358 research outputs found

    Assessing and Prioritizing Affecting Factors in E-Learning Websites Using AHP Method and Fuzzy Approach

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    The evolution of information technologies has caused to the growth in online training as an important education method. Assessment of the quality of e-learning has become a strategic issue; one that is critical to improve e-learning websites .This study identifies the significant factors that influence on successes in e-learning websites. In this study two questionnaires were used. One of questionnaire was AHP questionnaire. From the literature these factors was discovered and then AHP method was applied for prioritizing .Based on literature effective factors was organized in four major groups by experts. After prioritizing  by second questionnaire, data collected from 150 IT students of  three virtual universities in Iran. Used factors in second questionnaire were from prioritized factors in first questionnaire. Data was organized by Excel software and 81 rules were obtained .Finally using fuzzy toolbox in Matlab software and applying obtained rules, outputs of factors were calculated and then in some 3D surface plots were depicted. Keywords: Fuzzy logic, AHP, E-Learning Website, Assessment, Evaluation

    Customer Trust Model for Malaysian Internet Banking

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    One of the critical components impacting accomplishment of internet banking services is trust of customers. Obtaining customer trust depends on different factors that internet banking struggle to control. The purpose of this research is to make clear and simplify the particular interrelationships and interaction effects between customer's online trust and other related variables such as satisfaction, loyalty and so on in internet banking. In addition, a model of consumer's trust in internet banking depending on the investigation regarding previous studies has been developed. To examine the model some sort of descriptive survey has been applied. According to a sort of a group’s random choosing skim, the survey sample population consisted of 318 randomly obtained from students in the UTM (University Technology Malaysia) who are user of internet banking service. A significant part of the result discovered trust beliefs relate directly with satisfaction, integrity, benevolence, competency and loyalty. Keywords: Trust, Internet Banking, Critical Factors, Malaysia, Customer

    A novel PAPR reduction scheme based on selective mapping and a random-like coding with no explicit side information in OFDM

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for high data rate and reliable communication over fading channels. The main implementation drawback of this system is the possibility of high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In this paper, we develop a novel Selective Mapping (SLM) PAPR reduction technique. In the novel proposed scheme, the alternative symbol sequences are generated by module 2 additions of data with the rows of cyclic Hadamard matrix with the same size, inserting the selected row's number to avoid transmitting any side information and specially using a random-like Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) encoder for both PAPR and Bit Error Rate (BER) better performance. Keywords: IRA Codes, OFDM, PAPR, SLM method

    Offering an Expert Electronic Roll Call and Teacher Assessment System Based on Mobile Phones for Higher Education

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    In this paper, we propose an expert electronic roll call for class attendance of students and teacher assessment system. The goal of this system is to design and develop a fully functional automated class attendance Register and assessment system, including hardware and application software. After the teacher initiates the roll call procedure, students in class check their own attendance simultaneously, and then the attendance data are collected into a database automatically .Also after ending a roll call procedure, a procedure of assessment of teacher becomes active and all presence student . We have employed Qt framework for web programming and SQL server database in proposed system. One questionnaire was used in assessment system to assess teacher performance at ending of class. In this system data obtained the questionnaire is collected into a SQL database of assessment system. Finally we use the data collection for assess each teacher in one semester. We also could utilize MATLAB software for exhibition the teacher performance resultant of evaluation and RATIONAL ROSE software for depictions

    Offering a Proper E-learning model for Islamic Azad University of Roudsar and Amlash (IAURA)

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    One of the opportunities that apply Technology an information technology at university is utilization of E-learning. For this reason various models have been suggested for e-learning technologies. In this paper for developing e-learning at IAURA, we analyzed and offered a new model of E-learning as for their requirements and essential offered models (Interactive model, Blended model, Virtual model).In this paper three models were compared. Thus, based on TAM model and utilization of AHP method we weighted these models by Expert Choice Software base on two views as easy and essential of use .E-learning easy of use at IAURA was completed by analyzing and prioritizing models based on implementation requirements and e-learning essential of use at IAURA was completed by analysis of scale of information technology projects at higher education .then we used SAW model for combination of results and interactive model was offered with highest weight. For testing this model in higher education we start many researches and then designed a questionnaire with fifty seven questions for easy of use and essential utilization of interactive model. In this study questionnaire was completed and responded by directors groups, active researchers and experts in e-learning area. After collecting responses, responses were sent to university. Also in this study we used SPSS software for analyzing and finally was determined that education requirements are most important factors in easy of use in interactive model at IAURA. In end of study we exhibited many suggestions for implementation of offered model

    Recommender System Based on Semantic Similarity

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    In electronic commerce, in order to help users to find their favourite products, we essentially need a system to classify the products based on the user's interests and needs to recommend them to the users. For the same reason the recommendation systems are designed to help finding information in large websites. They are basically developed to offer products to the customers in an automated fashion to help them to do conveniently their shopping. The developing of such systems is important since there are often a large number of factors involved in purchasing a product that would make it difficult for the customer to make the best decision. Finding relationship among users and relationships among products are important issue in these systems. One of relations is similarity. Measure similarity among users and products is used in the pure methods for calculating similarity degree. In this paper, semantic similarity is used to find a set of k nearest neighbours to the target user, or target item. Thus, because of incorporating semantic similarity in the proposed recommendation system, from the experimental results, the high accuracy was obtained on private building company dataset in comparison with state-of-the-art recommender systems.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i6.393

    Developing a Framework for Exploring Factors Affecting on Trust in M-Commerce using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Mobile Commerce is a developing and maturing area of electronic Commerce, where customers andvendors can interact via the service providers through a wireless network and mobile devices forinformation retrieval and transaction processing. In mobile transactions trust is an essential constituent inmobile commerce transactions .This study aims to clarify the factors that affect on trust in mobilecommerce, and then evaluate and asses these factors by AHP method. This paper provides a theory basedframework that helps to customers to make a right decision while they would like to shop via mobilefacilities in mobile browsers. For this purpose the contribution of different scientific approaches isexamined. By combining these approaches a framework for the classification is derived for trust model.Keywords: AHP method, Mobile Commerce, Trust, Security

    Actions and approaches for enabling Industry 5.0-driven sustainable industrial transformation: A strategy roadmap

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    Although Industry 4.0 was believed to promote sustainable development, it has ignored or misunderstood many prevailing sustainability concerns, which led to the emergence of the Industry 5.0 agenda. While the desirable sustainability values of Industry 5.0 are widely acknowledged, the knowledge of how this agenda can deliver sustainable transformation is lacking. The present study addresses this knowledge gap, explaining how Industry 5.0 transformation should be managed to facilitate sustainable development. Therefore, this study strives to model the underlying mechanism for enabling such transformation. The study conducted a content-centric review of the literature and identified 11 actions and approaches that serve as enablers of Industry 5.0 transformation. The study further conducted the interpretive structural modeling and structured the enablers as an interpretive model explaining steps needed for enabling Industry 5.0. Finally, the study developed the strategy roadmap for enabling Industry 5.0 transformation and sustainable development. Results emphasized stakeholder salience, highlighting the enabling role of stakeholder integration and collaboration in Industry 5.0 transformation. Proactive governmental support is the most driving enabler of Industry 5.0, whereas eco-innovation and sustainable value network reformation are among the most complex and hard-to-develop enablers. Results offer several implications for policymakers and practitioners, explaining the functionality of each approach and strategy necessary for Industry 5.0 transformation. The roadmap determines the sequential relationships among these approaches and strategies and identifies their optimal development sequence for enabling Industry 5.0 transformation synergistically. Results further identify the codependences among the Industry 5.0 transition enablers and highlight their interactions and complementarities

    Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and CO2 Emissions in G20 Countries: Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

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    Understanding the relationships among CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and economic growth helps nations to develop energy sources and formulate energy policies in order to enhance sustainable development. The present research is aimed at developing a novel efficient model for analyzing the relationships amongst the three aforementioned indicators in G20 countries using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model in the period from 1962 to 2016. In this regard, the ANFIS model has been used with prediction models using real data to predict CO2 emissions based on two important input indicators, energy consumption and economic growth. This study made use of the fuzzy rules through ANFIS to generalize the relationships of the input and output indicators in order to make a prediction of CO2 emissions. The experimental findings on a real-world dataset of World Development Indicators (WDI) revealed that the proposed model efficiently predicted the CO2 emissions based on energy consumption and economic growth. The direction of the interrelationship is highly important from the economic and energy policy-making perspectives for this international forum, as G20 countries are primarily focused on the governance of the global economy.This research was funded by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Flagship UTMSHINE grant PY/2017/02187

    Investigating a Theoretical Framework for E-book Technology Acceptance

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    Nowadays, the schools pay attention to use the technology, which is still in growing. Electronic book or (e-book) technology becomes as an important tool in learning to help the school children in their learning. Although A few schools have adopted the e-book technology in Malaysia, consequently this research purpose is to provide more investigation to the literature review of e-book technology acceptance and adoption in Malaysian schools. This study introduces a new integration of Child Computer Interaction (CCI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to address the adoption and acceptance of e-book technology by school children at schools in Malaysia. This study discusses and explains the key idea of by what method to formulate a theoretical framework of technology acceptance. In the theoretical framework, the main constructs that are expected to influence behaviour intention use of e-book at Malaysian schools will be proposed and discussed. Therefore, it is hoped that this study has presented some insights and directions for future research to demonstrate the relationship existing in our new proposed research theoretical framework where the schools by paying attention may take an action in order to achieve a better e-book technology adoption and acceptance decision makin