1,450 research outputs found

    Characterization of a submillimeter high-angular-resolution camera with a monolithic silicon bolometer array for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory

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    We constructed a 24-pixel bolometer camera operating in the 350- and 450-”m atmospheric windows for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). This instrument uses a monolithic silicon bolometer array that is cooled to approximately 300 mK by a single-shot 3 He refrigerator. First-stage amplification is provided by field-effect transistors at approximately 130 K. The sky is imaged onto the bolometer array by means of several mirrors outside the Dewar and a cold off-axis elliptical mirror inside the cryostat. The beam is defined by cold aperture and field stops, which eliminates the need for any condensing horns. We describe the instrument, present measurements of the physical properties of the bolometer array, describe the performance of the electronics and the data-acquisition system, and demonstrate the sensitivity of the instrument operating at the observatory. Approximate detector noise at 350 ”m is 5 x 10^-15 W/√Hz, referenced to the entrance of the Dewar, and the CSO system noise-equivalent flux density is approximately 4 Jy/√Hz. These values are within a factor of 2.5 of the background limit

    Room-temperature multiferroic hexagonal LuFeO3_3 films

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    The crystal and magnetic structures of single-crystalline hexagonal LuFeO3_3 films have been studied using x-ray, electron and neutron diffraction methods. The polar structure of these films are found to persist up to 1050 K; and the switchability of the polar behavior is observed at room temperature, indicating ferroelectricity. An antiferromagnetic order was shown to occur below 440 K, followed by a spin reorientation resulting in a weak ferromagnetic order below 130 K. This observation of coexisting multiple ferroic orders demonstrates that hexagonal LuFeO3_3 films are room-temperature multiferroics

    Fossil slabs attached to unsubducted fragments of the Farallon plate

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    As the Pacific–Farallon spreading center approached North America, the Farallon plate fragmented into a number of small plates. Some of the microplate fragments ceased subducting before the spreading center reached the trench. Most tectonic models have assumed that the subducting oceanic slab detached from these microplates close to the trench, but recent seismic tomography studies have revealed a high-velocity anomaly beneath Baja California that appears to be a fossil slab still attached to the Guadalupe and Magdalena microplates. Here, using surface wave tomography, we establish the lateral extent of this fossil slab and show that it is correlated with the distribution of high-Mg andesites thought to derive from partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust. We also reinterpret the high seismic velocity anomaly beneath the southern central valley of California as another fossil slab extending to a depth of 200 km or more that is attached to the former Monterey microplate. The existence of these fossil slabs may force a reexamination of models of the tectonic evolution of western North America over the last 30 My

    RelA regulates CXCL1/CXCR2-dependent oncogene-induced senescence in murine Kras-driven pancreatic carcinogenesis

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    Tumor suppression that is mediated by oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is considered to function as a safeguard during development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). However, the mechanisms that regulate OIS in PDAC are poorly understood. Here, we have determined that nuclear RelA reinforces OIS to inhibit carcinogenesis in the Kras mouse model of PDAC. Inactivation of RelA accelerated pancreatic lesion formation in Kras mice by abrogating the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) gene transcription signature. Using genetic and pharmacological tools, we determined that RelA activation promotes OIS via elevation of the SASP factor CXCL1 (also known as KC), which activates CXCR2, during pancreatic carcinogenesis. In Kras mice, pancreas-specific inactivation of CXCR2 prevented OIS and was correlated with increased tumor proliferation and decreased survival. Moreover, reductions in CXCR2 levels were associated with advanced neoplastic lesions in tissue from human pancreatic specimens. Genetically disabling OIS in Kras mice caused RelA to promote tumor proliferation, suggesting a dual role for RelA signaling in pancreatic carcinogenesis. Taken together, our data suggest a pivotal role for RelA in regulating OIS in preneoplastic lesions and implicate the RelA/CXCL1/CXCR2 axis as an essential mechanism of tumor surveillance in PDAC

    Effective selection of informative SNPs and classification on the HapMap genotype data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genetic variations which determine the difference between any two unrelated individuals, the SNPs can be used to identify the correct source population of an individual. For efficient population identification with the HapMap genotype data, as few informative SNPs as possible are required from the original 4 million SNPs. Recently, Park <it>et al.</it> (2006) adopted the nearest shrunken centroid method to classify the three populations, i.e., Utah residents with ancestry from Northern and Western Europe (CEU), Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria in West Africa (YRI), and Han Chinese in Beijing together with Japanese in Tokyo (CHB+JPT), from which 100,736 SNPs were obtained and the top 82 SNPs could completely classify the three populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose to first rank each feature (SNP) using a ranking measure, i.e., a modified t-test or F-statistics. Then from the ranking list, we form different feature subsets by sequentially choosing different numbers of features (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ..., 100.) with top ranking values, train and test them by a classifier, e.g., the support vector machine (SVM), thereby finding one subset which has the highest classification accuracy. Compared to the classification method of Park <it>et al.</it>, we obtain a better result, i.e., good classification of the 3 populations using on average 64 SNPs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Experimental results show that the both of the modified t-test and F-statistics method are very effective in ranking SNPs about their classification capabilities. Combined with the SVM classifier, a desirable feature subset (with the minimum size and most informativeness) can be quickly found in the greedy manner after ranking all SNPs. Our method is able to identify a very small number of important SNPs that can determine the populations of individuals.</p

    In vivo characterization of connective tissue remodeling using infrared photoacoustic spectra

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    Premature cervical remodeling is a critical precursor of spontaneous preterm birth, and the remodeling process is characterized by an increase in tissue hydration. Nevertheless, current clinical measurements of cervical remodeling are subjective and detect only late events, such as cervical effacement and dilation. Here, we present a photoacoustic endoscope that can quantify tissue hydration by measuring near-infrared cervical spectra. We quantify the water contents of tissue-mimicking hydrogel phantoms as an analog of cervical connective tissue. Applying this method to pregnant women in vivo, we observed an increase in the water content of the cervix throughout pregnancy. The application of this technique in maternal healthcare may advance our understanding of cervical remodeling and provide a sensitive method for predicting preterm birth

    Eliminacija kloramfenikola u kalifornijskoj pastrvi

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    Chloramphenicol muscle residue levels in rainbow trout were determined after oral administration of 84 ÎŒg kg−1d−1 of chloramphenicol for four days. Samples were taken one day before treatment and for 43 days after the treatment was over. Chloramphenicol was analysed using an in-house enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) validated against the criteria of the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Validation parameters confi rmed that the method was appropriate for the detection of chloramphenicol at levels below the minimum required performance limit (MRPL) of 0.3 ÎŒg kg−1. The highest chloramphenicol levels were observed on the fi rst day after the treatment had ended (144.3 ÎŒg kg−1). Elimination was signifi cant over the fi rst seven days; signifi cant differences were detected between days 1 and 3 (p<0.001), 3 and 5 (p<0.001), and 5 and 7 (p<0.05). Chloramphenicol levels dropped below MRPL to 0.17 ÎŒg kg−1 on day 9 after the end of treatment. From day 11 to 43, chloramphenicol residues were detectable in a range from 0.091 ÎŒg kg−1 (highest) to 0.011 ÎŒg kg−1 (lowest). Our results indicate that trout muscle tissue could be compliant with health requirements for consumption 10 days after withdrawal from chloramphenicol treatment.Određivani su ostaci kloramfenikola u miĆĄićnom tkivu kalifornijske pastrve nakon oralne primjene u dozi od 84 ÎŒg kg−1d−1 tijekom 4 dana. Uzorkovanje je provedeno dan prije tretmana te tijekom 43 dana nakon tretmana. Maseni udjeli kloramfenikola određivani su primjenom in-house imunoenzimske metode (ELISA) validirane prema kriterijima Odluke Komisije 2002/657/EC. Dobiveni validacijski parametri pokazuju da je metoda prikladna za određivanje kloramfenikola na nivou manjem od vrijednosti granice najmanje zahtijevane učinkovitosti izvedbe metode (MRPL) od 0,3 ÎŒg kg−1. NajviĆĄi maseni udjeli kloramfenikola utvrđeni su prvog dana nakon zavrĆĄetka tretmana (144,3 ÎŒg kg−1). Statistički značajna eliminacija utvrđena je tijekom sedam dana te je značajno smanjenje određeno između prvog i trećeg (p<0,001), trećeg i petog (p<0,001) te petog i sedmog dana nakon tretmana (p<0,05). Razina kloramfenikola ispod MRPL vrijednosti utvrđena je devetog dana (0,17 ÎŒg kg−1) nakon tretmana. U vremenu od 11. do 43. dana nakon tretmana određeni su ostaci kloramfenikola od maksimalno 0,091 ÎŒg kg−1 do minimalno 0,011 ÎŒg kg−1. Prikazani rezultati pokazuju da se 10 dana nakon zavrĆĄetka tretmana tkivo pastrve moĆŸe smatrati prikladnim za konzumaciju bez potencijalne ĆĄtete za zdravlje
