12 research outputs found

    In Vivo Hematopoietic Stem Cell Genome Editing: Perspectives and Limitations

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    The tremendous evolution of genome-editing tools in the last two decades has provided innovative and effective approaches for gene therapy of congenital and acquired diseases. Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator- like effector nucleases (TALENs) and CRISPR-Cas9 have been already applied by ex vivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy in genetic diseases (i.e., Hemoglobinopathies, Fanconi anemia and hereditary Immunodeficiencies) as well as infectious diseases (i.e., HIV), and the recent development of CRISPR-Cas9-based systems using base and prime editors as well as epigenome editors has provided safer tools for gene therapy. The ex vivo approach for gene addition or editing of HSCs, however, is complex, invasive, technically challenging, costly and not free of toxicity. In vivo gene addition or editing promise to transform gene therapy from a highly sophisticated strategy to a “user-friendly’ approach to eventually become a broadly available, highly accessible and potentially affordable treatment modality. In the present review article, based on the lessons gained by more than 3 decades of ex vivo HSC gene therapy, we discuss the concept, the tools, the progress made and the challenges to clinical translation of in vivo HSC gene editing

    HDAd5/35++ Adenovirus Vector Expressing Anti-CRISPR Peptides Decreases CRISPR/Cas9 Toxicity in Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    We generated helper-dependent HDAd5/35++ adenovirus vectors expressing CRISPR/Cas9 for potential hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) gene therapy of β-thalassemia and sickle cell disease through re-activation of fetal γ-globin expression (HDAd-globin-CRISPR). The process of CRISPR/Cas9 gene transfer using these vectors was not associated with death of human CD34+ cells and did not affect their in vitro expansion and erythroid differentiation. However, functional assays for primitive HSCs, e.g., multi-lineage progenitor colony formation and engraftment in irradiated NOD/Shi-scid/interleukin-2 receptor γ (IL-2Rγ) null (NSG) mice, revealed toxicity of HDAd-globin-CRISPR vectors related to the prolonged expression and activity of CRISPR/Cas9. To control the duration of CRISPR/Cas9 activity, we generated an HDAd5/35++ vector that expressed two anti-CRISPR (Acr) peptides (AcrII4 and AcrII2) capable of binding to the CRISPR/Cas9 complex (HDAd-Acr). CD34+ cells that were sequentially infected with HDAd-CRISPR and HDAd-Acr engrafted at a significantly higher rate. Target site disruption frequencies in engrafted human cells were similar to those in pre-transplantation CD34+ cells, indicating that genome-edited primitive HSCs survived. In vitro differentiated HSCs isolated from transplanted mice demonstrated increased γ-globin expression as a result of genome editing. Our data indicate that the HDAd-Acr vector can be used as a tool to reduce HSC cytotoxicity of the CRISPR/Cas9 complex

    In vivo hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy ameliorates murine thalassemia intermedia

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    Current thalassemia gene therapy protocols require the collection of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), in vitro culture, lentivirus vector transduction, and retransplantation into myelo-ablated patients. Because of cost and technical complexity, it is unlikely that such protocols will be applicable in developing countries where the greatest demand for a beta-thalassemia therapy lies. We have developed a simple in vivo HSPC gene therapy approach that involved HSPC mobilization and an intravenous injection of integrating HDAd5/35++ vectors. Transduced HSPCs homed back to the bone marrow where they persisted long-term. HDAd5/35++ vectors for in vivo gene therapy of thalassemia had a unique capsid that targeted primitive HSPCs through human CD46, a relatively safe SB100X transposase-based integration machinery, a micro-LCR driven gamma-globin gene and, a MGMT(P140K) system that allowed for increasing the therapeutic effect by short-term treatment with low-dose O(6)BG/BCNU. We showed in "healthy" human CD46 transgenic mice and in a mouse model of thalassemia intermedia that our in vivo approach resulted in stable gamma-globin expression in the majority of circulating red blood cells. The high marking frequency was maintained in secondary recipients. In the thalassemia model, a near complete phenotypic correction was achieved. The treatment was well tolerated. This cost-efficient and "portable" approach could permit a broader clinical application of thalassemia gene therapy

    Disruption of the BCL11A Erythroid Enhancer Reactivates Fetal Hemoglobin in Erythroid Cells of Patients with β-Thalassemia Major

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    In the present report, we carried out clinical-scale editing in adult mobilized CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) using zinc-finger nuclease-mediated disruption of BCL11a to upregulate the expression of γ-globin (fetal hemoglobin). In these cells, disruption of the erythroid-specific enhancer of the BCL11A gene increased endogenous γ-globin expression to levels that reached or exceeded those observed following knockout of the BCL11A coding region without negatively affecting survival or in vivo long-term proliferation of edited HSPCs and other lineages. In addition, BCL11A enhancer modification in mobilized CD34+ cells from patients with β-thalassemia major resulted in a readily detectable γ-globin increase with a preferential increase in G-gamma, leading to an improved phenotype and, likely, a survival advantage for maturing erythroid cells after editing. Furthermore, we documented that both normal and β-thalassemia HSPCs not only can be efficiently expanded ex vivo after editing but can also be successfully edited post-expansion, resulting in enhanced early in vivo engraftment compared with unexpanded cells. Overall, this work highlights a novel and effective treatment strategy for correcting the β-thalassemia phenotype by genome editing. Keywords: hemoglobinopathies, BCL11a, genome editing, thalassemia, HbF reactivation, zinc finger nuclease

    Success Stories and Challenges Ahead in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy: Hemoglobinopathies as Disease Models

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    Gene therapy is a relatively novel field that amounts to around four decades of continuous growth with its good and bad moments. Currently, the field has entered the clinical arena with the ambition to fulfil its promises for a permanent fix of incurable genetic disorders. Hemoglobinopathies as target diseases and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) as target cells of genetic interventions had a major share in the research effort toward efficiently implementing gene therapy. Dissection of HSC biology and improvements in gene transfer and gene expression technologies evolved in an almost synchronous manner to a point where the two fields seem to be functionally intercalated. In this review, we focus specifically on the development of gene therapy for hemoglobin disorders and look at both gene addition and gene correction strategies that may dominate the field of HSC-directed gene therapy in the near future and transform the therapeutic landscape for genetic diseases.</p&gt

    A Combined In Vivo HSC Transduction/Selection Approach Results in Efficient and Stable Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells in Mice

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    We recently reported on an in vivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy approach. It involves the subcutaneous injections of G-CSF/AMD3100 to mobilize HSCs from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood stream and the intravenous injection of an integrating helper-dependent adenovirus vector system. HSCs transduced in the periphery homed back to the bone marrow, where they persisted long-term. However, high transgene marking rates found in primitive bone marrow HSCs were not reflected in peripheral blood cells. Here, we tested small-molecule drugs to achieve selective mobilization and transduction of HSCs. We found more efficient GFP marking in bone marrow HSCs but no increased marking in the peripheral blood cells. We then used an in vivo HSC chemo-selection based on a mutant of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (mgmtP140K) gene that confers resistance to O6-BG/BCNU and should give stably transduced HSCs a proliferation stimulus and allow for the selective survival and expansion of progeny cells. Short-term exposure of G-CSF/AMD3100-mobilized, in vivo-transduced mice to relatively low selection drug doses resulted in stable GFP expression in up to 80% of peripheral blood cells. Overall, the further improvement of our in vivo HSC transduction approach creates the basis for a simpler HSC gene therapy