732 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of Diagenetic Fluids and Sedimentary Protolith of Gale Crater

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    The geochemical composition of the sediments of Gale crater can be modeled using two component mixing between a weathered basalt and a sulfate rich endmember. This suggests that the amount of in-situ weathering occurring after deposition was minimal, and most of the variation in weathering indi-ces can be explained simply through addition of Ca-sulfate minerals during diagenesis. Evidence for burial of Gale sediments can be explained through the pres-ence of large ice/dust deposits

    Evolution of CO2 and H2O on Mars: A cold Early History?

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    The martian climate has long been thought to have evolved substantially through history from a warm and wet period to the current cold and dry conditions on the martian surface. This view has been challenged based primarily on evidence that the early Sun had a substantially reduced luminosity and that a greenhouse atmosphere would be difficult to sustain on Mars for long periods of time. In addition, the evidence for a warm, wet period of martian history is far from conclusive with many of the salient features capable of being explained by an early cold climate. An important test of the warm, wet early Mars hypothesis is the abundance of carbonates in the crust [1]. Recent high precision isotopic measurements of the martian atmosphere and discoveries of carbonates on the martian surface provide new constraints on the evolution of the martian atmosphere. This work seeks to apply these constraints to test the feasibility of the cold early scenari

    The Carbonates in ALH 84001 Record the Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere Through Multiple Formation Events

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    Current Martian conditions restrict the presence of liquid water due to low temperatures (approx 210K), a thin atmosphere (approx 7mb), and intense UV radiation. However, past conditions on Mars may have been different with the possibility that the ancient Martian climate was warm and wet with a dense CO2 atmosphere. The cycling of carbon on Mars through atmospheric CO2 and carbonate minerals is critical for deciphering its climate history. In particular stable isotopes contained in carbonates can provide information of their origin and formation environment as well as possibly hinting at the composition of global reservoirs such as atmospheric CO2. Martian meteorite ALH 84001 contains widely studied carbonate rosettes that have been dated to approx. 3.9 Ga and have been used to interpret climatic conditions present at that time. However, there is mount-ing evidence for multiple episodes of carbonate formation in ALH 84001 with potentially distinct isotopic compositions. This study seeks to tease out these different carbonate assemblages using stepped phosphoric acid dissolution and analysis of carbon and triple oxygen stable isotopes. In addition, we report SIMS analyses of the delta O-18 several petrographically unusual carbonate phases in the meteorite

    Exploring the Cloud Icy Early Mars Hypothesis Through Geochemistry and Mineralogy

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    While ancient fluvial channels have long been considered strong evidence for early surface water on Mars, many aspects of the fluvial morphology and occurrence suggest that they formed in relatively water limited conditions (com-pared to Earth) and that climatic excursions allowing for surface water might have been short-lived. Updated results mapping valley networks at higher resolution have changed this paradigm, showing that channels are much more abundant and wide-spread, and of higher order than was previously recognized, suggesting that Mars had a dense enough atmosphere and warm enough climate to allow channel formation up to 3.6-3.8 Ga. This revised view of the ancient martian climate might be broadly consistent with a climate history of Mars devised from infrared remote sensing of surface minerals, suggesting that widespread clay minerals formed in the Noachian, giving way to a sulfur-dominated surface weathering system by approx. 3.7 Ga

    A New Method for Evaluating the Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Carbonate Formed Under Cryogenic Conditions Analogous to Mars

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    The two upcoming robotic missions to Mars, Phoenix and MSL, will both have the capability of measuring the carbon isotopic composition of CO2 in the martian atmosphere, as well as possible CO2 trapped in carbonate minerals in the Martian soil. Results from orbital and landed missions now clearly indicate that no large scale deposits of carbonate materials exist at the surface. However, some results from orbital remote sensing have been interpreted to indicate that carbonate minerals are present as fine particles interspersed at low concentrations (approx. 2%) in the martian dust. One likely mechanism for the production of these carbonates is during the freezing of transient water near the surface. Large deposits of near surface ice and photographic evidence for flowing water on the surface suggest that transient melting and refreezing of H2O is an active process on Mars. Any exposure of these fluids to the CO2 rich atmosphere should al-low the production of HCO3- solutions. Carbonates are likely precipitates from these solutions during freezing as extensive CO2 degassing, driven by the fluid s decreasing volume, drives CO2 out. This rapid CO2 degassing increases the pH of the solution and drives carbonate precipitation. It has been shown in previous studies that this rapid CO2 degassing also results in a kinetic isotopic fractionation where the CO2 gas has a much lighter isotopic composition causing a large isotope enrichment of C-13 in the precipitated carbonate. This kinetic isotope enrichment may be very common in the current martian environment, and may be a very important factor in understanding the very high deltaC-13 values of carbonates found in the martian meteorites. However, while previous studies have succeeded in generally quantifying the magnitude of this effect, detailed studies of the consistency of this effect, and the freezing rates needed to produce it are needed to understand any carbon isotope analyses from carbonate minerals in the martian soil or dust. This study demonstrates an innovative new method for measuring the isotopic composition of gas evolved from the freezing of carbonate solutions in real time, which allows for a much clearer view of the chemical processes involved. This method now sets the stage for detailed analysis of the chemical and isotopic mechanisms that produce cryogenic carbonates

    Sedimentary Mounds on Mars: Tracing Present-day Formation Processes into the Past

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    High resolution photography and spectroscopy of the martian surface (MOC, HiRISE) from orbit has revolutionized our view of Mars with one and revealed spectacular views of finely layered sedimentary materials throughout the globe [1]. Some of these sedimentary deposits are 'mound' shaped and lie inside of craters (Fig 1). Crater mound deposits are found throughout the equatorial region, as well as ice-rich deposits found in craters in the north and south polar region [2-4]. Despite their wide geographical extent and varying volatile content, the 'mound' deposits have a large number of geomorphic and structural similarities that suggest they formed via equivalent processes. Thus, modern depositional processes of ice and dust can serve as an invaluable analog for interpreting the genesis of ancient sedimentary mound deposits

    Evidence for a Noachian-Aged Ephemeral Lake in Gusev Crater, Mars

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    Gusev crater was selected as the landing site for the Spirit rover because of the likelihood that it contained an ancient lake. Although outcrops rich in Mg-Fe carbonate dubbed Comanche were discovered in the Noachian-aged Columbia Hills, they were inferred to result from volcanic hydrothermal activity. Spirit encountered other mineral and chemical indicators of aqueous activity, but none was recognized as definitive evidence for a former lake in part because none was associated with obvious lacustrine sedimentary deposits. However, water discharge into Martian crater basins like Gusev may have been episodic, producing only small amounts of sediment and shallow ephemeral lakes. Evaporative precipitation from such water bodies has been suggested as a way of producing the Mg- and Fe-rich carbonates found in ALH84001 and carbonates and salts in some nakhlites a hypothesis we examine for the Comanche carbonate

    Documenting of Geologic Field Activities in Real-Time in Four Dimensions: Apollo 17 as a Case Study for Terrestrial Analogues and Future Exploration

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    During the Apollo exploration of the lunar surface, thousands of still images, 16 mm videos, TV footage, samples, and surface experiments were captured and collected. In addition, observations and descriptions of what was observed was radioed to Mission Control as part of standard communications and subsequently transcribed. The archive of this material represents perhaps the best recorded set of geologic field campaigns and will serve as the example of how to conduct field work on other planetary bodies for decades to come. However, that archive of material exists in disparate locations and formats with varying levels of completeness, making it not easily cross-referenceable. While video and audio exist for the missions, it is not time synchronized, and images taken during the missions are not time or location tagged. Sample data, while robust, is not easily available in a context of where the samples were collected, their descriptions by the astronauts are not connected to them, or the video footage of their collection (if available). A more than five year undertaking to reconstruct and reconcile the Apollo 17 mission archive, from launch through splashdown, has generated an integrated record of the entire mission, resulting in searchable, synchronized image, voice, and video data, with geologic context provided at the time each sample was collected. Through www.apollo17.org the documentation of the field investigation conducted by the Apollo 17 crew is presented in chronologic sequence, with additional context provided by high-resolution Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images and a corresponding digital terrain model (DTM) of the Taurus-Littrow Valley

    McLaughlin Crater as a Candidate Landing Site for Humans on Mars

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    McLaughlin Crater is an ancient (Noachian) Martian impact crater located at 337.6 East, 21.9 North, just south of the dichotomy boundary. This site should be considered for future landed exploration because: a) it is located at the boundary of three types of scientifically important terrain that will yield key results about the geological evolution and habitability of Mars; b) it contains surfaces where radiometric dating can be related to age dates estimated from crater counting, c) it contains volatile-rich rocks that will not only yield interesting results regarding ancient atmospheric chemistry, but will also be high quality, accessible targets for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU), and d) the site within the crater provides a flat, low-risk and low-elevation landing zone, which will facilitate landing large payloads on Mars

    Two Distinct Secondary Carbonate Species in OC Meteorites from Antarctica are Possible Analogs for Mars Carbonates

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    Meteorites falling in Antarctica are captured in ice and stored until the glacial flow transports them to the surface where they can be collected. Prior to collection, they are altered during interactions between the rock, the cryosphere, and the hydrosphere. The purpose of this study is to characterize the stable isotope values of terrestrial, secondary carbonate minerals from Ordinary Chondrite (OC) meteorites collected in Antarctica. This facilitates better understanding of terrestrial weathering in martian meteorites as well as mechanisms for weathering in cold, arid environments as an analog to Mars. OC samples were selected for analysis based upon size and collection proximity to known martian meteorites. They were also selected based on petrologic type (3+) such that they were likely to be carbonate-free before falling to Earth