57 research outputs found

    Udmurt auto- and hetero-stereotypes about physical beauty

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    For Udmurtians, physical beauty is an attractive and impressive physique. In the late 19th century, Udmurt criteria for evaluating physical beauty were influenced by the aesthetic ideals of neighbouring peoples. A beautiful girl was supposed to have Slavic or Turkic features but not Udmurt ones. Northern Udmurts believed that an attractive young woman was faircomplexioned with fair hair and blue eyes, while southern Udmurts admired women with dark hair and black eyes. One can still hear them saying, “She is so beautiful, she doesn’t look like an Udmurt girl at all,” which is followed by more precise information, such as, “She looks like a Russian/Tatar woman.” This stereotype still exists among the Udmurts and their neighbouring peoples, especially the Russians

    Qui est responsable de la préservation des langues minoritaires ?

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    Comment préserver les « petites langues » et favoriser leur développement dans le contexte actuel de la mondialisation, qui implique à la fois une standardisation et une multiplication de leurs possibilités fonctionnelles ? L’auteure montre le travail qui peut être accompli à différents niveaux de la société (notamment l’État, l’élite régionale, les locuteurs, les enseignants et les parents) afin de permettre non seulement la survie, mais aussi la prospérité de la langue et de la culture oudmourtes.Принято считать, что этноязыковые процессы развиваются по своим внутренним закономерностям, а потому ничто не может остановить объективно неизбежный ход их развития. Но не менее верно и то, что государство и общество могут не только влиять на условия и факторы динамики этноязыковых процессов, но и, как показывает опыт европейских стран, создавать комфортную социальную атмосферу для функционирования как мажоритарных, так и миноритарных языков. Также верно и то, что каковы бы ни были объективные факторы развития этнокультурной жизни, как бы государство ни пыталось обеспечить условия для свободного функционирования национального языка (через систему образования, учреждения культуры, СМИ и т. д.), выбор между языковой и культурной ассимиляцией и сохранением этничности в конечном счете остается за самим народом. Все сказанное самым непосредственным образом касается и одного из носителей миноритарного языка – удмуртов.It is generally recognised that ethno-linguistic processes evolve according to their own rules, and that nothing and nobody can stop the inevitable outcome of their development. Still, society and the State may not only influence the language processes’ conditions and dynamics, but, as revealed by the experience of several European, they can create a comfortable atmosphere for the functioning of both majority and minority languages. It is also certain that, whatever are the objective factors determining ethnocultural life’s development, even if the State attempt to guarantee the ethnic languages conditions for their free use (through the education system, cultural institutions, media etc.), the choice between linguistic and cultural assimilation on the one hand and preserving ethnicity on the other, definitely remains the responsibility of the community itself. All these questions are the direct concern of the speakers of one minority language, the Udmurts


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    Purpose: The article deals with the two-step communication theory, which relies on the assumption of information being transmitted to the audience through intermediaries designated as opinion leaders. The study aims to determine the up-to-date characteristics of opinion leaders as social actors. Methods: An empirical study using the survey method is conducted on a sample of 400 students of universities in Kazan (Russia) aged 18 to 24. Results: The study provides insight into the classical theory through the prism of the modern realities of media content and the media environment, where opinion leaders are being replaced by Internet influencers. Based on empirical material, the paper outlines the main problems and limitations of the use of Influencers as a technology for the promotion of goods and services


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    Background: As part of the organization and conduct of elections in Russia, extensive work on voter information and campaigning is being done by all actors involved in information support for elections, both at the federal and local levels. The integrated work of all participants in information support of elections addresses various aspects related to the knowledge, attitudes, motives, intentions, values, and actions of voters. These aspects include the following set of measures: informing voters about elections, increasing the electoral culture of citizens, work on maintaining and increasing interest in elections, intention to participate in elections, involvement in issues related to the discussion of election campaigns of candidates and parties, interaction with the content on electoral topics, direct participation in elections. Goal: The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of activities in the field of information support of elections, particularly efforts to increase interest in elections among voters. Methods: The study uses the method of comparative analysis of the level of interest of the youth electorate of two age groups, 18-24 years old and 25-34 years old, to elections, both before the information support of elections and after the information and propaganda campaign. Results: Both age groups show a rather low level of interest in elections. Data analysis reveals both the strengths and weaknesses of election information coverage and gives an opportunity to outline the vector of voter outreach

    Prema etičkom poimanju zakonskog propisa o cijepljenju u Ruskoj Federaciji

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    Today the ethical aspect became the cornerstone of all public discussion defining the success of vaccination all over the world. This situation had a basic influence on formatting the modern normative regulation connected with vaccination by the inclusion of the universal ethical principals in the legislative concept. It is also extremely important to reach an understanding and recognition of these fundamental bases among responsible professional community and public society in general. Another significant impact is also to get harmonization and solidarity between existing national legislation and international ones. These provisions defined the main objective of this article to analyze the role and value of the ethical component in the current legislation in the Russian Federation connected with vaccination. First, the significance of universal ethical principles in the process of vaccine’s R&D and practical vaccination is presented (Chapter I). Secondary, the legal system of the Russian Federation is analyzed considering the compliance and the possibility of executing various ethical standards (Chapter II). Third, the author’s research based on a questionnaire survey held among the various categories responsible for vaccination, an imbalance of knowledge, and the implementation of basic ethical-normative principles are shown (Chapter III). The main conclusion of the article is the confirmation of the compliance between Russian legislation and the universal principles of bioethics. At the same time, there is an urgent need for education and awareness in order to improve the scientific and practical achievements of vaccination and to get the real adaptation of an ethical concept among professional society, as well as to reach the public trust.Danas je etički aspekt postao kamen temeljac svih javnih rasprava koje definiraju uspjeh cijepljenja u cijelom svijetu. Ova je situacija imala bitan utjecaj na oblikovanje suvremenog normativnog propisa povezanog s cijepljenjem uključivanjem univerzalnih etičkih načela u zakonodavni koncept. Također je izuzetno važno postići razumijevanje i prepoznavanje ovih temeljnih osnova između odgovorne profesionalne zajednice i javnog društva općenito. Drugi značajan utjecaj je također usklađivanje i solidarnost između postojećeg nacionalnog zakonodavstva i međunarodnog zakonodavstva. Navedene odredbe definirale su glavni cilj ovog članka, a on je analiziranje uloge i vrijednosti etičke komponente u trenutnom zakonodavstvu Ruske Federacije povezane uz cijepljenje. Prvo je prikazan značaj univerzalnih etičkih načela u procesu istraživanja i razvoja cjepiva i praktičnog cijepljenja (I. poglavlje). Kao drugo, pravni sustav Ruske Federacije analizira se uzimajući u obzir usklađenost i mogućnost provođenja različitih etičkih normi (II. poglavlje). Treće, prikazano je autorovo istraživanje temeljeno na anketnom upitniku provedenom među različitim ispitanicima odgovornim za cijepljenje, neravnotežu znanja i primjenu osnovnih etičko-normativnih načela (III. poglavlje). Glavni zaključak članka je potvrda usklađenosti između ruskog zakonodavstva i univerzalnih načela bioetike. Istodobno, postoji hitna potreba za obrazovanjem i osvješćivanjem radi poboljšanja znanstvenih i praktičnih dostignuća cijepljenja i postizanja stvarne prilagodbe etičkog koncepta među profesionalnim društvom, kao i postizanja povjerenja javnosti

    Exploiting the potential of artificial intelligence techniques in FLT

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    The relevance of using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in education has increased significantly during the pandemic and the forced transition to distance learning technologies. It was during this period that there was a breakthrough in the development of digital educational resources based on AI, but methodological support for their effective use was not prepared. The mechanisms of leveling the risks associated with possible effects of AI on education have not been identified. The objective: to identify the risks and potential of AI techniques in their impact on the organization and outcome of the educational process. Research methods: theoretical analysis and qualitative description of practical examples of the exploiting AI techniques in foreign language teaching. The research is based on the general literature review related to the key concepts of the study: artificial intelligence, digital educational resources, foreign language teaching. The results: the most widely used AI techniques are mobile applications and platforms with educational courses; the use of highly intelligent products, such as smart classrooms, is not sufficiently developed; the risks of implementing AI methods are associated with the quality of technology, with the methodological proficiency of a teacher, and with individual learning strategies. The conclusions: at the current level of technology development, AI techniques are a supplementary educational component. It is advisable to involve teachers of particular subjects in the further improvement of these technologies. The practical significance of the results obtained is determined by the assessment of the AI technologies impact on the process of FLT and by the proposed methods of effective use of AI in teaching


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    Цель. Статья посвящена актуальной в современной лингвистике теме эвфемизации речи. Предметом анализа выступают английские эвфемизмы-табуизмы одной тематической группы, а именно «наименования, относящиеся к сфере туалета, отправления естественных потребностей». Цель исследования – раскрыть вариативность эвфемизмов-табуизмов и факторы, определяющие выбор варианта.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют описательно-сопоставительный и функциональный методы. Анализ и описание языкового материала осуществляется на основании общенаучных методов наблюдения, сопоставления и обобщения языковых фактов.Результаты. В результате проведенного исследования авторы прослеживают в употреблении английских эвфемизмов-табуизмов гендерную дифференциацию, противопоставление по возрасту, а также по профессиональной и региональной принадлежности.Область применения результатов. Теоретическая значимость работы определяется ее вкладом в изучение процесса эвфемизации речи. Практическая ценность результатов исследования состоит в возможности их использования в курсе практической и теоретической лексикографии, в преподавании общей и частной (английской) лексикологии, стилистики, а также в переводческой практике.Purpose. The article is devoted to the topical in modern linguistics theme of speech euphemization. The subject of analysis is the English euphemisms-tabooisms of one thematic group, namely “names related to the sphere of the toilet, natural needs.” The aim of the research is to reveal the variation of euphemisms-tabooisms and the factors that determine the option.Methodology. The basis of the research is the descriptive-comparative and functional methods. Analysis and description of linguistic material is carried out on the basis of general scientific methods of observation, comparison and generalization of linguistic facts.Results. As a result of the study the authors trace gender differentiation, contrasting by age, professional and regional affiliation in the use of English euphemisms-tabooisms.Practical implications. The theoretical significance of the work is determined by its contribution to the study of the speech euphemization. The practical value of the results of the research consists in the possibility of using them in a course of practical and theoretical lexicography, in the teaching of general and English lexicology, stylistics, and in translation practice

    A сomparative analysis of classical and postmodern views on the idea of a university

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    Background: The crisis that the modern university is experiencing today, is conditioned by the crisis of its idea as of a classical essence. The idea of university was formulated by W. von Humboldt, however, its history starts with the Greek-Roman era when the ancient philosophy in its cognitive attitude to the world saw its truth, leaning on intelligence that brought it to the harmony of beauty and good. In this quality, the idea of university was changing the university history. However, today, by rejecting any natural unity and integrity and also reconsidering classics, the postmodern views diversify the classical university and eliminate the possibility of its common form. Questions arise: can the common idea for the university be preserved in these conditions? Will it be preserved (and should it be preserved) by the postmodern culture? Is it possible today to have the unity of the university as a classical social and educational institution? Do modern university models (entrepreneurial, corporate, research, etc.) have their own idea

    Humanitarian meaning of university professional education

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    In the 20th century, the university faced a principally new type of cultural development and there was a necessity of transformation to get adapted to new conditions. Change of cultural epochs lead to a change in criteria and principles conditioning the university education system. Largely it affected “externally invisible and inaudible” factor, “the fluid of spiritual life” of the university, “human immaterial sub-basis” of its existence (Jaspers, 2006) - its humanitarian meaning. This can nowadays indicate that existence of the university is challenged