12 research outputs found

    Analysis of Structure Cellulose Rattan Biomassas Bionanocomposite Filler by Using X-ray Diffraction

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    Rattan biomass is one of the agricultural waste that can be used as a source of fiber for bionanocomposites. To produce bionanocomposite reinforcement for nanocellulose rattan biomass that is low density, good mechanical properties, natural resources and renewable resources needs a new method of development nanotechnology. The purpose of this study is the characterization of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Particle Size analyzer (PSA) cellulose nanorattan biomass were used for reinforcement of polypropylene matrix using injection molding. Cellulose is made of rattan biomass with mechanical systems (pen disk milling and shakers) in size 75 μm was heated at 100 °C and stirred at 300 rpm for 2 hours, then ultrasonicated at f = 20 kHz, with time variation of 1, 2 and 3 hours. PSA test results particle size of 146.3 nm (number distribution 32%) at t = 3 hours. Meanwhile, the Apparent Crystal Size (ACS) and micro strain (η) using XRD showed cellulose nanoparticles rattan biomass has crystal structure with ACS = 151.95 and η = 0.0001. Nanoparticle cellulose were used as reinforcement of polypropylene (PP) matrix which show better mechanical properties (impact and hardness) than its counterpart i.e. fiber glass reinforced composite

    Pengaruh Milling terhadap Karakteristik Nanopartikel Biomassa Rotan

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    The huge availability of rattan biomass is a fiber rich natural resource that resulted from rattan processing. Nanoparticles biomass is selected material with high potential to be further developed and studied as filler composites, which rattan has better mechanical physical properties than synthetic. Thefiber objective of this study is to obtain natural fiber nanoparticles from rattan biomass as a reinforcing material of PP (Polypropylene) using milling method with time variation of 15, 30 and 45 minutes. The result of using milling method with Herzong tool, the optimum milling time ws 30 minutes with an average particle size of 24.35 nm in the range 15:49 24.35 - 48.99 through PSA test equipment, which using the method ofdistribution comulant amount (number), the surface morphology of nanoparticles fiber rattan skin shows the longer time milling, the smaller the particle size, and ACS amounted to 0.9833 Ã… (0.09833 nm) with a FWHM 0.1557 rad

    Mikrostruktur Arang Aktif Batok Kelapa untuk Pemurnian Minyak Goreng Habis Pakai

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh arang aktif batok kelapa sebagai adsorben pada pemurnian minyak goreng habis pakai. Metode penelitian diawali dengan preparasi batok kelapa dalam bentuk cip, kemudian karbonisasi dan aktivasi, serta pengujian morfologi arang aktif menggunakan SEM. Variasi yang dilakukan ialah lama aktivasi arang aktif batok kelapa 80, 100 dan 120 menit. Hasil yang terbaik analisis arang aktif batok kelapa menunjukkan rendemen 41.66%, kadar air 3.7767%, kadar abu 2.9997% dan daya serap Iodin 1051.07 mg/g. Proses pemurnian minyak goreng habis pakai oleh arang aktif dari batok kelapa dapat meningkatkan kualitas minyak yang ditandai dengan penurunan kadar air, bilangan asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida dan angka kekeruhan. Pemurnian limbah minyak goreng dengan adsorben arang aktif batok kelapa, tercapai pada temperatur 1000C, waktu kontak 20 menit, kadar air dalam minyak 0.10567%, bilangan asam lemak bebas 0.7933%, bilangan peroksida 21.4667% dan nilai kekeruhan 69.7700 NTU

    Perubahan Kadar Komponen Kimia Bambu Kuning akibat Modifikasi Steam dan Pembilasan (Change of Chemical Component Content in Kuning Bamboo due to Steam and Rinsing Modification)

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    Bamboo is a forest product that has potential as substitution of wood for the raw material of any products of forest products processing. Oriented Strand Board (OSB) made from bamboo is more superior compared to the wood one in physical and mechanical properties. Steam and rinsing treatments can improve the OSB properties that occur due to changes in the chemical components of bamboo, but research on the effect of the treatment has not been done for kuning bamboo. The objective of this reseach were to identify the changes of chemical components content in kuning bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris var. striata.) due to steam, steam with distillation water rinsing and steam with 1% NaOH rinsing treatments. The chemical component of bamboo was analyzed according to Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) standards. The results showed that alpha-cellulose and lignin contents were relatively stable. In addition, hollocellulose, hemicellulose and extractives decreased, while the pH value was increased by treatments. The decreased of hemicellulose and extractive substances, as well as increased pH values can improve the quality of OSB produced

    Aplikasi Serat Kapuk dan Balsa dengan Perlakuan Alkali sebagai Bahan Penguat Komposit (Alkaline Treated-Kapok And Balsa Fibers For Composite Reinforcement)

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    Natural fibers of kapok and balsa can be potential renewable raw material for reinforced polymer composite. Alkaline treatment carried out in the present works was intended to develop the physical and chemical properties of the fibers before its application in reinforced composites preparation. The treatments involve of using NaOH at the concentration of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%. The change of morphological characteristics, crystallinity index, functional groups, and water contact angle were analyzed by using SEM, FTIR, XRD and contact angle analyzer, respectively. Upon alkaline treatments, the fibers were clean, flatten, and the surface tended to be rough. Defibrillation occurred at higher alkaline concentration. Alkaline treatment on the fibers shifted and changed the peak absorption intensity of -OH, C-O, C=C and C=O. Up to 8% NaOH concentration, alkaline treatment increased the crystallinity of the fibers, however decreased when the concentration of NaOH reaching 10%. Alkaline treatment on the fibers removed lignin, hemicellulose, and waxy substance of the fiber surface, increased surface roughness, and therefore is expected to create better interfacial adhesion

    Peningkatan Sifat Papan Partikel Sengon Dengan Perlakuan Perendaman Air Dingin (Improvement the Properties of Particleboard Made From Sengon with Cold Water Immersion Treatment)

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    The objectives of this research is to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of particle board made from sengon and mangium woods treated with cold water immersion. Particles of sengon and mangium immersed in cold water for 24 hours. The particles of sengon and mangium are combined with a ratio of 100: 0; 0: 100; 75:25; and 50:50. Particle boards are made in size (30x30x0,9) cm3 with target densities of 0.7 g cm-3. The particle board was binded with methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) adhesive at 10% content and hot press at 140 °C with 25 kgf cm-2 for 7 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties of particle board are evaluated according to JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The physical and mechanical properties of particle board were much affected by particle combination and cold water immersion treatment. The physical (i.e density, moisture content, water absorption (WA), and thickness swelling (TS)) and mechanical properties (ie. modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bonding (IB)) were evaluated. The results showed that cold water immersion improved dimensional stability (WA and TS) of particle board obtained. However, some mechanical properties decreased

    Pengaruh Modifikasi Steam dan Pembilasan NaOH terhadap Keasaman Enam Jenis Bambu

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    Perlakuan steam dan bilas NaOH 1% telah diketahui meningkatkan sifat fisis dan mekanis Oriented Strand Board (OSB) bambu. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh menurunnya kadar zat ekstraktif dan komponen berbobot molekul rendah lainnya pada bambu. Selain itu, steam dan bilas NaOH 1% juga diduga mempengaruhi keasaman bambu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perubahan keasaman yang terjadi akibat perlakuan steam dan bilas NaOH 1% pada enam jenis bambu Indonesia. Enam jenis bambu meliputi bambu andong, betung, tali, ampel, kuning, dan hitam digunakan pada penelitian ini. Sampel bambu dicacah hingga berbentuk partikel dan diberikan dua perlakuan berbeda yaitu steam dan steam + bilas NaOH 1%. Partikel bambu kemudian digiling hingga didapatkan serbuk berukuran 40-60 mesh. Serbuk bambu diekstrak dengan air panas selama 1 jam. Nilai pH filtrat ekstrak diukur menggunakan pH meter. Ekstrak kemudian dititrasi dengan larutan H2SO4 0,025 N hingga pH 4 dan larutan NaOH 0,025 N hingga pH 10. Jumlah larutan penyangga yang ditambahkan ke dalam ekstrak dinyatakan sebagai kapasitas penyangga asam dan basa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis bambu dan perlakuan berpengaruh terhadap nilai pH dan kapasitas penyangga. Nilai rata-rata pH enam jenis bambu berkisar 5,20-6,67 dan meningkat setelah perlakuan steam dan Steam + bilas NaOH 1% berturut-turut menjadi 5,97-6,78 dan 7,02-7,63. Kapasitas penyangga asam dan basa enam jenis bambu masing-masing berkisar 0.404-0.525 mmeq dan 0.095-0.1750 mmeq dan meningkat setelah perlakuan steam dan Steam + bilas NaOH 1%