23 research outputs found

    Regime Stability and Foreign Policy Change : Interaction between Domestic and Foreign Policy in Hungary 1956-1994

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    Domestic and foreign policy cannot always be kept apart. A change of Government at national level may impact on foreign policy, and foreign policy adventures sometimes translate into consequences at home. Links between domestic and foreign policy may be limiting as well as enabling factors for Governments who find themselves at the cross-roads between national and international power. This study combines theory about political stability, at national level, with theory about foreign policy change, focusing on (1) strategies used by the political leaders to build and maintain political stability, (2) change in foreign policy, and (3) links between the two. The degree of political stability in a country, it is argued, depends on the extent to which key groups accept the regime and on the existence of credible alternatives to the current regime. The leaders may resort to different strategies to become accepted, focusing on legitimacy, performance or coercion. Foreign policy change is analysed in five areas, namely regime stability, security, trade and economic policy, national identity, and autonomy. It is explained on the basis of a theoretical framework that sees foreign policy change, or the lack of it, as the outcome of a struggle between ?promoters of change? and ?stabilisers of foreign policy?, at various levels. The analysis of the links between foreign policy change and strategies to achieve political stability has been inspired by theories about the two-level game, ?adaptation? and the ?two faces of state action?. Empirically the study covers Hungarian politics during close to forty years (1956-94). This period comprises three distinct phases ? the ?KĂĄdĂĄr era? (1956-88), the fall of the Socialist regime and transition to democracy (1988-90) and the first years of democratic governance (1990-94). It points to a shift in legitimation strategies under JĂĄnos KĂĄdĂĄr, away from coercion as a prime instrument and focusing more on performance, mainly in economic terms. This strategy was supported by opening up towards the West, first in the area of trade but later also on more sensitive issues, such as the security doctrine. While political stability was achieved for some time, these strategies hit back. Unsuccessful economic reforms, the emergence of a political alternative, the regime's loss of belief in its right to rule and, finally, change in Moscow under Gorbachev, undermined the Socialist regime and led to a process of democratisation starting in 1989. Under democracy, the first Government hoped to base political stability more on legitimacy than on performance. This strategy was unsuccessful in the sense that the Government fell, although the political system as such was never under threat. Foreign policy continued to change in a more dramatic way, although such change can be seen as a logical continuation of a direction which had been defined already under the Socialist regime. Under democracy, links between domestic and foreign policy continued to be strong. Hungary pushed for rapid accession to NATO and the EU to promote security, political stability and economic prosperity as the country liberated itself from its previous dependence on Moscow

    Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden

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    Whereas there is evidence that mixed-species approaches to production forestry in general can provide positive outcomes relative to monocultures, it is less clear to what extent multiple benefits can be derived from specific mixed-species alternatives. To provide such insights requires evaluations of an encompassing suite of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and forest management considerations provided by specific mixtures and monocultures within a region. Here, we conduct such an assessment in Sweden by contrasting even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies)-dominated stands, with mixed-species stands of spruce and birch (Betula pendula or B. pubescens), or spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). By synthesizing the available evidence, we identify positive outcomes from mixtures including increased biodiversity, water quality, esthetic and recreational values, as well as reduced stand vulnerability to pest and pathogen damage. However, some uncertainties and risks were projected to increase, highlighting the importance of conducting comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluations when assessing the pros and cons of mixtures

    Regime Stability and Foreign Policy Change : Interaction between Domestic and Foreign Policy in Hungary 1956-1994

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    Domestic and foreign policy cannot always be kept apart. A change of Government at national level may impact on foreign policy, and foreign policy adventures sometimes translate into consequences at home. Links between domestic and foreign policy may be limiting as well as enabling factors for Governments who find themselves at the cross-roads between national and international power. This study combines theory about political stability, at national level, with theory about foreign policy change, focusing on (1) strategies used by the political leaders to build and maintain political stability, (2) change in foreign policy, and (3) links between the two. The degree of political stability in a country, it is argued, depends on the extent to which key groups accept the regime and on the existence of credible alternatives to the current regime. The leaders may resort to different strategies to become accepted, focusing on legitimacy, performance or coercion. Foreign policy change is analysed in five areas, namely regime stability, security, trade and economic policy, national identity, and autonomy. It is explained on the basis of a theoretical framework that sees foreign policy change, or the lack of it, as the outcome of a struggle between ?promoters of change? and ?stabilisers of foreign policy?, at various levels. The analysis of the links between foreign policy change and strategies to achieve political stability has been inspired by theories about the two-level game, ?adaptation? and the ?two faces of state action?. Empirically the study covers Hungarian politics during close to forty years (1956-94). This period comprises three distinct phases ? the ?KĂĄdĂĄr era? (1956-88), the fall of the Socialist regime and transition to democracy (1988-90) and the first years of democratic governance (1990-94). It points to a shift in legitimation strategies under JĂĄnos KĂĄdĂĄr, away from coercion as a prime instrument and focusing more on performance, mainly in economic terms. This strategy was supported by opening up towards the West, first in the area of trade but later also on more sensitive issues, such as the security doctrine. While political stability was achieved for some time, these strategies hit back. Unsuccessful economic reforms, the emergence of a political alternative, the regime's loss of belief in its right to rule and, finally, change in Moscow under Gorbachev, undermined the Socialist regime and led to a process of democratisation starting in 1989. Under democracy, the first Government hoped to base political stability more on legitimacy than on performance. This strategy was unsuccessful in the sense that the Government fell, although the political system as such was never under threat. Foreign policy continued to change in a more dramatic way, although such change can be seen as a logical continuation of a direction which had been defined already under the Socialist regime. Under democracy, links between domestic and foreign policy continued to be strong. Hungary pushed for rapid accession to NATO and the EU to promote security, political stability and economic prosperity as the country liberated itself from its previous dependence on Moscow

    Marknadspotential för sol- och biovÀrmesystem

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    I denna rapport analyseras marknaden för kombinerade sol- och pelletsystem, med fokus pĂ„smĂ„hus. Syftet Ă€r att presentera antalet objekt inom olika kategorier av hus och vĂ€rmesystemsom kan vara intressanta för konvertering till bio-sol system samt att ge en uppskattning avĂ„rliga uppvĂ€rmningsbehov inom respektive kategori. Energistatistik frĂ„n Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n (SCB) har anvĂ€nts i kombination med tidigarestudier av byggnadsbestĂ„nd och byggnadsutformning. Dessutom har information inhĂ€mtatsfrĂ„n olika branschorganisationer. FrĂ„n föreliggande genomgĂ„ng stĂ„r det klart att den största potentialen för bio-sol systemfinns pĂ„ villamarknaden bĂ„de för helt nya system och för kompletteringar till befintliga system.År 2006 fanns det 775 000 smĂ„hus med vattenburen vĂ€rme varav ca 183 000 hade vattenburenel. Uppskattningsvis fanns 109 000 smĂ„hus med bĂ„de vattenburen el och lokaleldstadför biobrĂ€nsle och ca 118 000 hus bedöms ha haft möjlighet till oljeeldning (dennagrupp har troligtvis minskat ytterligare efter 2006). Bland de elvĂ€rmda husen finns ocksĂ„ ca102 000 smĂ„hus med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepumpar eller luft/vattenvĂ€rmepumpar. 365 000 av husenhade en biobrĂ€nslepanna. DĂ€rtill kommer 504 000 hus med direktelvĂ€rme, varav ca 292 000med lokaleldstad. Medelförbrukningen för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten för hus som enbart vĂ€rms med olja Ă€rca 27 MWh/Ă„r, medan motsvarande vĂ€rde för smĂ„hus med vattenburen el Ă€r ca 15 MWh/Ă„r.SmĂ„husen med direktel anvĂ€nder ca 12 MWh/Ă„r för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten. Det betyderatt ekonomin blir betydligt sĂ€mre vid konvertering av elvĂ€rmda hus jĂ€mfört med oljekonvertering,eftersom energibehovet Ă€r lĂ€gre samt att installationskostnaden kan vara högre.En uppskattning av antalet komponenter som inom 10 Ă„r kan komma att installeras i dessahus Ă€r 213 000 solfĂ„ngare, 108 000 ackumulatortankar, 106 000 skorstenar, 84 000 luftburnapelletkaminer och varmvattenberedare, 40 000 vattenmantlade kaminer och 28 000 pannrumspannor.Dessutom tillkommer en utbytesmarknad, kanske speciellt bland husen medbiobrĂ€nslepanna, dĂ€r gamla pannor byts ut eller Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor som tidigare orkat elda medved till slut byter till pelleteldning. Av nybyggda villor uppvĂ€rms ca 30 % med el i kombination med biobrĂ€nsle (troligtvis lokaleldstad)och ungefĂ€r lika stor andel vĂ€rms med enbart vattenburen el (antagligen oftakompletterat med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepump). Det borde vara av intresse att redan vid nybyggnationenfĂ„ in integrerade solfĂ„ngare och pelleteldning i större utstrĂ€ckning i nya hus och det kanbli lĂ€ttare efter att byggreglerna Ă€ndras den 1:a januari 2010 med en skĂ€rpning av kraven förnybyggda hus som anvĂ€nder el för uppvĂ€rmning, alltsĂ„ Ă€ven el till vĂ€rmepumpar. Potentialen för bio-solsystem till flerbostadshus och lokaler Ă€r begrĂ€nsad dĂ„ 86 % av flerbostadshusenoch nĂ€ra 70 % av lokalerna vĂ€rms med fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. Det fanns Ă„r 2006 ca 6200lokaler med oljeeldning, 4600 lokaler med vattenburen elvĂ€rme och 5700 lokaler med direktverkandeelvĂ€rme. I lokalerna som redovisas av SCB ingĂ„r inte tillverkande industri. FörlĂ€genheter i flerbostadshus gĂ€ller att ca 42 000 lĂ€genheter vĂ€rms med enbart olja, 44 000lĂ€genheter med olja och vĂ€rmepump, 48 000 lĂ€genheter anvĂ€nder direktel och 31 000 lĂ€genhetervattenburen el

    Marknadspotential för sol- och biovÀrmesystem

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    I denna rapport analyseras marknaden för kombinerade sol- och pelletsystem, med fokus pĂ„smĂ„hus. Syftet Ă€r att presentera antalet objekt inom olika kategorier av hus och vĂ€rmesystemsom kan vara intressanta för konvertering till bio-sol system samt att ge en uppskattning avĂ„rliga uppvĂ€rmningsbehov inom respektive kategori. Energistatistik frĂ„n Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n (SCB) har anvĂ€nts i kombination med tidigarestudier av byggnadsbestĂ„nd och byggnadsutformning. Dessutom har information inhĂ€mtatsfrĂ„n olika branschorganisationer. FrĂ„n föreliggande genomgĂ„ng stĂ„r det klart att den största potentialen för bio-sol systemfinns pĂ„ villamarknaden bĂ„de för helt nya system och för kompletteringar till befintliga system.År 2006 fanns det 775 000 smĂ„hus med vattenburen vĂ€rme varav ca 183 000 hade vattenburenel. Uppskattningsvis fanns 109 000 smĂ„hus med bĂ„de vattenburen el och lokaleldstadför biobrĂ€nsle och ca 118 000 hus bedöms ha haft möjlighet till oljeeldning (dennagrupp har troligtvis minskat ytterligare efter 2006). Bland de elvĂ€rmda husen finns ocksĂ„ ca102 000 smĂ„hus med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepumpar eller luft/vattenvĂ€rmepumpar. 365 000 av husenhade en biobrĂ€nslepanna. DĂ€rtill kommer 504 000 hus med direktelvĂ€rme, varav ca 292 000med lokaleldstad. Medelförbrukningen för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten för hus som enbart vĂ€rms med olja Ă€rca 27 MWh/Ă„r, medan motsvarande vĂ€rde för smĂ„hus med vattenburen el Ă€r ca 15 MWh/Ă„r.SmĂ„husen med direktel anvĂ€nder ca 12 MWh/Ă„r för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten. Det betyderatt ekonomin blir betydligt sĂ€mre vid konvertering av elvĂ€rmda hus jĂ€mfört med oljekonvertering,eftersom energibehovet Ă€r lĂ€gre samt att installationskostnaden kan vara högre.En uppskattning av antalet komponenter som inom 10 Ă„r kan komma att installeras i dessahus Ă€r 213 000 solfĂ„ngare, 108 000 ackumulatortankar, 106 000 skorstenar, 84 000 luftburnapelletkaminer och varmvattenberedare, 40 000 vattenmantlade kaminer och 28 000 pannrumspannor.Dessutom tillkommer en utbytesmarknad, kanske speciellt bland husen medbiobrĂ€nslepanna, dĂ€r gamla pannor byts ut eller Ă€ldre mĂ€nniskor som tidigare orkat elda medved till slut byter till pelleteldning. Av nybyggda villor uppvĂ€rms ca 30 % med el i kombination med biobrĂ€nsle (troligtvis lokaleldstad)och ungefĂ€r lika stor andel vĂ€rms med enbart vattenburen el (antagligen oftakompletterat med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepump). Det borde vara av intresse att redan vid nybyggnationenfĂ„ in integrerade solfĂ„ngare och pelleteldning i större utstrĂ€ckning i nya hus och det kanbli lĂ€ttare efter att byggreglerna Ă€ndras den 1:a januari 2010 med en skĂ€rpning av kraven förnybyggda hus som anvĂ€nder el för uppvĂ€rmning, alltsĂ„ Ă€ven el till vĂ€rmepumpar. Potentialen för bio-solsystem till flerbostadshus och lokaler Ă€r begrĂ€nsad dĂ„ 86 % av flerbostadshusenoch nĂ€ra 70 % av lokalerna vĂ€rms med fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. Det fanns Ă„r 2006 ca 6200lokaler med oljeeldning, 4600 lokaler med vattenburen elvĂ€rme och 5700 lokaler med direktverkandeelvĂ€rme. I lokalerna som redovisas av SCB ingĂ„r inte tillverkande industri. FörlĂ€genheter i flerbostadshus gĂ€ller att ca 42 000 lĂ€genheter vĂ€rms med enbart olja, 44 000lĂ€genheter med olja och vĂ€rmepump, 48 000 lĂ€genheter anvĂ€nder direktel och 31 000 lĂ€genhetervattenburen el

    Marknadspotential för bio- och solvÀrmesystem

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    I denna rapport analyseras marknaden för kombinerade sol- och pelletsystem, medfokus pĂ„ smĂ„hus. Syftet Ă€r att presentera antalet objekt inom olika kategorier av husoch vĂ€rmesystem som kan vara intressanta för konvertering till bio-sol system samtatt ge en uppskattning av Ă„rliga uppvĂ€rmningsbehov inom respektive kategori. Energistatistik frĂ„n Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n (SCB) har anvĂ€nts i kombination medtidigare studier av byggnadsbestĂ„nd och byggnadsutformning. Dessutom harinformation inhĂ€mtats frĂ„n olika branschorganisationer. FrĂ„n föreliggande genomgĂ„ng stĂ„r det klart att den största potentialen för bio-solsystem finns pĂ„ villamarknaden bĂ„de för helt nya system och för kompletteringar tillbefintliga system. År 2006 fanns det 775 000 smĂ„hus med vattenburen vĂ€rme varav ca183 000 hade vattenburen el. Uppskattningsvis fanns 109 000 smĂ„hus med bĂ„devattenburen el och lokaleldstad för biobrĂ€nsle och ca 118 000 hus bedöms ha haftmöjlighet till oljeeldning (denna grupp har troligtvis minskat ytterligare efter 2006).Bland de elvĂ€rmda husen finns ocksĂ„ ca 102 000 smĂ„hus med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepumpareller luft/vattenvĂ€rmepumpar. 365 000 av husen hade en biobrĂ€nslepanna. DĂ€rtillkommer 504 000 hus med direktelvĂ€rme, varav ca 292 000 med lokaleldstad. Medelförbrukningen för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten för hus som enbart vĂ€rms medolja Ă€r ca 27 MWh/Ă„r, medan motsvarande vĂ€rde för smĂ„hus med vattenburen el Ă€r ca15 MWh/Ă„r. SmĂ„husen med direktel anvĂ€nder ca 12 MWh/Ă„r för uppvĂ€rmning ochvarmvatten. Det betyder att ekonomin blir betydligt sĂ€mre vid konvertering avelvĂ€rmda hus jĂ€mfört med oljekonvertering, eftersom energibehovet Ă€r lĂ€gre samt attinstallationskostnaden kan vara högre. En uppskattning av antalet komponenter som inom 10 Ă„r kan komma att installeras idessa hus Ă€r 213 000 solfĂ„ngare, 108 000 ackumulatortankar, 106 000 skorstenar,84 000 luftburna pelletkaminer och varmvattenberedare, 40 000 vattenmantladekaminer och 28 000 pannrumspannor. Dessutom tillkommer en utbytesmarknad,kanske speciellt bland husen med biobrĂ€nslepanna, dĂ€r gamla pannor byts ut ellerĂ€ldre mĂ€nniskor som tidigare orkat elda med ved till slut byter till pelleteldning. Av nybyggda villor uppvĂ€rms ca 30 % med el i kombination med biobrĂ€nsle(troligtvis lokaleldstad) och ungefĂ€r lika stor andel vĂ€rms med enbart vattenburen el(antagligen ofta kompletterat med frĂ„nluftvĂ€rmepump). Det borde vara av intresse attredan vid nybyggnationen fĂ„ in integrerade solfĂ„ngare och pelleteldning i störreutstrĂ€ckning i nya hus och det kan bli lĂ€ttare efter att byggreglerna Ă€ndras den 1:ajanuari 2010 med en skĂ€rpning av kraven för nybyggda hus som anvĂ€nder el föruppvĂ€rmning, alltsĂ„ Ă€ven el till vĂ€rmepumpar. Potentialen för bio-solsystem till flerbostadshus och lokaler Ă€r begrĂ€nsad dĂ„ 86 % avflerbostadshusen och nĂ€ra 70 % av lokalerna vĂ€rms med fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. Det fanns Ă„r2006 ca 6200 lokaler med oljeeldning, 4600 lokaler med vattenburen elvĂ€rme och5700 lokaler med direktverkande elvĂ€rme. I lokalerna som redovisas av SCB ingĂ„rinte tillverkande industri. För lĂ€genheter i flerbostadshus gĂ€ller att ca 42 000lĂ€genheter vĂ€rms med enbart olja, 44 000 lĂ€genheter med olja och vĂ€rmepump,48 000 lĂ€genheter anvĂ€nder direktel och 31 000 lĂ€genheter vattenburen el

    Direct observation of active catalyst surface phases and the effect of dynamic self-optimization in NiFe-layered double hydroxides for alkaline water splitting

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    Earth-abundant transition metal-based compounds are of high interest as catalysts for sustainable hydrogen fuel generation. The realization of effective electrolysis of water, however, is still limited by the requirement of a high sustainable driving potential above thermodynamic requirements. Here, we report dynamically self-optimized (DSO) NiFe layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanosheets with promising bi-functional performance. Compared with pristine NiFe LDH, DSO NiFe LDH exhibits much lower overpotential for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), even outperforming platinum. Under 1 M KOH aqueous electrolyte, the bi-functional DSO catalysts show an overpotential of 184 and -59 mV without iR compensation for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and HER at 10 mA cm(-2). The material system operates at 1.48 V and 1.29 V to reach 10 and 1 mA cm(-2) in two-electrode measurements, corresponding to 83% and 95% electricity-to-fuel conversion efficiency with respect to the lower heating value of hydrogen. The material is seen to dynamically reform the active phase of the surface layer during HER and OER, where the pristine and activated catalysts are analyzed with ex situ XPS, SAED and EELS as well as with in situ Raman spectro-electrochemistry. The results show transformation into different active interfacial species during OER and HER, revealing a synergistic interplay between iron and nickel in facilitating water electrolysis

    An Electrochemical Impedance Study of Alkaline Water Splitting Using Fe Doped NiO Nanosheets

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    Mixed nickel-iron (Ni-Fe) compounds have recently emerged as promising non-precious electrocatalysts for alkaline water splitting. The understanding of the charge-transfer mechanism involved in the multi-step Faradic reaction, however, is still limited for the overall electrochemical process. In this paper, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of Fe incorporated Ni oxide nanosheets were used to study the reaction kinetics for both hydrogen (HER) and oxygen (OER) evolution reactions in alkaline media. Our results showed that Fe incorporation improves the catalytic property of NiO nanosheets because of the lower reaction resistance and faster intermediate transformations. Detailed EIS modeling enables a separation of the surface coverage relaxation from the charge transfer resistance, with an inductive behavior observed in the low-frequency range for HER, holding important information on the dominating reaction mechanism. For OER, the good agreement between the EIS experimental results and a model with an inductance loop indicated that similar inductive behavior would be determining the EIS response at very low frequencies. The physical significance of the elementary steps gives insight into the governing reaction mechanisms involved in the electron and hole charge transfer, as well as the inherent properties of catalysts and their surface coverage relaxation.Title in thesis list of papers: An electrochemical impedance study of alkaline water splitting using nickel (iron) oxides nanosheets</p

    Impedance spectroscopy of water splitting reactions on nanostructured metal-based catalysts

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    Hydrogen production by water splitting using nanomaterials as electrocatalysts is a promising route enabling replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources. In particular, the development of inexpensive non-noble metal-based catalysts is necessary in order to replace currently used expensive Pt-based catalysts. We report a detailed impedance spectroscopy study of Ni-Mo and Ni-Fe based electrocatalytic materials deposited onto porous and compact substrates with different conductivities. The results were interpreted by a critical comparison with equivalent circuit models. The reaction resistance displays a strong dependence on potential and a lower substrate dependence. The impedance behaviour can also provide information on the dominating reaction mechanism. An optimized Ni-Fe based catalyst showed very promising properties for applications in water electrolysis