9 research outputs found

    An induced annual modulation signature in COSINE-100 data by DAMA/LIBRA’s analysis method

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    The DAMA/LIBRA collaboration has reported the observation of an annual modulation in the event rate that has been attributed to dark matter interactions over the last two decades. However, even though tremendous efforts to detect similar dark matter interactions were pursued, no definitive evidence has been observed to corroborate the DAMA/LIBRA signal. Many studies assuming various dark matter models have attempted to reconcile DAMA/LIBRA’s modulation signals and null results from other experiments, however no clear conclusion can be drawn. Apart from the dark matter hypothesis, several studies have examined the possibility that the modulation is induced by variations in detector’s environment or their specific analysis methods. In particular, a recent study presents a possible cause of the annual modulation from an analysis method adopted by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment in which the observed annual modulation could be reproduced by a slowly varying time-dependent background. Here, we study the COSINE-100 data using an analysis method similar to the one adopted by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment and observe a significant annual modulation, however the modulation phase is almost opposite to that of the DAMA/LIBRA data. Assuming the same background composition for COSINE-100 and DAMA/LIBRA, simulated experiments for the DAMA/LIBRA without dark matter signals also provide significant annual modulation with an amplitude similar to DAMA/LIBRA with opposite phase. Even though this observation does not directly explain the DAMA/LIBRA results directly, this interesting phenomenon motivates more profound studies of the time-dependent DAMA/LIBRA background data

    Search for boosted dark matter in COSINE-100

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    We search for energetic electron recoil signals induced by boosted dark matter (BDM) from the galactic center using the COSINE-100 array of NaI(Tl) crystal detectors at the Yangyang Underground Laboratory. The signal would be an excess of events with energies above 4 MeV over the well-understood background. Because no excess of events are observed in a 97.7 kg·yr exposure, we set limits on BDM interactions under a variety of hypotheses. Notably, we explored the dark photon parameter space, leading to competitive limits compared to direct dark photon search experiments, particularly for dark photon masses below 4 MeV and considering the invisible decay mode. Furthermore, by comparing our results with a previous BDM search conducted by the Super-Kamionkande experiment, we found that the COSINE-100 detector has advantages in searching for low-mass dark matter. This analysis demonstrates the potential of the COSINE-100 detector to search for MeV electron recoil signals produced by the dark sector particle interactions

    Search for bosonic super-weakly interacting massive particles at COSINE-100

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    We present results of a search for bosonic super-weakly interacting massive particles (BSW) as keV scale dark matter candidates that is based on an exposure of 97.7 kg·year from the COSINE experiment. In this search, we employ, for the first time, Compton-like as well as absorption processes for pseudoscalar and vector BSWs. No evidence for BSWs is found in the mass range from 10 keV/c2 to 1 MeV/c2, and we present the exclusion limits on the dimensionless coupling constants to electrons gae for pseudoscalar and κ for vector BSWs at 90% confidence level. Our results show that these limits are improved by including the Compton-like process in masses of BSW, above O(100 keV/c2)

    Nonproportionality of NaI(Tl) scintillation detector for dark matter search experiments

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    We present a comprehensive study of the nonproportionality of NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors within the context of dark matter search experiments. Our investigation, which integrates COSINE-100 data with supplementary γ spectroscopy, measures light yields across diverse energy levels from full-energy γ peaks produced by the decays of various isotopes. These γ peaks of interest were produced by decays supported by both long and short-lived isotopes. Analyzing peaks from decays supported only by short-lived isotopes presented a unique challenge due to their limited statistics and overlapping energies, which was overcome by a e-mail: [email protected] b e-mail: [email protected] (corresponding author) long-term data collection and a time-dependent analysis. A key achievement is the direct measurement of the 0.87 keV light yield, resulting from the cascade following electron capture decay of 22Na from internal contamination. This measurement, previously accessible only indirectly, deepens our understanding of NaI(Tl) scintillator behavior in the region of interest for dark matter searches. This study holds substantial implications for background modeling and the interpretation of dark matter signals in NaI(Tl) experiments

    Search for inelastic WIMP-iodine scattering with COSINE-100

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    We report the results of a search for inelastic scattering of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) off I127 nuclei using NaI(Tl) crystals with a data exposure of 97.7 kg·years from the COSINE-100 experiment. The signature of inelastic WIMP-I127 scattering is a nuclear recoil accompanied by a 57.6 keV γ-ray from the prompt deexcitation, producing a more energetic signal compared to the typical WIMP nuclear recoil signal. We found no evidence for this inelastic scattering signature and set a 90% confidence level upper limit on the WIMP-proton spin-dependent, inelastic scattering cross section of 1.2×10-37 cm2 at the WIMP mass 500 GeV/c2

    Search for solar bosonic dark matter annual modulation with COSINE-100

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    We present results from a search for solar bosonic dark matter using the annual modulation method with the COSINE-100 experiment. The results were interpreted considering three dark sector bosons models: solar dark photons, Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnisky (DFSZ) and Kim-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (KSVZ) solar axions, and Kaluza-Klein solar axions. No modulation signal compatible with the expected from the models was found from a dataset of 2.82 yr, using 61.3 kg of NaI(Tl) crystals. Therefore, we set a 90% confidence level upper limits for each of the three models studied. For the solar dark photon model, the most stringent mixing parameter upper limit is 1.61×10-14 for dark photons with a mass of 215 eV. For the DFSZ and KSVZ solar axion, and the Kaluza-Klein axion models, the upper limits exclude axion-electron couplings, gae, above 1.61×10-11 for axion mass below 0.2 keV; and axion-photon couplings, gaγγ, above 1.83×10-11 GeV-1 for an axion number density of 4.07×1013 cm-3. This is the first experimental search for solar dark photons and DFSZ and KSVZ solar axions using the annual modulation method. The lower background, higher light yield and reduced threshold of NaI(Tl) crystals of the future COSINE-200 experiment are expected to enhance the sensitivity of the analysis shown in this paper. We show the sensitivities for the three models studied, considering the same search method with COSINE-200. © 2023 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.11Nsciescopu

    Liquid noble gas detectors for low energy particle physics

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