189 research outputs found

    Towards the cloudification of the social networks analytics

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    In the last years, with the increase of the available data from social networks and the rise of big data technologies, social data has emerged as one of the most profitable market for companies to increase their benefits. Besides, social computation scientists see such data as a vast ocean of information to study modern human societies. Nowadays, enterprises and researchers are developing their own mining tools in house, or they are outsourcing their social media mining needs to specialised companies with its consequent economical cost. In this paper, we present the first cloud computing service to facilitate the deployment of social media analytics applications to allow data practitioners to use social mining tools as a service. The main advantage of this service is the possibility to run different queries at the same time and combine their results in real time. Additionally, we also introduce twearch, a prototype to develop twitter mining algorithms as services in the cloud.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Tweet-SCAN: an event discovery technique for geo-located tweets

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    Twitter has become one of the most popular Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) that bridges physical and virtual worlds. Tweets, 140-character-long messages, are aimed to give answer to the What’s happening? question. Occurrences and events in the real life (such as political protests, music concerts, natural disasters or terrorist acts) are usually reported through geo-located tweets by users on site. Uncovering event-related tweets from the rest is a challenging problem that necessarily requires exploiting different tweet features. With that in mind, we propose Tweet-SCAN, a novel event discovery technique based on the popular density-based clustering algorithm called DBSCAN. Tweet-SCAN takes into account four main features from a tweet, namely content, time, location and user to group together event-related tweets. The proposed technique models textual content through a probabilistic topic model called Hierarchical Dirichlet Process and introduces Jensen–Shannon distance for the task of neighborhood identification in the textual dimension. As a matter of fact, we show Tweet-SCAN performance in two real data sets of geo-located tweets posted during Barcelona local festivities in 2014 and 2015, for which some of the events were identified by domain experts beforehand. Through these tagged data sets, we are able to assess Tweet-SCAN capabilities to discover events, justify using a textual component and highlight the effects of several parameters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modeling projections in microaggregation

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    Microaggregation is a method used by statistical agencies to limit the disclosure of sensitive microdata. It has been proven that microaggregation is an NP-hard problem when more than one variable is microaggregated at the same time. To solve this problem in a heuristic way, a few methods based on projections have been introduced in the literature. The main drawback of such methods is that the projected axis is computed maximizing a statistical property (e.g., the global variance of the data), disregarding the fact that the aim of microaggregation is to keep the disclosure risk as low as possible for all records. In this paper we present some preliminary results on the application of aggregation functions for computing the projected axis. We show that, using the Sugeno integral to calculate the projected axis, we can reduce in some cases the disclosure risk of the protected data (when projected microaggregation is used).Postprint (author’s final draft

    Towards Global Explanations for Credit Risk Scoring

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    In this paper we propose a method to obtain global explanations for trained black-box classifiers by sampling their decision function to learn alternative interpretable models. The envisaged approach provides a unified solution to approximate non-linear decision boundaries with simpler classifiers while retaining the original classification accuracy. We use a private residential mortgage default dataset as a use case to illustrate the feasibility of this approach to ensure the decomposability of attributes during pre-processing

    Blocking anonymized data

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    Nowadays, privacy is an important issue, for this reason many researchers are working in the development of new data protection methods. The aim of these methods is to minimize the disclosure risk (DR) preserving the data utility. Due to this, the development of better methods to evaluate the DR is an increasing demand. A standard measure to evaluate disclosure risk is record linkage (RL). Normally, when data sets are very large, RL has to split the data sets into blocks to reduce its computational cost. Standard blocking methods need a non protected attribute to build the blocks and, for this reason, they are not a good option when the protected data set is completely masked. In this paper, we propose a new blocking method which does not need a blocking key to build the blocks, and therefore, it is suitable to split fully protected data sets. The method is based on aggregation operators. In particular, in the OWA operator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Towards the use of OWA operators for record linkage

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    Record linkage is used to establish links between those records that while belonging to two different files correspond to the same individual. Classical approaches assume that the two files contain some common variables, that are the ones used to link the records. Recently, we introduced a new approach to link records among files when such common variables are not available. In this approach, reidentification is based on the so-called structural information. In this paper we study the use of OWA operators for extracting such structural information and, thus, allowing re-identification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Copying Machine Learning Classifiers

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    We study copying of machine learning classifiers, an agnostic technique to replicate the decision behavior of any classifier. We develop the theory behind the problem of copying, highlighting its properties, and propose a framework to copy the decision behavior of any classifier using no prior knowledge of its parameters or training data distribution. We validate this framework through extensive experiments using data from a series of well-known problems. To further validate this concept, we use three different use cases where desiderata such as interpretability, fairness or productivization constrains need to be addressed. Results show that copies can be exploited to enhance existing solutions and improve them adding new features and characteristics

    Risk mitigation in algorithmic accountability: The role of machine learning copies

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    Machine learning plays an increasingly important role in our society and economy and is already having an impact on our daily life in many different ways. From several perspectives, machine learning is seen as the new engine of productivity and economic growth. It can increase the business efficiency and improve any decision-making process, and of course, spawn the creation of new products and services by using complex machine learning algorithms. In this scenario, the lack of actionable accountability-related guidance is potentially the single most important challenge facing the machine learning community. Machine learning systems are often composed of many parts and ingredients, mixing third party components or software-as-a-service APIs, among others. In this paper we study the role of copies for risk mitigation in such machine learning systems. Formally, a copy can be regarded as an approximated projection operator of a model into a target model hypothesis set. Under the conceptual framework of actionable accountability, we explore the use of copies as a viable alternative in circumstances where models cannot be re-trained, nor enhanced by means of a wrapper. We use a real residential mortgage default dataset as a use case to illustrate the feasibility of this approach
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