1,256 research outputs found

    Comment on "Late-time tails of a self-gravitating massless scalar field revisited" by Bizon et al: The leading order asymptotics

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    In Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009) 175006 (arXiv:0812.4333v3) Bizon et al discuss the power-law tail in the long-time evolution of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating massless scalar field in odd spatial dimensions. They derive explicit expressions for the leading order asymptotics for solutions with small initial data by using formal series expansions. Unfortunately, this approach misses an interesting observation that the actual decay rate is a product of asymptotic cancellations occurring due to a special structure of the nonlinear terms. Here, we show that one can calculate the leading asymptotics more directly by recognizing the special structure and cancellations already on the level of the wave equation.Comment: 7 pages; minor simplifications in the notation; some comments withdrawn or rewritten after improvements in the new version (v3) of the commented paper; 1 reference adde

    Asymptotics from scaling for nonlinear wave equations

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    We present a scaling technique which transforms the evolution problem for a nonlinear wave equation with small initial data to a linear wave equation with a distributional source. The exact solution of the latter uniformly approximates the late-time behavior of solutions of the nonlinear problem in timelike and null directions.Comment: 14 pages; minor changes (notation, typos

    Variational formulation of Eisenhart's unified theory

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    Eisenhart's classical unified field theory is based on a non-Riemannian affine connection related to the covariant derivative of the electromagnetic field tensor. The sourceless field equations of this theory arise from vanishing of the torsion trace and the symmetrized Ricci tensor. We formulate Eisenhart's theory from the metric-affine variational principle. In this formulation, a Lagrange multiplier constraining the torsion becomes the source for the Maxwell equations.Comment: 7 pages; published versio

    Quantum simulator for the Schwinger effect with atoms in bi-chromatic optical lattices

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    Ultra-cold atoms in specifically designed optical lattices can be used to mimic the many-particle Hamiltonian describing electrons and positrons in an external electric field. This facilitates the experimental simulation of (so far unobserved) fundamental quantum phenomena such as the Schwinger effect, i.e., spontaneous electron-positron pair creation out of the vacuum by a strong electric field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor corrections and improvements in text and in figures; references adde

    Towards a Relativistic Description of Exotic Meson Decays

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    This work analyses hadronic decays of exotic mesons, with a focus on the lightest one, the JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{-+} π1\pi_{1}, in a fully relativistic formalism, and makes comparisons with non-relativistic results. We also discuss Coulomb gauge decays of normal mesons that proceed through their hybrid components. The relativistic spin wave functions of mesons and hybrids are constructed based on unitary representations of the Lorentz group. The radial wave functions are obtained from phenomenological considerations of the mass operator. Fully relativistic results (with Wigner rotations) differ significantly from non-relativistic ones. We also find that the decay channels π1πb1,πf1,KK1\pi_{1}\to\pi b_{1}, \pi f_{1}, KK_{1} are favored, in agreement with results obtained using other models.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    The present universe in the Einstein frame, metric-affine R+1/R gravity

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    We study the present, flat isotropic universe in 1/R-modified gravity. We use the Palatini (metric-affine) variational principle and the Einstein (metric-compatible connected) conformal frame. We show that the energy density scaling deviates from the usual scaling for nonrelativistic matter, and the largest deviation occurs in the present epoch. We find that the current deceleration parameter derived from the apparent matter density parameter is consistent with observations. There is also a small overlap between the predicted and observed values for the redshift derivative of the deceleration parameter. The predicted redshift of the deceleration-to-acceleration transition agrees with that in the \Lambda-CDM model but it is larger than the value estimated from SNIa observations.Comment: 11 pages; published versio

    Acceleration of the universe in the Einstein frame of a metric-affine f(R) gravity

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    We show that inflation and current cosmic acceleration can be generated by a metric-affine f(R) gravity formulated in the Einstein conformal frame, if the gravitational Lagrangian L(R) contains both positive and negative powers of the curvature scalar R. In this frame, we give the equations for the expansion of the homogeneous and isotropic matter-dominated universe in the case L(R)=R+{R^3}/{\beta^2}-{\alpha^2}/{3R}, where \alpha and \beta are constants. We also show that gravitational effects of matter in such a universe at very late stages of its expansion are weakened by a factor that tends to 3/4, and the energy density of matter \epsilon scales the same way as in the \Lambda-CDM model only when \kappa*\epsilon<<\alpha.Comment: 12 pages; published versio

    The cosmic snap parameter in f(R) gravity

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    We derive the expression for the snap parameter in f(R) gravity. We use the Palatini variational principle to obtain the field equations and regard the Einstein conformal frame as physical. We predict the present-day value of the snap parameter for the particular case f(R)=R-const/R, which is the simplest f(R) model explaining the current acceleration of the universe.Comment: 9 pages; published versio

    A proof of the Mazur-Orlicz theorem via the Markov-Kakutani common fixed point theorem, and vice versa

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    In this paper, we present a new proof of the Mazur-Orlicz theorem, which uses the Markov-Kakutani common fixed point theorem, and a new proof of the Markov-Kakutani common fixed point theorem, which uses the Mazur-Orlicz theorem