86 research outputs found


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    Introduction: There is little data on the association of metabolic syndrome and health status in Serbian men, so our intention was to investigate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in men with no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease in New Belgrade, Serbia; to determine which of the anthropometric parameters (body mass index—BMI and waist circumference—WC) is best for the evaluation of health risks in primary care, especially the risk factors for metabolic syndrome. Research Methods and Procedures: The study involved 132 healthy men ages 44.73 ± 9.37 years. Anthropometric values were measured in all the patients. Blood pressure, blood biochemistry (high-density lipoprotein- cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose) and analysis of their medical records were also done. Analysis of consistency has been used in testing hypothesis. Results: The sample consisted of 132 patients with mean age 44.73 ± 9.37 years. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was 44.7%. Analysis of consistence showed differences in the combined predictive ability of anthropometric indicators and other factors of MetS. Conclusions: BMI andWCare the simple measures of adiposity most strongly associated with metabolic abnormalities. Our findings suggest that WC can not be used as a complementary measurement to identify health risks in any group of me


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    The human role in bioecological examinations of codling moths is of crucial importance for the integral protection of pome fruit and the production of healthy and safe food. The codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is one of the most significant apple pests in terms of causing the diminished yield and poorer fruit quality in apples. As such, the codling moth requires daily monitoring by agricultural producers. The aim of this research was defined by the need for establishing the presence of codling moth natural enemies and the estimation of their codependence in apple plantations with various methods of protection. The examinations were carried out on the territory of Southern Serbia from 2005 to 2008. During the research, the standard entomological methods, such as pheromone traps, branch beating and placing bands around tree trunks, were used to track the presence, number and population dynamics of the codling moth and its natural enemies. The research results revealed the dominant role that the anthropogenic factor has in many segments of the integral apple protection and the production of high-quality apple fruit. Faunistic researches are inevitable for the correct determination of human actions, due to the clear composition of autochthonous natural enemies of the codling moth. The natural enemies of the codling moth whose presence was determined during the research belong to the following orders: Hymenoptera, Diptera, Dermaptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera and Heteroptera. The analysis that has examined the human influence on the autochthonous natural enemies of the codling moth also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity and agrobiocenosis, as well as to the production of high-quality, safe food

    Brain responses in aggression-prone individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of anger- and aggression-eliciting tasks

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    Reactive aggression in response to perceived threat or provocation is part of humans' adaptive behavioral repertoire. However, high levels of aggression can lead to the violation of social and legal norms. Understanding brain function in individuals with high levels of aggression as they process anger- and aggression-eliciting stimuli is critical for refining explanatory models of aggression and thereby improving interventions. Three neurobiological models of reactive aggression - the limbic hyperactivity, prefrontal hypoactivity, and dysregulated limbic-prefrontal connectivity models - have been proposed. However, these models are based on neuroimaging studies involving mainly non-aggressive individuals, leaving it unclear which model best describes brain function in those with a history of aggression. We conducted a systematic literature search (PubMed and Psycinfo) and Multilevel Kernel Density meta-analysis (MKDA) of nine functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (eight included in the between-group analysis [i.e., aggression vs. control groups], five in the within-group analysis). Studies examined brain responses to tasks putatively eliciting anger and aggression in individuals with a history of aggression alone and relative to controls. Individuals with a history of aggression exhibited greater activity in the superior temporal gyrus and in regions comprising the cognitive control and default mode networks (right posterior cingulate cortex, precentral gyrus, precuneus, right inferior frontal gyrus) during reactive aggression relative to baseline conditions. Compared to controls, individuals with a history of aggression exhibited increased activity in limbic regions (left hippocampus, left amygdala, left parahippocampal gyrus) and temporal regions (superior, middle, inferior temporal gyrus), and reduced activity in occipital regions (left occipital cortex, left calcarine cortex). These findings lend support to the limbic hyperactivity model in individuals with a history of aggression, and further indicate altered temporal and occipital activity in anger- and aggression-eliciting conditions involving face and speech processing


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    Background: The variations in proinflamatory cytokine levels have been associated with schizophrenia (SCH), duration of illness, psychopathology and treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-α) in schizophrenic patients during exacerbation and remission, and its association with course of illness and therapy. Subjects and methods: We measured serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in 43 schizophrenic patients in exacerbation and remission and compared them to 29 healthy controls, matched by sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and smoking habits. The severity of psychopathology was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: There was no difference in levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in exacerbation compared to remission in schizophrenic patients. IL-6 was higher and TNF-α was lower in schizophrenic patients in both exacerbation and remission in comparison with healthy controls. TNF-α in exacerbation was in negative correlation with IL-6 in remission. No statistical significance was found between levels of cytokines and sex, age, BMI, smoking habits, antipsychotic medication, duration of treatment and duration of illness. IL-6 levels were in positive correlation with the age of onset and the duration of untreated psychosis. In schizophrenic patients on adjunctive treatment with mood stabilizers, TNF-α levels increased in remission. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the connection between schizophrenia, cytokines and medication is multifaceted, and not necessarily linear. Adjunct mood stabilizers not only ameliorate psychopathology, but might convey immunomodulatory effects as well. Further longitudinal studies could elucidate potential beneficial effect of combined therapy in treatment of SCH

    Himalayan balsam in the flora of the Sirinić valley: a threat or a gain?

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    Летња терофита Impatiens glandulifera Royle (хималајски балзам, фамилија Balsaminaceae) потиче из уског подножја западних Хималаја, где се традиционално користи као лековита. Изван свог исходишта већ скоро два века колонизује углавном минералним хранивима (посебно азотом и фосфором) богата низијска крајречна станишта, и сматра се проблематичним освајачем који доводи до смањења биљне разноврсности, поспешивања ерозије и успоравања разлагања органске материје. Ова врста већ је инвазивна у преко 30 држава света, а Европска Комисија прогласила ју је за једну од најопаснијих инвазивних врста биљака1. У Србији, ова врста је још увек ретка и класификована је као „спорадично инвазивна“. Међутим, у изолованом планинском и природно олиготрофном станишту Сиринићке жупе (Косово и Метохија), атипичном за ову врсту, бројне и добро развијене састојине први пут смо регистровали 2021. године, углавном у долини реке Лепенац и њених притока (до 1200 m надморске висине) 2. 19 Приказаћемо сумаризацију резултата који су проистекли из мапирања распрострањености, анализе нативне вегетације у којој се јавља, карактеристика земљишта, морфологије самог „уљеза“ (висина, пречник стабла, сува маса јединке), као и знања локалног становништва о овој врсти. Хималајски балзам (локални назив „пуцавац“) донесен је у Сиринићку жупу почетком седамдесетих година прошлог века као украсна биљка, која је убрзо побегла из башти и дворишта. Њено даље ширење и трајно успостављање омогућено је драстичном деградацијом предела од стране човека, понајпре уништењем природне крајречне вегетације сечом шума и еутрофикацијом земљишта отпадним водама из домаћинства. У природну вегетацију која још увек није антропогено нарушена (ливадске и алувијалне састојине) ова биљка може спорадично да продре, међутим не и да се одржи. Дакле, иако се најкрупније јединке хималајског балзама са највећим потенцијалом за даљу инвазију налазе у најоштећенијој вегетацији (са најмањим диверзитетом), наши резултати указују да, за сада, ова декоративна и медоносна врста ту може евентуално да замени нитрофиле као што је коприва. Много је алармантнија, међутим, незаинтересованост млађе популације (до 30 година), која ову веома упадљиву врсту не примећује и не препознаје, што индиректно указује на општу ерозију традиционалног еколошког знања у овом подручју.Summer therophyte Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Himalayan balsam, family Balsaminaceae) originates from a narrow zone in the foothills of the Western Himalaya, where it is used in traditional medicine. For almost two centuries it has been colonizing nutrient enriched (mainly with nitrogen and phosphorus) lowland alluvial habitats outside of its native range, and is currently considered a problematic intruder which causes decrease of plant diversity, promotes soil erosion and hampers nutrient cycling. This plant species has been classified as invasive in over 30 countries around the world, and considered one of top invaders of the European Union concern1 . In Serbia, it is still rather rare, classified as “sporadically invasive”. However, in an isolated mountainous habitat of the Sirinić valley (Kosovo and Metohija), naturally oligotrophic and atypical for this species, we have recently registered numerous and well developed stands of Himalayan balsam, predominantly in the alluvium of the Lepenac river and its tributaries (up to the elevation of 1200 m a.s.l.) 2 . We shall present the joint analysis of distribution mapping of the invader, its life history traits (height, stem diameter, aboveground dry weight), characteristics of the invaded domicile vegetation and concomitant soil properties, supplemented by the local knowledge on this species. 22 Himalayan balsam (vernacular name “pucavac” among the Serbian population) in the study area escaped from the gardens soon after deliberate introduction as an ornamental plant in the early 1970’s. Its further spread and successful establishment has been enabled by drastic anthropogenic landscape change and habitat degradation, primarily through severe deforestation of riparian vegetation coupled with the pronounced soil eutrophication by direct discharge of household wastewaters in the local river system. Interestingly, this species was able to sporadically occur, but not to get established in undisturbed natural vegetation like meadows or riparian forests. Thus, though the largest individuals of this intruder, implying its strongest potential for further spread, consistently occurred in the most degraded vegetation (with the lowest species diversity), our results suggest that under the current conditions this decorative, nectar producing species might substitute nitrophiles like stinging nettle in the secondary vegetation. Much severe risk might be the overall indifference of the younger population (under the age of 30 years), who do not recognize or even notice this rather conspicuous species, what indicates a general trend of erosion of traditional ecological knowledge in the study area


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    Mechanical activation (MA), as a simple and low-cost method for modifying physico-chemical properties of disperse systems, is often used for obtaining powders. Prolonged milling in high-energy mills, necessary for obtaining nanoparticles, leads to contamination of the starting material, and it can be used as an additional route for introducing the milling assembly material as the desired dopant into a powder. In the present work morphological and structural characteristics of ZnO nanopowders obtained by MA in a high-energy planetary ball mill with stainless steel (Fe), Y-stabilized zirconium oxide (Zr) and tungsten carbide (W) vials and balls were investigated. Knowing that microstructural characteristics of mechanically milled ZnO powder have strongly depended on milling conditions. The milling has been performed in a continual regime in air, with following conditions: the rotation speed of the disk was 400 rpm, ball-to-powder mass ratio was 40:1, and milling time was 300 min. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), equipped with an EDS, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and UV-vis spectroscopy. In order to investigate the type of intrinsic defects and impurities introduced by milling, both milled and thermally treated milled ZnO were analyzed. According to the SEM, the particles of various sizes (100–500 nm) were present in the sample before milling. After milling significant changes in particle shapes and sizes and very pronounced tendency to adhesion in agglomerates, with dimensions in the range of submicron up to a few micrometers, has been noticed.\ The phase analysis of both milled and thermally treated milled samples of powders indicates the presence of wurtzite ZnO refined in P63mc space group [1]. The XRD patterns of milled samples of Fe-, W- and Zr-doped ZnO do not reveal the presence of other ZnO phases. On other side, in thermally treated milled samples of W- and Fe-doped ZnO the ZnWO4 (samartinite, P2/c) and cubic spinel (Fd-3m) are present, respectively. In thermally treated milled Zr-doped sample monoclinic and tetragonal ZrO2 (P21/c and P42/nmc) are present, whereas ZnZrO3 structures could not be refined due to very low peak intensities [2]. 1. M. Šćepanović, M. Grujić-Brojčin, et al., J. Raman Spectrosc., 41 (2010) 914 2. K. Vojisavljević, M. Šćepanović, et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20 (2008) 47520

    Effect of N-forms on Silicon Mobilization in the Rhizosphere of White Lupin

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    Silicon (Si) is the major constituent of soil present in various fractions, i.e., mobile, adsorbed, occluded (in pedogenic oxides and hydroxides), amorphous (biogenic and lithogenic) and crystalline (primary and secondary silicates, and quartz). Different soil factors such as pH, temperatures, microbial activity, the presence of cations, Al/Fe oxides and hydroxides and organic compounds, influence Si transformation, thereby modifying plant availably of Si. Silicon mobility and transformation in the soil have mainly been studied in the context of pedogenesis or biogeochemical Si cycling. However, research on Si mobility, transformation, and plant availability in the rhizosphere is still lacking. Here, we investigated the root potential of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.), known as a phosphorus (P)-efficient model plant (e.g., root release of H+ and carboxylates), to mobilize Si from the soil. Plants were grown in the rhizoboxes filled with low P soil (control) and fertilized with different N-forms (NO3, NH4 and NO3NH4). The control, NO3- and NO3NH4-fertilized plants accumulated significantly lower amounts of Si than the NH4-fertilized ones. All applied N-forms influenced Si availability in the bulk soil, but Si fractions have further been modified in the rhizosphere, what was crucial for Si accumulation in plants. For instance, NO3 supply slightly decreased Si availability in the bulk soil, but lupine plants accumulated a similar amount of Si as the control plants. A strong gradient of decreasing Si concentrations between bulk and rhizosphere soils was observed in mobile, adsorbed, and amorphous biogenic Si pools in the control and in all N treatments, while occluded and lithogenic amorphous Si pools were recalcitrant. Interestingly, a gradient of increasing concentrations of the amorphous biogenic Si pool between bulk and rhizosphere soils was recorded in the NH4 treatment, concomitantly with the strongest rhizosphere acidification

    Disseminated Neonatal Herpes Caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2

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    Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is characterized by progressive multiple organ failure and high mortality rates. It can result from infection with either HSV-1 or HSV-2. We report a case of disseminated neonatal herpes that was caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2

    Karakterizacija i odabir autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja kao starter kultura u zanatskoj proizvodnji vlasinskog sira iz svježeg kozjeg mlijeka

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    The aim of this study is the isolation, characterization and identification of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from artisanal Vlasina raw goat\u27s milk cheese for the selection of potential starter cultures. Soft white Vlasina cheese was manufactured at a household on the Stara Planina Mountain using traditional techniques without starter cultures. One hundred and forty nine LAB isolates were collected from two samples of Vlasina cheese, designated as BGVL2 (5 days old) and BGVL2a (15 days old). The population of LAB in the cheese samples was characterized by phenotype-based assays and presumptively identified using repetitive element palindromic polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with the primer (GTG)5. Results were confirmed by 16S rDNA sequencing. Among the BGVL2 isolates (56), the most numerous LAB species were Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (27) and Lactococcus lactis (26). In 15-day-old BGVL2a (93 isolates), Lactobacillus plantarum (33), Enterococcus durans (26) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (14) were predominant. Lc. lactis ssp. lactis BGVL2-8 showed good acidification ability and the ability to produce antimicrobial compounds, Lb. plantarum BGVL2a-18 had good proteolytic ability and produced exopolysaccharides, while BGVL2-29 and BGVL2-63, which belonged to the species Ln. pseudomesenteroides, utilized citrate and produced diacetyl and acetoin. They appeared to be suitable candidates for inclusion in the starter culture. This study contributed to the understanding of the role of autochthonous LAB in the quality of artisanal cheese and the possibility of using the selected LAB as potential starter cultures for cheese making under controlled conditions.Svrha je ovoga rada bila izolirati, karakterizirati i identificirati autohtone bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja koje se mogu upotrijebiti kao starter kulture u zanatskoj proizvodnji vlasinskog sira iz svježeg kozjeg mlijeka. Meki je bijeli vlasinski sir bio izrađen u domaćinstvu na Staroj Planini tradicionalnim postupkom bez dodatka starter kultura. Iz dvaju je uzoraka vlasinskih sireva, označenih kao BGVL2 (sir star 5 dana) i BGVL2 (sir star 15 dana) prikupljeno 149 izolata bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Populacija je bakterija iz uzoraka sireva okarakerizirana pomoću fenotipskih testova i primarno identificirana primjenom metode rep-PCR s početnicom (GTG)5. Rezultati su potvrđeni sekvenciranjem 16S rDNA. Među izolatima iz sira BGVL2 (njih 56) najbrojnije su bile bakterije Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (27) i Lactococcus lactis (26). U siru BGVL2a (93 izolata), starom 15 dana, prevladavale su vrste Lactobacillus plantarum (33), Enterococcus durans (26) i Pediococcus pentosaceus (14). Izolat Lc. lactis ssp. lactis BGVL2-8 pokazao je dobru sposobnost zakiseljavanja i proizvodnje antimikrobnih spojeva. Izolat Lb. plantarum BGVL2a-18 imao je dobru proteolitičku aktivnost i sposobnost proizvodnje egzopolisaharida, dok su izolati BGVL2-29 i BGVL2-63 vrste Ln. pseudomesenteroides za rast koristili citrate, a proizvodili diacetil i acetoin. Stoga su navedeni izolati odabrani kao starter kulture. Ovo je istraživanje pridonijelo razumijevanju uloge autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja u zanatskoj proizvodnji kvalitetnog sira, te je potvrdilo mogućnost primjene odabranih izolata kao starter kultura pri izradi vlasinskog sira u kontroliranim uvjetima

    Phosphorus Deficiency Induced Silicon Mobilization in Grapevine Rhizosphere: A Field Study

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    Silicon (Si) uptake by crops is well studied and Si transporters have been characterized in various crop species, including grapevine. However, information on the rhizosphere mobilization of Si is still lacking and virtually no information is available on grapevine. Our previous study showed that grapevine is a phosphorus (P)-efficient species with a high root capacity to mobilize P from the rhizosphere by the released of organic anions (mainly citrate). The field experiment was established in 12-y-old vineyard with the cultivar ‘Chardonnay’, grafted on 5BB rootstock under extremely low P conditions (Olsen P < 3 mg kg-1). Four own-designed rhizotrons (80 cm depth) were installed in a vineyard enabling easy access to the new intact roots. The following treatments were performed: –P/–Si, +P/–Si, –P/+Si (soil application) and –P/+Si (foliar application). The samples of rhizosphere and bulk soils, root exudates from intact root tips and vine tissues (root and leaves) were collected at different growth stages according to Eichhorn-Lorentz (E-L) system: flowering (E-L stage 23), berries pea-size (E-L stage 31), and veraison (E-L stage 35). In addition to Si and P concentrations in the tissues, the expressions of VvALMT, VvMATE (encoding efflux transporters for malate and citrate, respectively), and VvNIP2.1 (encoding Si influx transporter) were also determined. Phosphate fertilization decreased, while low soil P and Si fertilization increased Si availability in the rhizosphere. At the flowering stage, –P plants accumulated more Si than the P-fertilized ones and was comparable to the Si-fertilized plants. Foliar application of Si was less effective in comparison with soil application unless at the veraison stage. The leaf Si concentrations showed a clear seasonal pattern being the highest at the veraison stage. Exudation rate of citrate also showed a clear seasonal pattern and was significantly higher in the –P/–Si than in +P/–Si plants, which was followed by an increased Si availability in the vine rhizosphere. Overall, low P conditions induced Si accumulation in the leaves due to increased exudation of organic anions that can also mobilize Si in the rhizosphere, thereby increasing Si uptake by grapevine