499 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to examine the concentration of glucose in serum of Simmental cows from different geographic areas (lowland and mountain). The total number of tested animals was 42 healthy cows, by 21 at each farm, aged 3-5 years. The studies were conducted in two periods: autumn-winter (November-December), and repeated in spring (April-May) on the same cows. The concentration of glucose in the blood (serum) of tested animals does not exceed the physiological value


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    Along with indigenous hound breed Barak, a large number of hounds used in hunting in Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to breeds Serbian Hound, Serbian Tricolour Hound and Posavatz Hound. So far, the population of these breeds in Bosnia and Herzegovina has not been the subject of research. The aim of this paper is to describe basic phenotypic parameters of Serbian Hound and Serbian Tricolour Hound from Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine whether the obtained values meets the values defined by standards for these breeds, and is there any significant difference between the populations of dogs in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was conducted on 38 dogs, including 20 Serbian Hounds (11 males and 9 females), and 18 Serbian Tricolour Hounds (10 males and 8 females). The following parameters were measured on each dog: the height at withers, the body length the length of head, the length of scull, the length of muzzle, the girth of chest. The measurements were performed using Litin rod, moving scale with nonius and the tape. Based on the results obtained from this research, it can be concluded that the Serbian Hound does not have large deviations from the values defined by standard, nor the differences between the populations of dogs in home country and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the Serbian Hound, a significant statistical difference is observed between the genders in following parameters: the height at withers, the length of head and the length of scull. In the Serbian Tricolour Hound, the males observed to be higher than height interval from standard for this breed, while the females remained in the values defined by standard. A very significant statistical differences between the genders were determined in all measured parameters for Serbian Tricolour Hound


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    Reproductive capabilities are significant economic characteristics and they are given special attention and strives to maintain at a satisfactory level or even improve by different zootechnical measures. Reproduction in Holstein cows is an introduction to production and are indirectly linked, and better reproductive characteristics in cows also give positive economic effects. Significant reproductive characteristics are the index of insemination and the success of insemination after calving. The research work was based on proving the effect of residual placenta and its retention on the mentioned reproductive properties. The first group of cows X1 consisted of cows with normal calves and numbered 34 cows, and were characterized by on time plunged placenta, with an average index of insemination of 1.2. The insemination index in the group of cows X2 containing 20 cows with residual placenta, and where reteniting of placenta was up to 30 hours after calving, was 2.1. The largest oscillation index had a group of cows X3 that counted 14 heads, where the placenta retention was made after 30 hours from the calving moment with a 4.86 index. Detailed analysis of the insemination index showed the data for the success rate of insemination, for the group X1 from the first attempt was 79.41% and from the second was 20.59%. Group X2 has an insemination performance for the first attempt of 45.0%, the second attempt was 30.0%, the third 10.0% and the fourth was 15.0%. Cows that have placental retention after 30 hours of calving, X3, the success rate of insemination is very low, and for the first attempt it was 14.3%, the second and the third to 7.15% while for the fourth and subsequent attempts was 50.0%. The best reproductive indicators had a group of cows with normal calves and calves removed on time

    Cancer Microenvironment and Inflammation: Role of Hyaluronan

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    The role of inflammation in the development of cancer was described as early as 19th century. Abundant evidence supports the preposition that various cancers are triggered by infection and chronic inflammatory disease whereas, evading immune destruction has been proposed as one of the new hallmarks of cancer. Changes of the tumor microenvironment have been closely correlated to cancer-mediated inflammation. Hyaluronan (HA), an important ECM component, has become recognized as an active participant in inflammatory, angiogenic, fibrotic, and cancer promoting processes. This review discusses how HA and specific HA-binding proteins participate in and regulate cancer-related inflammatory processes

    Uticaj đubriva na morfološke karakteristike i prinos odabranog hibrida kukuruza

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    Basic significance of corn comes from plant characterstics, diversitiy of use and volume of production. Even though it is high on volume of production top list in the world, this production has low yield and insufficient profitability in B&H. The main task of annual research is to establish impact of fertilization on yield of selected hybrid corn from FAO 400 group. Research has established impact of various fertilization alternatives on chemical structure of kernel and yield of selected hybrid corn NS 444 with these fertilization variants: control, NPK (mineral fertilizer) ang organic fertilizer. When talking about quality parameters, for every way of fertilization content of raw proteins, fats, cellulose and ashes is defined. Acquired results were statistically processed by t-test analysis which showed that there are statistically significant differencies on 0,05 % level (p<0.005) between all average researched parameters.Osnovni značaj kukuruza proizilazi iz osobine biljke, raznovrsnosti upotrebe i obima proizvodnje. Iako po obimu proizvodnje u svijetu zauzima visoko mjesto, na području BiH ovu proizvodnju karakteriše izuzetno nizak prinos i nedovoljna profitabilnost. Glavni zadatak eksperimentalnog istraživanja jeste utvrditi uticaj đubriva na morfološke i hemijske osobine, kao i prinos odabranog hibrida kukuruza iz FAO skupine 400. U istraživanju je utvrđen uticaj različitih varijanti đubriva na morfološke osobine, hemijski sastav zrna i prinos odabranog hibrida kukuruza NS 444 sa slijedećim varijantama đubrenja: kontrola, NPK (mineralno đubrivo) i stajnjak (organsko đubrivo). Kada su u pitanju kvalitativni pokazatelji, za svaki način đubrenja, utvđen je sadržaj sirovih proteina, masti, celuloze i pepela. Dobijeni rezultati statistički su obrađeni analizom t-testa i utvrđeno je da između svih prosječnih istraživanih parametara postoje statistički značajne razlike na 0,05 % nivou (p<0,005)

    Koncentracija Ca, P I Mg u serumu kod krava simentalske rase sa različitih geografskih područja

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the concentration Ca, P and Mg in serum of Simmental cows from different geographic areas (lowland and mountain). Total number of animals tested was 42 healthy cows, by 21 at each farm, aged 3-5 years. The researches were carried out in two periods: autumn-winter (November-December 2008), and repeated in spring (April-May 2009) on the same cows. The concentration of Ca, P and Mg in the blood (serum) from both locations was significantly higher in spring than in winter, but do not exceed the physiological value.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita koncetracija Ca, P i Mg u serumu kod krava simentalske rase sa različitih geografskih područja (ravničarsko i planinsko). Ukupna broj ispitivanih životinja je 42 zdrave krave, po 21 na svakoj farmi, starosti 3-5 godina. Istraživanja su provedena u dva perioda: jesen-zima (novembar-decembar 2008), te ponovljena na istim kravam u proljeće (april-maj 2009). Koncentracija Ca, P i Mg u krvi (serumu) sa oba lokaliteta je značajno viša u proljeće nego u zimu, ali ne prelazi fiziološke vrijednosti


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    Domestic mountain horse is a transpoundary breed present in many Balkan countries. According to the Low of Animal Production of R. of Macedonia from 2008, for every breed of domestic animal in our state is nessesery to create a separate breeding program. In 2013 in low of animal production the autohtonous breeds of equidaes are added two new varietes - domestic mountain horse and domestic donkey. Facing the obtained results from estimating the main morphological, reproductive and functional traits in 220 domestic mountain horses in central mountain part of Macedonia during 2015 and 2016, the current standards and breeding goals were defined for the next national breeding program of this breed. According to the fact that the domestic mountain horse is a metapopulation and transboundary breed of horse in almost all Balkan countries, it is a good recommendation to create a regional breeding program with flexible standards and breeding goals for this breed of horses for all Balkan countries together