14 research outputs found

    Samverkansmeritering - förutsÀttningar, behov och möjligheter : Rapport: MERSAM-MeritvÀrde av samverkansskicklighet

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    Samverkansuppgiften har gradvis fĂ„tt en tydligare roll sedan mitten av 1990-talet och Ă€r idag en nödvĂ€ndig och central uppgift för högskolor och universitet i Sverige, inte minst för att hantera vĂ„r tids samhĂ€llsutmaningar. Det finns fĂ„ tecken pĂ„ att denna utveckling kommer att vĂ€nda och det Ă€r dĂ€rför viktigt att vi inom sektorn för en dialog kring hur vi tar oss an och vĂ€rderar det arbete som sker inom ramen för samverkansuppgiften. Det Ă€r troligt att vi i sektorn Ă€ven en tid framöver kommer att diskutera hur samverkansuppgiften bör tolkas och samverkansmeriter vĂ€rderas, men det hindrar oss inte att pĂ„ allvar försöka stödja och strukturera det arbete som redan sker dagligen vid landets lĂ€rosĂ€ten.Projektets bidrag Ă€r att belysa ett antal observationer kring utmaningar inom sektorn, för vĂ„ra lĂ€rosĂ€ten och individer men ocksĂ„ visa pĂ„ möjligheter för vĂ„ra lĂ€rosĂ€ten genom att ta upp nĂ„gra tĂ€nkbara verktyg, arbetssĂ€tt och rekommendationer för utveckling av samverkansmeritering.Huvudbudskapen i denna rapport Ă€r att sektorn behöver skapa en tydligare och mer preciserad begreppsbildning relaterat till ”samverkan” och samverkansmeriter. LĂ€rosĂ€tena behöver utveckla ett mer integrerat och strukturerat sĂ€tt att arbeta med samverkansmeriter genom hela rekrytering- och befordringsprocessen, dĂ„ förstĂ„else av samverkansmeriter och praxis fortfarande Ă€r underutvecklat. LĂ€rosĂ€tena behöver vidare utveckla stöd för forskare och lĂ€rare i att kunna sammanstĂ€lla och dokumentera samverkansmeriter, separat eller integrerat med övriga meriter. En verkningsfull, flersprĂ„kig begreppsapparat och förstĂ„else men Ă€ven efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ samverkansmeriter behöver utvecklas gemensamt av sektorns alla aktörer och vid varje lĂ€rosĂ€te.Rapporten riktar sig i första hand till tvĂ„ mĂ„lgrupper:1.Personer och funktioner vid lĂ€rosĂ€ten som har ansvar för eller leder utvecklingsarbete kopplat till meritering och kompetensförsörjning pĂ„ olika nivĂ„er (dekaner, utvecklingsledare, HR specialister, ordförande i rekryteringskommittĂ©er eller motsvarande samt olika former av samverkansstöd). För dessa innehĂ„ller rapporten resonemang, rekommendationer och konkreta verktyg som kan anvĂ€ndas som utgĂ„ngspunkt för dialog och utveckling av samverkansmeritering vid lĂ€rosĂ€ten.2.Ledningsfunktioner vid lĂ€rosĂ€ten, myndigheter samt sektorsintressenter. För dessa kan rapporten ge ökad kunskap om tillstĂ„ndet för samverkansmeritering vid svenska lĂ€rosĂ€ten och insikter om möjligheter för utveckling.Projektet har tagit fram ett utbildningsmaterial för att stödja fortsatt utvecklingsarbete pĂ„ olika nivĂ„er vid lĂ€rosĂ€ten samt en vĂ€gledning för att dokumentera och beskriva samverkansmeriter. VĂ€gledningen kan anvĂ€ndas för inspiration till lĂ€rare och forskare som vill sammanstĂ€lla sina samverkansmeriter. De verktyg som presenteras i vĂ€gledningen kan ocksĂ„ anvĂ€ndas vid kompetensplanering, bedömningssituationer och medarbetarsamtal.Förhoppningen Ă€r att MerSam-projektet och denna rapport, dialog inom och mellan lĂ€rosĂ€ten samt mellan lĂ€rosĂ€ten och sektorsintressenter, bidrar till fortsatt utveckling av samverkansmeritering samt till att skapa en gemensam uppfattning om vad det betyder att meritera sig inom ramen för samverkansuppgiften

    Serotonin, genetic variability, behaviour, and psychiatric disorders - a review

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    Brain monoamines, and serotonin in particular, have repeatedly been shown to be linked to different psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviour, and dependence. Many studies have implicated genetic variability in the genes encoding monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and the serotonin transporter (5HTT) in modulating susceptibility to these conditions. Paradoxically, the risk variants of these genes have been shown, in vitro, to increase levels of serotonin, although many of the conditions are associated with decreased levels of serotonin. Furthermore, in adult humans, and monkeys with orthologous genetic polymorphisms, there is no observable correlation between these functional genetic variants and the amount or activity of the corresponding proteins in the brain. These seemingly contradictory data might be explained if the association between serotonin and these behavioural and psychiatric conditions were mainly a consequence of events taking place during foetal and neonatal brain development. In this review we explore, based on recent research, the hypothesis that the dual role of serotonin as a neurotransmitter and a neurotrophic factor has a significant impact on behaviour and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders through altered development of limbic neurocircuitry involved in emotional processing, and development of the serotonergic neurons, during early brain development

    Genetic Studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis using Animal Models

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    Predisposition to autoimmune diseases such as, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis, is caused by the effect of multiple genes and a strong influence from the environment. In this study, I have investigated genetic factors that confer susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in a rat model. This work has led to the identification of several chromosomal regions, containing uncharacterized genes that directly or indirectly are associated to the arthritis development in these rats. We have observed that timing, gender, and genetic interactions are features that play a part in the effect that these genetic factors exert. Unarguably, animal models for human disorders display differences to the human form of disease. An important fact is however that the same chromosomal regions are identified in both rodent and human studies, which suggests that there are genetic factors that we have in common, which are involved directly or indirectly with an autoimmune response. Focusing the interest on these similarities, and on the possibility to apply a wide set of genetic tools, make animal models an invaluable, and probably necessary, instrument to dissect the genetic component of complex disorders. To fully comprehend the genetic basis for a complex disorder like this, will require understanding of how multiple genes interact with each other to cause disease. We have been able to demonstrate that chronic arthritis, in a rat model for rheumatoid arthritis, is regulated by several genes and that these act during different temporal phases of the disease. These findings will hopefully contribute to our understanding of the etiology and progression of rheumatoid arthritis

    Linkage study of embryopathy-Polygenic inheritance of diabetes-induced skeletal malformations in the rat

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    We developed an inbred rat model of diabetic embryopathy, in which the offspring displays skeletal malformations (agnathia or micrognathia) when the mother is diabetic, and no malformations when she is not diabetic. Our aim was to find genes controlling the embryonic maldevelopment in a diabetic environment. We contrasted the fetal outcome in inbred Sprague-Dawley L rats (20% skeletal malformations in diabetic pregnancy) with that of inbred Wistar Furth rats (denoted W, no skeletal malformations in diabetic pregnancy). We used offspring from the backcross F-1 x L to probe for the genetic basis for malformation of the mandible in diabetic pregnancy. A set of 186 fetuses (93 affected, 93 unaffected) was subjected to a whole genome scan with 160 micro satellites. Analysis of genotype distribution indicated 7 loci on chromosome 4, 10 (3 loci), 14, 18, and 19 in the teratogenic process (and 14 other loci on 12 chromosomes with less strong association to the malformations), several of which contained genes implicated in other experimental studies of diabetic embryopathy. These candidate genes will be scrutinized in further experimentation. We conclude that the genetic involvement in rodent diabetic embryopathy is polygenic and predisposing for congenital malformations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Both common and unique susceptibility genes in different rat strains with pristane-induced arthritis.

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    Pristane-induced arthritis (PIA) in rats is an animal model for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We have previously identified seven quantitative trait loci (QTLs), which regulate arthritis development using a cross between the susceptible DA strain and the resistant E3 strain of rats (Pia2-8). In the present study the inbred rat strain LEW.1F was used as the susceptible strain in a cross with the E3 strain. The results confirmed the locus Pia4 on chromosome 12, which previously was shown to be associated with PIA, and also with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, in crosses between the rat strains E3 and DA. On chromosome 1, linked to the albino locus, we identified a novel QTL, Pia9 in the LEW.F1 cross. This locus was associated with arthritis severity in the early phase of disease. A locus on chromosome 16, denoted Pia11, was also associated with arthritis severity in the early phase of the disease. A suggestive locus was detected on chromosome 14, which was associated with arthritis severity at the time when PIA progresses into a chronic phase. Using a congenic LEW.1F strain, which carries E3 alleles at the Pia9 locus, we confirmed that the E3 allele significantly suppresses arthritis severity during the early phase of the disease. The results revealed synergistic effects between different susceptibility loci using ANOVA analysis. These interactions were influenced by gender. Rats with Pia9 alleles from LEW.1F and Pia11 alleles from E3, were shown to suffer from much more severe arthritis in the early stage of the disease. On the other hand, the Pia9 and the suggestive locus on chromosome 14 affected only males during the chronic phase of the disease. These findings provide clues to how genetic factors by themselves, and in interaction with each other, regulate the development of a disease, which displays many similarities to RA