4 research outputs found

    Hydrocortisone concentration influences time to clinically significant healing of acute inflammation of the ocular surface and adnexa – results from a double-blind randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The efficacy of topical ophthalmic corticosteroids depends upon small modifications in preparations, such as drug concentration. The aim of this study was to confirm that hydrocortisone acetate (HC-ac) ophthalmic ointments of 2.5% and 1% are more effective than a 0.5% eye ointment. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical study, the change of signs and symptoms of acute inflammation of the ocular surface and adnexa was evaluated in 411 subjects. RESULTS: Median time to clinically relevant response as estimated by 50% reduction in clinical signs and symptoms (CSS) total score over the entire trial was similar for subjects treated with HC-ac 2.5% (73.5 h) and for subjects treated with HC-ac 1.0% (67.7 h) and was considerably and significantly longer for subjects treated with HC-ac 0.5% (111.8 h) [p < 0.001 for both dosages]. All trial medications were safe and well tolerated. CONCLUSION: Hydrocortisone acetate 2.5% and Hydrocortisone acetate 1% eye ointments are efficacious and safe treatments for acute inflammations of the ocular surface or adnexa, and showed significantly better efficacy than a control group treated with Hydrocortisone acetate 0.5% therapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15464650

    Kinematic Analysis of Technics of Performance of Jerk of Long Cycle in Dumbbell Sport of Highly Qualified Weightlifter

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    Завдання дослідження – вивчити теоретико-методичні основи спеціально-рухової підготовки в гирьовому спорті, дослідити сучасну техніку поштовху довгим циклом у гирьовому спорті. Методи дослідження – аналіз наукової й спеціальної літератури, відеометрія, біомеханічний відеокомп’ютерний аналіз, педагогічне тестування, методи математичної статистики. У статті проаналізовано дані спеціалізованої науково-методичної літератури про техніку виконання поштовху двох гир довгим циклом. Власні результати дослідження виявили кінематичну техніку виконання поштовху довгим циклом висококваліфікованих гирьовиків. Визначено темп виконання вправи поштовху довгим циклом у висококваліфікованих гирьовиків світу. To study theoretical and methodological basics of special motor preparation in dumbbell sport. To study modern technics of jerk exercises of two dumbbells of long cycle. Methods research: analysis of scientific and special literature, video materials, biomechanical video computer analysis, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The article analysis data of specialized scientific and methodological literature about technics of performing of jerk of long cycle in dumbbell sport. Results of the research have discovered kinematic technics of performing of jerk with long cycle among highly qualified weightlifters of the world