51 research outputs found

    Dermatoscopia da doença de Bowen: variante pigmentada no pênis

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    Pigmented Bowen's disease (PBD) is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma in situ and represents less than 2% of cases of Bowen's disease. It is characterized by a sharply demarcated, pigmented plaque with a scaly or crusted surface on intertriginous and genital areas. The authors describe a case of PBD on the penis and analyze the dermoscopic aspects of this type of lesion.A doença de Bowen Pigmentada (DBP) é uma variante do carcinoma espinocelular in situ e compreende menos de 2% dos casos da Doença de Bowen. Apresenta-se como placa pigmentada, hiperqueratósica, delimitada, localizada em áreas intertriginosas e anogenital. Os autores descrevem um caso de DBP no pênis e abordam os aspectos dermatoscópicos dessa lesão.Federal University of São Paulo Department of DermatologyFederal University of São Paulo Department of PathologyUNIFESP, Department of DermatologyUNIFESP, Department of PathologySciEL

    Tangential Biopsy Thickness versus Lesion Depth in Longitudinal Melanonychia: A Pilot Study

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    Longitudinal melanonychia can be caused by melanocyte activation (hypermelanosis) or proliferation (lentigo, nevus or melanoma). Histopathologic examination is mandatory for suspicious cases of melanomas. Tangential biopsy of the matrix is an elegant technique avoiding nail plate dystrophy, but it was unknown whether the depth of the sample obtained by this method is adequate for histopathologic diagnosis. Twenty-two patients with longitudinal melanonychia striata were submitted to tangential matrix biopsies described by Haneke. The tissue was stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the specimens were measured at 3 distinct points according to the total thickness: largest (A), intermediate (B) and narrowest (C) then divided into 4 groups according to the histopathologic diagnosis (G1: hypermelanosis; G2: lentigos; G3: nevus; G4: melanoma). The lesions were measured using the same method. The mean specimen/lesion thickness measure values for each group was: G1: 0,59/0,10 mm, G2: 0,67/0,08 mm, G3: 0,52/0,05 mm, G4: 0,58/0,10 mm. The general average thickness for all the specimens/lesions was 0,59/0,08 mm. We concluded that the tangential excision, for longitudinal melanonychia, provides an adequate material for histopathological diagnosis

    Micobacteriose em cães. Relato de casos em São Paulo - Brasil

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    Na clínica dermatológica veterinária por vezes atendem-se carnívoros domésticos com lesões ulceradas de evolução prolongada e, geralmente, rebeldes à terapia usual, que podem ser originárias de infecções por micobactérias do gênero Mycobacterium. Pela escassez de descrições na bibliografia brasileira, pelo inusitado das lesões e pela resposta à terapia preconizada, descrevem-se dois casos de micobacteriose em caninos atendidos na FMVZ/USP. As cadelas (Pastor Alemão, Doberman), adultas, apresentavam lesões ulceradas graves, nas faces posteriores dos pavilhões auriculares, de aspecto granulomatoso, exsudativas, recobertas por crostas hemorrágicas. Inexistiam linfoadenomegalia satélite e tampouco sintomas nos demais sistemas orgânicos. Complementaram-se os exames físico, hematológico e radiológico por curetagem das lesões e biópsias de pele que foram então submetidas a exames histopatológico, bacteriológico (direto: técnicas de Holst-Mitchinson e Radhakrishna, Ziehl-Neelsen); cultivo (meios de Lowenstein-Jensen e de Stonebrink & Leslie), em diferentes temperaturas; teste de tuberculina (PPD mamífero e aviário). Demonstrou-se, na bacterioscopia e na histopatologia, a presença de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes que não cresceram nos meios de cultivo convencionais, mesmo quando submetidos a várias temperaturas distintas, bem como quadro tecidual piogranulomatoso típico. Após a interposição da terapêutica tópica (solução de Burrow, sal sódico de rifamicina) e parenteral (rifampicina) obteve-se flagrante melhora com remissão do quadro lesional. Discutem-se a etiopatogenia do quadro e as condutas diagnóstica e terapêutica

    Dysplastic nevus associated with seborrheic keratosis

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    Seborrheic keratosis is a common skin lesion which may coincidentally be associated melanocytic nevi. The authors describe a case of dysplastic nevus associated with seborrheic keratosis and discuss the clinical, dermoscopic, and histological findings of this association. They also discuss the association between seborrheic keratosis and other benign and malignant tumours.Federal University of São Paulo Department of DermatologyFederal University of São Paulo Department of PathologyFederal University of São Paulo Departments of Dermatology and PathologyFederal University of São Paulo Departments of DermatologyUNIFESP, Department of DermatologyUNIFESP, Department of PathologyUNIFESP, Departments of Dermatology and PathologyUNIFESP, Departments of DermatologySciEL

    Micobacteriose em cães. Relato de casos em São Paulo - Brasil

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    In veterinary dermatology, domestic carnivores sporadically are found with ulcerated lesions characterized by a prolonged course of evolution and by relative unresponsiveness to the usual drug therapy; this condition can be due to infections caused by microorganisms of the Genus Mycobacterium. Due to the scarcity of its description in Brazilian literature, and due to the inusitate lesions and response to preconized therapy, two cases of canine mycobacteriosis attended at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the FMVZ/USP are then described. The adult bitches (German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher) were found with ulcerated lesions at the posterior side of the pinna w ith granulomatous aspect and with exudation and covered by hemorrhagic crusts without showing any detectable satellite lymphadenomegalia or any symptoms in other systemic organs. Physical, hematologic and radiographic examinations were performed and lesions have been curetted and biopsied through punching technique, and specimens were examined histologically using Holst-Mitchinson and Radhakrishna and Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and throught culture methods using Lowenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink & Leslie media at different temperature of incubation. Intradermal tuberculin test using PPD tuberculin of mammalian and avian origin were performed. Presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli were detected throught histopathologic examination. The growth of bacilli, however, were not confirmed by the use of conventional media, even being incubated at different temperatures, although found with typical pyogranulomatous tissue reactions. After introducing the topical therapy, represented by the Domeboro’s solution, rifamycin. and parenteral use of rifampicin, lesions showed marked remission. Etiology, pathogeny and other diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers are also discussed.Na clínica dermatológica veterinária por vezes atendem-se carnívoros domésticos com lesões ulceradas de evolução prolongada e, geralmente, rebeldes à terapia usual, que podem ser originárias de infecções por micobactérias do gênero Mycobacterium. Pela escassez de descrições na bibliografia brasileira, pelo inusitado das lesões e pela resposta à terapia preconizada, descrevem-se dois casos de micobacteriose em caninos atendidos na FMVZ/USP. As cadelas (Pastor Alemão, Doberman), adultas, apresentavam lesões ulceradas graves, nas faces posteriores dos pavilhões auriculares, de aspecto granulomatoso, exsudativas, recobertas por crostas hemorrágicas. Inexistiam linfoadenomegalia satélite e tampouco sintomas nos demais sistemas orgânicos. Complementaram-se os exames físico, hematológico e radiológico por curetagem das lesões e biópsias de pele que foram então submetidas a exames histopatológico, bacteriológico (direto: técnicas de Holst-Mitchinson e Radhakrishna, Ziehl-Neelsen); cultivo (meios de Lowenstein-Jensen e de Stonebrink & Leslie), em diferentes temperaturas; teste de tuberculina (PPD mamífero e aviário). Demonstrou-se, na bacterioscopia e na histopatologia, a presença de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes que não cresceram nos meios de cultivo convencionais, mesmo quando submetidos a várias temperaturas distintas, bem como quadro tecidual piogranulomatoso típico. Após a interposição da terapêutica tópica (solução de Burrow, sal sódico de rifamicina) e parenteral (rifampicina) obteve-se flagrante melhora com remissão do quadro lesional. Discutem-se a etiopatogenia do quadro e as condutas diagnóstica e terapêutica

    Esporotricose - gato como fonte de infecção em foco epidêmico familiar em Guarulhos, São Paulo: relato de caso

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    A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose que tem como agentes etiológicos fungos do gênero Sporothrix. É responsável por quadros micóticos ditos de implantação. Essa micose, de características antropo e saprozoonóticas e cujas principais fontes de infecção são os felinos domésticos, o solo e os vegetais, tem sido responsável por surtos epizoóticos e epidêmicos no sul e sudeste brasileiro. Este relato apresenta o caso de um felino diagnosticado e tratado para esporotricose pelo Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/USP, após ter sido encaminhado pelo Departamento de Dermatologia da EPM/Unifesp, onde os proprietários do animal estavam sendo tratados para esporotricose humana.Sporotrichosis is a dermatozoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothrix genus. It is classified as an implantation mycosis. This fungal infection, with anthropozoonotic and saprozoonotic characteristics and which has domestic felines, soil, and vegetables as main sources of infection, has been responsible for epizootic and epidemic outbreaks in southern and southeastern Brazil. This report presents the case of a feline diagnosed and treated for sporotrichosis at Dermatology Service of FMVZ/USP, after referral from the Dermatology Department of EPM/Unifesp, where the owners of the cat were being treated for human sporotrichosis

    Atypical mycobacterial dermatitis in cat: a case report

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    A case of dermatitis caused by atypical mycobateria of Mycobacterium fortuitum peregrinum complex was observed for the first time in Brazil. A five-year-old female mixed breed cat had a dermatitis process which had started eight months before. Lesions were characterized by macules, nodules, erosions, ulcers and exsudative fistulas, with intensive pruritus and pain. It had failed to respond to clinical treatment and surgical excision. The diagnosis was based on history, physical and dermatologic examination and complementary tests (cytologic, bacterioscopic, bacterial culture, histopathological, hemathological, ultrasonographic, radiographic and electrocardiographic). The presence of mycobacteria of Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum complex (group IV of Runyon) was observed and identified after histopathological evidence, bacterial culture and biochemical tests. After two months of systemic therapy with enrofloxacin (5mg/kg, orally/twice a day) and topic treatment with triclosan and rifamicin, rapid improvement of the clinical appearance of the lesions were observed with low incidence of side-effects.Relata-se, pela primeira vez no Brasil, um caso de dermatite decorrente de infecção por micobactéria atípica do complexo Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum, em espécie felina, sem raça definida, fêmea, com cinco anos de idade. Há oito meses, evoluía com lesões maculares equimóticas, nodulares, erosadas, ulceradas, acompanhadas de fístulas exsudativas, com intenso prurido e algia. Evidenciou-se a presença de micobactéria do complexo Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum (grupo IV de Runyon ) identificada após evidenciação histopatológica, cultivo bacteriano e por testes bioquímicos. Após dois meses de terapia sistêmica com enrofloxacina (5mg/kg/Bid/VO) e tópica (triclosan e rifamicina) houve involução das lesões, com efeitos colaterais discretos.USP Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Instituto BiológicoUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Canine ocular cryptococcosis: a case report

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    A case of cryptococcosis with ocular and cutaneous involvement is reported by the first time in Brazil in a dog. A two-year-old female German Shepherd living in a hold house with other five healthy dogs was infected through the contact with pigeon (Columba livia) feces. The illness started 90 days previously with cutaneous and bone involvement resulting in characteristic clinical signs and lesions, in addition to a initially unilateral asymptomatic chorioretinitis. The diagnosis was established based on anamnesis, physical and dermatologic examinations and complementary exams (radiographs, skin biopsy and histopathology) and the isolation of a Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans strain was accomplished. There was a complete resolution of the disease after nine months of therapy using itraconazole (9mg/kg, q24h, PO) and no side effect was observed.Descreve-se, pela primeira vez no Brasil, um caso de criptococose canina com acometimento oftalmo e dermatopático, com diagnóstico intra-vitam, em animal da raça Pastor Alemão, fêmea, com 24 meses de vida, criado em São Paulo, em contacto com outros cinco cães assintomáticos, que havia se infectado pelo contato com dejetos de pombos (Columba livia). Evoluia há 90 dias, com quadro tegumentar e ósseo, sintomas e lesões características, sendo, ainda, detectada forma assintomática de coriorretinite, de início unilateral. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pelos dados da anamnese, dos exames físico, dermatológico e complementares (radiográfico, cultivo micológico, histopatologia de pele) tendo-se evidenciado e isolado cepa de Criptococcus neoformans var. neoformans. Após nove meses de terapia com itraconazol (9mg/kg/SID/VO) houve involução total do quadro, sem qualquer efeito adverso à droga.Universidade de São Paulo Hospital Veterinário Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária Serviço de DermatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)FMVZ-USP HOVET Serviço de OftalmologiaUSP Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Departamento de MicrobiologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Granuloma anular perfurante simulando tubercúlide pápulo-necrótica

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    A case is reported of a patient presenting lymph node tuberculosis and cutaneous lesions resembling papulonecrotic tuberculid, but histologically compatible with perforating granuloma annulare and which responded satisfactorily to antituberculous therapy. This is probably one of the first reports of the association of perforating granuloma annulare and tuberculosis, and it is important therefore to highlight the relevance of this disorder in the differential diagnosis of papulonecrotic tuberculid and to raise the hypothesis that this entity should also be considered to be a variant of tuberculid.Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente com tuberculose ganglionar e lesões cutâneas clinicamente sugestivas de tubercúlide pápulo-necrótica, porém com histopatologia compatível com granuloma anular perfurante, e que apresentaram melhora após tratamento para a tuberculose. Trata-se, possivelmente, de um dos primeiros relatos da associação de granuloma anular perfurante com tuberculose, salientando a importância desta entidade no diagnóstico diferencial da tubercúlide pápulo-necrótica e levantando a possibilidade da mesma ser considerada, também, uma variante de tubercúlide.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of DermatologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Dermatology and PathologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of PathologyUNIFESP, Department of DermatologyUNIFESP, Department of Dermatology and PathologyUNIFESP, Department of PathologySciEL