199 research outputs found

    The Judicial Expansion of American Exceptionalism

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    The percolation theory is established as a useful tool in the field of pharmaceutical materials science.It is shown that percolation theory, developed for analyzing insulator–conductor transitions, can beapplied to describe imperfect dc conduction in pharmaceutical microcrystalline cellulose duringdensification. The system, in fact, exactly reproduces the values of the percolation threshold andexponent estimated for a three-dimensional random continuum. Our data clearly show a crossoverfrom a power-law percolation theory region to a linear effective medium theory region at a celluloseporosity of ;0.7

    Piercing the Veil: William J. Brennan\u27s Account of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

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    Porous nickel oxide films were deposited onto unheated indium tin oxide coated glass substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. These films had a cubic NiO structure. Electrochromic properties were evaluated in 1 M potassium hydroxide (KOH) and in 1 M lithium perchlorate in propylene carbonate (Li-PC). Large optical modulation was obtained for similar to 500-nm-thick films both in KOH and in Li-PC (similar to 70% and similar to 50% at 550 nm, respectively). In KOH, tensile and compressive stresses, due to the expansion and contraction of the lattice, were found for films in their bleached and colored state, respectively. In Li-PC, compressive stress was seen both in colored and bleached films. Durability tests with voltage sweeps between -0.5 and 0.65 V vs Ag/AgCl in KOH showed good durability for 10,000 cycles, whereas voltage sweeps between 2.0 and 4.7 V vs Li/Li+ in Li-PC yielded significant degradation after 1000 cycles.EU GRINDOO

    Law School Libraries 2007

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    The primary mission of the law school library is to meet the information needs of the faculty and students of the institution it supports. In addition to their role in educating future lawyers, law schools are the major producers of scholarly literature in law and rely on academic law libraries to provide the resources and support needed for research and publication. Beyond support for the core functions of legal education and research, the specific missions of law school libraries vary depending on the size and missions of law schools of different types. Differences among law schools result in differences among their libraries in collection size and composition, staffing and services offered, and additional clienteles served

    Beyond Graduation: Economic Sanctions and Structural Reform

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    In recent years, increased attention is being paid to the dangers of imposing economic sanctions in felony, misdemeanor, juvenile, municipal, and traffic courts because the imposition of unmanageable fines, fees, surcharges, restitution, and forfeitures can be financially devastating for people and their families. One reform that has gained traction is the graduation of economic sanctions to account for their financial effect. To date, considerations of the efficacy of graduated sanctions focus on the individual benefits that would accrue from a properly designed graduation mechanism. In other words, the value of graduation is measured by comparing it to the serious negative consequences for individuals that may result from the imposition of ungraduated sanctions. This Article uses abolitionism as a heuristic because it changes the baseline, measuring graduation against a fundamentally different set of goals: the dismantling of the carceral state and its replacement with systems of “transformative justice.” Doing so indicates that graduation is in some ways consistent with and in other ways in opposition to structural reforms of criminal legal systems writ large. This Article uses those insights to identify potential complementary reforms designed to bring graduation in better alignment with structural reform efforts

    Éléments de réflexion sur le foncier et sa contribution au prix de l’immobilier

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    Cet article s’intéresse aux différentes sources de dysfonctionnement du marché foncier français et à ses conséquences sur le marché de l’immobilier en termes de prix et d’offre de logements. En France, à l’exception de certaines zones, la rareté du foncier apparaît construite par le jeu des acteurs qui, tout le long de la chaîne, grippe la production de terrains à bâtir. Dans les années 2000, cette insuffisance du foncier, combinée aux règles urbanistiques, s’est traduite par une offre de logements trop faible au regard des besoins. L’article formule plusieurs propositions en vue d’améliorer le fonctionnement du marché foncier français, allant de la simple publication de données sur le foncier à une proposition plus ambitieuse qui assortit la déclaration de constructibilité d’un terrain de l’obligation de construire

    Venture capital as a mean of innovation financing in conditions of investment climate volatility in Ukraine

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    The energy conversion efficiency of a conventional pn junction solar cell decreases as the temperature increases, and this may eventually lead to failures in the photovoltaic system, especially if it uses concentrated solar radiation. In this work, we show that spectrally selective reflector (SSR) surfaces can be important for reducing the heat buildup on passively cooled solar cells. We outline a computational scheme for optimizing DC magnetron-sputtered TiO(2):Nb-based SSRs tailored for silicon solar cells and find good agreement of the reflectance with an experimental realization of the optimal SSR. A figure of merit for SSRs has also been derived and applied to the experimental data