfindlich, sodass Zellfunktionen gezielt durch Licht gesteuert, Krankheiten analysiert und neue Ansätze für Heilmethoden entwickelt werden können. Ein optogenetisches System besteht meist aus zwei Transkriptionsfaktoren, die unter Lichtaktivierung eines Chromophors eine Einheit bilden, der den Promotor der Zielsequenz aktiviert und die Proteinsynthese startet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer lichtinduzierten Proteinsynthese in optogenetisch aktivierbaren humanen Zellen für therapeutische Applikationen. Es könnten z. B. patienteneigene mesenchymale Stammzellen (hMSCs) während der Implantation auf dem CI (Cochleaimplantat) platziert werden, die auf Lichtinduktion hin BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) synthetisieren. BDNF hat einen positiven Effekt auf Spiralganglionzellen, die wiederrum die auditorische Vermittlung von CIs verbessern. Durch die gute zeitliche und räumliche Auflösung optogenetischer Systeme wird umliegendes Gewebe geschont und ungewollte Nebeneffekte minimiert. Als Modellzellen wurden Säugertierzellen verwendet. Eine Etablierung des optogenetischen PhyB (phytochrome B)-Systems in CHO-K1 (Chinese Hamster Ovary) Zellen mit EGFP (green fluorescent protein) Marker führte nach Optimierung zu einer 5-mal höheren Proteinexpression im Vergleich zur Leakage, während beim CRY2 (Cryptochrome 2)-System in HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) Zellen mit Luciferase (Luc) Marker eine um den Faktor 26 gesteigerte Proteinexpression erzielt wurde. Eine Analyse der Genexpression mittels qPCR (quantitative Polymerase-kettenreaktion) bestätigte diese Ergebnisse. Beide Systeme konnten sowohl mittels LED-Induktion (light emitting diode) wie auch durch Laser-Induktion aktiviert werden und das Protein BDNF optogenetisch synthetisiert werden, wobei nur das CRY2-System eine therapeutisch relevante Konzentration erzeugte. Für eine Übertragung dieser Systeme auf hMSCs, hier aus Fettgewebe isoliert, wurden diverse Transfektionsmethoden getestet. Eine chemische Transfektion (mit DreamFect™ Gold) lieferte mit einer Einzel-Transfektionseffizienz von ca. 35 % zwar die besten Ergebnisse, lag aber mit einer Ko-Transfektionseffizienz lediglich bei 6 %. Somit ist sie in dieser Form noch nicht für therapeutische Anwendungen nutzbar.In optogenetics, a combination of optics and genetics, cells become light-sensitive through genetic manipulation, so cell functions can be specifically controlled by light, diseases can be analyzed and new approaches for cures can be developed. An optogenetic system consists usually of two transcription factors that assemble into a unit under light activation of a chromophore, which activates the promoter of the target sequence and starts protein synthesis. The aim of the present work was the development of a light-induced protein synthesis in optogenetically activatable human cells for therapeutic applications. For example patient-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) could be placed on the CI (cochlear implant) during implantation and synthesize BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) upon light induction. BDNF has a positive effect on spiral ganglion cells which in turn enhance auditory mediation of CIs. The good temporal and spatial resolution of optogenetic systems spares surrounding tissue and minimizes unwanted side effects. Mammalian cells were used as model cells. Establishment of the optogenetic PhyB (phytochrome B) system in CHO-K1 (Chinese hamster ovary) cells with EGFP (green fluorescent protein) marker resulted in 5-fold higher protein expression after optimization compared to leakage while a 26-fold increase in protein expression, was obtained for the CRY2 (cryptochrome 2)-system in HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) cells with luciferase marker. Analysis of gene expression by qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) confirmed these results. Both systems could be activated by LED (light emitting diode) induction as well as by laser induction and synthesized the protein BDNF optogenetically whereas only the CRY2-system produced a therapeutically relevant concentration. Various transfection methods were tested to transfer these systems into hMSCs here isolated from adipose tissue. Chemical transfection (using DreamFect™ Gold) provided the best results with a single transfection efficiency of about 35%, but co-transfection resulted in a transfection efficiency of only 6%. Thus it is not yet applicable for therapeutic applications in this form

    „Wie erforschen wir Konflikte?“ : Herausforderungen ethischer Feldforschung im Kontext von Ressourcenkonflikten

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    Feldforschung in Konfliktkontexten geht mit besonderen Herausforderungen einher, wie der sensiblen Natur erhobener Daten, Sicherheitsrisiken für lokale Gemeinden, Aktivist_innen und Forscher_innen oder dem Risiko bestehende gesellschaftliche Polarisierungen zu ver-stärken und damit die Transformation von Konflikten zu erschweren. Anhand unserer For-schung über Ressourcenkonflikte wollen wir mit diesem Beitrag eine breitere Debatte zu den ethischen Herausforderungen von Feldforschung zu Konflikten im Globalen Süden im deutschsprachigen Raum anstoßen. Wie lässt sich Feldforschung in diesem Feld ethisch und nachhaltig durchführen? Wie gehen wir mit den Privilegien als weiße, europäische For-scher_innen und mit den einhergehenden Erwartungen an uns um? Wie lassen sich Prinzi-pien von Do no harm und Do good praktisch umsetzen? Wir arbeiten zunächst die englisch-sprachige Debatte auf, diskutieren daran anknüpfend kritisch unsere eigenen Erfahrungen in Kambodscha, Senegal und Sierra Leone entlang des Forschungsprozesses (Zugang zum Feld, Datenerhebung, Verwendung der Daten) und machen abschließend konkrete Vorschlä-ge, wie die Ausbildung von Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen hinsichtlich der Vorbereitung auf die Feldforschung in Deutschland verbessert werden kann

    Measuring chlorine bleach in biology and medicine

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    Background: Chlorine bleach, or hypochlorous acid, is the most reactive two-electron oxidant produced in appreciable amounts in our bodies. Neutrophils are the main source of hypochlorous acid. These champions of the innate immune system use it to fight infection but also direct it against host tissue in inflammatory diseases. Neutrophils contain a rich supply of the enzyme myeloperoxidase. It uses hydrogen peroxide to convert chloride to hypochlorous acid. Scope of review: We give a critical appraisal of the best methods to measure production of hypochlorous acid by purified peroxidases and isolated neutrophils. Robust ways of detecting it inside neutrophil phagosomes where bacteria are killed are also discussed. Special attention is focused on reaction-based fluorescent probes but their visual charm is tempered by stressing their current limitations. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of biomarker assays that capture the footprints of chlorine in various pathologies are evaluated. Major conclusions: Detection of hypochlorous acid by purified peroxidases and isolated neutrophils is best achieved by measuring accumulation of taurine chloramine. Formation of hypochlorous acid inside neutrophil phagosomes can be tracked using mass spectrometric analysis of 3-chlorotyrosine and methionine sulfoxide in bacterial proteins, or detection of chlorinated fluorescein on ingestible particles. Reaction-based fluorescent probes can also be used to monitor hypochlorous acid during phagocytosis. Specific biomarkers of its formation during inflammation include 3-chlorotyrosine, chlorinated products of plasmalogens, and glutathione sulfonamide. General significance: These methods should bring new insights into how chlorine bleach is produced by peroxidases, reacts within phagosomes to kill bacteria, and contributes to inflammation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn

    Validation of the Remote Automated ki:e Speech Biomarker for Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment:Verification and Validation following DiME V3 Framework

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    INTRODUCTION: Progressive cognitive decline is the cardinal behavioral symptom in most dementia-causing diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. While most well-established measures for cognition might not fit tomorrow's decentralized remote clinical trials, digital cognitive assessments will gain importance. We present the evaluation of a novel digital speech biomarker for cognition (SB-C) following the Digital Medicine Society's V3 framework: verification, analytical validation, and clinical validation. METHODS: Evaluation was done in two independent clinical samples: the Dutch DeepSpA (N = 69 subjective cognitive impairment [SCI], N = 52 mild cognitive impairment [MCI], and N = 13 dementia) and the Scottish SPeAk datasets (N = 25, healthy controls). For validation, two anchor scores were used: the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale. RESULTS: Verification: The SB-C could be reliably extracted for both languages using an automatic speech processing pipeline. Analytical Validation: In both languages, the SB-C was strongly correlated with MMSE scores. Clinical Validation: The SB-C significantly differed between clinical groups (including MCI and dementia), was strongly correlated with the CDR, and could track the clinically meaningful decline. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the ki:e SB-C is an objective, scalable, and reliable indicator of cognitive decline, fit for purpose as a remote assessment in clinical early dementia trials

    Analysis of Serine Codon Conservation Reveals Diverse Phenotypic Constraints on Hepatitis C Virus Glycoprotein Evolution

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    Serine is encoded by two divergent codon types, UCN and AGY, which are not interchangeable by a single nucleotide substitution. Switching between codon types therefore occurs via intermediates (threonine or cysteine) or via simultaneous tandem substitutions. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronically infects 2 to 3% of the global population. The highly variable glycoproteins E1 and E2 decorate the surface of the viral envelope, facilitate cellular entry, and are targets for host immunity. Comparative sequence analysis of globally sampled E1E2 genes, coupled with phylogenetic analysis, reveals the signatures of multiple archaic codonswitching events at seven highly conserved serine residues. Limited detection of intermediate phenotypes indicates that associated fitness costs restrict their fixation in divergent HCV lineages. Mutational pathways underlying codon switching were probed via reverse genetics, assessing glycoprotein functionality using multiple in vitro systems. These data demonstrate selection against intermediate phenotypes can act at the structural/functional level, with some intermediates displaying impaired virion assembly and/or decreased capacity for target cell entry. These effects act in residue/isolate-specific manner. Selection against intermediates is also provided by humoral targeting, with some intermediates exhibiting increased epitope exposure and enhanced neutralization sensitivity, despite maintaining a capacity for target cell entry. Thus, purifying selection against intermediates limits their frequencies in globally sampled strains, with divergent functional constraints at the protein level restricting the fixation of deleterious mutations. Overall our study provides an experimental framework for identification of barriers limiting viral substitutional evolution and indicates that serine codon-switching represents a genomic "fossil record" of historical purifying selection against E1E2 intermediate phenotypes