555 research outputs found

    Deformations of the Retaining Structures Upon Deep Excavations in Moscow

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    Foundation trenches for the buildings having underground floors and vehicular traffic tunnels are excavated in Moscow in congested urban housing environment. A retaining structure is a “slurry wall” made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete), and “soil-mixed-wall”. Retaining structures of trenches are fastened with the help of anchors, metal tie-beams, struts or floor structures. During the monitoring performed at major Moscow construction sites with deep trenches the (NIIOSP) named after Gersevanov created a database on retaining structures deformations

    The experimental cascade curves of EAS at E sub 0 10(17) eV obtained by the method of detection of Cherenkov pulse shape

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    The individual cascade curves of EAS with E sub 0 10 to the 17th power eV/I to 3/ were studied by detection of EAS Cherenkov light pulses. The scintillators located at the center of the Yakutsk EAS array within a 500-m radius circle were used to select the showers and to determine the main EAS parameters. The individual cascade curves N(t) were obtained using the EAS Cherenkov light pulses satisfying the following requirements: (1) the signal-to-noise ratio fm/delta sub n 15, (2) the EAS axis-detector distance tau sub 350 m, (3) the zenith angle theta 30 deg, (4) the probability for EAS to be detected by scintillators W 0.8. Condition (1) arises from the desire to reduce the amplitude distortion of Cherenkov pulses due to noise and determines the range of EAS sizes, N(t). The resolution times of the Cherenkov pulse shape detectors are tau sub 0 approx. 23 ns which results in distortion of a pulse during the process of the detection. The distortion of pulses due to the finiteness of tau sub 0 value was estimated. It is shown that the rise time of pulse becomes greater as tau sub 0.5/tau sub 0 ratio decreases

    Perception of Innovations by Primary Education Teachers: Case Study of Bilingual Classes in Moscow and Moscow Region

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    The article considers the balance of tradition and innovation as forms of cultural dynamics using the example of education. The review of scientific publications published in 2020-2021 has found that the research interest in the topic is characteristic both of Russianand Spanish-speaking authors, which allows us to refer to international experience, mainly Spanish, for comparison. In this research the authors focus on the project of bilingual classes in primary schools in Moscow and Moscow region. The idea of bilingual education is that educational material is presented in two languages, yet the language pairs can vary: official and minority, official and migrant, official and foreign languages. In the context of the case study, teachers of primary education constitute the most promising group due to the structural features of this level. The system in which one teacher is responsible for most of the subjects allows the project to be implemented gradually without involving a large number of pedagogical staff. At the same time, a teacher of a bilingual class has an opportunity to develop an independent teaching strategy, demonstrating a high level of methodological freedom. The survey among the teachers found that while there is a demand for counseling on their part, they are motivated and receptive to innovations

    Formación de la interacción social competencia de futuros especialistas del ámbito gerencial

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    Trends in the economic situation development in the Russian Federation determine the basic requirements for graduates of Russian universities in the direction of “management” training, whose professional competence depends directly on the level of mastering communication skills and social interaction skills. The social interaction competence for managers is the key one in the formation of professional competencies and affects the decision-making of many professional tasks. The social interaction competence plays an important role in the management personnel training because they have a need for constant interaction with people, staff and clients. Lack of social interaction competence can lead to failures in professional activities. Thus, the bachelor of management should have not only knowledge in the professional sphere, but also be able to interact with various specialists, clients, and partners, carrying out high-level social communication that can affect effectively the result of professional activity.Las tendencias en el desarrollo de la situación económica en la Federación de Rusia determinan los requisitos básicos para los graduados de las universidades rusas en la dirección de la formación de “gestión”, cuya competencia profesional depende directamente del nivel de dominio de las habilidades de comunicación y de interacción social. La competencia de interacción social para los gerentes es la clave en la formación de competencias profesionales y afecta la toma de decisiones de muchas tareas profesionales. La competencia de interacción social juega un papel importante en la capacitación del personal de gestión, ya que tienen una necesidad de interacción constante con las personas, el personal y los clientes. La falta de competencia de interacción social puede conducir a fallas en las actividades profesionales. Por lo tanto, el licenciado en administración debe tener no solo conocimiento en el ámbito profesional, sino también poder interactuar con varios especialistas, clientes y socios, llevando a cabo una comunicación social de alto nivel que pueda afectar de manera efectiva el resultado de la actividad profesional

    Influence of orthopedic pathology on progression of children myopia

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    The problem of studying myopia as multifactorial disease remains relevant due to the increase and morbidity of the disease, particularly in childhood. One of the factors of progressing myopia among children - orthopedic pathology which progresses simultaneously with myopia - is discussed in the article. The aim of the work was to reveal dependance between orthopedic pathology and progression of myopia. A retrospective analysis of the restuls of prophylactic examination of children of decreed ages in 2007-2012 years was realized. The analysis of the results of medical examinations showed that myopia and accomodation spasm come to 80 % of cases in the structure of revealed ophthalmic pathology. It was revealed that orthopedic pathology accompanies and often provides development and progression of myopia. The increase of morbidity with refraction disorder is registered during 5years. Direct dependance between orthopedic pathology and progression of myopia was revealed

    Technology of Using Test Control of Students of the College (On the Example of the "Electric Gas Welder" Profession)

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    В данной статье проведен теоретический анализ технологи тестового контроля знаний обучающихся СПО. Особое внимание уделено использованию тестирования для оценки текущего контроля знаний обучающихся. Приведен пример практического использования тестов при обучении по профессии «Газоэлектросварщик».This article provides a theoretical analysis for the technology of test control of knowledge of students of open source software. Particular attention is paid to the use of testing to assess the current control of students’ knowledge. An example of the practical use of tests in training in the profession of «Gas electric welder» is given

    Neurosurgery in Ukraine: comparison with other countries of the world

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    The object is to determine the state and performance indicators of the bed density and workforce of the neurosurgical network of Ukraine. To conduct a comparative analysis of the data obtained with the data from other countries.Materials and methods. The work is based on the analysis of the results of a continuous study of the bed density, workforce, and medical work of neurosurgical departments of Ukraine in 2014-2019. The data on neurosurgical beds, workforce, and their work in other countries are taken from scientific articles or open Internet sources.The study did not include departments and physicians located on the non-controlled territory. When calculating the indicators, the population of the Crimea, Sevastopol, DPR, and LPR was not taken into account.Statistical data processing was performed using the analysis of dynamic series, using the median, arithmetic mean, weighted average, and quartiles. Microsoft Excel was used for calculations.Results. The density of neurosurgical beds in 2019 was 81 per 1 million population. This is a high level of density compared to Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, and the UK (20-30), but lower than in the Russian Federation (90), the Czech Republic, Germany, and Greece (100).The density of neurosurgeons per 1 million population and the ratio of neurosurgeons to the total population in 2019 was 16.8 / 1 : 59,502, which corresponds to the indicator in the Russian Federation — 16.8 / 1 : 59,524, significantly lower than in Japan — 58.95 / 1 : 16962] and higher than in the USA — 15.2 / 1 : 65,580. When comparing the indicators of 2016, it was revealed that the density of neurosurgeons per 1 million population in Ukraine is higher than the average in Europe — 17.5 against 11.76.In 2019, 1,127 neurosurgical patients were operated in Ukraine per 1 million population, which is lower than the average level of neurosurgical care for the European population (1,642).The average stay of a patient in a bed in 2019 was 10.5 days, and the bed occupancy was 81 % (297 days of work per year), which meets the international standard for bed occupancy (80-85 % / 292-310 days).Conclusions. The regions of Ukraine differ in the density of neurosurgical beds and neurosurgeons, but the population of the country as a whole is provided with them at the level of European standards.The performance of the bed density and workforce of the neurosurgical network of Ukraine corresponds to this in several European countries, but, despite the positive dynamics, it is still less than the average European indicator and does not cover the annual demand of the country

    Dynamics of health of students in the learning process

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    В статье рассматривается динамика работоспособности студентов вуза в зависимости от времени дня, недели, семестра, учебного года при разных уровнях учебной нагрузки.The article discusses the dynamics of health of students depending on the time of day, week, semester, academic year at different levels of workload