20 research outputs found

    Observation Of Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Families In Emulsion Chambers At High Mountain Altitudes (i)

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    Characteristics of cosmic-ray hadronic interactions in the 1015 - 1017 eV range are studied by observing a total of 429 cosmic-ray families of visible energy greater than 100 TeV found in emulsion chamber experiments at high mountain altitudes, Chacaltaya (5200 m above sea level) and the Pamirs (4300 m above sea level). Extensive comparisons were made with simulated families based on models so far proposed, concentrating on the relation between the observed family flux and the behaviour of high-energy showers in the families, hadronic and electromagnetic components. It is concluded that there must be global change in characteristics of hadronic interactions at around 1016 eV deviating from thise known in the accelerator energy range, specially in the forwardmost angular region of the collision. A detailed study of a new shower phenomenon of small-pT particle emissions, pT being of the order of 10 MeV/c, is carried out and its relation to the origin of huge "halo" phenomena associated with extremely high energy families is discussed as one of the possibilities. General characteristics of such super-families are surveyed. © 1992.3702365431Borisov, (1981) Nucl. Phys., 191 BBaybrina, (1984) Trudy FIAN 154, p. 1. , [in Russian], Nauka, MoscowLattes, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151Hasegawa, ICR-Report-151-87-5 (1987) presented at FNAL CDF Seminar, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Yamashita, Ohsawa, Chinellato, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 30. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 1. , Tokyo, 1984Baradzei, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 136. , Tokyo, 1984Yamashita, (1985) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, p. 529Bolisov, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic rays and Particle Physics, p. 248. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, Tomaszewski, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 324. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo, PolandHasegawa, (1989) ICR-Report-197-89-14, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Okamoto, Shibata, (1987) Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 257 A, p. 155Zhdanov, (1980) FIAN preprint no. 45, , Lebedev Physical Institute, MoscowSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 76, p. 111Nikolsky, (1975) Izv. Akad. Nauk. USSR Ser. Fis., 39, p. 1160Burner, Energy spectra of cosmic rays above 1 TeV per nucleon (1990) The Astrophysical Journal, 349, p. 25Takahashi, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceRen, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Alner, The UA5 high energy simulation program (1987) Nuclear Physics B, 291 B, p. 445Bozzo, Measurement of the proton-antiproton total and elastic cross sections at the CERN SPS collider (1984) Physics Letters B, 147 B, p. 392Wrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 56. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CWrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 328. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CMukhamedshin, (1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 142. , Nauka, Moscow, [in Russian]Dunaevsky, Pluta, Slavatinsky, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 143. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandKaidalov, Ter-Martirosyan, (1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 141. , Nauka, MoscowShabelsky, (1985) preprints LNPI-1113Shabelsky, (1986) preprints LNPI-1224, , Leningrad [in Russian]Hillas, (1979) Proc. 16th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Kyoto, 6, p. 13. , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoBorisov, (1987) Phys. Lett., 190 B, p. 226Hasegawa, Tamada, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, p. 111Ren, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Dynaevsky, Zimin, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interaction, p. 93. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandDynaevsky, (1990) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, France(1989) FIAN preprint no. 208, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 8, p. 259. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaHasegawa, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9, , Inst. for Cosmic-Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, (1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaTamada, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9(1981) Proc. 17th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Paris, 5, p. 291(1990) Proc. Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 267. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1989) Inst. Nucl. Phys. 89-67/144, , preprint, Inst. Nucl. Phys., Moscow State UnivSmilnova, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Sym. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 42. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandGoulianos, (1986) Proc. Workshop of Particle Simulation at High Energies, , University of Wisconsin, Madison, USAIvanenko, (1983) Proc. 18th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Bangalore, 1983, 5, p. 274. , Tata Inst. Fundamental Research, Bombay, IndiaIvanenko, (1984) Proc. Int. Symp. on Cosmic-Rays and Particle Physics, p. 101. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1988) 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 180. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, Poland(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 251. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1991) Izv. AN USSR No. 4, , to be publishedNikolsky, Shaulov, Cherdyntseva, (1990) FIAN preprint no. 140, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, [in Russian](1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 326. , Nauka, Mosco

    Observation Of A High-energy Cosmic-ray Family Caused By A Centauro-type Nuclear Interaction In The Joint Emulsion Chamber Experiment At The Pamirs

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    An exotic cosmic-ray family event is observed in the large emulsion chamber exposed by the joint at the Pamirs (4360 m above sea level). The family is composed of 120γ-ray-induced showers and 37 hadron-induced showers with individual visible energy exceeding 1 TeV. The decisive feature of the event is the hadron dominance: ΣEγ, ΣE(γ) h, 〈Eγ, 〈E(γ) h〉, 〈Eγ·Rγ〉 and 〈E(γ)·Rh〉 being 298 TeV, 476 TeV, 2.5 TeV, 12.9 TeV, 28.6 GeV m and 173 GeV m, respectively. Most probably the event is due to a Centauro interaction, which occured in the atmosphere at ∼700 m above the chamber. The event will constitute the second beautiful candidate for a Centauro observed at the Pamirs. © 1987.1901-2226233Bayburina, (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151(1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 1Borisov, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 3. , TokyoRen, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 317. , La JollaYamashita, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 364. , La JollaTamada, (1977) Nuovo Cimento, 41 B, p. 245T. Shibata et al., to be publishedHillas, (1979) 16th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 13. , KyotoBattiston, Measurement of the proton-antiproton elastic and total cross section at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV (1982) Physics Letters B, 117, p. 126UA5 Collab., G.J. Alner et al., preprint CERN-EP/85-62Taylor, (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Burnett, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 468. , Toky

    Assessment of contamination of the Issyk-Kul' valley natural waters with uranium mine wastes

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    The Lake Issyk-Kul' of the central Tyan-Shan is characterized by increased natural uranium content. Uranium-carbon deposit situated on the southern bank of the Lake can be the reason of chemical and radioactive contamination of this unique basin by exploitation wastes. ln order to estimate possible danger, a project “Assessment and prognosis of environmental changes in Lake Issyk-Kul' (Kyrghyzstan)” was developed and supported by the Program ofthe European Commission “Copernicus-2” (2001-2003). According to this project the water assays were sampled from different depths near the banks of the Lake and from low-debit sources draining the dumping grounds of the uranium-carbon deposit. Elemental and isotopic examinations of these water samples were performed using an ELEMENT HR-ICP-MS (Finnigan Mat). The results obtained are the evidence that the ecological status of the Lake Issyk-Kul'is not damaged at present. Wastewaters from the uranium-carbon mine do not make decisive contribution into the natural radioactive background


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    Among many medications recommended for the treatment and prevention against flu and other respiratory acute viral infections, inteferons and interferon inducers hold a special place. New Russian recombinant alpha 2b interferon is identical to the human leukocytic alpha 2b interferon, and it has an antiviral, immunomodulatory and interferonogenic action. The work has demonstrated the application of oral liposomal medication of recombinant alpha 2b interferon — reaferones lipint for the extra prevention against flu and other respiratory acute viral infections among children. the application of this medication to prevent flu and other respiratory acute viral infections in dosage of 250 000 ме twice a week for the period of 4 weeks proved to be efficient within the group of primary school aged children (aged 7–10 year old) and manifested itself in reduction of flu and respiratory acute viral infection cases, as well as domination of light for of disease run.Key words: flu, prevention, efficiency rate, interferon

    Method of determination of indication of effectiveness and risk of decision-making process on taking operations in conditions of non stochastic uncertainty

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    Предложены показатели эффективности и риска при принятии решения ЛПР как меры четкости и нечеткости нечеткой функции нечеткого соответствия требуемого и возможного результатов операции в условиях нестохастической неопределенностиЗапропоновано показники ефективності та ризику при прийнятті рішення ОПР як міри чіткості та нечіткості нечіткої функції нечіткої відповідності результатів операції, які вимагаються, та можливі в умовах нестохастичної невизначеностіThe indications of effectiveness and risk are offered on making decision for decision-making person like measures of precision and uncertainty of fuzzy function of fuzzy accordance between regard and possible results of operation in conditions of non stochastic indeterminatio

    Method of an estimate of probability of an infware of plants by radiants of the information

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    Оценка вероятности информационного обеспечения об объектах основана на рассмотрении лингвистической переменной. Формирование функции принадлежностей для ее нечетких переменных обеспечивает принятие решений лицом, принимающим решение (ЛПР) в условиях нестохастической неопределенности.Оцінка ймовірності інформаційного забезпечення про об'єкти заснована на розгляді лінгвістичної змінної. Формування функції належностей для її нечітких змінних забезпечує прийняття рішень особою, яка приймає рішення, в умовах нестохастичної невизначеності.The estimate of probability of an infware about plants is based on reviewing of a linguistic variable. Shaping of the function of memberships for its indistinct variables ensure a decision making with the person receiving a solution in conditions of not stochastic indeterminacy


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    Among many medications recommended for the treatment and prevention against flu and other respiratory acute viral infections, inteferons and interferon inducers hold a special place. New Russian recombinant alpha 2b interferon is identical to the human leukocytic alpha 2b interferon, and it has an antiviral, immunomodulatory and interferonogenic action. The work has demonstrated the application of oral liposomal medication of recombinant alpha 2b interferon — reaferones lipint for the extra prevention against flu and other respiratory acute viral infections among children. the application of this medication to prevent flu and other respiratory acute viral infections in dosage of 250 000 ме twice a week for the period of 4 weeks proved to be efficient within the group of primary school aged children (aged 7–10 year old) and manifested itself in reduction of flu and respiratory acute viral infection cases, as well as domination of light for of disease run.Key words: flu, prevention, efficiency rate, interferon.Среди многочисленной группы препаратов, рекомендованных для лечения и профилактики гриппа и других острых респираторных вирусных инфекций (ОРВИ), особое место занимают интерфероны и индукторы интерферонов. Новый отечественный препарат рекомбинантного α-2B интерферона идентичен человеческому лейкоцитарному α-2B интерферону, обладает противовирусной, иммуномодулирующей и интерфероногенной активностью. В работе продемонстрирован опыт применения пероральной формы липосомального препарата рекомбинантного α-2B интерферона – «Реаферон ЕС-Липинт» для экстренной профилактики гриппа и других ОРВИ у детей. Применение этого препарата для профилактики гриппа и ОРВИ в дозе 250 000 МЕ 2 раза в нед, в течение 4 нед, оказалось эффективным в группе детей младшего школьного возраста (7–10 лет) и выразилось в снижении частоты возникновения случаев гриппа и ОРВИ. Ключевые слова: грипп, острые респираторные вирусные инфекции, профилактика, индекс эффективности, интерферон, дети.(Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2006;3(6):10-13