13 research outputs found

    Green Water Treatment for Pharmaceutical Pollution

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    Environmental sustainability demands the advancement in water treatment and the use of lighting natural resources. Brazil has one of the most stable and intense solar irradiation in the world. It has to be used not only for energy generation purposes but also and mostly for water treatment, water quality polishment, and furthermore water disinfection. The chapter performs a comparison of different green technologies for water treatment as natural solar irradiation, simulated solar photolysis, solar photo-Fenton with and without hydrogen peroxide addition (solar/Fe), solar photo-Fenton with and without peroxide (solar/Fe/H2O2), titanium oxide-mediated photocatalysis (UV/TiO2), photolysis under UV irradiation, and UV treatment with hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2). The chapter describes the solar photodecomposition calculations for pharmaceuticals and the emerging pollutants mostly found in polluted waters, including the decomposition route, kinetics, and process parameters. Many published works to point out the important properties to evaluate catalyzer and semiconductor materials after their use in photodecomposition processes. The essay includes the solar photodecomposition of dyes, carbamazepine, hormones, acetaminophen, antipyrine, bisphenol A, antibiotics, and the photodecomposition by-products. Finally, the chapter presents the synergistic effect between them with the probable mechanism and mineralization degree

    EPs Antibiotics: Photodecomposition and Biocarbon Adsorption

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    The emerging pollutants (EPs) are considered a global monitoring challenge, present in the environment in very reduced concentrations, and the proper methods for sampling and analysis are still in development. Many published types of research considering the EPs identification only depend on the analytical methodology and a more efficient higher number of EPs. The quantitative determination of the prioritized EPs in water needs advanced and ultra-sensitive instrumental techniques applied in water, water-suspended matter, soil, and biota. The regulatory framework of the water-quality parameters does not often include the microplastics, EPs, and their metabolites; especially, the groundwater water-quality monitoring and control are urgent but not yet achieved. The EPs sources in water are the sewage, industrial, and agricultural waste discard, and the UN estimated that the wastewater produced annually is about 1500 km3, about six times more water than existing in all rivers of the word. In 2015, in China, which has a fast-growing economy, the water is a scarce resource with just 8% of the world’s fresh water to meet the water needs of the 22% of the world’s population

    Pyrolytic temperature evaluation of macauba biochar for uranium adsorption from aqueous solutions

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    Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) is a palm tree native to the tropical regions of America. In Brazil, it is prevalent in the savannah, known as “cerrado”. A valuable natural and renewable source of vegetable oil for food and cosmetic industries (nut oil) and for biodiesel (mesocarp oil), macauba has the potential to become the new “green gold” of Brazil, not only for its oil quality, but because it could solely be destined for commercial purposes, since it doesn’t compete with food market industry such as soybean and sugar cane. The dark stiff part that protects the nut, called “endocarp”, is generated as a residue in a considerable amount after the processing of the nut oil. Please click on the file below for full content of the abstract

    Point of Zero Charge determination of ten standard biochars for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions

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    This study describes the determination of the point of zero charge (PZC) of ten standard biochars (BC), supplied by the UK Biochar Research Centre (UKBRC), using the salt addition method, in order to select suitable biochar(s) for methylene blue removal from aqueous solutions. The initial pH (pHi) was adjusted in a range of 3 to 13 using NaOH and HNO3 solutions. The experiments employed a biochar dose of 10 g L-1. The final pH values (pHf) were recorded in the remaining suspensions after a 24-hour contact time at 120 rpm. The difference between pHi and pHf (∆pH) was plotted against pHi values and the pH at PZC (pHPZC) corresponded to the point of intersection in the resulting curve. The results obtained in 0.1 mol L-1 NaNO3 were the following: PZC at 7.24 and 8.53 for rice husk biochar (RH), the first obtained at 550 °C pyrolytic temperature and the latter at 700 °C (RH550 and RH700); PZC at 8.81 and 9.46 for oil seed rape straw pellets biochar obtained at 550 °C and 700 °C (OSR550 and OSR700), respectively; PZC at 9.24 and 9.84 for wheat straw pellets biochar (WS550 and WS700, respectively); PZC at 8.98 and 8.94 for Miscanthus straw pellets biochar (MSP550 and MSP700, respectively); and PZC at 6.73 and 7.15 for soft wood pellets biochar (SWP550 and SWP700, respectively). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Enseñanza para la comprensión: didáctica mediada por los relatos de vida y la actoría social para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de grado quinto de la institución educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó, Cauca

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    Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.La presente investigación analiza cómo la didáctica para la comprensión, mediada por los relatos de vida y actoría social, fortalece el desarrollo de habilidades de comprensión lectora y de producción oral en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la institución educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó (Cauca). La investigación planteada se enmarca en una metodología de corte cuantitativo y un método cuasi – experimental, basado en la aplicación de un pre-test, una didáctica y un post-test a un colectivo de 30 estudiantes, proceso mediante el que se logra validar la efectividad de la propuesta didáctica. Inicialmente se realizó una medición previa antes de la aplicación del tratamiento para conocer el desempeño de los estudiantes al inicio y después de aplicar las acciones didácticas basadas en las categorías propuestas. De esta manera, se corrobora que el uso de la didáctica propuesta contribuye a mejorar las habilidades de comprensión y producción oral, incrementándose el porcentaje de estudiantes que presentaron avances frente a estas dos competencias, mejorando especialmente su dimensión interpretativa

    Results and evaluation of the expansion of a model of comprehensive care for Chagas disease within the National Health System: The Bolivian Chagas network

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    Background: Most people with chronic Chagas disease do not receive specific care and therefore are undiagnosed and do not receive accurate treatment. This manuscript discusses and evaluates a collaborative strategy to improve access to healthcare for patients with Chagas in Bolivia, a country with the highest prevalence of Chagas in the world. Methods: With the aim of reinforcing the Chagas National Programme, the Bolivian Chagas Platform was born in 2009. The first stage of the project was to implement a vertical pilot program in order to introduce and consolidate a consensual protocol-based healthcare, working in seven centers (Chagas Platform Centers). From 2015 on the model was extended to 52 primary healthcare centers, through decentralized, horizontal scaling-up. To evaluate the strategy, we have used the WHO ExpandNet program. Results: The strategy has significantly increased the number of patients cared for, with 181,397 people at risk of having T. cruzi infection tested and 57,871 (31·9%) new diagnostics performed. In those with treatment criteria, 79·2% completed the treatment. The program has also trained a significant number of health personnel through the specific Chagas guidelines (67% of healthcare workers in the intervention area). Conclusions: After being recognized by the Chagas National Programme as a healthcare model aligned with national laws and priorities, the Bolivian platform of Chagas as an innovation, includes attributes that they have made it possible to expand the strategy at the national level and could also be adapted in other countries


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    Alguns estudos do emprego de compostos de ferro como material adsorvedor não- convencional são citados em literatura. Foram feitos alguns testes da utilização de hematita (Fe2O3), o lodo galvânico e a lama de alto forno como adsorvedores para a remoção de metais pesados de efluentes industriais. A utilização de resíduo siderúrgico abundante, composto predominantemente por magnetita (Fe3O4), como adsorvedor não - convencional em processos de remoção de metais representa uma alternativa, de baixo custo, para o tratamento e adequação do efluente aos padrões de descarte de efluentes industriais exigidos pela legislação. Neste trabalho estudou-se a utilização de resíduo siderúrgico composto basicamente por magnetita como material adsorvedor para remoção de metais pesados em solução. O trabalho se concentrou no estudo da adsorção de quatro metais: cobre (Cu2+) , níquel (Ni2+) , chumbo (Pb2+) e o cádmio (Cd2+). Estes metais foram escolhidos devido a sua alta toxicidade e por estarem freqüentemente relacionados com efluentes de atividades industriais poluidoras. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, nas melhores condições de adsorção, o resíduo apresenta características adsorvedoras favoráveis a sua utilização industrial, com 97,84 % de remoção dos íons de cobre, 96,20 % de íons de chumbo, 61,70 % de íons de níquel e 87,22 % de íons de cádmio em solução. A velocidade de adsorção é proporcional a aquelas obtidas para outros adsorvedores não convencionais, e para a remoção dos íons de chumbo varia entre (92 e 115) 10-3mg g1 min-1 , e o sistema de adsorção possui características espontâneas e endotérmicas em adsorção ativada com característica parcial de adsorção química e está de acordo com os modelos propostos por Langmuir e por Freundlich, característico de processo de adsorção em monocamada, com sítios de adsorção de mesma energia e calor de adsorção equivalente.Various references on the use of ferrous compounds as non - conventional adsorption materials can be found in literature. According to the literature, such materials as hematite, galvanic slag and blast furnace slag were successfully used in liquid waste treatment for heavy metals removal. Thus, the use of abundant ferrous metallurgy slag may prove to be efficient for low cost treatment of liquid industrial waste. The main goal of the present work is the study of converter slag application as adsorber material for heavy metals removal from liquid waste. The present research was aimed at soluble copper ( Cu2+), nickel ( Ni2+ ) , cadmium ( Cd2+ ) , and lead (Pb2+) removal. These metals were chosen because of their high toxicity, and because they are considered as the most common pollutants present in liquid industrial waste. The obtained results on converter slag adsorption properties under optimized adsorption conditions show that 97,84 % of copper, 61,70 % of nickel, 87,22 % of cadmium and 96,20 % of lead can be removed from the liquid waste. The achieved adsorption rates are comparable to those of conventional adsorbers, and for soluble lead removal rates in the range of ( 92 - 115). 10 -3 mg g -1 min -1 were established. Additionally, if was shown that the investigated adsorption system presented spontaneous and endothermic behavior under conditions of activated adsorption with partial chemical adsorption characteristics. Such pattern is in good agreement with the models proposed by Langmuir and Freundlich for monolayer adsorption processes with adsorption centers having equal energy and specific heat of adsorption. Overall, the obtained results indicate the viability of the investigated material for commercial application


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    Alguns estudos do emprego de compostos de ferro como material adsorvedor não- convencional são citados em literatura. Foram feitos alguns testes da utilização de hematita (Fe2O3), o lodo galvânico e a lama de alto forno como adsorvedores para a remoção de metais pesados de efluentes industriais. A utilização de resíduo siderúrgico abundante, composto predominantemente por magnetita (Fe3O4), como adsorvedor não - convencional em processos de remoção de metais representa uma alternativa, de baixo custo, para o tratamento e adequação do efluente aos padrões de descarte de efluentes industriais exigidos pela legislação. Neste trabalho estudou-se a utilização de resíduo siderúrgico composto basicamente por magnetita como material adsorvedor para remoção de metais pesados em solução. O trabalho se concentrou no estudo da adsorção de quatro metais: cobre (Cu2+) , níquel (Ni2+) , chumbo (Pb2+) e o cádmio (Cd2+). Estes metais foram escolhidos devido a sua alta toxicidade e por estarem freqüentemente relacionados com efluentes de atividades industriais poluidoras. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, nas melhores condições de adsorção, o resíduo apresenta características adsorvedoras favoráveis a sua utilização industrial, com 97,84 % de remoção dos íons de cobre, 96,20 % de íons de chumbo, 61,70 % de íons de níquel e 87,22 % de íons de cádmio em solução. A velocidade de adsorção é proporcional a aquelas obtidas para outros adsorvedores não convencionais, e para a remoção dos íons de chumbo varia entre (92 e 115) 10-3mg g1 min-1 , e o sistema de adsorção possui características espontâneas e endotérmicas em adsorção ativada com característica parcial de adsorção química e está de acordo com os modelos propostos por Langmuir e por Freundlich, característico de processo de adsorção em monocamada, com sítios de adsorção de mesma energia e calor de adsorção equivalente.Various references on the use of ferrous compounds as non - conventional adsorption materials can be found in literature. According to the literature, such materials as hematite, galvanic slag and blast furnace slag were successfully used in liquid waste treatment for heavy metals removal. Thus, the use of abundant ferrous metallurgy slag may prove to be efficient for low cost treatment of liquid industrial waste. The main goal of the present work is the study of converter slag application as adsorber material for heavy metals removal from liquid waste. The present research was aimed at soluble copper ( Cu2+), nickel ( Ni2+ ) , cadmium ( Cd2+ ) , and lead (Pb2+) removal. These metals were chosen because of their high toxicity, and because they are considered as the most common pollutants present in liquid industrial waste. The obtained results on converter slag adsorption properties under optimized adsorption conditions show that 97,84 % of copper, 61,70 % of nickel, 87,22 % of cadmium and 96,20 % of lead can be removed from the liquid waste. The achieved adsorption rates are comparable to those of conventional adsorbers, and for soluble lead removal rates in the range of ( 92 - 115). 10 -3 mg g -1 min -1 were established. Additionally, if was shown that the investigated adsorption system presented spontaneous and endothermic behavior under conditions of activated adsorption with partial chemical adsorption characteristics. Such pattern is in good agreement with the models proposed by Langmuir and Freundlich for monolayer adsorption processes with adsorption centers having equal energy and specific heat of adsorption. Overall, the obtained results indicate the viability of the investigated material for commercial application

    Enseñanza para la comprensión: didáctica mediada por los relatos de vida y la actoría social para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó, Cauca

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    Tesis (Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Instituto Pedagógico, 2017La presente investigación analiza cómo la didáctica para la comprensión, mediada por los relatos de vida y actoría social, fortalece el desarrollo de habilidades de comprensión lectora y de producción oral en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la institución educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó (Cauca). La investigación planteada se enmarca en una metodología de corte cuantitativo y un método cuasi – experimental, basado en la aplicación de un pre-test, una didáctica y un post-test a un colectivo de 30 estudiantes, proceso mediante el que se logra validar la efectividad de la propuesta didáctica. Inicialmente se realizó una medición previa antes de la aplicación del tratamiento para conocer el desempeño de los estudiantes al inicio y después de aplicar las acciones didácticas basadas en las categorías propuestas. De esta manera, se corrobora que el uso de la didáctica propuesta contribuye a mejorar las habilidades de comprensión y producción oral, incrementándose el porcentaje de estudiantes que presentaron avances frente a estas dos competencias, mejorando especialmente su dimensión interpretativa