17 research outputs found

    Genetic Aspects of Micronutrients Important for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are complex diseases whose etiology is associated with genetic and environmental risk factors, among which are diet and gut microbiota. To date, IBD is an incurable disease and the main goal of its treatment is to reduce symptoms, prevent complications, and improve nutritional status and the quality of life. Patients with IBD usually suffer from nutritional deficiency with imbalances of specific micronutrient levels that contribute to the further deterioration of the disease. Therefore, along with medications usually used for IBD treatment, therapeutic strategies also include the supplementation of micronutrients such as vitamin D, folic acid, iron, and zinc. Micronutrient supplementation tailored according to individual needs could help patients to maintain overall health, avoid the triggering of symptoms, and support remission. The identification of individuals’ genotypes associated with the absorption, transport and metabolism of micronutrients can modify future clinical practice in IBD and enable individualized treatment. This review discusses the personalized approach with respect to genetics related to micronutrients commonly used in inflammatory bowel disease treatment

    Characterization of the John A. Galt telescope for radio holography with CHIME

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    The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) will measure the 21 cm emission of astrophysical neutral hydrogen to probe large scale structure at redshifts z=0.8-2.5. However, detecting the 21 cm signal beneath substantially brighter foregrounds remains a key challenge. Due to the high dynamic range between 21 cm and foreground emission, an exquisite calibration of instrument systematics, notably the telescope beam, is required to successfully filter out the foregrounds. One technique being used to achieve a high fidelity measurement of the CHIME beam is radio holography, wherein signals from each of CHIME's analog inputs are correlated with the signal from a co-located reference antenna, the 26 m John A. Galt telescope, as the 26 m Galt telescope tracks a bright point source transiting over CHIME. In this work we present an analysis of several of the Galt telescope's properties. We employ driftscan measurements of several bright sources, along with background estimates derived from the 408 MHz Haslam map, to estimate the Galt system temperature. To determine the Galt telescope's beam shape, we perform and analyze a raster scan of the bright radio source Cassiopeia A. Finally, we use early holographic measurements to measure the Galt telescope's geometry with respect to CHIME for the holographic analysis of the CHIME and Galt interferometric data set

    A Detection of Cosmological 21 cm Emission from CHIME in Cross-correlation with eBOSS Measurements of the Lyman-α\alpha Forest

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    We report the detection of 21 cm emission at an average redshift zˉ=2.3\bar{z} = 2.3 in the cross-correlation of data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) with measurements of the Lyman-α\alpha forest from eBOSS. Data collected by CHIME over 88 days in the 400−500400-500~MHz frequency band (1.8<z<2.51.8 < z < 2.5) are formed into maps of the sky and high-pass delay filtered to suppress the foreground power, corresponding to removing cosmological scales with k∥≲0.13 Mpc−1k_\parallel \lesssim 0.13\ \text{Mpc}^{-1} at the average redshift. Line-of-sight spectra to the eBOSS background quasar locations are extracted from the CHIME maps and combined with the Lyman-α\alpha forest flux transmission spectra to estimate the 21 cm-Lyman-α\alpha cross-correlation function. Fitting a simulation-derived template function to this measurement results in a 9σ9\sigma detection significance. The coherent accumulation of the signal through cross-correlation is sufficient to enable a detection despite excess variance from foreground residuals ∼6−10\sim6-10 times brighter than the expected thermal noise level in the correlation function. These results are the highest-redshift measurement of \tcm emission to date, and set the stage for future 21 cm intensity mapping analyses at z>1.8z>1.8

    A fast radio burst localized at detection to a galactic disk using very long baseline interferometry

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration, luminous radio transients of extragalactic origin. These events have been used to trace the baryonic structure of the Universe using their dispersion measure (DM) assuming that the contribution from host galaxies can be reliably estimated. However, contributions from the immediate environment of an FRB may dominate the observed DM, thus making redshift estimates challenging without a robust host galaxy association. Furthermore, while at least one Galactic burst has been associated with a magnetar, other localized FRBs argue against magnetars as the sole progenitor model. Precise localization within the host galaxy can discriminate between progenitor models, a major goal of the field. Until now, localizations on this spatial scale have only been carried out in follow-up observations of repeating sources. Here we demonstrate the localization of FRB 20210603A with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) on two baselines, using data collected only at the time of detection. We localize the burst to SDSS J004105.82+211331.9, an edge-on galaxy at z≈0.177z\approx 0.177, and detect recent star formation in the kiloparsec-scale vicinity of the burst. The edge-on inclination of the host galaxy allows for a unique comparison between the line of sight towards the FRB and lines of sight towards known Galactic pulsars. The DM, Faraday rotation measure (RM), and scattering suggest a progenitor coincident with the host galactic plane, strengthening the link between the environment of FRB 20210603A and the disk of its host galaxy. Single-pulse VLBI localizations of FRBs to within their host galaxies, following the one presented here, will further constrain the origins and host environments of one-off FRBs.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, submitted. Fixed typo in abstrac

    New results on quasar outflows

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    Accretion disk outflows are an important part of the quasar phenomenon. They might play a major role in distributing metals to the galactic surroundings, halting growth of the central black hole and providing kinetic energy "feedback" to regulate star formation in the host galaxies. Some models of galaxy evolution indicate that feedback requires kinetic energy luminosities, LK, that are ∼5% of the quasar bolometric; L K/L = Mwv2/2ηMaccc ∼ 5% is possible if Mw ∼ Macc (with v ∼ 0.1c, and η ∼ 0.1). Here we describe results from two studies designed to test the theoretical energetics of radiatively driven outflows and derive observational constraints on the outflow geometry and physical properties emphasizing weaker outflow features like NALs and mini-BALs