9 research outputs found


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    Aesthetics as a discipline studies the nature, content, value and origin of art. The term ‘aesthetics’ originates from the Greek words ‘aisthanesthai’ (to hear, to perceive) and ‘aisthesisi’ (emotion, sense). Art depicts beauty when it reproduces the beauty in nature. Amongst the tasks of aestheticians when studying the universal structure of art is to propose theories. The theory of art explains the reason for accepting objects or events as art by presenting proposals to determine the common features shared by all works of art. The contribution of the interaction of different disciplines to the artistic activities and art views of students should be ensured. In this sense, we will attempt to find an answer to the question ‘How can we benefit more from “aesthetics” in the education of art?’ Our aim is introducing the concept of aesthetics to individuals and enable them to develop the skills to read art and works of art by employing theories of art in relation to art and aesthetics. More than the quality of education, aesthetic and theoretical knowledge increase the level of appreciation for life; not only do they serve as guides to life, but they also create positive changes in one’s social life. The art of aesthetic education in society can create positive effects while making the more common sought after. This should be the aim of aesthetic education. Aesthetic education, aesthetics and art theory can realise the relationship between understanding the artistic expressions of aesthetic judgement ability to reveal the value of expression skills and gain a critical perspective and targeting knowledge to ensure that the individual can produce work of art. Perspective is the creation of aesthetic thinking and problem-solving ability, while imagination is the primary goal for the improvement of education. In this context, we will try to answer the question of how we can benefit more from ‘aesthetics’ in art and aesthetic education in order to introduce the concept of aesthetics to individuals and provide them the ability to read art and works of art by employing art theories in the relationship between art and aesthetics.  Article visualizations

    Critical Visual Reading Skills of Students

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    Mother tongue education is accomplished with four basic language skills. These skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. One of the basic skills that increase the vocabulary of the individual is the reading skill. Understanding and comprehension are important in this skill. Understanding of reading is a complicated process. There are many factors that affect the meaning of this process. The content of the text, such as the type and the punctuation, also affect the meaning. Visual reading has understanding qualities like text reading. Therefore, visual reading and visual comprehension also carry a textual characteristic. Accordingly, readers are expected to interpret the visuals with a critical approach in order to capture the details of the visuals. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the students are critical readers about the visuals. The study was qualitative based on a document review. The study was conducted with 20 students. Participants consisted of 10 fifth grade students and 10 sixth grade students. The data of the study were collected by taking the opinions of the students about visuals. The collected data were evaluated by content analysis. As a result of the study, it was seen that the students evaluated the images with a critical eye and the female students were more critical than the male students. As a result, it has been determined that the students differ in terms of mental development stages

    Basic Design Education of the 20th Century of Art Movements "Collage Technique

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    l890’larda Avrupa’da birbiri ardına ortaya çıkan sanat akım ve üslupları modern sanatın çekirdeğini oluşturmuştur. 1900-1910 yılları arasında sanatın her dalında farklı yorumlarla köklü değişimler yaşanmıştır. Bu akım ve üslupların en önemlileri arasında yeni izlenimcilik, fovizm, kübizm, soyut resim, fütürizm, ekspresyonizm, süprematizm, konstrüktivizm, dadacılık, sürrealizm, toplumsal gerçekçilik, pop sanat, minimal sanat, kavramsal sanat sayılabilir. Her bir sanat akımı kendinden önceki ya da çağdaşı olan akım ile birlikte yoğrulmuştur. Bireyler sanat yoluyla kalıcı izler bırakmak yenilikler değişimler yaratmak adına yola çıkmışlardır. Birbirlerinden farklı tavırları ve anlatım biçimleri olmasına karşın çağdaş sanatçıların hepsinin ortak noktası, 20. yüzyıl yaşamının değişen koşullarına karşı duyulan duygusal tepkiyi dile getirme isteği olmuştur. Bu algılama sürecinde ortaya çıkan üretme ve yorumlama becerisinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla, Temel Tasarım Eğitimi, genel eğitim sistemi içinde ayrı bir değer taşır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Güzel Sanatlar Fakülteleri’nde 1. Sınıfta verilen Temel Tasarım dersinin 20. Yüzyıl sanat akımlarının göstergesi ışığında kavramsal süreçle beraber uygulama becerisi ve algısını irdelemek ve farklı temalarla yeni uygulamalar, kavramlar ile düşünsel bir zeminde etkilerini görebilmektir. Sanatta düşünsel ve anlamsal temalara yer veren 20. Yüzyıl sanat dili sanat eğitiminde yeni arayışlara neden olmaktadır. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi öğrencisinin, "kendi" olması, farkındalık bilincine ulaşması, yaratıcı benliğini bulması, üretken ve çok yönlü olarak yeniden yapılandırmasıve estetik düzeyde özgün eserler üretmesi Temel Tasarım eğitiminin amacıdır.Temel Tasarım eğitiminde kavramdankolaj çalışmalarına giden örneklere yer verilmektedir. Çalışmadaki örnekleri, 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim döneminde Uşak Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümü öğrencileri tarafından Temel Tasarım dersi 1. Dönem Final Projesi kapsamında gerçekleştirilen kolaj uygulamaları oluşturmaktadır