1,756 research outputs found

    Professional Responsibility of Labor Subjects

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    The problem of the labor subjects’ responsibility is a challenging issue in the unstable conditions of the nowadays world and business. Within the organizational context, the professional responsibility is a regulator of the performance of assigned duties at work places, a standard of compliance with a job position or with the corporate culture requirements. А.R. Luria noted that the labor is the conscious development product of a subject, which means that restricting an employee to a job position or corporate standards may impoverish both an organization and its members. In this regard, the corporate and professional responsibility may have different consequences of the manifestation of the subjective position in solving complicated production tasks. This study proposes an integrated analysis of the professional responsibility of the labor subjects through three interrelated contexts: personal, cultural and activity-related; depending on the intensity level of these components, the labor subjects have a different level of professional responsibility. The purpose of this study is to analyze the specific features of the professional responsibility of employees in a Russian construction company depending on the axiological and situational determinants (159 people, the average age of therespondents is 36 years). Results: 1. A methodology was developed and tested that allowed identifying the situational determinants of professional responsibility (conceptions of the organizational reality in three temporal loci - past, present and future). 2. The leading role of the cognitive component is confirmed in the formation of the managerial type of responsibility. It is proved that this responsibility component is largely determined by situational characteristics: the conceptions of the professional and personal resources of the collective and the assessment of organizational reality. 3. The types of professional responsibility and their determinants are defined. Thus, the representatives of the impulsive and executive types are ”responsibility objects” (personal context), the carriers of the egocentric culture of professional responsibility (cultural context) and the incoherence of temporal loci. As opposedto them, the managerial type of responsibility is determined by the internal personal orientation (is an active subject) taking responsibility not only for oneself, but also for others (includes others in the culture of professional responsibility), as well as the ability for strategic thinking (which is manifested in consideration, at the same time, for the professional and organizational aspects of the past, present and future in the activities). The results obtained make the understanding of the professional responsibility mechanisms wider, allow developing managerial technologies to provide the personnel quality taking into consideration the professional responsibility and its dynamic multilevel nature; empirically substantiated is the significance of the cognitive component of responsibility (cognitive and reflexive resources). Identified are positive and negativesubjective assessments of organizational reality and their influence on the types of professional responsibility. Keywords: types of professional responsibility, relationship of responsibility components, determinants

    Transition Metall-Free C-H/C-H and C-LI/C-H Coupling in the Synthesis of New Azaheterocycles Derivatives

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    The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of a research project 18-33-00226 and Russian Science Foundation as part of a research project 18-73-00088

    New Polyfluorinated ligands Based on 2,2'-bypyridines and 1,2,4triazines in the Design of Manganese and Copper Metal Complexes

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    The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of a research project 18-33-00226


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    Subject of Research. The problem of multiharmonic disturbance compensation for the class of linear time-invariant plants with known parameters and delay is considered. Method. The disturbance is presented as unmeasurable output of linear autonomous model (exosystem) with known order and unknown parameters. The problem is resolved with the use of parametrized representation of disturbance designed by means of exosystem state observer and predictor of this state that finally enables applying certainty equivalence principle. In order to remove undesirable influence of delay a modified adaptation algorithm is created. The algorithm is based on augmentation of the plant state vector and generates advanced adjustable parameters for control. As distinct from widespread approaches, the proposed algorithm does not require identification of disturbance parameters and gives the possibility to remove such restrictions as adaptation gain margin and time delay margin. Main Results. Simulation results obtained in MATLAB/Simulink environment are presented to demonstrate the performance of proposed approach. Results illustrate the boundness of all signals in the closed-loop system and complete compensation of harmonic signal. It is shown that the proposed idea makes it possible to increase the adaptation gain for different delays without system stability loss. Practical Relevance. The algorithm of adaptive compensation is recommended for the use in such problems as: the problem of control for active vibration protection devices wherein several dominating harmonics can be taken from the spectrum of vibration signal; the problems of control of robotics systems with periodical behavior; the problems of ship roll compensation; the problems of space plants control in the presence of uncontrollable rotation

    Hematospermia: norm or pathology? Modern approaches to etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

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    In most cases, the cause of blood appearance in the semen remains unknown. According to WHO, about 15 % of men experience only one episode of hematospermia, which is never repeated again. Hematospermia cause determination includes clinical examination by an urologist-andrologist and thorough patient history. The main purpose of the examination is to diagnose or exclude andropathology and also to determine the tactics of patients with hematospermia treatment. Aim. To show the relevance of this problem in reproductive medicine, to describe ethiopatogenesis of hematospermia and consider the basic methods of this pathological symptom modern diagnosis and treatment based on the specialized literature data analysis. The presence of blood in the semen can indicate a serious disease, which is the result of andropathology. The exact percent of hematospermia cases is unknown, because ejaculates go unnoticed in the process of unprotected intercourse. The most of patients consult a specialist immediately after the first episode of hematospermia. The basic points are a clinical examination and careful anamnesis. The main purpose of patients with hematospermia examination is determination of the cause or specific condition, which must be cured, and thus the symptomatology and pathological condition irradiation. To confirm the fact of hemospermia, if it’s necessary, a "contraceptive test" can be used, which consists of pathological ejaculate collection into a condom for examination. Further an urologist-andrologist examine the patient, find out an anamnesis, assign a seminal fluid analysis, a clinical and urine culture analysis, a test of blood clotting factors, a clinical blood analysis, ultrasound of the prostate by the TRUS method, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and blood serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) for oncopathology exclusion. Etiologic factor elimination is essential for patients with hemospermia treatment. Due to increased amount of literature data and great advances in the ultrasound diagnostics, many causes of hemospermia have been identified, so the methods of this symptom treatment are also various: conservative and surgical, which completely depend on the etiologic factor. If the pathological condition is not found, then the doctor should be as a psychotherapist to correct the sexual behavior in such men. Conclusions. Blood in the semen can evidence a serious disease, which is the result of andropathology. To determine the cause of hematospermia, it is necessary to perform a clinical examination by an urologist-andrologist and careful anamnesis. The main purpose of examination is to identify or exclude the pathology and, if it is not defined, doctor should encourage the patient on his good health. There are obligatory procedures: a seminal fluid analysis, a clinical and urine culture analysis, a test of blood clotting factors, a clinical blood analysis and ultrasound examination of the prostate by the TRUS method, PSA, AFP, hCG, LDH blood serum tests for malignant etiology of hematospermia exclusion. Modern methods of investigation allow identifying cause of hematospermia in many cases and the most patients are treated conservatively depending on the etiologic factor, but also surgical correction can be used

    Development and Implementation of the Quality Management System as Applied to the Production of Medical Immunobiological Preparations at the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute Microbe

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    Developed are the methodical approaches for design and implementation of quality management system(QMS) in the production of preventive and diagnostic medical immunobiological preparations manufactured at the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute Microbe. Analyzed and generalized is the current legislative-normative framework of Russian Federation in the sphere of quality control and quality assurance. Factors influencing the quality management system are revealed. QMS is certified in conformity with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001

    Ultrafast Below-Band-Gap Laser Pulse Induced Relaxations in CdS Crystal

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. We report an experimental study of the intra- and interband transitions in bulk CdS crystal induced by a strong below-band-edge femtosecond laser pulse. An additional peak was observed in spectrally resolved four-wave mixing signal shifted to lower energy and positive time delay