66 research outputs found

    Russia's Role in International Fish and Seafood Trade

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    Russia's Role in the International Fish and Seafood Trade

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    Russia's seafood trade policy has changed significantly over time. During the Soviet period, almost all production was directed to the domestic market. Since 2000, which marked the end of the "wild" Yeltsin period, Russia has increasingly pursued both import and export, although under increasing federal governance. This article predicts that Russia's seafood exports will increasingly tilt towards Asian markets, with European markets playing a much less important role

    Strategies for Coping with Global Disruptions: Diversify, Transform, Disengage, or Bypass?

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    Global disruptions have a dramatic effect on international trade and often come as a shock to businesses. The consequences of disruptive events lead to uncertainty and radical changes to companies' well-established strategies. As a result, companies need to develop appropriate responses in order to adapt to the new reality and survive. In this paper, we discuss two cases – the Russian embargo introduced in 2014 and the U.S. additional tariff imposed in 2019 – to shed light on importers´ strategies in response to disruptions in the seafood industry. Based on our field observations, we propose a typology of strategic responses to global disruptive events.publishedVersio

    The impact of Covid-19 crisis on the white fish industry in Norway: Results of the study among cod exporters

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    Covid-19 crisis has had a dramatic impact on the global seafood chains. The seafood actors faced various challenges, such as labor constraints, food safety concerns, lockdowns, limited mobilty, delays and disruptions within transport and quarantine measures. The Norwegian seafood exporters has proved strong ability to external market disruptions

    Is Russia's Role in the International Agri-Food System Sustainable?

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    Arena torsk - økt effektivitet og høyere verdiskaping for torskenæringen gjennom fangstbasert akvakultur og levendelagring

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    Regjeringen har satt som et mål at «fangstbasert akvakultur skal øke verdiskapningen og lønnsomheten i torskesektoren gjennom å strekke sesongen og bedre tilgangen på fiskeråstoff av høy kvalitet ut over vintermånedene». I dette ligger det en antagelse om at det vil gi bedre lønnsomhet for torskenæringen ved å fordele uttaket av fisk over året i større grad enn i dag gjennom å holde torsken levende i inntil 20 uker. Det har tidligere vært opplevd som problematisk at man har harr mindre kunnskap om dynamikken og kontroll med biomassen og dens egenskaper (kvalitet) gjennom verdikjeden fra fangst og frem til slakting – før fisken selges. Dette har løftet frem en lang rekke problemstillinger og utfordringer som man i dag ser mulige løsninger på. Totalt sett viser det seg at arbeidet i Arena Torsk har hatt positive bidrag til verdiskapingen i regionen. Det kreves imidlertid fortsatt arbeid og innsats både med forskning og praktisk kompetanse for å ta ut et enda større bidrag. Arbeidet med her er gjennomført på oppdrag av og i nært samarbeid med Arena Torsk, og øvrige relevante FoU- miljø, samt eksterne interessenter som Innovasjon Norge, Nordland fylkeskommune og andre Prosjektet vil kunne utløse et vesentlig forskning- og utviklingsarbeid, som vil være vanskelig, om ikke umulig, uten arbeidet i Arena Torsk med prosjektet om en gjennomgående rapportering og økt verdidiskaping. Sissel Ovesen, KPB har bidratt med tilrettelegging av data for rapporten

    Russlands Rolle im internationalen Handel mit Fisch und Meeresprodukten

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    Russlands Politik beim Handel mit Fisch und Meeresfrüchten hat sich über die Zeit erheblich gewandelt. In sowjetischer Zeit war nahezu die gesamte Produktion auf den Binnenmarkt ausgerichtet. Seit dem Jahr 2000, das das Ende der "wilden" Jelzin-Zeit markierte, hat Russland zunehmend versucht, die Importe wie auch die Exporte zu steigern, allerdings unter wachsender Einflussnahme und Lenkung durch das föderale Zentrum. Dieser Artikel kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Russlands Exporte von Fisch und Meeresfrüchten sich zunehmend in Richtung der asiatischen Märkte verschieben werden, wodurch die europäischen Märkte eine wesentlich weniger wichtige Rolle spielen werden

    Small exporting firms’ choice of exchange mode in international marketing channels for perishable products : A contingency approach

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    This study investigates how small, resource-constrained firms identify international marketing strategies for perishable products. Although international marketing of perishable products poses challenges for the exporter, many small companies manage to survive and thrive on an international business arena. Over the past decades, there has been a growing interest in how small firms design their international marketing channels. However, little is known about the conditions leading to the choice of a particular exchange modality. Drawing from the contingency framework, we investigate the role of firm-specific and industry-related factors in the choice of exchange mode among resource-constrained exporters. Based on insights from the Norwegian seafood industry, we introduce a contingency framework and develop a typology of exchange modalities. We suggest that resource-constrained exporters are inclined to engage in a succession of transactional exchanges. We offer propositions on the choice among alternative exchange modalities contingent upon firm and industry factors.publishedVersio

    Sjømatnæringen og Europa : EU-medlemskap, EØS eller NOREXIT?

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