104 research outputs found

    Vertex number of the typical cell in a tri-directional Poisson line tessellation

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    This paper deals with the typical cell in a Poisson line tessellation in the plane whose directional distribution is concentrated on three equally spread values with possibly different weights. Such a random polygon can only be a triangle, a quadrilateral, a pentagon or a hexagon. The probability for each of these cases is determined explicitly in terms of the weights. Extremal cases are discussed as well

    Anti-intellectualism in American Life: Fragen an einen unwahrscheinlichen Klassiker

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    Charakteristisch für die Rezeption Richard Hofstadters Anti-intellectualism in American Life ist einerseits seine gespaltene Aufnahme in der Fachwissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit, andererseits das Aktualisierungspotential seiner These, das sich bis in die Gegenwart hinein erstreckt, also inzwischen über mehr als ein halbes Jahrhundert lang Einfluss ausübt. An diese Beobachtungen anknüpfend versteht sich der Sammelband als Sonde, die Hofstadters Narrativ aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und mit unterschiedlicher Methodik anvisieren. Das Gespräch über Hofstadter soll dabei nicht zu einem Abschluss gebracht, sondern neu eröffnet werden. Wo der Band Forschungsergebnisse vorlegt, will er Möglichkeiten für weitere Forschungen aufzeigen. Wenn er Antworten gibt, sollen sie neue Fragen aufwerfen. Gewissermaßen folgt er einer programmatischen Forderung, die Hofstadter in Anti-intellectualism aufgestellt hat: Der Band will Ideen einem spielerischen, essayistischen Test aussetzen und unbefangen vermeintlich gesicherte Erkenntnisse prüfen, dabei aber jeden Anflug eines obsessiven Bemühens um Rechtfertigung oder Verurteilung meiden. Was der Sammelband leisten will, ist, durch eine von Hofstadter selbst als notwendig erachtete Intellektuellenkritik Hinweise auf ein geschichtswissenschaftlich abgesichertes Verständnis von Anti-/Intellektualismus in der U.S.-amerikanischen Geschichte zu liefern und die Anwendbarkeit und Begrenzung von Hofstadters Begrifflichkeit auszuloten.The reception of Richard Hofstadter’s Anti-intellectualism in American Life has on the one hand been marked by a divided response in the academic community and the popular press. On the other hand, his thesis has remained relevant to this day, and thus has had an influence for more than half a century. Following these observations, the volume is a probe that targets Hofstadter’s narrative from different perspectives and methodologies. The aim is not to close the debate on Hofstadter, but to reopen it. Where the volume presents research findings, it aims to suggest possibilities for further research. Where it provides answers, it seeks to raise new questions. In a sense, it follows a programmatic demand Hofstadter made in Anti-intellectualism: The volume aims to playfully test ideas and impartially examine supposedly certain findings, while avoiding any hint of an obsessive effort to justify or condemn. The anthology thus aims to provide an understanding of anti/intellectualism in U.S. history that is based on historical research and to explore the applicability and limitations of Hofstadter’s conceptualization by critiquing intellectualism as Hofstadter himself believed it to be necessary

    Von Leerstellen und Desideraten: Perspektiven ĂĽber Anti-intellectualism in American Life hinaus

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    Auf Basis der Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes bleibt festzuhalten, dass die Hofstadters Ausführungen erhebliche Leerstellen auf wiesen: (1) Sein Anschreiben gegen den Antiintellektualismus agierte in Form einer kulturellen Selbstermächtigung und funktionierte aus einer nur spärlich reflektierten, privilegierten Position heraus: Männlich, weiß und gebildet, war Hofstadter Teil eines klassischen, weißen akademischen und professionellen Intellektualismus. (2) Sein Verständnis des Antiintellektualismus basierte dabei auf einer Vorstellung der amerikanischen Nation, die sie als das Ergebnis politischer Genies und außergewöhnlicher Einzelpersonen darstellte. (3) Zu guter Letzt spielten von der weißen männlichen Elite generell marginalisierte Gruppen in seinen Überlegungen kaum eine Rolle. Frauen dachte Hofstadter selten mit. Auch andere marginalisierte und diskriminierte Gruppen, wie Afroamerikaner:innen, erfuhren nur rudimentäre Beachtung. Eine Historisierung von Hofstadters Thesen ist daher weiterhin dringend notwendig. Eine Fokussierung auf die Sprache und Artikulation des Antiintellektuellen könnte ferner die Forderungen jener Historiker:innen erfüllen, die vor allem Hofstadters Elitismus kritisch sehen. Empfindungen und Sensibilitäten könnten verstärkt in den Blick genommen werden und so letztlich eine neue Form der Ideengeschichte entstehen.Based on the contributions in this volume, it should be noted that Hofstadter’s observations had significant gaps: (1) His critique of anti-intellectualism took the form of cultural self-empowerment and functioned from an under-reflected, privileged position: as an educated white male character, Hofstadter belonged to a classical, white academic and professional intellectualism. (2) His understanding of anti-intellectualism rested on a conception of the American nation as a product of political genius and exceptional individuals. (3) Last but not least, groups generally excluded from the white male elite played little role in his thinking. Hofstadter rarely considered women. He also paid only rudimentary attention to other marginalized and discriminated groups, such as African Americans. A historicization of Hofstadter’s theses is therefore still imperative. The demands of those historians who are particularly critical of Hofstadter’s elitism could be met by focusing on the language and articulation of the anti-intellectual. Emotions and sensibilities could also be given greater attention, ultimately leading to a new form of the history of ideas

    Impact of the "Guidelines for infection prevention in dentistry" (2006) by the Commission of Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention at the Robert Koch-Institute (KRINKO) on hygiene management in dental practices – analysis of a survey from 2009

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    Aim: To assess trends in hygiene management in dental practices in comparison to an earlier survey in 2002/2003 and to point out key aspects for future efforts

    Occurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in farm workers and the livestock environment in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany

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    Background: Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) has a wide host range and is transmissible to humans, especially to those with close contact to colonized animals. This study presents the first data on the occurrence of MRSA in farm workers and livestock farms (pig, cattle and poultry) in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in northeast Germany. 78 farm workers at pig farms, cattle farms and poultry farms were tested for MRSA via pooled nasal and pharyngeal swabs. Additionally, from each of the 34 participating farms (17 pig farms, 11 cattle farms, 6 poultry farms) five dust samples were taken from the direct surroundings of the animals. Furthermore, oropharyngeal swabs were additionally taken from 10 animals per poultry farm. Isolated MRSA strains were characterized and confirmed using PCR and spa typing. Resistance patterns were obtained using the broth microdilution assay. Results: In total, 20 of 78 (25.6%; 95% CI:17.3-36.3) farm workers were positive for MRSA. All MRSA-positive workers were employed at pig farms. Six of 17 (35.3%; 95% CI:17.3-58.7) pooled dust samples from pig farms were also positive. Overall, six spa types were identified, of which t034 predominated. All strains belonged to LA-MRSA CC398 and were resistant to tetracycline. Resistance to lincosamides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides was present in some strains. Three farm workers harbored the identical spa type and antimicrobial resistance pattern found in the corresponding dust sample. Neither workers, dust samples from cattle and poultry farms, nor oropharyngeal poultry swabs tested positive for MRSA. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of MRSA on pig farms and pig-farm workers in the rural region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, whereas LA-MRSA could not be isolated from cattle and poultry farms

    Uniform documentation of measures in cases of MRSA – an important step towards improving the quality of treatment

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    The basis for the management and documentation of multiresistant organisms (MRO) in medical facilities in Germany are the Infection Protection Act (IPA) and the recommendations given by the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention at the Robert Koch Institute (KRINKO)

    Review of indicators for cross-sectoral optimization of nosocomial infection prophylaxis – a perspective from structurally- and process-oriented hygiene

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    In the care of patients, the prevention of nosocomial infections is crucial. For it to be successful, cross-sectoral, interface-oriented hygiene quality management is necessary. The goal is to apply the HACCP (Hazard Assessment and Critical Control Points) concept to hospital hygiene, in order to create a multi-dimensional hygiene control system based on hygiene indicators that will overcome the limitations of a procedurally non-integrated and non-cross-sectoral view of hygiene

    Classification Of Flow-Based Assembly Structures For The Planning Of Flexible Mixed-Model Assembly

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    The increasing product variance due to the growing individualization of customer requirements leads to smaller batch sizes and higher process time spreads in mixed-model assembly. The resulting decline in efficiency pushes conventional, less flexible assembly lines to the limits of their economic viability. Matrix assembly is an approach to increase flexibility and efficiency by decoupling workstations and dissolving cycle time constraints while maintaining flow. Both matrix and line assembly are flow-based assembly structures characterized by assembly objects moving according to the flow principle. Due to the numerous design options of flow-based assembly structures and the need to consider flexibility as a central decision criterion, the complexity of structural planning increases. The variety of the design options as well as their compatibility make it challenging for assembly planners to decide which configuration provides sufficient flexibility for their use case. This paper presents a novel level-based classification for flow-based assembly structures that identifies the relevant configurations, ranks them according to provided flexibility, and breaks down the characteristics as well as their compatibility. The classification enables planners to efficiently compile, evaluate and select the flow-based structure configurations suitable for the individual use case during assembly structure planning. Planning efficiency and results are improved by transparently providing all configurations and their characteristics' compatibility to the planner without any research effort. The configuration selection focusing on flexibility by means of the classification can be the starting point of a subsequent simulation of the system behavior concerning efficiency

    Opportunities And Challenges Of The Asset Administration Shell For Holistic Traceability In Supply Chain Management

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    Due to changing regulatory environments, evolving sustainability requirements, and the need to perform effective supply chain risk management, traceability systems have become an increasingly important aspect of supply chain management. However, globalized, interconnected supply chains require a dynamic mapping of direct and indirect relationships between companies and assets, driving traceability systems' complexity. Here, the standardization of data formats provides an essential aspect to facilitate asset-related information sharing across companies. In this regard, the Asset Administration Shell is available as a holistic standardized digital representation of an asset. The representation of an asset via an Administration Shell includes data ensuring a clear identification of the Administration Shell and its assets as well as data describing aspects of the asset's technical functionality in so-called submodels. Based on current literature and available prototypical concepts, this paper identifies the opportunities and challenges of the Asset Administration Shell when aiming to map interconnected multi-tier supply chains holistically and contextualizes their role in achieving holistic supply chain traceability
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