538 research outputs found

    Internal and external factors of food security policy in Russia

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    The article substantiates that food security and food independence of Russia is accompanied by new internal and external factors. Counter-measures from Russia include quickened import substitution, modernization of agriculture, and investments for increase of efficiency and competitiveness under the conditions of growing economic, social, political, and natural & climatic turbulence. As to foreign policy, these counter-measures include membership in the WTO, integration into the Eurasian Economic Union, globalization of agricultural sphere, foreign sanctions against or limiting food import in Russia, and exchange of partners in export and import. Policy of food security and independence is conducted under the conditions of high inflation and is rather costly. Vectors of food security of Russia are differently directed, though there is economic growth of agriculture. Food security and food independence become a part of national security and independence. Innovational strategy of modernization of agriculture should be considered to be the highest priority of country’s development. Increase of support for Russian agriculture from state budget, regional budget, federal and regional programs, and subsidies are especially important.peer-reviewe

    Komi rahvaluulet. Kogunud Paul Ariste

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    Academician Paul Ariste's collection of Komi folklore have been recorded from male informants in 1941 and 1942 in Tartu. The ethnic Komi informants resided in Tartu as prisoners of war. The original texts have been written in transcription and each text is followed by a translation into Estonian. The materials represent a wide range of genres, including Komi chastushkas, folk songs, riddles, jokes, legends, folk tales, etc. Beside of this were is a collection of the Komi material from Aleksei Rakov: it includes abundant information about the ethnography, Rakov has illustrated the text with numerous drawings, which is an important and informative addition to the ethnographic descriptions. The texts have been written down in the so-called Molodtsov alphabet, the alphabet was used in the Komi area during 1918-1932 and during 1934-1936

    Краткий конспект общего курса ботаники 1906 г. : по лекциям проф. Н. И. Кузнецова

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b3786665*es

    Rationale for the use of benchmarking in territorial development

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    The article reveals the research of the importance of such effective marketing tool as benchmarking increasing the competitiveness of economic systems. An algorithm is being developed for applying benchmarking technology to the specifics of the development and implementation of the strategy and tactics of regional development. It is determined that the implementation of benchmarking technology in the territorial development in the context of modern Russian reality is prioritized in choosing a set of competitive advantages that the latter can have in the long term.peer-reviewe

    Industrial development under sanctions pressure: evidence from Russia

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    One of the most important sectors of the economy in Russia is industry. In this regard, the state seeks to stimulate the development of innovations in this area. Over the past few years, many industrial sectors in Russia have been in a crisis situation, which is caused by several factors: a decrease in the level of real investment, a decrease in the solvent demand of enterprises-customers and public consumers, and the introduction of financial and economic sanctions in 2014 against Russia by the United States and the European Union countries, as well as the effect of other macroeconomic factors independent of the activities of industrial enterprises. This study aims to identify the main trends in the development of industrial production in Russia in recent years, and an explanation of its causes. This topic is relevant in connection with the foregoing and may be of interest to academic economists studying industry development trends in developing countries. The aim of the study is to analyze the state of industry in Russia from 2015 to 2018 during the period of sanction pressure on the industrial and financial sectors of the Russian economy. Having examined the latest data on the results of the activity of Russian industry as a whole, one can note positive trends in the development of industrial production in Russia despite a number of negative internal and external factors. It is concluded that today, for Russia, the strategic tasks in industrial policy are reduced to overcoming technological backwardness and carrying out technological modernization of industries based on the use of innovative achievements, as well as import substitution for the sectors of the economy that are sensitive to foreign sanctions

    Отчет о заграничной командировке. I, Прага и Монпелье

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    Separaat väljaandest: Известия Императорской Академии наук, 1908http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1946641~S1*es

    Нагорный Дагестан и значение его в истории развития флоры Кавказа : [доложено в соединенном заседании Отделений географии математической и географии физической И.Р.Г.О. 26 октября 1910 г.]

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    Separaat väljaandest: Известия Императорского Русского географического общества, 1910, том 46, вып. 6-7http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1946873~S1*es