5 research outputs found

    Survey of the mites of stored products in Greece

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    The first part of the present study deals with a quantitative and qualitative survey of mites associated with stored products in Greece. The purpose of the second part is to obtain information about mite species abundance and seasonal changes in mite population density in connection with horizontal and vertical distribution in a flat storeroom. The third part of the thesis aimed to evaluate the population and biological parameters of the predator Cheyletus malaccensis. The fourth part of the thesis deals with the functional response of the predatory mite Cheyletus malaccensis to increasing density of immature and adult stages of Tyrophagus putrescentiae and egg stage of the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella. The last part aimed to evaluate the predation efficiency of the predatory species C. malaccensis, in different predator-prey ratios.Αντικείμενο της μελέτης είναι η συμβολή στην ευρύτερη γνώση γύρω από τα είδη των ακάρεων που προσβάλλουν τα αποθηκευμένα προϊόντα στην Ελλάδα, την εποχιακή διακύμανση αυτών και τη δυνατότητα της βιολογικής καταπολεμήσεώς τους. Στο πρώτο μέρος μελετήθηκε η ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύνθεση της ακαρεοπανίδας που ευρέθη σε δείγματα (1073) αποθηκευμένων γεωργικών προϊόντων από 34 νομούς της Ελλάδας. Ευρέθησαν συνολικά 69 taxa ακάρεων. Από αυτά, τα 8 είναι νέες καταγραφές για την ελληνική ακαρεοπανίδα. Στο δεύτερο μέρος μελετήθηκε η πληθυσμιακή διακύμανση ακάρεων σε αποθήκη οριζόντιου τύπου με αποθηκευμένο σιτάρι. Στο τρίτο μέρος μελετήθηκαν οι βιολογικές και πληθυσμιακές παράμετροι του αρπακτικού Cheyletus malaccensis σε επτά θερμοκρασίες. Στο τέταρτο μέρος μελετήθηκε η λειτοργική ανταπόκριση του Cheyletus malaccensis με λεία άτομα του Tyrophagus putrescentiae και ωών του Ephestia kuehniella. Στο πέμπτο μέρος μελετήθηκε η θηρευτική αποτελεσματικότητα του Cheyletus malaccensis σε διάφορες αναλογίες αρπακτικού-λείας

    Heat-exchanger design and switching-frequency effects on the performance of a continuous type solar adsorption chiller

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    A transient one-dimensional model, capable of describing the performance of a newly-introduced adsorption chiller with continuous operation, is developed. Since the cycle time and the switching frequency have a great influence on chiller performance, a non-dimensional switching frequency is introduced and a systematic parametric study is carried out in order to determine regions of optimal operation. An optimization based on the thermodynamic efficiency yields a lower switching frequency than an optimization based on the maximum cooling capacity. In addition, the effect of the heat-exchanger design parameters on system performance is explored. An increase of either the bed's Fourier number or the thermofluid's Nusselt number has a positive effect on both COP and cooling capacity. An improvement of system performance can also be achieved by decreasing either the thermofluid's Fourier number or the bed's Biot number. Finally, the effect of space velocity of the thermofluid exhibits the most interesting behavior; an increase of the space velocity has a positive effect on cooling capacity and a negative effect on COP.Solar adsorption chiller Solar air-conditioning Switching frequency Dimensionless numbers Heat exchanger Silica gel

    Rift migration and lateral propagation: evolution of normal faults and sediment-routing systems of the western Corinth rift (Greece)

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    International audienceThe active Corinth rift records hanging-wall migration of faulting and slip-rate accel- eration. The rift initiated at approximately 5 – 4 Ma, and older parts are well exposed in the northern Peloponnese. A new correlation of chrono- and lithostratigraphy and structure across the onland central to westernmost rift with offshore data reveals westward rift propagation, as well as north- ward fault migration. Northward fault migration ended first in the east, with the stabilization of major north-dipping faults that now bound the Gulf. The basin then propagated to the WNW in two stages, each involving the initiation of a new fault that propagated east to SE to link to the sta- ble fault system. Extension rates accelerated in distinct steps as the rift opened to the west. The youngest faults in the westernmost rift are associated with high seismicity and highest geodetic extension due to rapid fault growth and linkage at depth.The early synrift succession infilled substantial inherited palaeo-relief. Antecedent rivers estab- lished vigorous sediment-routing systems that controlled facies distribution throughout rifting, albeit with drainage reorganization during fault-migration events. Multiple deepening events recorded in the stratigraphy can be due to lateral rift propagation. The transition from rift initiation to rift climax is, therefore, diachronous along the rift axis

    Taux de déplacement des failles d'Aigion et d'Eliki à partir des terrasses marines soulevées, Golfe de Corinthe, Grèce

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    International audienceAlong the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, important coastal uplift is illustrated by raised Late-Pleistocene marine platforms. Terrace remnants preserved on the footwall of the Aigion and Eliki Faults were mapped in detail. To derive cumulative uplift rates, the individual terraces were tentatively correlated with the eustatic sea-level curve, constrained by some direct dating of the deposits blanketing the terraces. We obtain uplift rates of 1.05–1.2 mm yr−1 for the Aigion Fault footwall and of 1.0 and 1.25 mm yr−1 for the East and West Eliki Fault footwalls respectively. A forward modelling procedure was adopted to fit the best-preserved terrace transects, using a code based on standard dislocation theory and assuming reasonable scenarios of regional uplift. We obtained maximum slip rates consistently in the range of 7–11 mm yr−1 for the West and East Eliki Faults and of 9–11 mm yr−1 for the Aigion Fault