545 research outputs found

    Історико-методологічна конкуренція етноцентризму та антропоцентризму в євроінтеграції України

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    Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі гуманістичної трансформації методологічних підстав критичного мислення у дослідженні та викладанні історії. Наголошується на ключовій ролі ідеї свободи у теоретико-методологічному дискурсі. На прикладі конфлікту інтерпретацій, акцентується потреба розвитку навичок самостійного аналізу історичних фактів і процесів як найважливішої передумови продуктивного соціального діалогу й гарантії особистої свободи громадянина.Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме гуманистической трансформации методологических оснований критического мышления в изучении и преподавании истории. Подчеркивается ключевая роль идеи свободы в теоретико-методологическом дискурсе. На примере объективной оценки существующего конфликта интерпретаций, акцентируется потребность развития навыков самостоятельного анализа исторических фактов и процессов как важнейшей предпосылки продуктивного социального диалога и гарантии личной свободы гражданина.The article deals with the problem of humanistic transformation of critical thinking methodology in history (teaching and learning aspects).The key-role of the idea of freedom in theoretic and methodological discourse is being underlined.The example to evaluate objectively the existing conflict of interpretations helps to accentuate the necessity of developing the skills to analyse historical facts and processes as an important precondition for effective social dialogue and private civil freedom guarantees

    Personalized multimodal prehabilitation reduces cardiopulmonary complications after pancreatoduodenectomy:results of a propensity score matching analysis

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    Background: The purpose of prehabilitation is to improve postoperative outcomes by increasing patients’ resilience against the stress of surgery. This study investigates the effect of personalized multimodal prehabilitation on patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy.Methods: Included patients were screened for six modifiable risk factors: (1) low physical fitness, (2) malnutrition, (3) low mental resilience, (4) anemia and hyperglycemia, (5) frailty, and (6) substance abuse. Interventions were performed as needed. Using 1:1 propensity score matching (PSM), patients were compared to a historical cohort.Results: From 120 patients, 77 (64.2%) performed a cardiopulmonary exercise test to assess their physical fitness and provide them with a preoperative training advice. Furthermore, 88 (73.3%) patients received nutritional support, 15 (12.5%) mental support, 17 (14.2%) iron supplementation to correct for iron deficiency, 18 (15%) regulation support for hyperglycemia, 14 (11.7%) a comprehensive geriatric assessment, and 19 (15.8%) substance abuse support. Of all patients, 63% required ≥2 prehabilitation interventions. Fewer cardiopulmonary complications were observed in the prehabilitation cohort (9.2% versus 23.3%; p = 0.002). In surgical outcomes and length of stay no differences were observed.Conclusion: Our prehabilitation program is effective in detecting risk factors in patients; most patients required multiple interventions. Consequently, a reduction in cardiopulmonary complications was observed.</p

    Treatment of iron deficiency in patients scheduled for pancreatic surgery:implications for daily prehabilitation practice in pancreatic surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Preoperative anemia is a frequent complication in pancreatic surgical patients, and it adversely affects morbidity, mortality, and postoperative red blood cell (RBC) transfusion rates. Iron deficiency (ID) is often the underlying cause of anemia and constitutes a modifiable risk factor.METHODS: Single-center, longitudinal prospective cohort study conducted between May 2019 and August 2022 at the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands. Patients scheduled for pancreatic surgery were referred to the outpatient prehabilitation clinic for preoperative optimization of patient-related risk factors. Patients were screened for anemia (&lt; 12.0 g/dL in women and &lt; 13.0 g/dL in men) and ID (either absolute [ferritin &lt; 30 µg/L] or functional [ferritin ≥ 30 µg/L + transferrin saturation &lt; 20% + C-reactive protein &gt; 5 mg/L]). Intravenous iron supplementation (IVIS) (1,000 mg ferric carboxymaltose) was administered to patients with ID at the discretion of the consulting internist. Pre- and postoperative hemoglobin (Hb) levels were assessed, and perioperative outcomes were compared between patients receiving IVIS (IVIS-group) or standard care (SC-group).RESULTS: From 164 screened patients, preoperative anemia was observed in 55 (33.5%) patients, and in 23 (41.8%) of these patients, ID was the underlying cause. In 21 patients, ID was present without concomitant anemia. Preoperative IVIS was administered to 25 patients, out of 44 patients with ID. Initial differences in mean Hb levels (g/dL) between the IVIS-group and SC-group at the outpatient clinic and one day prior to surgery (10.8 versus 13.2, p &lt; 0.001, and 11.8 versus 13.4, p &lt; 0.001, respectively) did not exist at discharge (10.6 versus 11.1, p = 0.13). Preoperative IVIS led to a significant increase in mean Hb levels (from 10.8 to 11.8, p = 0.03). Fewer SSI were observed in the IVIS-group (4% versus 25.9% in the SC-group, p = 0.02), which remained significant in multivariable regression analysis (OR 7.01 (1.68 - 49.75), p = 0.02).CONCLUSION: ID is prevalent in patients scheduled for pancreatic surgery and is amendable to preoperative correction. Preoperative IVIS increased Hb levels effectively and reduced postoperative SSI. Screening and correction of ID is an important element of preoperative care and should be a standard item in daily prehabilitation practice.</p

    Sustainable Land Use: Methodology and Application

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    The chapters in this volume are edited versions of papers presented at the NATO Ad- vanced Research Workshop on Environmental Change Adaptation and Security held in Budapest, Hungary, from October 16 - 18, 1997. As is evident in this volume, the papers ranged from descriptions of environmental and health issues in Russia and Eastern Europe to models of sustainable land use. This diversity of perspectives on environ- ment and security is indicative of both the breadth of this new area of research as well as the varied background of the researchers involved. The discussions at the NATO workshop were remarkably animated and exciting, not surprising given the interest in the topic. I think this vitality is reflected in the papers in this volume as well. The main purpose of the NATO ARW is to foster research links among researchers from NATO countries and Central and Eastern European States, Russia, and the Newly Independent States. In editing this volume, a decision was made to keep to the spirit of this purpose and-if at all possible-include all papers prepared for the workshop. This required extensive editing and rewriting of some of the papers (and consequent delays in production). A determination was made early in the process by the workshop steering committee that the value of publishing the entire collection of articles out- weighed the advantages of accepting only a limited number

    Are entrepreneurs' forecasts of economic indicators biased?

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    Insight into the investment behaviour of firms is central in understanding economic dynamics. A critical question, however, is whether firms provide sufficiently reliable data to enable them to make plausible forecasts at the meso (regional or sectoral) level. This paper analyses Dutch investment forecasts at different levels of aggregation. The central research question is whether entrepreneurs, individually or as a group, make systematic errors in their investment forecasts. A statistical test reveals that investment forecasts are not biased at the aggregated (regional and sectoral) level. At the micro level, however, there is a significant bias. Hence, using aggregated (regional and sectoral) data to test the lack of bias (unbiasedness) of forecasts may lead to the wrong conclusions. Moreover, aggregated investment forecasts may then be an inappropriate source for policy recommendations, despite their seemingly high reliability. This finding may in principle be valid for many European countries, since data collection on investment is organized in similar ways throughout Europe

    Endogenous technological change, innovation diffusion and transitional dynamics in a nonlinear growth model

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    This paper addresses capital accumulation and capital productivity change in an economy with endogenous technological change and floors and ceilings in activity. The properties of the resulting two-variable nonlinear differential equation system are studied in some detail. The welfare implications are also considered. When discrete lags are introduced, wide-ranging behaviour emerges, which includes convergence to a steady-state, catastrophes, hysteresis, limit cycles and chaos. Simulations illustrate the results. It is found that external shocks, such as the diffusion of innovations from elsewhere, do not just change the level of the steady-state equilibrium but also the dynamical properties of the paths of output and productivity