3,722 research outputs found

    Adaptation of NEMO-LIM3 model for multigrid high resolution Arctic simulation

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    High-resolution regional hindcasting of ocean and sea ice plays an important role in the assessment of shipping and operational risks in the Arctic Ocean. The ice-ocean model NEMO-LIM3 was modified to improve its simulation quality for appropriate spatio-temporal resolutions. A multigrid model setup with connected coarse- (14 km) and fine-resolution (5 km) model configurations was devised. These two configurations were implemented and run separately. The resulting computational cost was lower when compared to that of the built-in AGRIF nesting system. Ice and tracer boundary-condition schemes were modified to achieve the correct interaction between coarse- and fine grids through a long ice-covered open boundary. An ice-restoring scheme was implemented to reduce spin-up time. The NEMO-LIM3 configuration described in this article provides more flexible and customisable tools for high-resolution regional Arctic simulations

    Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Generative Design Of Breakwaters Using Deep Convolutional Networks

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    In the paper, a multi-objective evolutionary surrogate-assisted approach for the fast and effective generative design of coastal breakwaters is proposed. To approximate the computationally expensive objective functions, the deep convolutional neural network is used as a surrogate model. This model allows optimizing a configuration of breakwaters with a different number of structures and segments. In addition to the surrogate, an assistant model was developed to estimate the confidence of predictions. The proposed approach was tested on the synthetic water area, the SWAN model was used to calculate the wave heights. The experimental results confirm that the proposed approach allows obtaining more effective (less expensive with better protective properties) solutions than non-surrogate approaches for the same time


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    The article gives a linguistic and stylistic analysis of N.S. Leskov’s fiction. One of the main ambitions of the author is to reveal the possible correlation between the language features of N.S. Leskov’s heroes and the Russian cultural tradition of the past. Some original and vivid examples of the speech of representatives of specific Russian professions and estates are analyzed as well as linguistic parallels between complicated church language and the writer’s system of stylistic devices are defined. We show new interlinks between historic, linguistic and literary aspects of the text and especially N.S. Leskov’s unusual world as a form of culturally-historically determined consciousness. We pay special attention to Old Slavonic «experiment» in Leskov’s texts and skaz , polyphony of names of his heroes and writers’ examples of folk etymology. We came to the conclusion that in The Notes of the Unknown different stylistic and linguistic devices are combined

    S. I. Ozhegov: “I’m Writing to You on a Typewriter...” (Linguistic Sketches of 1950—1960s)

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    The article presents unknown evidence of epistolary communication of S. I. Ozhegov and his “correspondents” — Professor A. M. Egolin, Prince P. Obolenskiy, Mr Nedzvetskiy. The linguistic informativeness of the letters is noted. The value of the presented materials for the study of lexicology, stylistics, author’s punctuation and speech culture is indicated. Attention is drawn to the range of problems discussed in the letters, including the selection and interpretation of definitions in dictionaries (pilyonyi sakhar ‘sawn sugar’, plavlenyi syr ‘processed cheese’, gromootvod ‘lightning rod’), haplology, the formation of appellatives from the names of writers (nekrasovoved or nekrasoved), social and phonetic adaptation of foreign language vocabulary (t’emp — temp), etc. The facts given in the correspondence are commented on from the standpoint of the history of philological science, the necessary references are given, possible comparisons are made with the events and persons mentioned in the epistolary. The texts are evaluated as a fragment of a special linguistic picture of the world, in which the main place is occupied by the linguistic personality of S. I. Ozhegov, who attracted scientists of different schools and generations. The conclusion is made about the relevance of the publication of archival sources that reveal interesting circumstances of the scientific life of philologists, exposing their searches and discoveries. These materials supplement the available information about the linguistic discussions of the 1950s and 1960s, represent living portraits of scientists

    “It Turns Out Glavlit Has Not Yet Signed Off on Ostrovsky Dictionary…” (Correspondence of N. S. Ashukin and S. I. Ozhegov 1940—1960s)

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    The   little-known   factsof the work of N. S. Ashukin, S. I. Ozhegov and V. A. Filippov on the original lexicographic edition  of  the  1940s — “Dictionary   to  the plays of A.  N.  Ostrovsky”  is  analyzed in the article. The connection between the socio-cultural situation in the country and the scientific research of those years is shown. Special attention is paid to the facts of ideological pressure on philological thought. The circumstances that  hindered the publication of the Dictionary are revealed. For the first  time,  genuine  letters   from the participants in this project, telling about the ambiguous situation in Glavlit (Soviet Main Administration for Safeguarding State Secrets in the Press) and the intention of the authors to save the manuscript from death are published in the appendix. It tells about further attempts of scientists and their descendants to resume the preparation of the publication of the book in the  1960—1970s.  The facts given in the correspondence are commented on from the standpoint  of  history  and  philosophy  of science, the necessary references are indicated, possible comparisons are made with the events and persons mentioned in the letters. The presented fragment of the linguistic picture of the world is also considered  in  the  key of the development of linguistic personality and its role in the era of dictatorship. Attention is drawn to the high historical  value of the undertaken work and its place in the lexicographic tradition of the XX century. It is concluded  that archival materials  play a key role in reconstructing the real picture  of the life and activities of Soviet scientists, supplement the chronicle of science with valuable observations and contribute to an objective  assessment  of  the  achievements of philologists, show their firm position in upholding the interests  of  science  during  the dominance of ideologization in society

    “It is Sad that Lackeys Have Power...” (Unknown Letters from the Archive of B.V. Tomashevsky)

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    The article is devoted to the epistolary heritage of the legendary philologist of the XX century — Professor Boris Viktorovich Tomashevsky (1890—1957) and his relations with the leading scientists in the context of historical, literary, linguistic and ideological polemics mainly of the 1930s and 1950s. The paper emphasizes the contribution of the scientist to the development of world science in the era of cultural upheavals. Special attention is paid to the publications of unknown epistles to B.V. Tomashevsky by domestic and foreign philologists: I.L. Andronikov, G.O. Vinokur, D.S. Likhachev, A. A. Reformatsky, B. Unbegaun, M. Vasmer, R. O. Jakobson. The published letters describe the situation in science of that period: they show the difficulties in working on the publication of Pushkin’s “Complete Works”, reveal the polemics around controversial issues of the theory and practice of the text, express the attitude of cor-respondents to the facts of ideological pressing on science, describe the difficulties of wartime, etc. B. V. Tomashevsky’s epistolary is also considered in the context of the role of Soviet linguistic personality in creating scientific tradition. The relevance of the study is due to the use of archival mate-rials in the paradigm of the humanities to clarify poorly studied facts of the 1930s and 1950s

    Method for obtaining ingots of the A34 solder based on an investigation into the relation between the structure and properties of liquid and solid metals

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    A comparative analysis of the influence of the modifying method on the structure and phase composition of the ingots of the A34 solder is performed. Modification is performed by force of heating the melt to 1000°C and introducing the fine-crystalline remelt in an amount of 5% of the charge amount into the melt. The investigation is performed using DTA and metallographic analysis. The structure of the ingot of the A34 solder is additionally investigated at elevated temperatures (150 and 300°C) by the sc-AFM method using the NTEGRA Therma probe nanolaboratory, and recommendations are given to optimize the modes of casting and thermal treatment. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Behavioral response of daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) to low concentration of microcystin

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    © SGEM2014 All Rights Reserved. In this paper, the effect of low concentration (0.15 μg L−1) of cyanobacterial toxin – microcystin-LR on Daphnia magna laboratory clones was investigated. Swimming activity (median swimming speed) and spatial distribution of the daphnids were determined and analyzed in real time by the authors developed a hardware-software system “TrackTox”. The system performs the identification and tracking of the test organisms using computer vision algorithms. The behavioral response of the daphnids was studied under normal conditions and after application of microcystin-LR. In both cases exposure time was 30 minutes, the data were counted 5 times s−1. It is shown that the addition of microcystin significantly increased median swimming speed of the Daphnia magna (P=0.01). After the behavior experiments observation of the survival of daphnids in the same solutions was conducted. Daphnids mortality after 48 hours exposure to the 0.15 μg L−1 concentration of microcystin-LR is not registered