455 research outputs found

    The philosophy of new curriculum of the gymnasium and its meaning

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    The new curriculum of gymnasium is in the third year of its implementation.Although a curriculum of study and a further expansion of the concept have led toproblems arising from an incomplete knowledge and a clear conception of the philosophyby which this curriculum is guided.Given that this curriculum includes not only programs changes or texts, butmentalities, concepts and philosophy of education, there is a need and interest of teachers,directors, designers of programs and textbooks and to students and their families torecognize this change and understand the philosophy of the new curriculum.This study conducted in gymnasiums of Korca, brought to light some problemsassociated with implementation of new curriculum of high schools from the viewpointof philosophy of education.The results clearly differentiate categories of teachers participating in the study.The greatest differences were observed between the category of teachers with experienceof 0-10 years and the category with over 10 years working in education. This result isstatistically psupported by the Chi - square test is significant to undertake a curriculumreview of the initial formation of new teachers

    Metabolizam hidroksikotinina u homogenatima tkiva jetre, bubrega i pluća zeca

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    Hydroxycotinine metabolism has been investigated in rabbit liver, lung and kidney tissue homogenates, using NADP and NADPH. With NADPH, the liver was the most active organ in metabolizing hydroxycotinine yielding hydroxycotinine-N-oxide (16.3%) as the main metabolic product, along with only little cotinine. With NADP, the formation of cotinine was slightly higher in the kidney and lung tissue incubates than the corresponding formation of cotinine with NADPH. The qualitative identification of the substrate and the metabolic products was carried out by thin-layer chromatography, followed by their quantitative estimation by gas-liquid chromatography.Uz prisustvo NADP i NADPH ispitivan je metabolizam hidroksikotinina u homogenatima jetre, pluća i bubrega zeca. Identifikacija i određivanje supstrata i stvorenih metabolita, provedena je metodom kromatografije na tankom sloju i gasnom kromatografijom. Posebno su istaknuti uslovi za kromatografiranje hidroksikotinina. Uz NADPH u homogenatima jetre metabolizam je bio usmjeren u prevođenju hidroksikotinina u hidroksikotinin-N-oksid. Uz NADP u homogenatima bubrega i pluća je uz hidroksikotinin-N-oksid nastajao i kotinin

    Metastatic melanoma and pregnancy

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    Pregnancy after complete treatment of metastatic melanoma is an extremely rare event. We presented a case of a skin melanoma patient with lung and liver metastases who was treated by combined immunochemotherapy for the period of two years. A year and a half after the successful treatment, which resulted a complete remission of metastatic lesions she got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby girl

    The Methods Used for Diagnosing Canine Diabetes

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    Mellitus Diabetics is absence of insulin that it affects in body. A good amnesia, clinic sign, the percent of sugar in blood are so important for made a good diagnostification. For a good result we should apply glycosuria, the percent of sugar in blood and blood take from jugular’s or encephalica vein, and in this case, result was 13 diabetics dogs, 8 were female and 5 men at age 5-9 years old

    Buckling vs unilateral constraint for a multistable metamaterial element

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    A structural element is designed and investigated, forming the basis for the development of an elastic multistable metamaterial. The leitmotif of the structural design is the implementation of a strut characterized by a bifurcation occurring at either vanishing tensile or compressive load. It is shown that buckling at null load leads to a mechanical equivalence with a unilateral constraint formulation, introducing shocks in dynamics. Towards a future analysis of the latter, the nonlinear quasi-static response is investigated, showing the multistable character of the structure, which may appear as bistable or tetrastable.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    The Methods Used for Diagnosing Canine Diabetes

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    Mellitus Diabetics is absence of insulin that it affects in body. A good amnesias, clinic sign, the percent of   sugar in blood are so important for made a good diagnostification. For a good result we should apply glycosuria, the percent of sugar in blood and blood take from jugular’s or encephalica vein, and in this case result was 13 diabetics dogs, 8 were female and 5 men at age 5-9 years old.Keywords: polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy, glycosuria, obese, overweight, hyperglycemia

    Obesity in Dogs and its Impact on Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: In our study, we will study the impact of obesity in DM. Hypothesis: Obesity in dogs and its impact on Diabetes Mellitus Animals: we got 2921 dogs aged >5 years accounting for 993 dogs have obesity and 10 dogs have DM. Methods: Received 2921 different dogs and underwent a rapid test for the presence of glucose in the blood. Dogs who tested positive for the test were separated from other dogs. Dogs that tested positive we've taken the age, sex, and way of nutrition. All these are put into a database. Results: From studies, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is 34% of the population of adult dogs. Only the prevalence of obesity in dogs Grow 6.5%. Of particular importance is that approximately 7% of female and 5% of the male are obese, and 32% of female and 20% of the male are overweight. And 10 dogs diagnosed in Tirana district clinics resulted in diabetes. Adult dogs were between 5 and 10 years.Keywords: obese, overweight, cans, dry food, mix food, home food, diet

    1990 sonrası Arnavutluk’ta kamu yönetimi reformu ve vatandaşların reforma bakışı

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Arnavutluk da bağımsızlığını kazandığı 1913 yılından sonra çeşitli siyasal kültür ve düşüncelerin etkisi altında kalmıştır. Bağımsızlığın ilk yıllarında Osmanlı ve Avrupa'nın yönetim kültürü ve politikaları ile harmanlanmış bir yönetim modeli oluşturulmuştur. 1913 ile 1939 yılları arasında krallık ile yönetilen ülke, 1939 yılından sonra Enver Hoxa ile birlikte sosyalist bir yönetime geçmiştir. Enver Hoxa döneminde ülke tek adam tarafından demir yumruk ile yönetilmiş ve ülkede tamamen komünist rejim politikaları uygulanmıştır. Yaklaşık 45 yıllık komünist rejim döneminde dış dünya ile bağlantısı kopan Arnavutluk kendi içine kapanmış, ekonomisi zayıf bir ülke konumuna gelmiştir. Yine bu dönemde toplumsal anlamda bireylerin hak ve özgürlükleri kısıtlanarak, demokrasiden giderek uzaklaşılmıştır. Enver Hoxa'nın ölümü ile birlikte Arnavutluk'ta yeni bir dönem başlamış ve ülkede demokrasiye geçişe doğru adımlar atılmıştır. Yaklaşık 20 yıllık demokrasiye geçiş sürecinde ilerleme kaydeden Arnavutluk'ta bu süreç içerisinde ülkede siyasi, ekonomik ve yönetsel istikrarın sağlanması kolay olmamıştır. 2005 yılından sonra, gerek reformlar ve gerekse yürütülen dış politikanın etkileriyle demokrasiye geçişin hız kazandığı Arnavutluk'ta özellikle 1990'lardan sonraki gelişmeler ve AB sürecinin etkileriyle kapsamlı reformlara girişilmiş olsa da etkinlik, şeffaflık, etik ve hesap verebilirlik gibi demokratik yönetişim ilke ve politikaları bakımından alanda yapısal eksiklikler ve sorunlar devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Arnavutluk'un siyasal, ekonomik, sosyal ve yönetsel açıdan tarihsel gelişim süreci de dikkate alınarak özellikle 1990'lardan sonra kamu yönetiminde yaşanan değişimin kurumsal, yasal ve yapısal boyutlarının incelenmesi ve aynı zamanda Arnavutluk halkının özellikle Avrupa Birliği'ne uyum sürecinin başladığı 2000'li yıllarla birlikte kamu yönetiminde yaşanan reformlara yönelik algısının ölçülmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda tesadüfi örnekleme yoluyla seçilen Arnavut vatandaşlarına reformlara yönelik algısını ölçmek amacıyla anket uygulanmıştır. Örneklemin seçiminde Arnavutluk'un Kuzey, Güney ve Orta Bölgelerinde kent merkezlerinde yaşayan vatandaşların temsil edilmesine çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, ankete katılan bireylerin AB sürecinde kamu yönetiminde gerçekleştirilen reformların farkında oldukları, reformlara yönelik memnuniyetlerinin orta düzeyde olduğu, kamu yönetiminin temel problemleri olarak yolsuzluk, yönetimde siyasallaşma ve kayırmacılık, rüşvet ve güvensizliğin önde geldiği, rüşvetin en yoğun olduğu kurumla olarak gümrükler, belediyeler ve hastanelerin öne çıktığı bulgularına ulaşılmış; Arnavutluk'ta yönetime ilişkin reformlarla ilgili gelecek politikaların belirlenmesinde bu sonuçların dikkate alınması ihtiyacı vurgulanmıştır.Albania after it gained independence in 1913 under the influence of various political culture and ideas remained. In the first years of independence, the Ottoman and European culture and politics blended with management, a management model has been created. Between 1913 and 1939, the kingdom ruled by the country after 1939, along with Enver Hoxha is passed into a socialist. Enver Hoxha era, the country was governed with an iron fist by one man and fully communist regime policies were implemented in the country. About 45 years during the communist regime in Albania who is disconnected with the outside world closed in on itself, a country that has become weak economy. During this period, restricting the rights and freedoms of individuals in the social sense, democracy has increasingly moved away. With the death of Enver Hoxa started a new era in Albania and steps have been taken towards the transition to democracy in the country. Nearly 20 years of progress in the transition to democracy in Albania in the country during this period of political, economic and managerial stability has never been easier. After 2005, the necessary reforms and both conducted foreign policy with the effects of the transition to democracy gained momentum in Albania from 1990 next developments and the EU process with the effects of comprehensive reforms undertaken Although efficiency, transparency, ethics and accountability as democratic governance principles and policies in terms of area structural deficiencies and problems continue. In this study, Albania's political, economic, social and managerial process of historical development considering, especially after the 1990s, public administration, the change of the institutional, legal and structural examination of the dimensions and also the Albanian people, especially the European Union harmonization process began in 2000 's, together with the perception in public management reforms are intended to measure. In this direction, the Albanian citizens selected through random sampling to measure the perceptions of the reform was applied. Albania in the selection of the sample in the North, South and Central Regions on the representation of citizens living in urban centers has been studied. According to the study, surveyed individuals in the EU process of public administration reform efforts undertaken are aware, towards reforms satisfaction at the medium level, which is of public administration main problems as corruption, government politicization and nepotism, corruption and insecurity come ahead where bribery is the most intense exchange with the customs, municipalities and which highlights the findings of the hospitals have been achieved; Governance related reforms in Albania in determining future policies need to take account of these results is highlighte

    The influence of psychoemotional status on metastasis of lewis lung carcinoma and hepatocarcinoma-29 in mice of C57BL/6J and CBA/LAC strains

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    Aim: To study the influence of psychoemotional status on the development of experimental lung metastases of strain-specific murine Lewis lung carcinoma in C57BL/6J mice and hepatocarcinoma-29 in CBA/Lac male mice. Materials and Methods: Sensory contact model was used for generating animals with repeated experience of social victories or defeat in daily agonistic interactions. Tumor cells were injected into the tail vein after 20 days of agressive confrontations and the number of metastases in the lung was calculated 16 days later. Results: The experimental metastasis is shown to develop differently in mice with opposing social experience: the winners of both strains had significantly less metastases in the lung than the losers. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that psychoemotional status affects Lewis lung carcinoma and hepatocarcinoma-29 metastasis in male mice.Цель работы — исследование влияния психоэмоционального состояния на метастазирование линейноспецифических опухолей — карциномы легкого Льюис у мышей линии C57BL/6J и гепатокарциномы-29 у мышей линии CBA/Lac. Материалы и методы: для получения самцов мышей с повторным опытом социальных побед и поражений в ежедневных агрессивных взаимодействиях была использована модель сенсорного контакта (на протяжении 20 дней). Клетки опухолей вводили в хвостовую вену животных. Количество метастазов в легких подсчитывали через 16 дней после перевивки опухоли. Результаты: показано, что метастазирование в легкие протекает неодинаково у мышей с различным психоэмоциональным состоянием: у мышей с опытом побед обеих линий количество метастазов в легких было существенно меньше, чем у животных с опытом психоэмоциональных поражений. Выводы: психоэмоциональное состояние влияет на процессы метастазирования карциномы легкого Льюис и гепатокарциномы-29 у самцов мышей линий C57BL/6J и CBA/Lac