33 research outputs found

    Regulation of cellular contractile force, shape and migration of fibroblasts by oncogenes and Histone deacetylase 6

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    The capacity of cells to adhere to, exert forces upon and migrate through their surrounding environment governs tissue regeneration and cancer metastasis. The role of the physical contractile forces that cells exert in this process, and the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. We, therefore, aimed to clarify if the extracellular forces that cells exert on their environment and/or the intracellular forces that deform the cell nucleus, and the link between these forces, are defective in transformed and invasive fibroblasts, and to indicate the underlying molecular mechanism of control. Confocal, Epifluorescence and Traction force microscopy, followed by computational analysis, showed an increased maximum contractile force that cells apply on their environment and a decreased intracellular force on the cell nucleus in the invasive fibroblasts, as compared to normal control cells. Loss of HDAC6 activity by tubacin-treatment and siRNA-mediated HDAC6 knockdown also reversed the reduced size and more circular shape and defective migration of the transformed and invasive cells to normal. However, only tubacin-mediated, and not siRNA knockdown reversed the increased force of the invasive cells on their surrounding environment to normal, with no effects on nuclear forces. We observed that the forces on the environment and the nucleus were weakly positively correlated, with the exception of HDAC6 siRNA-treated cells, in which the correlation was weakly negative. The transformed and invasive fibroblasts showed an increased number and smaller cell-matrix adhesions than control, and neither tubacin-treatment, nor HDAC6 knockdown reversed this phenotype to normal, but instead increased it further. This highlights the possibility that the control of contractile force requires separate functions of HDAC6, than the control of cell adhesions, spreading and shape. These data are consistent with the possibility that defective force-transduction from the extracellular environment to the nucleus contributes to metastasis, via a mechanism that depends upon HDAC6. To our knowledge, our findings present the first correlation between the cellular forces that deforms the surrounding environment and the nucleus in fibroblasts, and it expands our understanding of how cells generate contractile forces that contribute to cell invasion and metastasisis

    Äldre militĂ€rteoriers giltlighet imodern sjökrigföring

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    The amounts of theories that deal with naval warfare are many. Several of those are developed under the previous century when tactics and technology were in the eve of development. Many of modern thinkers within science of war often refer to older but recognized theories. The purpose of this essay is to examine if the old but recognized theories are of current interest in modern naval warfare. The questions that are used in this essay are, what is the characteristics of the war of Yom Kippur with Mahan’s offensive and Corbett’s defensive as a starting-point and are there any of the theories that are prominent. The examination is then carried out through analysing Mahan’s offensive and Corbett’s defensive. With their theories as a starting-point the characteristics of Mahan’s offensive and Corbett’s defensive are to be found within the war of Yom Kippur. The conclusions show that there are characteristics of Mahan’s offensive and Corbett’s defensive within the war of Yom Kippur. The defensive is striking on the political strategic level. The offensive is conspicuous on the military strategic and tactical level

    Teorier om sjökrigföring

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    Dagens syn pÄ forskning inom det krigsvetenskapliga omrÄdet avseende teorier om krigföring Àr alltför snÀv.  Det saknas en metateoretisk referensram för att skapa en djupare förstÄelse för dem. Konsekvensen av detta kan bli att teorier om sjökrigföring anvÀnds vid utbildning eller diskussioner inom omrÄden som teorierna inte Àr utformade för. Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka teorier om sjökrigföring med en metateoretisk modell för att öka kunskapen om teorierna och beskriva deras vetenskapsteoretiska grund. För att svara pÄ undersökningens tvÄ frÄgestÀllningar och uppnÄ syftet analyseras, kategoriseras och jÀmförs Julian Corbetts och Alfred Mahans teorier om sjökrigföring. Att dessa marina tÀnkare har valts beror pÄ att de Àr allmÀnt erkÀnda och utgör grunden för dagens teoribildning om sjökrigföring. Resultaten i studien visar att de bÄda marina tÀnkarna i mÄnga avseenden Àr lika och har ibland rent av identiska tankar om sjökrigföring. Det som skiljer Corbett och Mahan Ät Àr deras vetenskapsteoretiska utgÄngpunkter. Med denna kunskap som grund kan teorierna om sjökrigföring nÀrmas med kritiska ögon och utnyttjas i det sammanhang de Àr utformade för

    Teorier om sjökrigföring

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    Dagens syn pÄ forskning inom det krigsvetenskapliga omrÄdet avseende teorier om krigföring Àr alltför snÀv.  Det saknas en metateoretisk referensram för att skapa en djupare förstÄelse för dem. Konsekvensen av detta kan bli att teorier om sjökrigföring anvÀnds vid utbildning eller diskussioner inom omrÄden som teorierna inte Àr utformade för. Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka teorier om sjökrigföring med en metateoretisk modell för att öka kunskapen om teorierna och beskriva deras vetenskapsteoretiska grund. För att svara pÄ undersökningens tvÄ frÄgestÀllningar och uppnÄ syftet analyseras, kategoriseras och jÀmförs Julian Corbetts och Alfred Mahans teorier om sjökrigföring. Att dessa marina tÀnkare har valts beror pÄ att de Àr allmÀnt erkÀnda och utgör grunden för dagens teoribildning om sjökrigföring. Resultaten i studien visar att de bÄda marina tÀnkarna i mÄnga avseenden Àr lika och har ibland rent av identiska tankar om sjökrigföring. Det som skiljer Corbett och Mahan Ät Àr deras vetenskapsteoretiska utgÄngpunkter. Med denna kunskap som grund kan teorierna om sjökrigföring nÀrmas med kritiska ögon och utnyttjas i det sammanhang de Àr utformade för

    SjÀlvets funktion vid reglering av fientliga emotioner och fördomar

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    This is a follow-up to a study concerning priming with "scrambled sentences" containing men expressing anger, contempt and disgust, and its effects on modern and classical racial prejudice and homonegativity. It showed that males lowered their prejudice after priming, whilst the opposite occurred for females. This triggered the main hypothesis in the current study: if female names are used in the "scrambled sentences", females ought to decrease and males to increase their prejudice. No support was found for this hypothesis. However, men and participants in the later study expressed significantly higher overall prejudice. Further, due to great average age differences between the two studies correlations were tested with age and prejudice but no significant results were found

    Data analysis and visualization for optimization of cutting processing

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    Sandvik Coromant och deras kunder har maskiner inom skärande bearbetning som genererar data vid produktion. Nyttolasten av det data som genereras innehåller olika mätvärden från sensorer inuti maskinen samt händelser som sker i maskinen under produktion. I det här arbetet har insamlad data från maskiner använts för att försöka öka maskinernas produktivitet genom att bistå tekniker och maskinoperatörer med relevant information. För att förmedla informationen utvecklades ett mjukvarusystem som analyserar och visualiserar maskindata. Dataanalysen gjordes med hjälp av artificiell intelligens som tränades på sekventiell data för att prediktera verktygsbrott. Vid identifikation av en datasekvens som potentiellt kan leda till ett verktygsbrott, meddelas maskinoperatören via en mobilapplikation installerad på en portabel enhet. Datavisualiseringarna består av interaktiva linjediagram och tidssorterade listor av maskinhändelser. De interaktiva linjediagrammen är tvådimensionella och visar mätvärden med sitt ursprung från någon maskins sensorer längs y-axeln och tiden längs x-axeln. Interaktiviteten som finns tillgänglig för användare i linjediagrammen är zoomning, panorering samt klickbara datapunkter.Sandvik Coromant and their customers have cutting machines that generate data during production. The payload of the data generated contains various measurement values from sensors inside the machineas, well as events that occur in the machine during production. In this work, the data collected from the machines has been analyzed to try to increase the machines’ productivity by assisting technicians and machine operators with relevant information. To communicate the information, a software system was developed that analyzes and visualizes machine data. The data analysis was done using artificial intelligence trained on sequential data to predict tool failure. When identifying a data sequence that could potentially lead to a tool failure, the machine operator is notified via a mobile application installed on a portable device. The data visualizations consist of interactive line charts and time-sorted lists of machine events. The interactive line diagrams are two-dimensional and show measurement values originating from any machine's sensors along the y axis and time along the x axis. The interactivity available to users in the line graphs is zooming, panning, and clickable data points

    Ramanujans mÀstarsats: Riesz kriterium och andra tillÀmpningar

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    I detta arbete ger vi en rigorös framstĂ€llning av teorin bakom Ramanujans mĂ€starsats. VĂ„rt syfte Ă€r att skriva ut de detaljer i bĂ„de formuleringar och bevis som utelĂ€mnas i litteraturen, samt relatera mĂ€starsatsen till Riesz kriterium. Vi undersöker Ă€ven ett ïŹ‚ertal andra tillĂ€mpningar. Vi inleder med en genomgĂ„ng av nĂ„gra resultat angĂ„ende Mellintransformen och gammafunktionen. Efter att vi sedan genomfört ett bevis av Ramanujans resultat visar vi pĂ„ fem tillhörande följdsatser, bland annat Eulers reïŹ‚ektionsformel, som vi tillĂ€mpar ïŹ‚itigt under resterande delar av rapporten. Vi bevisar Riesz kriterium genom att tillĂ€mpa mĂ€starsatsen, vilket skiljer sig nĂ„got frĂ„n Riesz ursprungliga metod. Mot slutet av rapporten presenterar vi en ïŹ‚erdimensionell version av mĂ€starsatsen och ger exempel pĂ„ vad för integraler vi kan lösa med hjĂ€lp av de

    Tablet and powder mechanics depend on nano and micro scale adhesion, lubrication and structure

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    Tablets are the most convenient form for drug administration. Despite its ease of manufacturing problems such powder adhesion occur during the production process. This study presents a surface and structural characterization of tablets formulated with commonly used excipients (microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), lactose, mannitol, magnesium (Mg) stearate) pressed under different compaction conditions. Tablet surface analyses were performed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), profilometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The mechanical properties of the tablets were evaluated with tablet hardness test. Tablet surface addition decreased when Mg stearate was present into the formulation. Besides, tablet strength of plastically deformable excipients such as MCC is significantly decreased after addition of Mg stearate. This indicates that Mg stearate affects the particle-particle binding and thus elastic recovery. In contrast, tablet strength of brittle materials like lactose and mannitol is unaffected by Mg stearate. Thus fracture occurs within the excipients and not at particle boundaries, creating new area not previously exposed to Mg stearate. Such uncoated surfaces may well promote adhesive interactions with tools during manufacture. The MCC excipient displayed the highest hardness which is characteristic for a highly cohesive material. This is discussed in the view of the relatively high adhesion found between MCC and a hydrophilic probe at the nanoscale using AFM

    Studies of heat transfer and furnace temperature uniformity during combustion of oil and wood using oxygen enrichment technology

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    In many combustion applications a switch from fossil to renewable fuels, e.g. from fueloil to wood powder, may result in a reduction of production capacity in the boiler,furnace or kiln. Oxygen enrichment of the combustion air can be used to improve thethermal efficiency of practical combustors, i.e. reduce heat losses and promote fuelsavings. In addition, oxygen enrichment can reduce NOx emissions and also facilitateCO2 scrubbing and capture processes in such systems. In this work, flame characteristicsand furnace temperature profiles during oxygen enriched combustion were studied whenoxygen was added to the combustor at different enrichment levels by the use of a lance.The experiments were carried out in a pilot-scale furnace fired with (i) wood powder and(ii) heavy fuel oil (no.5). The results show that for the wood flame, the average furnacetemperature becomes higher and the furnace temperature profile becomes more flat.Thus, compared to conventional air combustion, there are smaller differences betweennear-burner and back-end temperatures as oxygen is added to the process. For the oilflame, as oxygen was added to the process, a higher average furnace temperature wasobserved along with a distinct shift in furnace peak temperature towards the central partsof the furnace, creating a relatively strong temperature gradient towards the back-end ofthe furnace. Comparing the two flames, the furnace temperature profile of the oxygenenriched wood flame becomes more flat compared to the oxygen enriched oil flame. Thisis interpreted as an effect of differences in overall fuel reactivity, in which the oil, being aliquid fuel, ignites and burns faster than the solid fuel wood powder. The results found inthis work shows that the burner that was used, being designed for conventional aircombustion by feeding of air through the primary, secondary and tertiary air vanes, couldhandle the changes in aerodynamics caused by the reduced air flows. The general resultsfrom this work are useful for furnace and kiln applications in which a more controllableflame and process temperature is required, e.g. in a lime kiln where a fuel switch fromfossil fuels to biomass is considered.GodkÀnd; 2011; 20111010 (dannor