35 research outputs found

    Superfluid-Superfluid Phase Transitions in Two-Component Bose System

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    Depending on the Hamiltonian parameters, two-component bosons in an optical lattice can form at least three different superfluid phases in which both components participate in the superflow: a (strongly interacting) mixture of two miscible superfluids (2SF), a paired superfluid vacuum (PSF), and (at a commensurate total filling factor) the super-counter-fluid state (SCF). We study universal properties of the 2SF-PSF and 2SF-SCF quantum phase transitions and show that (i) they can be mapped onto each other, and (ii) their universality class is identical to the (d+1)-dimensional normal-superfluid transition in a single-component liquid. Finite-temperature 2SF-PSF(SCF) transitions and the topological properties of 2SF-PSF(SCF) interfaces are also discussed.Comment: 4pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Supersolid phase of hardcore bosons on triangular lattice

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    We establish the nature of the supersolid phase observed for hardcore bosons on the triangular lattice near half-integer filling factor, and study the phase diagram of the system at finite temperature. We find that the solid order is always of the (2m,-m',-m') with m changing discontinuously from positive to negative values at half-filling, contrary to predictions of other phases, based on an analogy with the properties of Ising spins in transverse magnetic field. At finite temperature we find two intersecting second-order transition lines, one in the 3-state Potts universality class and the other of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type

    Superglass Phase of Helium-four

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    We study different solid phases of Helium-four, by means of Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations based on a recently developed "worm" algorithm. Our study includes simulations that start off from a high-T gas phase, which is then "quenched" down to T=0.2 K. The low-T properties of the system crucially depend on the initial state. While an ideal hcp crystal is a clear-cut insulator, the disordered system freezes into a "superglass", i.e., a metastable amorphous solid featuring off-diagonal long-range order and superfluidity

    Commensurate Two-Component Bosons in Optical Lattice: Groundstate Phase Diagram

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    Two sorts of bosons in an optical lattice at commensurate filling factors can form five stable superfluid and insulating groundstates with rich and non-trivial phase diagram. The structure of the groundstate diagram is established by mapping dd-dimensional quantum system onto a (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional classical loop-current model and Monte Carlo simulations of the latter. Surprisingly, the quantum phase diagram features, besides second-order lines, a first-order transition and two multi-critical points. We explain why first-order transitions are generic for models with paring interactions using microscopic and mean-field arguments.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 3 ps-figures; replaced with revised version accepted by PRL: results of the MC simulations in 4D are briefly discusse

    Worm Algorithm for Continuous-space Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations

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    We present a new approach to path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations based on the worm algorithm, originally developed for lattice models and extended here to continuous-space many-body systems. The scheme allows for efficient computation of thermodynamic properties, including winding numbers and off-diagonal correlations, for systems of much greater size than that accessible to conventional PIMC. As an illustrative application of the method, we simulate the superfluid transition of Helium-four in two dimensions.Comment: Fig. 2 differs from that of published version (includes data for larger system sizes

    Superfluid--Insulator Transition in Commensurate One-Dimensional Bosonic System with Off-Diagonal Disorder

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    We study the nature of the superfluid--insulator quantum phase transition in a one-dimensional system of lattice bosons with off-diagonal disorder in the limit of large integer filling factor. Monte Carlo simulations of two strongly disordered models show that the universality class of the transition in question is the same as that of the superfluid--Mott-insulator transition in a pure system. This result can be explained by disorder self-averaging in the superfluid phase and applicability of the standard quantum hydrodynamic action. We also formulate the necessary conditions which should be satisfied by the stong-randomness universality class, if one exists.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Typo in figure 4 of ver. 3 is correcte

    Vortex-Phonon Interaction in the Kosterlitz-Thouless Theory

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    The "canonical" variables of the Kosterlitz-Thouless theory--fields Φ0(r)\Phi_0({\bf r}) and ϕ(r)\phi({\bf r}), generally believed to stand for vortices and phonons (or their XY equivalents, like spin waves, etc.) turn out to be neither vortices and phonons, nor, strictly speaking, {\it canonical} variables. The latter fact explains paradoxes of (i) absence of interaction between Φ0\Phi_0 and ϕ\phi, and (ii) non-physical contribution of small vortex pairs to long-range phase correlations. We resolve the paradoxes by explicitly relating Φ0\Phi_0 and ϕ\phi to canonical vortex-pair and phonon variables.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    High Precision Measurement of the Thermal Exponent for the Three-Dimensional XY Universality Class

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    Simulations results are reported for critical point of the two-component ϕ4\phi^4 field theory. The correlation length exponent is measured to high precision with the result ν=0.6717(3)\nu=0.6717(3). This value is in agreement with recent simulation results [Campostrini \textit{et al}., Phys. Rev. B \textbf{63}, 214503 (2001)], and marginally agrees with the most recent space-based measurements of the superfluid transition in 4^4He [Lipa \textit{et al}., Phys. Rev. B \textbf{68}, 174518 (2003)].Comment: a reference adde

    From Popov-Fedotov trick to universal fermionization

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    We show that Popov-Fedotov trick of mapping spin-1/2 lattice systems on two-component fermions with imaginary chemical potential readily generalizes to bosons with a fixed (but not limited) maximal site occupation number, as well as to fermionic Hamiltonians with various constraints on the site Fock states. In a general case, the mapping---fermionization---is on multi-component fermions with many-body non-Hermitian interactions. Additionally, the fermionization approach allows one to convert large many-body couplings into single-particle energies, rendering the diagrammatic series free of large expansion parameters; the latter is essential for the efficiency and convergence of the diagrammatic Monte Carlo method.Comment: 4 pages, no figures (v2 contains some improvements; the most important one is the generic complex chemical potential trick for spins/bosons

    Superfluid--Insulator Transition in Commensurate Disordered Bosonic Systems:Large-Scale Worm-Algorithm Simulations

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    We report results of large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of superfluid--insulator transitions in commensurate 2D bosonic systems. In the case of off-diagonal disorder (quantum percolation), we find that the transition is to a gapless incompressible insulator, and its dynamical critical exponent is z=1.65±0.2z=1.65 \pm 0.2. In the case of diagonal disorder, we prove the conjecture that rare statistical fluctuations are inseparable from critical fluctuations on the largest scales and ultimately result in the crossover to the generic universality class (apparently with z=2z=2). However, even at strong disorder, the universal behavior sets in only at very large space-time distances. This explains why previous studies of smaller clusters mimicked a direct superfluid--Mott-insulator transition.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 7 figure