47 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological Training of Operators in Adaptive Biofeedback Cardiorhythm Control

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    A new individual computerized technique for psychophysiological training of operators before performing psychomotor activity on a computer model (psychomotor concentration and spatial orientation test) was developed. Qualitative criteria for the prediction of safe operator activity were formulated. Preliminary testing of operators’ activity quality showed great dispersion of individual results: The amount of errors ranged from 0 to 56 and the rate of information processing varied from 1.01 up 3.56 bit/s. Subjects with initially identified respiratory sinus arrhythmia or synchronization caused by respiratory movements committed minimal recognition errors in initial stages at a high rate of information processing. The number of errors remained unchanged after the biofeedback cardio-training cycle, with the rate of information processing increasing noticeably. Subjects without inherent harmonics developed harmonics after sessions of cardiorhythm biofeedback control, and their operator activity quality improved significantly, making fewer mistakes and increasing the rate of information processing. Biofeedback control led not only to the restoration of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a favorable diagnostic sign, as revealed by cardiorhythmograms, but also resulted in improvement of the quality of operator activity.Se desarrolló una nueva técnica informática para el entrenamiento psicofísiológico de operadores antes de llevar a cabo una actividad psicomotora en un modelo informático (test de concentración psicomotora y orientación espacial). Se formularon los criterios cualitativos para la predicción de la actividad segura de los operadores. Las pruebas preliminares de la calidad de la actividad de los operadores reveló una gran dispersión de los resultados individuales: la cantidad de errores oscilaba entre 0 y 56 y el porcentaje de información procesado variaba entre 1.01 y 3.56 bits/s. Los sujetos inicialmente identificados con una arritmia respiratoria sinusal o sincronización causada por los movimientos respiratorios cometían mínimos errores de reconocimiento en las fases iniciales, con una alta velocidad de procesamiento de la información. El número de errores no cambió después del ciclo de entrenamiento biofeedback cardíaco y la velocidad de procesamiento de la información aumentó considerablemente. Los sujetos sin armónicos inherentes desarrollaron armónicos después de las sesiones de control biofeedback del ritmo cardíaco, y su calidad de actividad mejoró significativamente, cometiendo menos errores y aumentando su velocidad de procesamiento de la información. El control biofeedback no sólo llevó a la restauración de la arritmia respiratoria sinusal, una señal diagnóstica favorable, como se observa en los cardiorritmogramas, sino que también mejoró la calidad de la actividad de los operadores

    Consolidating Russia and Eurasia Antibiotic Resistance Data for 1992–2014 Using Search Engine

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    Background: The World Health Organization recognizes the antibiotic resistance problem as a major health threat in the 21st century. The paper describes an effort to fight it undertaken at the verge of two industries - healthcare and Data Science. One of the major difficulties in monitoring antibiotic resistance is low availability of comprehensive research data. Our aim is to develop a nation-wide antibiotic resistance database using Internet search and data processing algorithms using Russian language publications. Materials and methods: An interdisciplinary team built an intelligent Internet search filter to locate all publicly available research data on antibiotic resistance in Russia and Eurasia countries, extracted it, and collated it for analysis. A database was constructed using data from 850 original studies conducted at 153 locations in 12 countries between 1992 and 2014. The studies contained susceptibility and resistance rates of 156 microorganisms to 157 antibiotic drugs. Results: The applied search methodology was highly robust in that it yielded search precision of 58% versus 20% in a typical Internet search. It allowed finding and collating within the database the following data items (among many others): publication details including title, source, date, authors, etc.; study details: time period, locations, research organization, therapy area, etc.; microorganisms and antibiotic drugs included in the study along with prevalence values of resistant and susceptible strains, and numbers of isolates.The next stage in project development will try to validate the data by matching it to major benchmark studies; in addition, a panel of experts will be convened to evaluate the outcomes.Conclusions: The work provides a supplementary tool to national surveillance systems in antibiotic resistance, and consolidates fragmented research data available for 12 countries for a period of more than 20 years

    Развитие методов исследования статистических зависимостей: регрессионные модели с переменными структурными параметрами

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    The article describes methods for verification of a statistical model, which, firstly, is represented by time series of initial data and, secondly, is linear in the parameters being estimated. Traditionally, the use of econometric methods is based on the representation of the process under study in the form of a linear regression model. In this case, if the sets of explanatory and explained variables are represented by time series, the standard regression model allows obtaining only estimates of the structural parameters averaged over the time interval of the observed model variables. A natural generalization of the classical regression model (representing a wide class of practically important numerical problems both in the field of economic and statistical research, and in technical and other fields) is a model in which the structural parameters to be estimated on empirical data are variable in time. The article substantiates the methods of estimating the structural parameters of various types of statistical models, with reference to which the problem of estimating the dynamics of these parameters is relevant.В статье описаны методы верификации статистической модели, которая, во-первых, представлена временными рядами исходных данных и, во-вторых, является линейной по оцениваемым параметрам. Традиционно применение эконометрических методов базируется на представлении изучаемого процесса в виде линейной регрессионной модели. При этом автор исходит из того, что в случае, когда наборы объясняемой и объясняющих переменных представлены временными рядами, стандартная регрессионная модель позволяет получить лишь оценки структурных параметров, усредненные по временному интервалу наблюдаемых переменных модели. Естественное обобщение классической регрессионной модели (представляющее широкий класс практически важных численных задач как в области экономико-статистических исследований, так и в технической и прочих областях) - модель, в которой структурные параметры, подлежащие оцениванию на эмпирических данных, являются переменными во времени. В статье обосновываются методы оценивания структурных параметров различных типов статистических моделей, применительно к которым проблема оценки динамики этих параметров представляется актуальной

    Detailed simulation of distance protection for its testing and setting

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    A significant part of severe accidents (blackouts) in electric power systems (EPS) is associated with incorrect operation of relay protection and automation (RPA). One of the main reasons for the incorrect actions of the RPA devices is its rough settings, which often does not correspond to the real operating conditions for specific device. An analysis of currently used methods and tools for RPA setting up, shown that they are largely relied on the guidelines of previous decennaries. Respectively modern techniques have the same drawbacks associated with accounting the processes in specific RPA and primary transducers and its errors by approximate coefficients. It is possible to solve the indicated problem with a highly detailed analysis of the operation of key elements of RPA schemes in the specific operating conditions. The obtained results allow to estimate the processes in protected objects, processing errors in instrumental current (ICT) and voltage (IVT) transformers, as well as in RPA itself. Such possibility could be achieved by the detailed RPA mathematical modeling. The combination of an adequate EPS simulator and RPA models allows configuring parameters of the RPA settings ensuring its correct operation in real EPS. The article presents result of this research for distance protection

    Research, Development and Application of Hybrid Model of Back-to-Back HVDC Link

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    Recent hybrid simulators (or co-simulators) of the electric power system are focused on scientific and research features to propose and develop novel and more accurate simulators. The present paper demonstrates one more hybrid modelling approach based on application and combination of three modeling approaches all together: physical, analog and digital. The primary focus of the proposed approach is to develop the simulation tool ensuring such vital characteristics as three-phase simulation and modeling of a single spectrum of processes in electric power system, without separation of the electromagnetic and electromechanical transient stages. Moreover, unlimited scalability of the electric power system model and real-time simulation to ensure the opportunity of data exchange with external devices have been considered. The description of the development of the hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link based on the proposed approach is discussed and analyzed. To confirm properties of the mentioned hybrid simulation approach and hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link, the simulation results of the interconnection of non-synchronously operating parts of the electric power system; power flow regulation; dynamic response to external fault and damping of power oscillation in electric power system are presented and examined. Moreover, to confirm the adequacy of the obtained results, the comparison with a detailed voltage source converter HVDC model (Simulink Matlab) and Eurostag software are introduced


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    Turbine Fast Valving Setting Method Based on the Hybrid Simulation Approach

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    Turbine fast valving is one way to preserve the stability of power systems in case of emergency excess power. The determination of optimal setting parameters of turbine fast valving is a rather complicated task. It is connected with the necessity to determine the parameters of an electrical signal, which controls by means of an amplifier the position of control valves and, accordingly, the value of the output turbine power. The amplitude, duration, as well as the form of the electric signal influence the speed and depth of turbine unloading; they also determine the character of transient process development, including in the post-emergency mode. The proposed approach differs from the currently used one in that the optimal electrical signal shape is selected by multiple detailed modelling in power system simulators, rather than one of three to five initial settings determined at the turbine manufacturer without taking into account the response of the power system. Thus, when using complete and reliable information regarding the processes in the turbine and generator equipment, its control systems, and the power system as a whole, it becomes possible to form the necessary shape of an electrical signal in the event of losing stability in a place of interest in the power system due to the occurrence of an emergency excess of generated active power of various values. The developed approach was tested, and the results of the study were verified by the field data

    Study of influence of thyristor controlled reactors on the regimes of power supply systems of Elga coal mining complex

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    The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to develop new methods and means of improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises. The main aim of the study is to create on the basis of Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim) a platform for developing and testing methods and tools for optimization of operating regimes, as well as energy efficiency of Elga coal mining complex in the framework of the pilot project on the creation of intelligent electric power system of Russia - the project «Elgaugol». The methods used in the study. Solution of the tasks determined the necessity to use a wide range of theoretical and experimental methods and techniques of research: the theory of linear and non-linear electrical circuits with lumped and distributed parameters, automatic control and control theory, the theory of precision and sensitivity of computing devices, sampling methods of the theory of ordinary differential equations, continuous implicit methodically precise integration of differential equations, the circuitry on integrated circuits, IT-technologies, FACTS technologies etc. The results. To solve the problem of the research the unique test platform based on the HRTSim was developed. The platform allows allregimes studying of power supply system of the Elga mining enterprise. In addition, the model of the automatic control system (ACS) of thyristor controlled reactors (TCR) is integrated into the HRTSim. A considerable amount of researches has been carried out. The fragments of these researches are introduced in the paper. It was possible to identify a significant impact of TCR under the control of ACS and developed within the project «Elgaugol» active-adaptive voltage and var control system (AAVVCS) in the operating regimes of power supply system of the Elga coal mining complex. In particular, it was found that at incensement of loads in power system and, as a consequence, a significant reduction of voltages on the bus-bars of a number of substations in the area of the mining enterprise, the developed system prevents the stop of motors driving the various kinds of pumps, fans and other equipment of the Elga coal mining complex. In addition, it was possible to identify a significant impact of TCRs on the dynamic stability of power system, as well as energy efficiency by reducing the losses of active and reactive power. These simulation results were the basis for the actual design solutions within the framework of the project «Elgaugol»